Copyright 2004-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Ben Chavet (
Author: Joel Vandal (
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch (
Inheritance: extends Horde_Core_Ui_Widget
Exemple #1
/* Which forums page are we on?  Default to page 0. */
$forum_page = Horde_Util::getFormData('forum_page', 0);
$forums_per_page = $prefs->getValue('forums_per_page');
$forum_start = $forum_page * $forums_per_page;
/* Get the list of forums. */
try {
    $forums_list = $forums->getForums(0, true, $sort_by, $sort_dir, true, $forum_start, $forums_per_page);
    $forums_count = $forums->countForums();
} catch (Horde_Exception_NotFound $e) {
    $forums_count = 0;
/* Set up the column headers. */
$col_headers = array('forum_name' => _("Forum"), 'forum_description' => _("Description"), 'message_count' => _("Posts"), 'thread_count' => _("Threads"), 'message_timestamp' => _("Last Post"), 'message_author' => _("Posted by"), 'message_date' => _("Date"));
$col_headers = Agora::formatColumnHeaders($col_headers, $sort_by, $sort_dir, 'forums');
/* Set up the template tags. */
$view = new Agora_View();
$view->col_headers = $col_headers;
$view->forums_list = $forums_list;
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
$view->notify = Horde::endBuffer();
$view->actions = empty($actions) ? null : $actions;
/* Set up pager. */
$vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$pager_ob = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('forum_page', $vars, array('num' => $forums_count, 'url' => 'forums.php', 'perpage' => $forums_per_page));
$pager_ob->preserve('scope', $scope);
$view->pager_link = $pager_ob->render();
$page_output->addLinkTag(array('href' => Horde::url('rss/index.php', true, -1)->add('scope', $scope), 'title' => _("Forums")));
$page_output->header(array('title' => _("All Forums")));
echo $view->render('forums');
Exemple #2
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author Duck <*****@*****.**>
 * @package Folks
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/base.php';
$title = _("Popularity");
$count = $folks_driver->countUsers();
if ($count instanceof PEAR_Error) {
    $count = 0;
$page = Horde_Util::getGet('page', 0);
$perpage = $prefs->getValue('per_page');
$criteria = array('sort_by' => 'popularity', 'sort_dir' => 0);
$users = $folks_driver->getUsers($criteria, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
if ($users instanceof PEAR_Error) {
    $users = array();
$vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $count, 'url' => 'popularity.php', 'perpage' => $perpage));
$list_url = Folks::getUrlFor('list', 'popularity');
$page_output->addScriptFile('stripe.js', 'horde');
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
require FOLKS_TEMPLATES . '/list/list.php';
Exemple #3
$section = $vars->section;
$types = Vilma::getUserMgrTypes();
if (!isset($types[$section])) {
    $vars->section = $section = 'all';
$tabs = Vilma::getUserMgrTabs($vars);
try {
    $addresses = $vilma->driver->getAddresses($curdomain['domain_name'], $section);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    Horde::url('index.php', true)->redirect();
// Page results
$perpage = $prefs->getValue('addresses_perpage');
$url = Horde::url('users/index.php')->add('section', $section);
$pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => count($addresses), 'url' => $url, 'page_count' => 10, 'perpage' => $perpage));
$addresses = array_slice($addresses, $vars->page * $perpage, $perpage);
foreach ($addresses as &$address) {
    $type = $address['type'];
    $id = $address['id'];
    switch ($type) {
        case 'alias':
            $address['edit_url'] = Horde::url('users/editAlias.php')->add(array('alias' => $id, 'section' => $section));
            $address['add_alias_url'] = $address['add_forward_url'] = false;
        case 'forward':
            $address['edit_url'] = Horde::url('users/editForward.php')->add(array('forward' => $id, 'section' => $section));
            $address['add_alias_url'] = $address['add_forward_url'] = false;
            $params = array('address' => $id, 'section' => $section);
Exemple #4
    Horde::url('forums.php', true)->redirect();
} elseif (empty($messages_list)) {
    $messages_count = 0;
    $notification->push(_("No messages are waiting for moderation."), 'horde.message');
} else {
    $messages_count = count($messages_list);
    $messages_list = array_slice($messages_list, $messages_start, $messages_per_page);
/* Set up the column headers. */
$col_headers = array('forum_id' => _("Forum"), 'message_subject' => _("Subject"), 'message_author' => _("Posted by"), 'message_body' => _("Body"), 'message_timestamp' => _("Date"));
$col_headers = Agora::formatColumnHeaders($col_headers, $sort_by, $sort_dir, 'moderate');
/* Set up the template tags. */
$view = new Agora_View();
$view->col_headers = $col_headers;
$view->messages = $messages_list;
$view->buttons = array(_("Approve"), _("Delete"));
$view->session_tag = Horde_Util::formInput();
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
$view->notify = Horde::endBuffer();
/* Set up pager. */
$vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$pager_ob = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('moderate_page', $vars, array('num' => $messages_count, 'url' => Horde::selfUrl(true), 'perpage' => $messages_per_page));
$pager_ob->preserve('agora', Horde_Util::getFormData('agora'));
$view->pager = $pager_ob->render();
if (isset($api_call)) {
    return $view->render('moderate');
$page_output->header(array('title' => _("Messages Awaiting Moderation")));
echo $view->render('moderate');
Exemple #5
  * Returns all threads of a forum in a threaded view.
