function popup_elements()
        $zoom_levels = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 25);
        $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
        $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Map Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type of google map to display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "roadmap", "allowedValues" => array('roadmap' => __('Roadmap', 'fusion-core'), 'satellite' => __('Satellite', 'fusion-core'), 'hybrid' => __('Hybrid', 'fusion-core'), 'terrain' => __('Terrain', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Map Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Map width in percentage or pixels. ex: 100%, or 940px', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "100%"), array("name" => __('Map Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Map height in percentage or pixels. ex: 100%, or 300px', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_height", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "300px"), array("name" => __('Zoom Level', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Higher number will be more zoomed in.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_zoom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "14", "allowedValues" => $zoom_levels), array("name" => __('Scrollwheel on Map', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Enable zooming using a mouse\'s scroll wheel', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scrollwheel", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Scale Control on Map', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display the map scale', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scale", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Pan Control on Map', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Displays pan control button', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_zoom_pancontrol", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show tooltip by default?', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display or hide tooltip by default when the map first loads.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_popup", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Select the Map Styling Switch', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose default styling for classic google map styles. Choose theme styling for our custom style. Choose custom styling to make your own with the advanced options below.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_mapstyle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => array('default' => __('Default Styling', 'fusion-core'), 'theme' => __('Theme Styling', 'fusion-core'), 'custom' => __('Custom Styling', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Map Overlay Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Pick an overlaying color for the map. Works best with "roadmap" type.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_overlaycolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Infobox Styling', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Choose between default or custom info box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_infobox", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => array('default' => __('Default Infobox', 'fusion-core'), 'custom' => __('Custom Infobox', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Infobox Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box contents by using the | symbol. ex: InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_infoboxcontent", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Info Box Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Pick a color for the info box text.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_infoboxtextcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Info Box Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Pick a color for the info box background.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_infoboxbackgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Custom Marker Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom styling setting only. Use full image urls for custom marker icons or input "theme" for our custom marker. For multiple addresses, separate icons by using the | symbol or use one for all. ex: Icon 1|Icon 2|Icon 3', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Address', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add address to the location which will show up on map. For multiple addresses, separate addresses by using the | symbol. 
ex: Address 1|Address 2|Address 3', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #2
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(0, 10);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Flip Box Frontside Heading', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a heading for the frontside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlefront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Backside Heading', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a heading for the backside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titleback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Frontside Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for the frontside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_text_front[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Flip Box Backside Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for the backside of the flip box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => array("Your Content Goes Here")), array("name" => __('Background Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Heading Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the heading color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlecolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Text Color Frontside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color of the frontside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolorfront[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Background Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Heading Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the heading color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_titlecolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Text Color Backside', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color of the backside. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolorback[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("1px")), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color.  Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the flip box. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round". Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderradius[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("4px")), array("name" => __('Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(""), "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the icon. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Circle', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to use a circled background on the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circle[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("yes"), "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the circle border. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlebordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Flip Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to flip the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_flip[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'fusion-core'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Rotate Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to rotate the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_rotate[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', '90' => '90', '180' => '180', '270' => '270')), array("name" => __('Spinning Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the icon spin.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconspin[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("yes"), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Icon Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('To upload your own icon image, deselect the icon above and then upload your icon image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => array(1), "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Icon Image Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image width in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_width[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("35")), array("name" => __('Icon Image Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image height in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_height[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("35")), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1).', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $animation_speed));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Number of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the number of columns per row.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Flip Box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_content", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements()
     $this->config['layout_opt'] = true;
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 10);
     $padding_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display in the background', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundimage", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Repeat', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the background image repeats.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundrepeat", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no-repeat", "allowedValues" => array('no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat' => __('Repeat Vertically and Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-x' => __('Repeat Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-y' => __('Repeat Vertically', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Background Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the postion of the background image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundposition", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "left top", "allowedValues" => array('left top' => __('Left Top', 'fusion-core'), 'left center' => __('Left Center', 'fusion-core'), 'left bottom' => __('Left Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'right top' => __('Right Top', 'fusion-core'), 'right center' => __('Right Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right bottom' => __('Right Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'center top' => __('Center Top', 'fusion-core'), 'center center' => __('Center Center', 'fusion-core'), 'center bottom' => __('Center Bottom', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Background Scroll', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the background image scrolls', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundattachment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "scroll", "allowedValues" => array('scroll' => __('Scroll: background scrolls along with the element', 'fusion-core'), 'fixed' => __('Fixed: background is fixed giving a parallax effect', 'fusion-core'), 'local' => __('Local: background scrolls along with the element\'s contents', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0px"), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Style', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border style.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderstyle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('solid' => __('Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'dashed' => __('Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'dotted' => __('Dotted', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Padding Top', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels.  Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingtop", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Padding Bottom', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingbottom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Padding Left', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingleft", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Padding Right', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingright", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Name Of Menu Anchor', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('This name will be the id you will have to use in your one page menu.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_menuanchor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #4
