function &_getCache($tocId) { $cache =& Registry::get('helpTocCache', true, null); $locale = Help::getLocale(); if (!isset($cache[$locale][$tocId])) { $help =& Help::getHelp(); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $cache[$locale][$tocId] = $cacheManager->getFileCache('help-toc-' . $help->getLocale(), $tocId, array($this, '_cacheMiss')); // Check to see if the cache info is outdated. $cacheTime = $cache[$locale][$tocId]->getCacheTime(); if ($cacheTime !== null && $cacheTime < filemtime($this->getFilename($tocId))) { // The cached data is out of date. $cache[$locale][$tocId]->flush(); } } return $cache[$locale][$tocId]; }
function &_getCache($topicId) { static $cache; $locale = Help::getLocale(); if (!isset($cache[$locale][$topicId])) { import('cache.CacheManager'); $help =& Help::getHelp(); $cacheManager =& CacheManager::getManager(); $cache[$locale][$topicId] = $cacheManager->getFileCache('help-topic-' . $locale, $topicId, array($this, '_cacheMiss')); // Check to see if the cache info is outdated. $cacheTime = $cache[$locale][$topicId]->getCacheTime(); if ($cacheTime !== null && $cacheTime < filemtime($this->getFilename($topicId))) { // The cached data is out of date. $cache[$locale][$topicId]->flush(); } } return $cache[$locale][$topicId]; }