  * @param string  $forum_name     The unique name for the forum.
  * @param boolean $bodies         Whether to include message bodies in the view.
  * @param string  $scope          The application that the specified forum belongs to.
  * @param string  $base_url       An alternate link where edit/delete/reply links
  *                                point to.
  * @param string  $template_file  Template file to use.
  * @return string  The HTML code of the thread view.
 public static function render($forum_name, $scope = 'agora', $base_url = null, $template_file = false)
     $forums = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Agora_Factory_Driver')->create($scope);
     $forum_id = $forums->getForumId($forum_name);
     if ($forum_id === null) {
         return '';
     $messages = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Agora_Factory_Driver')->create($scope, $forum_id);
     if ($messages instanceof PEAR_Error) {
         return $messages->getMessage();
     if (($view_bodies = Horde_Util::getPost('bodies')) !== null) {
         $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('comments_view_bodies', $view_bodies);
     } else {
         $view_bodies = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('comments_view_bodies');
     if ($messages->_forum['message_count'] == 0) {
         return '';
     $sort_by = Agora::getSortBy('comments');
     $sort_dir = Agora::getSortDir('comments');
     $html = '<div class="header">' . _("Comments") . ' (' . $messages->_forum['message_count'] . ')' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     if (!$GLOBALS['prefs']->isLocked('comments_view_bodies')) {
         $rss = Horde::url('rss/threads.php', true, -1)->add(array('scope' => $scope, 'forum_id' => $forum_id));
         $html .= '<span style="font-size: 0.8em;">';
         $html .= '<form action=' . urldecode($base_url) . ' method="post" name="sorter" style="display: inline;">';
         $html .= _("View") . ' <select name="bodies" onchange="document.sorter.submit()" >';
         $html .= '<option value="2">' . _("Flat") . '</option>';
         $html .= '<option value="1" ' . ($view_bodies == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _("Thread") . '</option>';
         $html .= '</select>';
         if ($view_bodies != '1') {
             $html .= ' ' . _("Sort by") . ' ';
             $html .= '<select name="comments_sortby" onchange="document.sorter.submit()" >';
             $html .= '<option value="message_timestamp" ' . ($sort_by == 'message_timestamp' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _("Date") . '</option>';
             $html .= '<option value="message_author" ' . ($sort_by == 'message_author' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _("Author") . '</option>';
             $html .= '<option value="message_subject" ' . ($sort_by == 'message_subject' ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _("Subject") . '</option>';
             $html .= '</select>';
             $html .= ' ' . _("Sort direction") . ' ';
             $html .= '<select name="comments_sortdir" onchange="document.sorter.submit()" >';
             $html .= '<option value="0">' . _("Ascending") . '</option>';
             $html .= '<option value="1" ' . ($sort_dir == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . _("Descending") . '</option>';
             $html .= '</select>';
         $html .= '<link rel="alternate" title="' . _("Threads") . '" href="' . $rss . '" type="application/rss+xml" />';
         $html .= ' <a href="' . $rss . '" />RSS</a> ';
         $html .= '</form></span>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     $col_headers = array('message_thread' => _("Subject"), 'message_thread_class_plain' => 'msgThreadPlain', 'message_author' => _("Posted by"), 'message_author_class_plain' => 'msgAuthorPlain', 'message_timestamp' => _("Date"), 'message_timestamp_class_plain' => 'msgTimestampPlain');
     if ($view_bodies == 1) {
         $threads = $messages->getThreads(0, true, 'message_thread', 0, true, '', $base_url);
         $html .= $messages->getThreadsUi($threads, $col_headers, true, $template_file);
     } else {
         $thread_page = Horde_Util::getFormData('comments_page', 0);
         $thread_per_page = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('comments_per_page');
         $thread_start = $thread_page * $thread_per_page;
         if (empty($template_file)) {
             $template_file = 'messages/flat';
         if ($messages->_forum['message_count'] > $thread_per_page && $view_bodies == 2) {
             $vars = new Horde_Variables(array('comments_page' => $thread_page));
             $pager_ob = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('comments_page', $vars, array('num' => $messages->_forum['message_count'], 'url' => $base_url, 'perpage' => $thread_per_page));
             $pager_html = $pager_ob->render();
         } else {
             $pager_html = '';
         $threads_list = $messages->getThreads(0, true, $sort_by, $sort_dir, 1, '', $base_url, $thread_start, $thread_per_page);
