  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhRecycling", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $where = Core::getDB()->quoteInto("galaxy = ? AND system = ? AND position = ?", array($data["galaxy"], $data["system"], $data["position"]));
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("galaxy", array("metal", "silicon"), "", $where);
     if ($_row = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $capacityMetal = (int) ($data["capacity"] * 66.7 / 100);
         $capacitySilicon = (int) ($data["capacity"] * 33.3 / 100);
         $roundFix = $data["capacity"] - $capacityMetal - $capacitySilicon;
         if ($roundFix > 0) {
             $capacitySilicon += $roundFix;
         $data["debrismetal"] = $_row["metal"];
         $data["debrissilicon"] = $_row["silicon"];
         $capacitySilicon += $capacityMetal > $_row["metal"] ? $capacityMetal - $_row["metal"] : 0;
         $capacityMetal += $capacitySilicon > $_row["silicon"] ? $capacitySilicon - $_row["silicon"] : 0;
         $data["metal"] += min($capacityMetal, $_row["metal"]);
         $restMetal = $_row["metal"] - min($capacityMetal, $_row["metal"]);
         $data["silicon"] += min($capacitySilicon, $_row["silicon"]);
         $restSilicon = $_row["silicon"] - min($capacitySilicon, $_row["silicon"]);
         $data["recycledmetal"] = abs($_row["metal"] - $restMetal);
         $data["recycledsilicon"] = abs($_row["silicon"] - $restSilicon);
         if ($_row["silicon"] != 0 || $_row["metal"] != 0) {
             Core::getQuery()->update("galaxy", array("metal" => $restMetal, "silicon" => $restSilicon), "galaxy = ? AND system = ? AND position = ?", array($data["galaxy"], $data["system"], $data["position"]));
     new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg($event["mode"], $event["userid"], $event["time"], $data);
     $this->sendBack($data, $data["time"] + $event["time"]);
     return $this;
  * Alliance page action.
  * @return Bengine_Comm_Controller_Alliance
 public function pageAction()
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("game.css", "css");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("lib/jquery.js", "js");
     $tag = $this->getParam("1");
     $fNumber = array("member", "points", "rpoints", "fpoints", "dpoints");
     $attr = array("a.aid", "a.name", "a.tag", "a.logo", "a.textextern", "a.homepage", "a.showhomepage", "COUNT(u2a.userid) AS member", "SUM(u.points) AS points", "SUM(u.rpoints) AS rpoints", "SUM(u.fpoints) AS fpoints", "SUM(u.dpoints) AS dpoints");
     $joins = "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "user2ally u2a ON (u2a.aid = a.aid) ";
     $joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "user u ON (u2a.userid = u.userid) ";
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("alliance a", $attr, $joins, Core::getDB()->quoteInto("tag = ?", $tag), "", 1, "a.aid");
     $row = $result->fetchRow();
     if ($row) {
         foreach ($fNumber as $field) {
             $row[$field] = fNumber($row[$field]);
         $parser = new Bengine_Game_Alliance_Page_Parser($row["aid"]);
         if (Str::length(strip_tags($row["textextern"])) > 0) {
             $row["textextern"] = $parser->startParser($row["textextern"]);
         } else {
             $row["textextern"] = Core::getLang()->get("WELCOME");
         $row["homepage"] = $row["homepage"] != "" ? Link::get($row["homepage"], $row["homepage"], $row["homepage"]) : "";
         $row["logo"] = $row["logo"] != "" ? Image::getImage($row["logo"], "") : "";
         Hook::event("ShowPublicAlliancePage", array(&$row));
     } else {
     return $this;
  * Recalculate the points.
  * @return Bengine_Game_Cronjob_PointClean
 protected function cleanPoints()
     $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("user", "userid");
     foreach ($_result->fetchAll() as $_row) {
         $points = 0;
         $fpoints = 0;
         $dpoints = 0;
         $result = Core::getQuery()->select("planet", "planetid", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("userid = ?", $_row["userid"]));
         foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) {
             $points += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getBuildingPoints($row["planetid"]);
             $points += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getFleetPoints($row["planetid"]);
             $fpoints += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getFleetPoints_Fleet($row["planetid"]);
             $dpoints += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getDefensePoints($row["planetid"]);
         $points += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getResearchPoints($_row["userid"]);
         $points += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getFleetEventPoints($_row["userid"]);
         $fpoints += Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getFleetEvent_Fleet($_row["userid"]);
         $rpoints = Bengine_Game_PointRenewer::getResearchPoints_r($_row["userid"]);
         Core::getQuery()->update("user", array("points" => $points, "fpoints" => $fpoints, "rpoints" => $rpoints, "dpoints" => $dpoints), "userid = ?", array($_row["userid"]));
     return $this;
Exemple #4
  * Runs the community application.