 function popup_elements()
     $this->config['layout_opt'] = true;
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 10);
     $padding_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display in the background', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundimage", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Repeat', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the background image repeats.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundrepeat", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no-repeat", "allowedValues" => array('no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat' => __('Repeat Vertically and Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-x' => __('Repeat Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-y' => __('Repeat Vertically', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Background Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the postion of the background image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundposition", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "left top", "allowedValues" => array('left top' => __('Left Top', 'fusion-core'), 'left center' => __('Left Center', 'fusion-core'), 'left bottom' => __('Left Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'right top' => __('Right Top', 'fusion-core'), 'right center' => __('Right Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right bottom' => __('Right Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'center top' => __('Center Top', 'fusion-core'), 'center center' => __('Center Center', 'fusion-core'), 'center bottom' => __('Center Bottom', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Background Scroll', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the background image scrolls', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundattachment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "scroll", "allowedValues" => array('scroll' => __('Scroll: background scrolls along with the element', 'fusion-core'), 'fixed' => __('Fixed: background is fixed giving a parallax effect', 'fusion-core'), 'local' => __('Local: background scrolls along with the element\'s contents', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Video WebM Upload', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Video must be in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Add your WebM video file. WebM and MP4 format must be included to render your video with cross browser compatibility. OGV is optional.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_video_webm", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Video MP4 Upload', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Video must be in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Add your WebM video file. WebM and MP4 format must be included to render your video with cross browser compatibility. OGV is optional.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_video_mp4", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Video OGV Upload', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add your OGV video file. This is optional.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_video_ogv", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Video Preview Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('IMPORTANT: This field must be used for self hosted videos. Self hosted videos do not work correctly on mobile devices. The preview image will be seen in place of your video on older browsers or mobile devices.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_video_preview_image", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "2", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Video Overlay Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a color to show over the video as an overlay. Hex color code, <strong>ex: #fff</strong>', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_overlay_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Video Overlay Opacity', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Opacity ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). ex: .4', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_overlay_opacity", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0.5"), array("name" => __('Mute Video', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => '', "id" => "fusion_video_mute", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Loop Video', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => '', "id" => "fusion_video_loop", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'), 'no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Fading Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to have the background image fade and blur on scroll. WARNING: Only works for images. This will cause video backgrounds to not display. ', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_fade", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => array('no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0px"), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Style', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border style.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderstyle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('solid' => __('Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'dashed' => __('Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'dotted' => __('Dotted', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Padding Top', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels.  Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingtop", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "20"), array("name" => __('Padding Bottom', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingbottom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "20"), array("name" => __('Padding Left', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingleft", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Padding Right', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels. Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paddingright", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Name Of Menu Anchor', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('This name will be the id you will have to use in your one page menu.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_menuanchor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Set Columns to Euqal Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select to set all column shortcodes that are used inside the container to have equal height.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "equal_height_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => array('no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('100% Interior Content Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select if the interior content is contained to site width or 100% width. Selecting "Yes" will remove left/right padding. ', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_hundred_percent", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => array('no' => __('No', 'fusion-core'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #5
 function popup_elements()
     $posts_per_page = array('fusion_-1' => 'All', 'fusion_' => 'Default');
     $blog_posts_per_page = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 25, $posts_per_page);
     $wp_categories_list = Helper::get_wp_categories_list();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Blog Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the layout for the blog shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "large", "allowedValues" => array('large' => __('Large', 'fusion-core'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'fusion-core'), 'large alternate' => __('Large Alternate', 'fusion-core'), 'medium alternate' => __('Medium Alternate', 'fusion-core'), 'grid' => __('Grid', 'fusion-core'), 'timeline' => __('Timeline', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Posts Per Page', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select number of posts per page', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_posts_per_page", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $blog_posts_per_page), array("name" => __('Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category or leave blank for all', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_cat_slug", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Exclude Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category to exclude', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_exclude_cats", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Show Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display the post title below the featured image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Link Title To Post', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose if the title should be a link to the single post page.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title_link", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Thumbnail', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display the post featured image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_thumbnail", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show excerpt or choose "no" for full content', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Number of words/characters in Excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Control the excerpt length based on words/character setting in Theme Options > Extra.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt_words", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => 35), array("name" => __('Show Meta Info', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show all meta data', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_all", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Author Name', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the author', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_author", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the categories', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_categories", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Comment Count', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the comments', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_comments", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Date', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the date', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_date", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Read More Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_link", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Tags', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show the tags', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta_tags", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Pagination', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show numerical pagination boxes', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paging", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Infinite Scrolling', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the type of scrolling', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scrolling", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "pagination", "allowedValues" => array('pagination' => __('Pagination', 'fusion-core'), 'infinite' => __('Infinite Scrolling', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Grid Layout # of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select whether to display the grid layout in 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 column.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_blog_grid_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "3", "allowedValues" => array('2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6')), array("name" => __('Grid Layout Column Spacing', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the amount of spacing between blog grid posts without "px".', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_blog_grid_column_spacing", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "40"), array("name" => __('Strip HTML from Posts Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Strip HTML from the post excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_strip_html", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #6