         if ($threads_list instanceof PEAR_Error) {
             $html .= $threads_list->getDebugInfo();
         } else {
             $html .= $pager_html . $messages->getThreadsUi($threads_list, $col_headers, true, $template_file) . $pager_html;
     return $html;
Exemple #6
try {
    $gallery = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Ansel_Storage')->getGallery($gallery_id);
} catch (Ansel_Exception $e) {
    $notification->push($e->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
    Ansel::getUrlFor('view', array('gallery' => $gallery_id))->redirect();
if (!$gallery->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
    $notification->push(_("Access denied editing this gallery."), 'horde.error');
    Ansel::getUrlFor('view', array('gallery' => $gallery_id))->redirect();
$page = Horde_Util::getFormData('page', 0);
$perpage = min($prefs->getValue('tilesperpage'), $conf['thumbnail']['perpage']);
$images = $gallery->getImages($page * $perpage, $perpage);
$reloadimage = Horde::img('reload.png');
$customimage = Horde::img('layout.png');
$customurl = Horde::url('faces/custom.php')->add('page', $page);
$face = $injector->getInstance('Ansel_Faces');
$autogenerate = $face->canAutogenerate();
$vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $gallery->countImages(), 'url' => 'faces/gallery.php', 'perpage' => $perpage));
$pager->preserve('gallery', $gallery_id);
$title = sprintf(_("Searching for faces in %s"), Ansel::getUrlFor('view', array('gallery' => $gallery_id, 'view' => 'Gallery'))->link() . $gallery->get('name') . '</a>');
$page_output->addScriptFile('stripe.js', 'horde');
$page_output->addScriptFile('popup.js', 'horde');
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
require ANSEL_TEMPLATES . '/faces/';
Exemple #7
             // Try a view link.
             $url = $view_url->copy()->add(array('type' => $val['type'], 'file' => $val['name'], 'dir' => Gollem::$backend['dir'], 'driver' => Gollem::$backend['driver']));
             $item['link'] = Horde::link('#', '', '', '_blank', Horde::popupJs($url)) . $name . '</a>';
     $entry[] = $item;
 /* Set up the variables needed for the header row. */
 $sortby = $prefs->getValue('sortby');
 $sortdir = $prefs->getValue('sortdir');
 if ($total) {
     // Set start/end items (according to current page)
     $start = $page * $perpage + 1;
     $end = min($total, $start + $perpage - 1);
     $vars->set('page', $page);
     $pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $total, 'url' => $refresh_url, 'page_count' => 10, 'perpage' => $perpage));
     $page_caption = $pager->render();
 $headers = array();
 foreach ($columns as $head) {
     $hdr = array('class' => '');
     $sort = null;
     switch ($head) {
         case 'type':
             $hdr['width'] = '3%';
             $hdr['label'] = _("Type");
             $hdr['align'] = 'right';
             $hdr['id'] = 's' . Gollem::SORT_TYPE;
             $sort = Gollem::SORT_TYPE;
         case 'name':
Exemple #8
  * @TODO: these should be injected when we refactor to Horde_View
  * @global $prefs
  * @global $session
 public function display()
     global $prefs, $session;
     $driver = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Turba_Factory_Driver')->create(Turba::$source);
     $hasDelete = $driver->hasPermission(Horde_Perms::DELETE);
     $hasEdit = $driver->hasPermission(Horde_Perms::EDIT);
     $hasExport = $GLOBALS['conf']['menu']['import_export'] && !empty($GLOBALS['cfgSources'][Turba::$source]['export']);
     $vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
     list($addToList, $addToListSources) = $this->getAddSources();
     if ($this->type == 'search') {
         $page = $vars->get('page', 0);
         $numitem = count($this);
         $maxpage = $prefs->getValue('maxpage');
         $perpage = $prefs->getValue('perpage');
         $min = $page * $perpage;
         while ($min > $numitem) {
             $min = $page * $perpage;
         $max = $min + $perpage;
         $start = $page * $perpage + 1;
         $end = min($numitem, $start + $perpage - 1);
         $listHtml = $this->getPage($numDisplayed, $min, $max, $vars->get('page'));
         $crit = array();
         if ($session->get('turba', 'search_mode') == 'advanced') {
             $map = $driver->getCriteria();
             foreach (array_keys($map) as $key) {
                 if ($key != '__key' && !empty($vars->{$key})) {
                     $crit[$key] = $vars->{$key};
         $params = array_merge($crit, array('criteria' => $vars->criteria, 'val' => $vars->val, 'source' => $vars->get('source', Turba::$source)));
         $viewurl = Horde::url('search.php')->add($params);
         $pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $numitem, 'url' => $viewurl, 'page_limit' => $maxpage, 'perpage' => $perpage));
         $pager->preserve('search', $vars->get('search'));
         $pagerHeader = '';
     } else {
         if (count($this) > $prefs->getValue('perpage')) {
             $page = $vars->get('page', 'A');