  * @return Comm
 public function run()
     define("LANG", Core::getLang()->getOpt("langcode") . "/");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("lib/jquery.js", "js");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("lib/bootstrap.js", "js");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("main.js", "js");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("sign.js", "js");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("style.css", "css");
     Core::getTPL()->assign("containerClass", "content");
     Core::getTPL()->addLoop("headerMenu", self::getCMS()->getMenu("h"));
     $userCheck = sprintf(Core::getLanguage()->getItem("USER_CHECK"), Core::getOptions()->get("MIN_USER_CHARS"), Core::getOptions()->get("MAX_USER_CHARS"));
     $passwordCheck = sprintf(Core::getLanguage()->getItem("PASSWORD_CHECK"), Core::getOptions()->get("MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH"), Core::getOptions()->get("MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH"));
     Core::getTPL()->assign("userCheck", $userCheck);
     Core::getTPL()->assign("passwordCheck", $passwordCheck);
     Core::getTPL()->assign("uniSelection", self::getUnisAsOptionList());
     return $this;
Exemple #5
  * Combat report action.
  * @return Bengine_Comm_Controller_Combat
 public function reportAction()
     if (!defined("SID")) {
         define("SID", "");
     Core::getLanguage()->load(array("info", "AssaultReport"));
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("game.css", "css");
     Core::getTPL()->addHTMLHeaderFile("lib/jquery.js", "js");
     $select = new Recipe_Database_Select();
     $select->from(array("a" => "assault"))->join(array("p" => "planet"), "p.planetid = a.planetid")->attributes(array("a" => array("report"), "p" => array("planetname")))->where(array("a" => "assaultid"), $this->getParam("1"))->where(array("a" => "key"), $this->getParam("2"));
     $result = $select->getStatement();
     $row = $result->fetchRow();
     if ($row) {
         $report = $row["report"];
         $report = preg_replace_callback("/\\{lang}([^\"]+)\\{\\/lang}/siU", function ($matches) {
             return Core::getLanguage()->getItem($matches[1]);
         }, $report);
         $report = preg_replace_callback("/\\{embedded\\[([^\"]+)]}(.*)\\{\\/embedded}/siU", function ($matches) {
             return sprintf(Core::getLanguage()->getItem($matches[1]), $matches[2]);
         }, $report);
         Hook::event("ShowCombatReport", array(&$report, &$row));
         $this->assign("report", $report);
         $this->assign("planetName", $row["planetname"]);
     } else {
     return $this;
Exemple #6
  * Initialize a cURL session.
  * @return Recipe_HTTP_Session_Curl
 protected function init()
     $this->resource = @curl_init();
     if (!$this->resource) {
         throw new Recipe_Exception_Generic("Connection faild via cURL request.");
     Hook::event("HttpRequestInitFirst", array($this));
     @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, self::TIMEOUT);
     $url = $this->webpage;
     if (count($this->getGetArgs()) > 0) {
         $url .= "?" . $this->getGetArgs(false);
     @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     if ($this->getRequestType() == "GET") {
         @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
     } else {
         if ($this->getRequestType() == "POST") {
             @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_POST, true);
             @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->getPostArgs(false));
         } else {
             if ($this->getRequestType() == "PUT") {
                 @curl_setopt($this->resource, CURLOPT_PUT, true);
     $this->response = curl_exec($this->resource);
     $this->errorNo = curl_errno($this->resource);
     if ($this->errorNo) {
         $this->error = curl_error($this->resource);
         throw new Recipe_Exception_Generic("There is an error occured in cURL session (" . $this->errorNo . "): " . $this->error);
     Hook::event("HttpRequestInitLast", array($this));
     return $this;
Exemple #7
  * Formats a message.
