public function save($post_ID, $post) { //If it is our form has not been submitted, so we dont want to do anything if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return; } //Ruh-roh, bad nonce if (!wp_verify_nonce(headway_post($this->id . '_nonce'), md5($this->id))) { return false; } $post_ID = $post->ID; //Check for capabilities if ($_POST['post_type'] === 'page' && !current_user_can('edit_page', $post_ID)) { return false; } if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_ID)) { return false; } //If there are no options, then there's nothing to save if (!isset($_POST[$this->id]) || !is_array($_POST[$this->id])) { return false; } //Loop through and set the options foreach ($_POST[$this->id] as $group => $inputs) { foreach ($inputs as $input => $value) { HeadwayLayoutOption::set($post_ID, $input, $value, $group); } } }
public static function is_seo_checkbox_enabled($option, $layout = false) { $seo_templates = self::get_seo_templates(self::current_seo_layout()); if (HeadwayLayoutOption::get($layout, $option, 'seo', null) === null && !headway_get($option, $seo_templates)) { return false; } if (HeadwayLayoutOption::get($layout, $option, 'seo', null) === false) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Assembles the classes for the posts. * * @global object $post * @global int $blog_post_alt * * @param bool $print Determines whether or not to echo the post classes. * * @return bool|string If $print is true, then echo the classes, otherwise just return them as a string. **/ function entry_class() { global $post, $blog_post_alt, $authordata; $c = get_post_class(); if (!isset($blog_post_alt)) { $blog_post_alt = 1; } if (is_object($authordata)) { $c[] = 'author-' . sanitize_title_with_dashes(strtolower($authordata->user_login)); } if (++$blog_post_alt % 2) { $c[] = 'alt'; } //Add the custom classes from the meta box if ($custom_css_class = HeadwayLayoutOption::get(get_the_id(), 'css-class', null)) { $custom_css_classes = str_replace(' ', ' ', str_replace(',', ' ', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($custom_css_class)))); $c = array_merge($c, array_filter(explode(' ', $custom_css_classes))); } $c = join(' ', $c); return $c; }
/** * If a post, page, or any other singular item has the 301 Redirect set, then do the redirect. **/ public static function maybe_redirect_301() { global $post; //Don't try redirecting if the headers are already sent. Otherwise, it'll result in an error and no redirect. if (headers_sent()) { return false; } //Make sure that it's a single post and that $post is a valid object. if (!is_object($post) || !is_singular()) { return false; } //Do not try redirecting if it's the visual editor or admin if (is_admin() || self::is_visual_editor() || self::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { return false; } //If the redirect URL isn't set, then don't try anything. if (!($redirect_url = HeadwayLayoutOption::get($post->ID, 'redirect-301', 'seo', false))) { return false; } //If there is no HTTP or HTTPS in the URL, add it. if (strpos($redirect_url, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($redirect_url, 'https://') !== 0) { $redirect_url = 'http://' . $redirect_url; } wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); die; }
/** * Gets the status of the layout. This will tell if it's customized, using a template, or none of the previous mentioned. * * @return string **/ public static function get_status($layout, $include_post_status = false) { $layout_parts = explode('-', $layout); $layout_end_part = end($layout_parts); $customized = HeadwayLayoutOption::get($layout, 'customized') === true ? true : false; $template = false; if ($possible_template = HeadwayLayoutOption::get($layout, 'template')) { if (self::template_exists($possible_template)) { $template = $possible_template; } } $status = array('customized' => $customized, 'template' => $template); /* If set to include post status and this is a single layout, fetch it */ if ($include_post_status && $layout_parts[0] == 'single' && is_numeric($layout_end_part)) { /* Change status IDs to friendly statuses */ $possible_statuses = array('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'future', 'private'); $friendly_status_names = array('Published', 'Pending Review', 'Draft', 'Scheduled', 'Private'); $status['post_status'] = str_replace($possible_statuses, $friendly_status_names, get_post_status($layout_end_part)); } return $status; }