 function popup_elements()
     $border_size = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(0, 10);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Frame Style Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the frame style type.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('None', 'fusion-core'), 'glow' => __('Glow', 'fusion-core'), 'dropshadow' => __('Drop Shadow', 'fusion-core'), 'bottomshadow' => __('Bottom Shadow', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0px"), array("name" => __('Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the image. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round".  Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Style Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('For all style types except border. Controls the style color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_stylecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Align', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how to align the image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_align", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('None', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Image lightbox', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show image in Lightbox', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_lightbox", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display in the frame', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Image Alt Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The alt attribute provides alternative information if an image cannot be viewed', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alt", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture Link URL', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the URL the picture will link to, ex:', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $wp_categories_list = Helper::fusion_shortcodes_categories('portfolio_category');
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the layout for the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "carousel", "allowedValues" => array('carousel' => __('Carousel', 'fusion-core'), 'grid' => __('Grid', 'fusion-core'), 'grid-with-excerpts' => __('Grid with Excerpts', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Picture Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('fixed = width and height will be fixed<br>auto = width and height will adjust to the image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picture_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "fixed", "allowedValues" => array('fixed' => __('Fixed', 'fusion-core'), 'auto' => __('Auto', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Grid with Excerpts Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select if the grid with excerpts layouts are boxed or unboxed.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_boxed_text", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "unboxed", "allowedValues" => array('boxed' => __('Boxed', 'fusion-core'), 'unboxed' => __('Unboxed', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Show Filters', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show or hide the category filters', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filters", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of columns to display. Does not work with Carousel layout.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "3", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category or leave blank for all', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_cat_slug", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Exclude Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category to exclude', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_exclude_cats", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Number of Posts', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of posts to display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_number_posts", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "8"), array("name" => __('Excerpt Length', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the number of words/characters you want to show in the excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt_words", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => 35), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $wp_categories_list = Helper::get_wp_categories_list();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the layout for the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => array('default' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'thumbnails-on-side' => __('Thumbnails on Side', 'fusion-core'), 'date-on-side' => __('Date on Side', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of columns to display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('Number of Posts', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the number of posts to display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_number_posts", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "4"), array("name" => __('Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category or leave blank for all', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_cat_slug", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Exclude Categories', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select a category to exclude', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_exclude_cats", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::MULTI, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $wp_categories_list), array("name" => __('Show Thumbnail', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display the post featured image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_thumbnail", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Display the post title below the featured image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Meta', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show all meta data', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_meta", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Show Excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to display the post excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Excerpt Length', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the number of words/characters you want to show in the excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_excerpt_words", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => 35), array("name" => __('Strip HTML', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Strip HTML from the post excerpt', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_strip_html", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "yes", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "0.1", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $fille_area_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Filled Area Percentage', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('From 1% to 100%', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_value[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $fille_area_data), array("name" => __('Filled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the filled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filledcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array('')), array("name" => __('Unfilled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the unfilled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.'), "id" => "fusion_unfilledcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array('')), array("name" => __('Size of the Counter', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert size of the counter in px. ex: 220', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("220")), array("name" => __('Show Scales', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to show a scale around circles.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_scales[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Countdown', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the circle filling move counter clockwise.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_countdown[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(''), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Animation Speed', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert animation speed in milliseconds', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("1500")), array("name" => __('Counter Circle Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert text for counter circle box, keep it short', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Text")));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Counter Circle', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_circle", "elements" => $am_array));
Exemple #10
