Exemple #1
            $name = $request['name'][$i];
            if (!empty($date) && !empty($name)) {
                $holidayData[] = array('holiday_date' => $date, 'holiday_name' => $name);
        if (count($holidayData) > 0) {
            if (!$holidayObj->updateHoliday($target_year, $holidayData)) {
                throw new Exception("休日データ登録時にエラーが発生しました。");
            exec("rm " . DATA_PATH . "calendar/*");
            $param['message'] = "データの登録が完了しました。";
    $holidayData = $holidayObj->getData($target_year);
    $param['data'] = $holidayData;
    $param['edit_cnt'] = $holidayObj->getEditCnt();
    $param['year_list'] = $holidayObj->getYearList();
    $param['target_year'] = $target_year;
    renderTemplate('maintenance/holiday/index.tpl', $param);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $param['errors'][] = "システムエラーが発生しました。";
    renderTemplate('error.tpl', $param);
Exemple #2
  * 1か月分の日報取得
  * @param
 function getTotalDailyReport($id, $year, $month)
             $date = $year;
             $date .=  sprintf('%02d', $month);
             $term_id = $this->getTermIdArray($date);
             $start = reset($term_id);
             $end = end($term_id);
             $sql = 'SELECT te.week_num, te.start_date, te.end_date, re.title, re.`comment`, re.holiday_flg, re.sort_order, te.start_date + re.sort_order as date'
             . ' FROM m_term te inner join t_report re on te.id = re.term_id WHERE year = :year'
             . ' AND staff_id = :id AND te.id BETWEEN :start AND :end ORDER BY start_date, sort_order';
     //         $sql = 'SELECT te.week_num, te.start_date, te.end_date, re.title, re.`comment`, re.holiday_flg, re.sort_order'
     //         . ' FROM m_term te inner join t_report re on te.id = re.term_id WHERE year = :year'
     //         . ' AND month = :month AND staff_id = :id ORDER BY start_date, sort_order';
             $searchParam = array(
                     'id'         =>       $id,
                     'year'     =>       $year,
                     'start'     =>      $start['id'],
                     'end'     =>       $end['id']
     $sql = "SELECT " . "mr.* " . "FROM " . "( " . "SELECT " . "te.week_num, " . "te.start_date, " . "te.end_date, " . "re.title, " . "re.`comment`, " . "re.holiday_flg, " . "re.sort_order, " . "DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD( date(te.start_date), interval re.sort_order day ), '%Y%m%d') AS DATE " . "FROM " . "m_term te " . "INNER JOIN t_report re ON te.id = re.term_id " . "WHERE " . "(te.end_date >= :start_date AND te.start_date <= :end_date) AND " . "re.staff_id = :staff_id " . ") AS mr " . "WHERE " . "mr.DATE BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date " . "ORDER BY " . "mr.DATE ASC ";
     $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($month), 1, intval($year));
     $start_date = date("Ym01", $time);
     $end_date = date("Ymt", $time);
     $searchParam = array('staff_id' => $id, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date);
     $conn = DbControl::getInstance();
     $res = $conn->dbExecFetchAll(DbControl::SLAVE_DB, $sql, $searchParam);
     $tmp = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $tmp[$row['DATE']] = $row;
     $res = $tmp;
     include_once "maintenance/class.Holiday.php";
     $holidays = Holiday::getData($year);
     $monthy_data = array();
     for ($i = intval($start_date); $i <= intval($end_date); $i++) {
         if (array_key_exists($i, $res)) {
             $monthly_data[] = $res["{$i}"];
         } else {
             $monthly_data[]['DATE'] = $i;
     foreach ($monthly_data as $mkey => $mval) {
         foreach ($holidays as $hkey => $hval) {
             if ($mval['DATE'] != $hval['holiday_date']) {
                 $date = $mval['DATE'];
                 $sort_order = $this->startMon(date('w', strtotime("{$date}")));
                 if ($sort_order >= 5) {
                     $monthly_data[$mkey]['holiday_flg'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $monthly_data[$mkey]['holiday_flg'] = 1;
     //         $lastday = date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year));
     //         $date = '/^'.$date.'/';
     //         if(count($res) > 0) {
     //             for($i=0;$i<count($res);$i++) {
     //                 if(!preg_match($date, $res[$i]['date'])) {
     //                 }
     //             }
     //         }
     //         $holiday = $this->setHolidaySortOrder($year, sprintf('%02d', $month));
     //         for($i=0;$i<count($holiday);$i++) {
     //             $holiday_flg[$holiday[$i]['week_num']][$holiday[$i]['sort_order']] = $holiday[$i];
     //         }
     //         //指定月の初めの曜日を取得
     //         $week_val = $this->startMon(date('w',strtotime("$year/$month/1")));
     //         $num =$week_val;
     //         if($num == 5 || $num == 6) {
     //             $wnum = 0;
     //         } else {
     //             $wnum = 1;
     //         }
     //         for($d=0;($d <= $lastday-1);$d++){
     //             if(isset($res[$d]['sort_order']) && $num != $res[$d]['sort_order']) {
     //                 //日にちが違う場合
     //                 if($num >=5) {
     //                     //休日
     //                     $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1), $d);
     //                 } else {
     //                     //平日
     //                     if(isset($holiday_flg[$wnum][$num])) {
     //                         $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1), $d);
     //                     } else {
     //                         $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 0), $d);
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             } elseif(isset($res[$d]['sort_order']) && $num == $res[$d]['sort_order']) {
     //                 if($wnum != $res[$d]['week_num']) {
     //                     //日にち一緒だけど、週が違う
     //                     //配列追加
     //                     if($num >= 5) {
     //                         //休日
     //                         $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1), $d);
     //                     } else {
     //                         //平日
     //                         if(isset($holiday_flg[$wnum][$num])) {
     //                             $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1), $d);
     //                         } else {
     //                             $this->array_insert($res, array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 0), $d);
     //                         }
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             } elseif(!isset($res[$d]['sort_order'])) {
     //                 if($num >= 5) {
     //                     //休日
     //                     $res[$d] = array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1);
     //                 } else {
     //                     //平日
     // //                     echo $wnum.'-----'.$num.'<br>';
     //                     if(isset($holiday_flg[$wnum][$num])) {
     //                         $res[$d] = array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 1);
     //                     } else {
     //                         $res[$d] = array('sort_order' =>$num, 'holiday_flg' => 0);
     //                     }
     //                 }
     //             }
     //             if($num == 6) {
     //                 $num = 0;
     //                 $wnum++;
     //             } else {
     //                 $num++;
     //             }
     //         }
     // データベースを切断する
     return $monthly_data;