  * @param string $message	Raw log message
  * @param string $mode		Log mode
  * @return string	Formatted message
 public static function getMessageField($message, $mode = "error")
     $message = Core::getLanguage()->getItem($message);
     $message = "<span class=\"field_" . $mode . "\">" . $message . "</span>";
     Hook::event("MessageField", array(&$message));
     return $message;
 * Forward to login page.
 * @param string $errorid	Error id to output
 * @return void
function forwardToLogin($errorid)
        $login = BASE_URL . "?error=" . $errorid;
        Hook::event("ForwardToLoginPage", array(&$login, $errorid));
        doHeaderRedirection($login, false);
Exemple #9
  * Constructor: Set basic variables.
  * @return \Recipe_Cache
 public function __construct()
     $this->cacheDir = APP_ROOT_DIR . "var/cache/";
     $this->cacheFileClose = "\n\n// Cache-Generator finished\n?>";
     Hook::event("CacheConstruct", array($this));
Exemple #10
  * Overriding no route action to check for CMS pages.
  * @return Bengine_Comm_Controller_Index
 protected function norouteAction()
     if ($row = Comm::getCMS()->getPage($this->_action)) {
         Hook::event("ShowCMSPage", array(&$row));
         $this->assign("page", $row["title"]);
         $this->assign("content", $row["content"]);
     } else {
     return $this;
Exemple #11
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhAttack", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $statement = Core::getQuery()->select("assault", array("assaultid"), "", "planetid = ? AND running = 1", "", "", "", "", array($event->get("destination")));
     if ($statement->fetchRow()) {
         $event->set("prev_rc", null);
         return $this;
     $assault = new Bengine_Game_Assault($event["destination"], $event["destination_user_id"], $event);
     $assault->addParticipant(1, $event["userid"], $event["planetid"], $event["time"], $data)->startAssault($data["galaxy"], $data["system"], $data["position"])->finish();
     return $this;
Exemple #12
  * Loads all menu items.
  * @return Bengine_Comm_CMS
 protected function loadMenuItems()
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("page", array("position", "title", "label", "link"), "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("languageid = ?", $this->langid), "displayorder ASC");
     foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) {
         $position = $row["position"];
         if (!empty($row["link"])) {
             $this->menuItems[$position][]["link"] = Link::get($row["link"], $row["title"], $row["title"]);
         } else {
             $this->menuItems[$position][]["link"] = Link::get(LANG . "index/" . $row["label"], $row["title"], $row["title"]);
     Hook::event("CommLoadMenu", array(&$this->menuItems, $this));
     return $this;
Exemple #13
  * Generates the menu items.
  * @return Bengine_Game_Menu
 protected function generateMenu()
     $this->menu = array();
     uasort($this->data, array($this, "sort"));
     foreach ($this->data as $first) {
         uasort($first["items"], array($this, "sort"));
         $subMenu = array();
         foreach ($first["items"] as $second) {
             $subMenu[] = array("attributes" => isset($second["attributes"]) ? $this->getHtmlAttributesFromArray($second["attributes"]) : "", "link" => $this->getLink($second));
         $this->menu[] = array("attributes" => isset($first["attributes"]) ? $this->getHtmlAttributesFromArray($first["attributes"]) : "", "link" => isset($first["label"]) ? $this->getLabel($first["label"]) : "", "children" => $subMenu);
     Hook::event("GenerateMenu", array(&$this->menu, $this));
     return $this;
Exemple #14
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhDowngradeBuilding", array($event, &$data, $this));
     if (!$event->getPlanetid()) {
         return $this;
     $points = ($data["metal"] + $data["metal"] + $data["metal"]) / 1000;
     if ($data["level"] > 0) {
         Core::getQuery()->update("building2planet", array("level" => $data["level"]), "buildingid = '" . $data["buildingid"] . "' AND planetid = ?", array($event->getPlanetid()));
     } else {
         Core::getQuery()->delete("building2planet", "buildingid = ? AND planetid = ?", null, null, array($data["buildingid"], $event->getPlanetid()));
     Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points - ? WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $event->getUserid()));
     return $this;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhAllianceAttack", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $assault = new Bengine_Game_Assault($event->getDestination(), $event->getDestinationUserId(), $event);
     $assault->addParticipant(Bengine_Game_Assault_Participant::ATTACKER_MODE, $event->getUserid(), $event->getPlanetid(), $event->getTime(), $data);
     // Load allied fleets
     $allies = Application::getCollection("game/event")->addParentIdFilter($event->getEventid());
     foreach ($allies as $ally) {
         $assault->addParticipant(Bengine_Game_Assault_Participant::ATTACKER_MODE, $ally->getUserid(), $ally->getPlanetid(), $event->getTime(), $ally->getData());
     $assault->startAssault($event->getGalaxy2(), $event->getSystem2(), $event->getPosition2())->finish();
     Core::getQuery()->delete("formation_invitation", "eventid = ?", null, null, array($event->getEventid()));
     Core::getQuery()->delete("attack_formation", "eventid = ?", null, null, array($event->getEventid()));
     return $this;
Exemple #16
  * Perfom log out proccess.
