/** * Finds the next recurrence of this event that's after $afterDate. * * @param Horde_Date|string $after Return events after this date. * * @return Horde_Date|boolean The date of the next recurrence or false * if the event does not recur after * $afterDate. */ public function nextRecurrence($after) { if (!$after instanceof Horde_Date) { $after = new Horde_Date($after); } else { $after = clone $after; } // Make sure $after and $this->start are in the same TZ $after->setTimezone($this->start->timezone); if ($this->start->compareDateTime($after) >= 0) { return clone $this->start; } if ($this->recurInterval == 0 && empty($this->rdates)) { return false; } switch ($this->getRecurType()) { case self::RECUR_DAILY: $diff = $this->start->diff($after); $recur = ceil($diff / $this->recurInterval); if ($this->recurCount && $recur >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } $recur *= $this->recurInterval; $next = $this->start->add(array('day' => $recur)); if ((!$this->hasRecurEnd() || $next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) && $next->compareDateTime($after) >= 0) { return $next; } break; case self::RECUR_WEEKLY: if (empty($this->recurData)) { return false; } $start_week = Horde_Date_Utils::firstDayOfWeek($this->start->format('W'), $this->start->year); $start_week->timezone = $this->start->timezone; $start_week->hour = $this->start->hour; $start_week->min = $this->start->min; $start_week->sec = $this->start->sec; // Make sure we are not at the ISO-8601 first week of year while // still in month 12...OR in the ISO-8601 last week of year while // in month 1 and adjust the year accordingly. $week = $after->format('W'); if ($week == 1 && $after->month == 12) { $theYear = $after->year + 1; } elseif ($week >= 52 && $after->month == 1) { $theYear = $after->year - 1; } else { $theYear = $after->year; } $after_week = Horde_Date_Utils::firstDayOfWeek($week, $theYear); $after_week->timezone = $this->start->timezone; $after_week_end = clone $after_week; $after_week_end->mday += 7; $diff = $start_week->diff($after_week); $interval = $this->recurInterval * 7; $repeats = floor($diff / $interval); if ($diff % $interval < 7) { $recur = $diff; } else { /** * If the after_week is not in the first week interval the * search needs to skip ahead a complete interval. The way it is * calculated here means that an event that occurs every second * week on Monday and Wednesday with the event actually starting * on Tuesday or Wednesday will only have one incidence in the * first week. */ $recur = $interval * ($repeats + 1); } if ($this->hasRecurCount()) { $recurrences = 0; /** * Correct the number of recurrences by the number of events * that lay between the start of the start week and the * recurrence start. */ $next = clone $start_week; while ($next->compareDateTime($this->start) < 0) { if ($this->recurOnDay((int) pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek()))) { $recurrences--; } ++$next->mday; } if ($repeats > 0) { $weekdays = $this->recurData; $total_recurrences_per_week = 0; while ($weekdays > 0) { if ($weekdays % 2) { $total_recurrences_per_week++; } $weekdays = ($weekdays - $weekdays % 2) / 2; } $recurrences += $total_recurrences_per_week * $repeats; } } $next = clone $start_week; $next->mday += $recur; while ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0 && $next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) < 0) { if ($this->hasRecurCount() && $next->compareDateTime($after) < 0 && $this->recurOnDay((int) pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek()))) { $recurrences++; } ++$next->mday; } if ($this->hasRecurCount() && $recurrences >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } if (!$this->hasRecurEnd() || $next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) { if ($next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) >= 0) { return $this->nextRecurrence($after_week_end); } while (!$this->recurOnDay((int) pow(2, $next->dayOfWeek())) && $next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) < 0) { ++$next->mday; } if (!