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $fille_area_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $choices = Helper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Counter Value', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The number to which the counter will animate.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_value[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Counter Box Unit', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert a unit for the counter. ex %', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unit[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("")), array("name" => __('Unit Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the positioning of the unit.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unitpos[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('suffix' => __('After Counter', 'fusion-core'), 'prefix' => __('Before Counter', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(), "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Counter Direction', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to count up or down.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_direction[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('up' => __('Countup', 'fusion-core'), 'down' => __('Countdown', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Counter Box Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert text for counter box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array("Text")));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Number of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the number of columns per row.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "4", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('Counter Box Title Font Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the counter "value" and icon. Leave blank for theme option styling.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Counter Box Title Font Size (px)', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the size of the counter "value" and icon. Enter the font size without \'px\' ex: 50. Leave blank for theme option styling.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Counter Box Icon Size (px)', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the size of the icon. Enter the font size without \'px\'. Default is 50. Leave blank for theme option styling.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icon_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Counter Box Body Font Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the counter body text. Leave blank for theme option styling.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_body_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Counter Box Body Font Size (px)', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the size of the counter body text. Enter the font size without \'px\' ex: 13. Leave blank for theme option styling.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_body_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Counter Box Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the border.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_border_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Counter Box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "cb_fusion_box", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $no_of_columns = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $animation_speed = Helper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = Helper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = Helper::get_animation_type_data();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __(' ', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(), "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Content Box Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Circle Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlebordercolor[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Flip Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to flip the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconflip[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'fusion-core'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Rotate Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to rotate the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconrotate[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => array('' => 'None', '90' => '90', '180' => '180', '270' => '270')), array("name" => __('Spinning Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to let the icon spin.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconspin[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(""), "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Icon Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('To upload your own icon image, deselect the icon above and then upload your icon image', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => array(1), "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Icon Image Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image width in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_width[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array(35)), array("name" => __('Icon Image Height', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('If using an icon image, specify the image height in pixels but do not add px, ex: 35', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_image_height[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array(35)), array("name" => __('Read More Link Url', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the link\'s url ex:', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Read More Link Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the text to display as the link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_linktext[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Read More Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("_self"), "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Content Box Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add content for content box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => array()), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(), "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array(), "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => array("0.1"), "allowedValues" => $animation_speed));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Box Layout', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the layout for the content box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_layout", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "icon-with-title", "allowedValues" => array('icon-with-title' => __('Icon beside Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-on-top' => __('Icon on Top of Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-on-side' => __('Icon beside Title and Content aligned with Title', 'fusion-core'), 'icon-boxed' => __('Icon Boxed', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Number of Columns', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the number of columns per row.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_columns", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "4", "allowedValues" => $no_of_columns), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New Content Box', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_content", "elements" => $am_array));
 function popup_elements()
     $filled_area = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $reverse_choices = Helper::get_reversed_choice_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Filled Area Percentage', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('From 1% to 100%', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_value", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $filled_area), array("name" => __('Progress Bar Unit', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert a unit for the progress bar. ex %', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unit", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Filled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the filled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_filledcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Unfilled Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the color of the unfilled in area. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_unfilledcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Striped Filling', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get the filled area striped.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_striped", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Animated Stripes', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get the the stripes animated.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animatedstripes", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Progess Bar Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Text will show up on progess bar', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #13
 function popup_elements()
     $margin_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Style', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the separator line style', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('No Style', 'fusion-core'), 'single' => __('Single Border Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'double' => __('Double Border Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'single|dashed' => __('Single Border Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'double|dashed' => __('Double Border Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'single|dotted' => __('Single Border Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'double|dotted' => __('Double Border Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Margin Top', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Spacing above the separator. In pixels.  Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_top", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Margin Bottom', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Spacing below the separator. In pixels.  Use a number without px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bottom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Separator Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the separator color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_sepcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "", "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Separator Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px or %), ex: 1px, ex: 50%. Leave blank for full width.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements()
     $margin_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Position of the Divider Candy', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the position of the triangle candy', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_divider_candy", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('top' => __('Top', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom,top' => __('Top and Bottom', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "", "list" => Helper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_border", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "1px"), array("name" => __('Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Color of Divider Candy', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the triangle. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemple #15
 function popup_elements()
     $title_data = Helper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 6);
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Title Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the title size, H1-H6', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "1", "allowedValues" => $title_data), array("name" => __('Title Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to align the heading left or right.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_contentalign", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "left", "allowedValues" => array('left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Separator', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the kind of the title separator you want to use.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('single' => __('Single', 'fusion-core'), 'single solid' => __('Single Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'single dashed' => __('Single Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'single dotted' => __('Single Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'double' => __('Double', 'fusion-core'), 'double solid' => __('Double Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'double dashed' => __('Double Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'double dotted' => __('Double Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'underline' => __('Underline', 'fusion-core'), 'underline solid' => __('Underline Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'underline dashed' => __('Underline Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'underline dotted' => __('Underline Dotted', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Separator Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the separator color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_sepcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the title text', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));