  * @return Bengine_Game_Controller_Logout
 protected function indexAction()
     Core::getQuery()->update("sessions", array("logged" => 0), "userid = ?", array(Core::getUser()->get("userid")));
     if (Core::getConfig()->exists("SESSION_SAVING_DAYS")) {
         $days = (int) Core::getConfig()->get("SESSION_SAVING_DAYS");
     } else {
         $days = self::SESSION_SAVING_DAYS;
     $deleteTime = TIME - 86400 * $days;
     Core::getQuery()->delete("sessions", "time < ?", null, null, array($deleteTime));
     return $this;
Exemple #17
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EbUpgradeResearch", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $points = ($data["metal"] + $data["silicon"] + $data["hydrogen"]) / 1000;
     $select = new Recipe_Database_Select();
     $select->from("research2user")->attributes(array("level"))->where("buildingid = ?", $data["buildingid"])->where("userid = ?", $event->getUserid());
     if ($row = $select->getStatement()->fetchRow()) {
         Core::getQuery()->update("research2user", array("level" => $data["level"]), "buildingid = ? AND userid = ?", array($data["buildingid"], $event->getUserid()));
         Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points + ?, rpoints = rpoints + '1' WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $event->getUserid()));
     } else {
         if ($data["level"] == 1) {
             Core::getQuery()->insert("research2user", array("buildingid" => $data["buildingid"], "userid" => $event->getUserid(), "level" => 1));
             Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points + ?, rpoints = rpoints + '1' WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $event->getUserid()));
     return $this;
  * Index action.
  * @return Bengine_Game_Controller_Statistics
 protected function indexAction()
     $statistics = array("totalMetal" => $this->fetchTotalMetal(), "totalSilicon" => $this->fetchTotalSilicon(), "totalHydrogen" => $this->fetchTotalHydrogen(), "totalPlayers" => fNumber($this->fetchTotalPlayers()), "totalPlanets" => fNumber($this->fetchTotalPlanets()), "totalMoons" => fNumber($this->fetchTotalPlanets(1)), "totalOnline" => fNumber($this->fetchOnlinePlayers()), "totalDebrisFields" => fNumber($this->fetchDebrisFields()), "totalRecentAssaults" => fNumber($this->fetchRecentAssaults()));
     $totalRessources = $statistics["totalSilicon"] + $statistics["totalHydrogen"] + $statistics["totalMetal"];
     $statistics["percentMetal"] = fNumber($statistics["totalMetal"] / $totalRessources * 100, 2);
     $statistics["percentSilicon"] = fNumber($statistics["totalSilicon"] / $totalRessources * 100, 2);
     $statistics["percentHydrogen"] = fNumber($statistics["totalHydrogen"] / $totalRessources * 100, 2);
     $statistics["totalMetal"] = fNumber($statistics["totalMetal"] / 1000000, 2);
     $statistics["totalSilicon"] = fNumber($statistics["totalSilicon"] / 1000000, 2);
     $statistics["totalHydrogen"] = fNumber($statistics["totalHydrogen"] / 1000000, 2);
     Hook::event("StatisticsFinished", array(&$statistics));
     Core::getTPL()->addLoop("ships", $this->unitCount);
     return $this;
Exemple #19
  * Search in database for expired cron tasks and execute them.