$this->hasRecurEnd() || $next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) <= 0) { if ($next->compareDateTime($after_week_end) >= 0) { return $this->nextRecurrence($after_week_end); } else { return $next; } } } break; case self::RECUR_MONTHLY_DATE: $start = clone $this->start; if ($after->compareDateTime($start) < 0) { $after = clone $start; } else { $after = clone $after; } // If we're starting past this month's recurrence of the event, // look in the next month on the day the event recurs. if ($after->mday > $start->mday) { ++$after->month; $after->mday = $start->mday; } // Adjust $start to be the first match. $offset = $after->month - $start->month + ($after->year - $start->year) * 12; $offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval; if ($this->recurCount && $offset / $this->recurInterval >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } $start->month += $offset; $count = $offset / $this->recurInterval; do { if ($this->recurCount && $count++ >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } // Bail if we've gone past the end of recurrence. if ($this->hasRecurEnd() && $this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($start) < 0) { return false; } if ($start->isValid()) { return $start; } // If the interval is 12, and the date isn't valid, then we // need to see if February 29th is an option. If not, then the // event will _never_ recur, and we need to stop checking to // avoid an infinite loop. if ($this->recurInterval == 12 && ($start->month != 2 || $start->mday > 29)) { return false; } // Add the recurrence interval. $start->month += $this->recurInterval; } while (true); break; case self::RECUR_MONTHLY_WEEKDAY: // Start with the start date of the event. $estart = clone $this->start; // What day of the week, and week of the month, do we recur on? if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) { $nth = $this->recurNthDay; $weekday = log($this->recurData, 2); } else { $nth = ceil($this->start->mday / 7); $weekday = $estart->dayOfWeek(); } // Adjust $estart to be the first candidate. $offset = $after->month - $estart->month + ($after->year - $estart->year) * 12; $offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval; // Adjust our working date until it's after $after. $estart->month += $offset - $this->recurInterval; $count = $offset / $this->recurInterval; do { if ($this->recurCount && $count++ >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } $estart->month += $this->recurInterval; $next = clone $estart; $next->setNthWeekday($weekday, $nth); if ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0) { // We haven't made it past $after yet, try again. continue; } if ($this->hasRecurEnd() && $next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) > 0) { // We've gone past the end of recurrence; we can give up // now. return false; } // We have a candidate to return. break; } while (true); return $next; case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DATE: // Start with the start date of the event. $estart = clone $this->start; $after = clone $after; if ($after->month > $estart->month || $after->month == $estart->month && $after->mday > $estart->mday) { ++$after->year; $after->month = $estart->month; $after->mday = $estart->mday; } // Seperate case here for February 29th if ($estart->month == 2 && $estart->mday == 29) { while (!Horde_Date_Utils::isLeapYear($after->year)) { ++$after->year; } } // Adjust $estart to be the first candidate. $offset = $after->year - $estart->year; if ($offset > 0) { $offset = floor(($offset + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval; $estart->year += $offset; } // We've gone past the end of recurrence; give up. if ($this->recurCount && $offset >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } if ($this->hasRecurEnd() && $this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($estart) < 0) { return false; } return $estart; case self::RECUR_YEARLY_DAY: // Check count first. $dayofyear = $this->start->dayOfYear(); $count = ($after->year - $this->start->year) / $this->recurInterval + 1; if ($this->recurCount && ($count > $this->recurCount || $count == $this->recurCount && $after->dayOfYear() > $dayofyear)) { return false; } // Start with a rough interval. $estart = clone $this->start; $estart->year += floor($count - 1) * $this->recurInterval; // Now add the difference to the required day of year. $estart->mday += $dayofyear - $estart->dayOfYear(); // Add an interval if