public function printReport($date_begin, $date_end, $tipo_rpte, $rpte_grupo)
     $java_bin = Helper_Config::getBinaryJava();
     $firebird_ftt = Helper_Config::getJasperStarterFirebirdTT();
     $this->library_jasperstarter->setPathFolderOutput(BASEPATH . '../application/temp');
     $this->library_jasperstarter->dbGeneric($firebird_ftt['db-driver'], $firebird_ftt['db-url'], $firebird_ftt['dbuser'], $firebird_ftt['dbpasswd']);
     $condicion = ' AND 1=1 ';
     $isSuccess = FALSE;
     if ($tipo_rpte == 'RPTE_CAMARAS_GENERAL') {
         $path_file_jasper = BASEPATH . "../application/reports/camaras_general/rpte_camara_general.jasper";
         $file_name_download = "CAMARA_EN_GENERAL";
         $file_name_output = 'camaras_general_' . uniqid();
         $condicion .= ' AND 1=1 ';
         $isSuccess = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($tipo_rpte == 'RPTE_GRUPOS_CAMARAS') {
             $path_file_jasper = BASEPATH . "../application/reports/grupos_general/rpte_grupos_general.jasper";
             $file_name_download = "GRUPO_DE_CAMARA";
             $file_name_output = 'grupo_camara_' . uniqid();
             $rpte_grupo = explode("-", $rpte_grupo);
             $condicion_aux = null;
             foreach ($rpte_grupo as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value == '1') {
                     $condicion_aux .= " A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '1' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '2' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '3' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '4' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '5' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '6' OR ";
                 } elseif ($value == '2') {
                     $condicion_aux .= " A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '9' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '12' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '15' OR ";
                 } elseif ($value == '3') {
                     $condicion_aux .= " A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '7' OR ";
                 } elseif ($value == '4') {
                     $condicion_aux .= " A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '8' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '10' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '11' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '14' OR ";
                 } elseif ($value == '5') {
                     $condicion_aux .= " A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '13' OR " . "A2.ID_GRUPO_CAMARA = '16' OR ";
             $condicion .= is_null($condicion_aux) ? "AND 1=1" : "AND ( " . $condicion_aux . " 1!=1 )";
             $isSuccess = TRUE;
         } else {
             if ($tipo_rpte == 'RPTE_RESUMEN_CAMARAS_GENERAL') {
                 $path_file_jasper = BASEPATH . "../application/reports/resumen_camras_general/rpte_resumen_camara_general.jasper";
                 $file_name_download = "RESUMEN_CAMARA_EN_GENERAL";
                 $file_name_output = 'resumen_camaras_general_' . uniqid();
                 $condicion .= ' AND 1=1 ';
                 $isSuccess = TRUE;
     $arrParameter = array('fecha_inicio' => $date_begin, 'fecha_fin' => $date_end, 'condicion' => $condicion);
     if ($isSuccess) {
         /* @var $oReport oReport */
         $oReport = $this->library_jasperstarter->buildReport($path_file_jasper, $file_name_output, $arrParameter, 'xls');
         if ($oReport->isSuccess()) {
             //$data = file_get_contents( $oReport->filePath() ); // Read the file's contents
             //force_download($file_name_output, $data);
             $mime = get_mime_by_extension($oReport->fileExtension());
             //$mime = "application/pdf";
             header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$file_name_download}.xls");
             header("Content-type: {$mime}");
         } else {
             header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
             echo "ERROR DE EJECCIÓN<br/>";
             echo "COMANDO: " . $oReport->cmd();
     } else {
         header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
         echo "ERROR DE EJECCIÓN<br/>";
         echo "TIPO DE REPORTE: " . $tipo_rpte;