  * @throws Recipe_Exception_Generic
  * @return Recipe_Cron
 public function exeCron()
     $select = array("cronid", "class", "month", "day", "weekday", "hour", "minute", "xtime", "active");
     $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("cronjob", $select, "", "(xtime <= " . TIME . " OR xtime IS NULL) AND active = '1'");
     foreach ($_result->fetchAll() as $_row) {
         $class = explode("/", $_row["class"]);
         $class = $class[0] . "/cronjob_" . $class[1];
         $cronjobObj = Application::factory($class);
         if ($cronjobObj instanceof Recipe_CronjobAbstract) {
             Hook::event("ExecuteCronjob", array($this, &$_row, $cronjobObj));
             $cronjobObj->execute($_row["cronid"], $_row["xtime"], $this->calcNextExeTime($_row));
         } else {
             throw new Recipe_Exception_Generic("Cannot execute cron job \"{$_row["class"]}\".");
     return $this;
  * Activates an account, if key exists.
  * Starts log in on success.
  * @return Bengine_Game_Account_Activation
 protected function activateAccount()
     if (!empty($this->key)) {
         $result = Core::getQuery()->select("user u", array("u.userid", "u.username", "p.password", "temp_email"), "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "password p ON (p.userid = u.userid)", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("u.activation = ?", $this->getKey()));
         if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
             Hook::event("ActivateAccount", array($this));
             Core::getQuery()->update("user", array("activation" => "", "email" => $row["temp_email"]), "userid = ?", array($row["userid"]));
             $login = new Bengine_Game_Login($row["username"], $row["password"], "game", "trim");
             return $this;
     Recipe_Header::redirect("?error=ACTIVATION_FAILED", false);
     return $this;
  * Deletes old sessions.
  * @param integer $deletionDays Deletion time in days
  * @return Bengine_Game_Cronjob_CleanSessions
 protected function clearSessions($deletionDays)
     $deletionDays = (int) $deletionDays;
     // Delete all contents from session cache
     $sessionCache = APP_ROOT_DIR . "var/cache/sessions/";
     // Disable sessions
     Core::getQuery()->update("sessions", array("logged" => 0), "logged = '1'");
     // Delete old sessions
     $deleteTime = TIME - $deletionDays * 86400;
     Core::getQuery()->delete("sessions", "time < ?", null, null, array($deleteTime));
     // Log user count
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . PREFIX . "user_counter`\r\n\t\t(`count`, `day`, `week`, `day_of_week`, `month`, `day_of_month`, `year`, `time`) VALUES\r\n\t\t((SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `" . PREFIX . "user` LIMIT 1), DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE()), WEEK(CURDATE()), DAYOFWEEK(CURDATE()), MONTH(CURDATE()), DAYOFMONTH(CURDATE()), YEAR(CURDATE()), UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
     // Clean combats running flag
     Core::getQuery()->update("assault", array("running" => 0));
     return $this;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhTransport", array($event, &$data, $this));
     Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "planet SET metal = metal + ?, silicon = silicon + ?, hydrogen = hydrogen + ? WHERE planetid = ?", array($data["metal"], $data["silicon"], $data["hydrogen"], $event["destination"]));
     $data["targetplanet"] = $event["destination_planetname"];
     $data["targetuser"] = $event["destination_user_id"];
     $data["startplanet"] = $event["planetname"];
     $data["startuser"] = $event["username"];
     if ($event["userid"] == $data["targetuser"]) {
         new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg($event["mode"], $event["userid"], $event["time"], $data);
     } else {
         new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg(21, $event["userid"], $event["time"], $data);
     $data["metal"] = 0;
     $data["silicon"] = 0;
     $data["hydrogen"] = 0;
     $this->sendBack($data, $data["time"] + $event["time"]);
     return $this;
Exemple #23
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhReturn", array($event, &$data, $this));
     foreach ($data["ships"] as $ship) {
         $where = Core::getDB()->quoteInto("unitid = ? AND planetid = ?", array($ship["id"], $event["destination"]));
         $result = Core::getQuery()->select("unit2shipyard", "unitid", "", $where);
         if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
             Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "unit2shipyard SET quantity = quantity + ? WHERE unitid = ? AND planetid = ?", array($ship["quantity"], $ship["id"], $event["destination"]));
         } else {
             Core::getQuery()->insert("unit2shipyard", array("unitid" => $ship["id"], "planetid" => $event["destination"], "quantity" => $ship["quantity"]));
     $data["destination"] = $event["destination"];
     Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "planet SET metal = metal + ?, silicon = silicon + ?, hydrogen = hydrogen + ? WHERE planetid = ?", array($data["metal"], $data["silicon"], $data["hydrogen"], $event["destination"]));
     if (!isset($data["nomessage"])) {
         new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg($event["mode"], $event["userid"], $event["time"], $data);
     return $this;
Exemple #24
  * Key check and set new password.