the estimation was wrong. if ($estart->compareDate($after) < 0) { $estart->year += $this->recurInterval; $estart->mday += $dayofyear - $estart->dayOfYear(); } // We've gone past the end of recurrence; give up. if ($this->hasRecurEnd() && $this->recurEnd->compareDateTime($estart) < 0) { return false; } return $estart; case self::RECUR_YEARLY_WEEKDAY: // Start with the start date of the event. $estart = clone $this->start; // What day of the week, and week of the month, do we recur on? if (isset($this->recurNthDay)) { $nth = $this->recurNthDay; $weekday = log($this->recurData, 2); } else { $nth = ceil($this->start->mday / 7); $weekday = $estart->dayOfWeek(); } // Adjust $estart to be the first candidate. $offset = floor(($after->year - $estart->year + $this->recurInterval - 1) / $this->recurInterval) * $this->recurInterval; // Adjust our working date until it's after $after. $estart->year += $offset - $this->recurInterval; $count = $offset / $this->recurInterval; do { if ($this->recurCount && $count++ >= $this->recurCount) { return false; } $estart->year += $this->recurInterval; $next = clone $estart; $next->setNthWeekday($weekday, $nth); if ($next->compareDateTime($after) < 0) { // We haven't made it past $after yet, try again. continue; } if ($this->hasRecurEnd() && $next->compareDateTime($this->recurEnd) > 0) { // We've gone past the end of recurrence; we can give up // now. return false; } // We have a candidate to return. break; } while (true); return $next; } // fall-back to RDATE properties if (!empty($this->rdates)) { $next = clone $this->start; foreach ($this->rdates as $rdate) { $next->year = $rdate->year; $next->month = $rdate->month; $next->mday = $rdate->mday; if ($next->compareDateTime($after) > 0) { return $next; } } } // We didn't find anything, the recurType was bad, or something else // went wrong - return false. return false; }
/** * Returns a time (max, min, avg) that tickets are in a particular state * (open, assigned, etc.). * * @param string $operation One of 'max', 'min', or 'avg'. * @param string $state The state to measure - 'open', etc. * @param string $group_by A ticket property by which to group the * results. * * @return integer|array The time value requested, or an array of values, * if the $group_by parameter has been specified. * * @throws Whups_Exception */ public function getTime($stat, $group_by = null) { list($operation, $state) = explode('|', $stat); $tickets = $this->_getTicketSet('closed'); if (!count($tickets)) { throw new Whups_Exception(_("There is no data for this report.")); } $dataset = array(); if (empty($group_by)) { $dataset[0] = array(); } foreach ($tickets as $info) { if (is_null($info['date_resolved'])) { continue; } switch ($state) { case 'open': $date1 = new Horde_Date($info['date_resolved']); $diff = $date1->diff(new Horde_Date($info['timestamp'])); if (empty($group_by)) { $dataset[0][] = $diff; } else { if (!isset($info[$group_by])) { continue; } if (!isset($dataset[$info[$group_by]])) { $dataset[$info[$group_by]] = array(); } $dataset[$info[$group_by]][] = $diff; } break; } } if (!count($dataset) || is_null($group_by) && !count($dataset[0])) { return 'N/A'; } switch ($operation) { case 'min': case 'max': foreach (array_keys($dataset) as $group) { $dataset[$group] = $operation($dataset[$group]); } break; case 'avg': foreach (array_keys($dataset) as $group) { $dataset[$group] = round(array_sum($dataset[$group]) / count($dataset[$group]), 2); } break; } if (empty($group_by)) { $dataset = $dataset[0]; } return $dataset; }
public function getDuration() { if (isset($this->_duration)) { return $this->_duration; } if ($this->start && $this->end) { $dur_day_match = $this->start->diff($this->end); $dur_hour_match = $this->end->hour - $this->start->hour; $dur_min_match = $this->end->min - $this->start->min; while ($dur_min_match < 0) { $dur_min_match += 60; --$dur_hour_match; } while ($dur_hour_match < 0) { $dur_hour_match += 24; --$dur_day_match; } } else { $dur_day_match = 0; $dur_hour_match = 1; $dur_min_match = 0; } $this->_duration = new stdClass(); $this->_duration->day = $dur_day_match; $this->_duration->hour = $dur_hour_match; $this->_duration->min = $dur_min_match; $this->_duration->wholeDay = $this->isAllDay(); return $this->_duration; }