             if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z*]$/', $page)) {
                 $page = 'A';
         } else {
             $page = $vars->get('page', '*');
             if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z*]$/', $page)) {
                 $page = '*';
         $listHtml = $this->getAlpha($numDisplayed, $page);
         $pagerHeader = '';
         $viewurl = Horde::url('browse.php')->add(array('show' => $vars->get('show', 'all')));
         if (isset($vars->key)) {
             $viewurl->add('key', $vars->key);
     if ($numDisplayed) {
         $copymove_source_options = '';
         foreach ($GLOBALS['copymoveSources'] as $key => $curSource) {
             if ($key != Turba::$source) {
                 $copymove_source_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($curSource['title']) . '</option>';
         require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/';
         require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/list/' . $pagerHeader;
         echo $listHtml;
     } else {
         require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/list/' . $pagerHeader;
         echo '<p><em>' . _("No matching contacts") . '</em></p>';
Exemple #9
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author Duck <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'tabs.php';
$page = Horde_Util::getFormData('page', 0);
$perpage = $prefs->getValue('facesperpage');
$owner = Horde_Util::getGet('owner', $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth());
if (!$owner) {
    $title = _("From system galleries");
} elseif ($owner == $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth()) {
    $title = _("From my galleries");
} else {
    $title = sprintf(_("From galleries of %s"), $owner);
try {
    $count = $faces->countOwnerFaces($owner);
    $results = $faces->ownerFaces($owner, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
} catch (Ansel_Exception $e) {
    $notification->push($e->getMessage(), 'horde.err');
    $results = array();
    $count = 0;
$vars = Horde_Variables::getDefaultVariables();
$pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $count, 'url' => 'faces/search/owner.php', 'perpage' => $perpage));
$pager->preserve('owner', $owner);
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
include ANSEL_TEMPLATES . '/faces/';
Exemple #10
if ($form->isSubmitted() || $thread_page != null) {
    $form->getInfo($vars, $info);
    if (!empty($info['keywords'])) {
        $info['keywords'] = preg_split('/\\s+/', $info['keywords']);
    $sort_by = Agora::getSortBy('thread');
    $sort_dir = Agora::getSortDir('thread');
    $thread_per_page = $prefs->getValue('thread_per_page');
    $thread_start = $thread_page * $thread_per_page;
    $searchResults = $messages->search($info, $sort_by, $sort_dir, $thread_start, $thread_per_page);
    if ($searchResults instanceof PEAR_Error) {
        $notification->push($searchResults->getMessage(), 'horde.error');
    if ($searchResults['total'] > count($searchResults['results'])) {
        $pager_ob = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('thread_page', $vars, array('num' => $searchResults['total'], 'url' => 'search.php', 'perpage' => $thread_per_page));
        foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
            if ($val) {
                if ($key == 'keywords') {
                    $val = implode(' ', $val);
                $pager_ob->preserve($key, $val);
        $view->pager_link = $pager_ob->render();
    $view->searchTotal = number_format($searchResults['total']);
    $view->searchResults = $searchResults['results'];
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
Exemple #11
$section = $vars->section;
$types = Vilma::getUserMgrTypes();
if (!isset($types[$section])) {
    $vars->section = $section = 'all';
$tabs = Vilma::getUserMgrTabs($vars);
try {
    $addresses = $vilma->driver->getAddresses($curdomain['domain_name'], $section);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    Horde::url('index.php', true)->redirect();
// Page results
$perpage = $prefs->getValue('addresses_perpage');
$url = Horde::url('users/index.php')->add('section', $section);
$pager = new Horde_Core_Ui_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => count($addresses), 'url' => $url, 'page_count' => 10, 'perpage' => $perpage));
$addresses = array_slice($addresses, $vars->page * $perpage, $perpage);
foreach ($addresses as &$address) {
    $type = $address['type'];
    $id = $address['id'];
    switch ($type) {
        case 'alias':
            $address['edit_url'] = Horde::url('users/editAlias.php')->add(array('alias' => $id, 'section' => $section));
            $address['add_alias_url'] = $address['add_forward_url'] = false;
        case 'forward':
            $address['edit_url'] = Horde::url('users/editForward.php')->add(array('forward' => $id, 'section' => $section));
            $address['add_alias_url'] = $address['add_forward_url'] = false;
            $params = array('address' => $id, 'section' => $section);