  * @param integer $userid
  * @param string $key Key, transmitted by email
  * @param string $newpw New password
  * @return Bengine_Game_Account_Password_Changer
 public function __construct($userid, $key, $newpw)
     Hook::event("ChangePassword", array($userid, $key));
     if (empty($key) || Str::length($newpw) < Core::getOptions()->get("MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH") || Str::length($newpw) > Core::getOptions()->get("MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH")) {
     $where = Core::getDB()->quoteInto("userid = ? AND ", $userid);
     $where .= Core::getDB()->quoteInto("activation = ?", $key);
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("user", "userid", "", $where);
     if ($result->rowCount()) {
         $encryption = Core::getOptions("USE_PASSWORD_SALT") ? "md5_salt" : "md5";
         $newpw = Str::encode($newpw, $encryption);
         Core::getQuery()->update("password", array("password" => $newpw, "time" => TIME), "userid = ?", array($userid));
         Core::getQuery()->update("user", array("activation" => ""), "userid = ?", array($userid));
         $this->printIt("PASSWORD_CHANGED", false);
Exemple #25
  * @param Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event
  * @param array $data
  * @return Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Fleet_Colonize
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     $id = self::COLONY_SHIP_ID;
     Hook::event("EhColonize", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $where = Core::getDB()->quoteInto("galaxy = ? AND system = ? AND position = ? AND planetid != ?", array($data["galaxy"], $data["system"], $data["position"], 0));
     $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("galaxy", "planetid", "", $where);
     if ($_result->rowCount() == 0) {
         $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("planet", "planetid", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("userid = ? AND ismoon = 0", $event["userid"]));
         if ($_result->rowCount() < Core::getOptions()->get("MAX_PLANETS")) {
             $colony = new Bengine_Game_Planet_Creator($event["userid"], $data["galaxy"], $data["system"], $data["position"]);
             $colonyShip = $data["ships"][$id];
             $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("construction", array("basic_metal", "basic_silicon", "basic_hydrogen"), "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("buildingid = ?", $colonyShip["id"]));
             $shipData = $_result->fetchRow();
             $points = ($shipData["basic_metal"] + $shipData["basic_silicon"] + $shipData["basic_hydrogen"]) * $colonyShip["quantity"] / 1000;
             $fpoints = $colonyShip["quantity"];
             Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points - ?, fpoints = fpoints - ? WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $fpoints, $event["userid"]));
             if ($data["ships"][$id]["quantity"] > 1) {
             } else {
                 $data["ships"][$id] = null;
             if (count($data["ships"]) > 0) {
                 foreach ($data["ships"] as $ship) {
                     Core::getQuery()->insert("unit2shipyard", array("unitid" => $ship["id"], "planetid" => $colony->getPlanetId(), "quantity" => $ship["quantity"]));
         } else {
             $this->sendBack($data, $data["time"] + $event["time"], null, $event["planetid"]);
             $data["success"] = "empire";
     } else {
         $this->sendBack($data, $data["time"] + $event["time"], null, $event["planetid"]);
         $data["success"] = "occupied";
     new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg($event["mode"], $event["userid"], $event["time"], $data);
     return $this;
Exemple #26
  * Maximum available fields.
