Exemple #1
 function collate_files($dir)
     $files_modified = '';
     foreach (Helpers::list_files($dir, '/.*/', false) as $file) {
         $files_modified .= $file . ':' . filemtime($file);
         if (is_dir($file)) {
             $files_modified .= $this->collate_files($file);
     return $files_modified;
 function template_name()
     $txts = array_keys(Helpers::list_files($this->file_path, '/\\.txt$/'));
     # return first matched .txt file
     return !empty($txts) ? preg_replace('/\\.txt$/', '', $txts[0]) : false;
Exemple #3
 static function site_last_modified($dir = false)
     if (!$dir) {
         $dir = Config::$content_folder;
     $last_updated = 0;
     foreach (Helpers::list_files($dir, '/.*/', false) as $file) {
         if (filemtime($file) > $last_updated) {
             $last_updated = filemtime($file);
         if (is_dir($file)) {
             $child_updated = self::site_last_modified($file);
             if ($child_updated > $last_updated) {
                 $last_updated = $child_updated;
     return $last_updated;
 static function create_asset_collections($page)
     # page.files
     $page->files = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(?!yml)([\\w\\d]+?)$/i', false);
     # page.images
     $page->images = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i', false);
     # page.numbered_images
     $page->numbered_images = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/^\\d+[^\\/]*(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i', false);
     # page.video
     $page->video = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/\\.(mov|mp4|m4v)$/i', false);
     # page.swf, page.html, page.doc, page.pdf, page.mp3, etc.
     # create a variable for each file type included within the page's folder (excluding .yml files)
     $assets = self::get_file_types($page->file_path);
     foreach ($assets as $asset_type => $asset_files) {
         $page->{$asset_type} = $asset_files;
 static function create_asset_collections($page)
     # page.files
     $page->files = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(?!yml)([\\w\\d]+?)$/i', false);
     # page.images
     $page->images = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i', false);
     # page.numbered_images
     $page->numbered_images = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/^\\d+[^\\/]*(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i', false);
     # page.video
     $page->video = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/\\.(mov|mp4|m4v)$/i', false);
     # page.txt
     $page->txt = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/\\.(txt)$/i', false);
     # Save each txt file as page variable
     foreach ($page->data['txt'] as $filename => $file_path) {
         $var_name = preg_replace('/\\.(txt)/', '', $filename);
         if (is_readable($file_path)) {
             include $file_path;
             $content = ob_get_contents();
             $relative_path = preg_replace('/^\\.\\//', Helpers::relative_root_path(), $page->file_path);
             # replace the only var in your content - page.path for your inline html with images and stuff
             if (is_string($content)) {
                 $content = preg_replace('/{{\\s*path\\s*}}/', $relative_path . '/', $content);
             $page->{$var_name} = Markdown($content);
         } else {
             $page->{$var_name} = '';
     # page.swf, page.html, page.doc, page.pdf, page.mp3, etc.
     # create a variable for each file type included within the page's folder (excluding .yml files)
     $assets = self::get_file_types($page->file_path);
     foreach ($assets as $asset_type => $asset_files) {
         $page->{$asset_type} = $asset_files;
Exemple #6
 static function template_name($file_path)
     $txts = array_keys(Helpers::list_files($file_path, '/\\.(yml)/'));
     # return first matched .yml file
     return !empty($txts) ? preg_replace('/\\.(yml)/', '', $txts[0]) : false;
 static function create_asset_collections($page)
     # $images
     $page->images = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/(?<!thumb|_lge|_sml)\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i', false);
     # $video
     $page->video = Helpers::list_files($page->file_path, '/\\.(mov|mp4|m4v)$/i', false);
     # $swf, $html, $doc, $pdf, $mp3, etc.
     # create a variable for each file type included within the page's folder (excluding .txt files)
     $assets = self::get_file_types($page->file_path);
     foreach ($assets as $asset_type => $asset_files) {
         eval('$page->' . $asset_type . '=$asset_files;');
     # create asset collections (any assets within a folder beginning with an underscore)
     $asset_collections = self::get_asset_collections($page->file_path);
     foreach ($asset_collections as $collection_name => $collection_files) {
         eval('$page->' . $collection_name . '=$collection_files;');
Exemple #8
 static function template_name($file_path)
     $txts = array_keys(Helpers::list_files($file_path, '/\\.txt$/'));
     # return first matched .txt file
     return !empty($txts) ? preg_replace('/([^.]*\\.)?([^.]*)\\.txt$/', '\\2', $txts[0]) : false;
 static function template_name($file_path) {
   $txts = array_keys(Helpers::list_files($file_path, '/\.(txt|css|md)$/'));
   # return first matched .txt,.md, or .css file
   return (!empty($txts)) ? preg_replace('/\.(txt|css|md)$/', '', $txts[0]) : false;
 static function parse_loop($page, $dir, $loop_html)
     $files = Helpers::list_files($dir, '/^\\d+?\\./', true);
     $html = '';
     foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
         // if file is not a category and is not the index page, add it to the pages list
         if (!preg_match('/index/', $file) && !Helpers::is_category($file, $dir)) {
             $file_name_clean = preg_replace('/^\\d+?\\./', '', $file);
             // store the url and name of the navigation item
             $replacements = array('/@url/' => $page->link_path . $file_name_clean . '/', '/@name/' => ucfirst(preg_replace('/-/', ' ', $file_name_clean)));
             $html .= preg_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $loop_html);
     return $html;
Exemple #11
 static function last_modified($dir)
     $last_modified = 0;
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         foreach (Helpers::list_files($dir, '/.*/', false) as $file) {
             if (!is_dir($file)) {
                 $last_modified = filemtime($file) > $last_modified ? filemtime($file) : $last_modified;
     return $last_modified;