  * @return integer
 public function getMaxFields()
     $fmax = floor(pow($this->get("diameter") / 1000, 2));
     $terraFormer = $this->getBuilding("TERRA_FORMER");
     if (null !== $terraFormer) {
         $terraFormer = (int) $terraFormer->get("level");
     } else {
         $terraFormer = 0;
     if ($terraFormer > 0) {
         $fmax += $terraFormer * (int) Core::getOptions()->get("TERRAFORMER_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS");
     } else {
         if ($this->data["ismoon"]) {
             $fields = (int) $this->getBuilding("MOON_BASE")->get("level") * (int) Core::getOptions()->get("MOON_BASE_FIELDS") + 1;
             if ($fields < $fmax) {
                 $fmax = $fields;
     Hook::event("GetMaxFields", array(&$fmax, $this));
     $addition = $this->get("ismoon") ? 0 : Core::getOptions()->get("PLANET_FIELD_ADDITION");
     return $fmax + $addition;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/code/Bengine/EventHandler/Handler/Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Abstract#_execute($event, $data)
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhEspionage", array($event, &$data, $this));
     $espReport = new Bengine_Game_Espionage_Report($event["destination"], $event["userid"], $event["destination_user_id"], $event["destination_username"], $data["ships"][38]["quantity"]);
     $data["destinationplanet"] = $espReport->getPlanetname();
     $data["suser"] = $event["username"];
     $data["planetname"] = $event["planetname"];
     $data["defending_chance"] = $espReport->getChance();
     $data["probes_lost"] = $espReport->getProbesLost();
     $data["event"] = $event;
     if ($event["destination_user_id"]) {
         new Bengine_Game_AutoMsg($event["mode"], $event["destination_user_id"], $event["time"], $data);
     if ($espReport->getProbesLost()) {
         $points = 0;
         $fpoints = 0;
         $tfMetal = 0;
         $tfSilicon = 0;
         $intoTF = floatval(Core::getOptions()->get("FLEET_INTO_DEBRIS"));
         foreach ($data["ships"] as $key => $ship) {
             $_result = Core::getQuery()->select("construction", array("basic_metal", "basic_silicon", "basic_hydrogen"), "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("buildingid = ?", $key));
             $shipData = $_result->fetchRow();
             $points += ($shipData["basic_metal"] + $shipData["basic_silicon"] + $shipData["basic_hydrogen"]) * $ship["quantity"] / 1000;
             $fpoints += $ship["quantity"];
             $tfMetal = $shipData["basic_metal"] * $ship["quantity"] * $intoTF;
             $tfSilicon = $shipData["basic_silicon"] * $ship["quantity"] * $intoTF;
         $what = $event->get("destination_ismoon") ? "moonid" : "planetid";
         Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "galaxy SET metal = metal + ?, silicon = silicon + ? WHERE " . $what . " = ?", array($tfMetal, $tfSilicon, $event["destination"]));
         Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points - ?, fpoints = fpoints - ? WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $fpoints, $event["userid"]));
     } else {
         $data["nomessage"] = true;
         $this->sendBack($data, $data["time"] + $event["time"], $event["destination"], $event["planetid"]);
     return $this;
Exemple #28
  * @param Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event
  * @param array $data
  * @return Bengine_Game_EventHandler_Handler_Construct_Shipyard
 protected function _execute(Bengine_Game_Model_Event $event, array $data)
     Hook::event("EhAddShip", array($event, &$data, $this));
     if (!$event->getPlanetid()) {
         return $this;
     // >>> This ensures compatibility with 0.42 and older. Will be removed in 0.50.
     if (empty($data["one"])) {
         return $this->_executeOld($event, $data);
     // <<< End 0.42 compatibility
     $timespan = TIME - $event->get("time");
     $quantity = floor($timespan / $data["one"]) + 1;
     $quantity = min($quantity, $data["quantity"]);
     $data["quantity"] -= $quantity;
     $points = $data["points"] * $quantity;
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("unit2shipyard", "quantity", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("unitid = ? AND planetid = ?", array($data["buildingid"], $event->getPlanetid())));
     if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
         Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "unit2shipyard SET quantity = quantity + ? WHERE planetid = ? AND unitid = ?", array($quantity, $event->getPlanetid(), $data["buildingid"]));
     } else {
         Core::getQuery()->insert("unit2shipyard", array("unitid" => $data["buildingid"], "planetid" => $event->getPlanetid(), "quantity" => $quantity));
     $fpoints = $quantity;
     $dpoints = 0;
     if ($event["mode"] == 5) {
         $fpoints = 0;
         $dpoints = $quantity;
     Core::getDB()->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "user SET points = points + ?, fpoints = fpoints + ?, dpoints = dpoints + ? WHERE userid = ?", array($points, $fpoints, $dpoints, $event->getUserid()));
     if ($data["quantity"] > 0) {
         $event->set(array("start" => TIME, "time" => $event->get("time") + $data["one"] * $quantity, "prev_rc" => null, "data" => $data));
     return $this;
  * Updates the moderator form.
  * @param string $username
  * @param string $usertitle
  * @param string $email
  * @param int $delete
  * @param int $umode
  * @param string $activation
  * @param string $ipcheck
  * @param int $usergroupid
  * @param int $points
  * @param int $fpoints
  * @param int $dpoints
  * @param int $rpoints
  * @param string $password
  * @param int $languageid
  * @param string $templatepackage
  * @param string $theme
  * @param string $js_interface
  * @return Bengine_Game_Controller_Moderator
 protected function updateUser($username, $usertitle, $email, $delete, $umode, $activation, $ipcheck, $usergroupid, $points, $fpoints, $dpoints, $rpoints, $password, $languageid, $templatepackage, $theme, $js_interface)
     $select = array("userid", "username", "email");
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("user", $select, "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("userid = ?", $this->userid));
     if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
         Hook::event("SaveUserModeration", array(&$row));
         $delete = $delete == 1 ? 1 : 0;
         $umode = $umode == 1 ? 1 : 0;
         $activation = $activation == 1 ? "" : "1";
         $ipcheck = $ipcheck == 1 ? 1 : 0;
         $username = trim($username);
         $usertitle = trim($usertitle);
         $js_interface = trim($js_interface);
         if (Core::getUser()->ifPermissions("CAN_EDIT_USER")) {
             Core::getQuery()->delete("user2group", "userid = ?", null, null, array($this->userid));
             Core::getQuery()->insert("user2group", array("usergroupid" => $usergroupid, "userid" => $this->userid));
             Core::getQuery()->update("user", array("points" => floatval($points), "fpoints" => (int) $fpoints, "dpoints" => (int) $dpoints, "rpoints" => (int) $rpoints), "userid = ?", array($this->userid));
         if ($umode) {
             setProdOfUser($this->userid, 0);
         if (!Str::compare($username, $row["username"])) {
             $num = Core::getQuery()->select("user", "userid", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("username = ?", $username))->rowCount();
             if ($num > 0) {
                 $username = $row["username"];
         if (!Str::compare($email, $row["email"])) {
             $num = Core::getQuery()->select("user", "userid", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("email = ?", $email))->rowCount();
             if ($num > 0) {
                 $email = $row["email"];
         if (Str::length($password) > Core::getOptions()->get("MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH")) {
             $encryption = Core::getOptions("USE_PASSWORD_SALT") ? "md5_salt" : "md5";
             $password = Str::encode($password, $encryption);
             Core::getQuery()->update("password", array("password" => $password, "time" => TIME), "userid = ?", array($this->userid));
         $spec = array("username" => $username, "usertitle" => $usertitle, "email" => $email, "delete" => $delete, "umode" => $umode, "activation" => $activation, "languageid" => $languageid, "ipcheck" => $ipcheck, "templatepackage" => $templatepackage, "theme" => $theme, "js_interface" => $js_interface);
         Core::getQuery()->update("user", $spec, "userid = ?", array($this->userid));
     return $this;
Exemple #30
  * Loads all research labs.
  * @return void
 public static function loadReasearchLabs()
     if (self::$labsLoaded) {
     $where = Core::getDB()->quoteInto("p.userid = ?", Core::getUser()->get("userid"));
     $where .= Core::getDB()->quoteInto(" AND b2p.buildingid = ? AND ", 12);
     $where .= Core::getDB()->quoteInto("b2p.planetid != ?", Core::getUser()->get("curplanet"));
     $result = Core::getQuery()->select("building2planet b2p", array("b2p.level", "b2p.planetid"), "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "planet p ON (p.planetid = b2p.planetid)", $where, "b2p.level DESC");
     foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) {
         self::$researchLabs[] = $row["level"];
     self::$labsLoaded = true;
     Hook::event("GameLoadResearchLabs", array(&self::$researchLabs));