/** * For some reason, the 'blocks-by-id', 'blocks-by-type', and 'blocks-by-layout' options become blank. This will restore them. **/ public static function repair_blocks() { global $wpdb; /* Build layout options catalog */ $catalog = array(); foreach (wp_load_alloptions() as $option => $option_value) { if (strpos($option, 'headway_layout_options_') !== 0 || $option == 'headway_layout_options_catalog' || strpos($option, 'headway_layout_options_') === 0 && substr($option, -8) == '_preview') { continue; } $catalog[] = str_replace('headway_layout_options_', '', $option); } /* Set up blank arrays */ $blocks_by_id = array(); $blocks_by_type = array(); $blocks_by_layout = array(); foreach ($catalog as $layout) { /* If the layout is numeric, then check if the post even exists and isn't a revision. If it does not exist or is a revision, delete it! */ if (is_numeric($layout)) { $post_row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d LIMIT 1", $layout)); if ($post_row) { $post_status = get_post_status($layout); } /* If the post row is false (doesn't exist) or post status is revision (AKA inherit) then delete the whole layout option group */ if (!$post_row || $post_status == 'inherit') { delete_option('headway_layout_options_' . $layout); continue; } } $layout_options = get_option('headway_layout_options_' . $layout); //If there are no blocks, then skip the layout if (!isset($layout_options['general']['blocks']) || !is_array($layout_options['general']['blocks'])) { continue; } /* If the layout ID is template then change the underscore to a hyphen */ if (strpos($layout, 'template_') === 0) { $layout = str_replace('template_', 'template-', $layout); } $layout_blocks = $layout_options['general']['blocks']; //If the layout is a template, then skip these two conditionals if (strpos($layout, 'template') !== 0) { //If the layout doesn't have any blocks, then remove the customized flag if it exists. if (!isset($layout_blocks) || !is_array($layout_blocks) || count($layout_blocks) === 0) { HeadwayLayoutOption::delete($layout, 'customized'); continue; } //If the layout isn't customized and doesn't have a template assigned, //then nuke those blocks from the layout options and do not include them in the main block options if ((!isset($layout_options['general']['customized']) || $layout_options['general']['customized'] !== 'true') && (!isset($layout_options['general']['template']) || $layout_options['general']['template'] === 'false')) { HeadwayLayoutOption::delete($layout, 'blocks'); continue; } } foreach ($layout_blocks as $block_id => $block) { /* Blocks by ID */ $blocks_by_id[$block['id']] = array('layout' => $layout, 'type' => $block['type']); /* Blocks by type */ if (!isset($blocks_by_type[$block['type']])) { $blocks_by_type[$block['type']] = array(); } $blocks_by_type[$block['type']][$block['id']] = $layout; /* Blocks by layout */ if (!isset($blocks_by_layout[$layout])) { $blocks_by_layout[$layout] = array(); } $blocks_by_layout[$layout][$block['id']] = true; } } HeadwayOption::set('blocks-by-type', $blocks_by_type, 'blocks'); HeadwayOption::set('blocks-by-id', $blocks_by_id, 'blocks'); HeadwayOption::set('blocks-by-layout', $blocks_by_layout, 'blocks'); return true; }
/** * Assembles the classes for the body element. **/ public static function body_class($c) { global $wp_query, $authordata; $c[] = 'custom'; /* User Agents */ if (!HeadwayCompiler::is_plugin_caching()) { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; /* IE */ if ($ie_version = headway_is_ie()) { $c[] = 'ie'; $c[] = 'ie' . $ie_version; } /* Modern Browsers */ if (stripos($user_agent, 'Safari') !== false) { $c[] = 'safari'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'Firefox') !== false) { $c[] = 'firefox'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'Chrome') !== false) { $c[] = 'chrome'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'Opera') !== false) { $c[] = 'opera'; } /* Rendering Engines */ if (stripos($user_agent, 'WebKit') !== false) { $c[] = 'webkit'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'Gecko') !== false) { $c[] = 'gecko'; } /* Mobile */ if (stripos($user_agent, 'iPhone') !== false) { $c[] = 'iphone'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'iPod') !== false) { $c[] = 'ipod'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'iPad') !== false) { $c[] = 'ipad'; } elseif (stripos($user_agent, 'Android') !== false) { $c[] = 'android'; } } /* End User Agents */ /* Responsive Grid */ if (HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_enabled()) { $c[] = 'responsive-grid-enabled'; } if (HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_active()) { $c[] = 'responsive-grid-active'; } /* Pages */ if (is_page() && isset($wp_query->post) && isset($wp_query->post->ID)) { $c[] = 'pageid-' . $wp_query->post->ID; $c[] = 'page-slug-' . $wp_query->post->post_name; } /* Posts & Pages */ if (is_singular() && isset($wp_query->post) && isset($wp_query->post->ID)) { //Add the custom classes from the meta box if ($custom_css_class = HeadwayLayoutOption::get($wp_query->post->ID, 'css-class', null)) { $custom_css_classes = str_replace(' ', ' ', str_replace(',', ' ', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($custom_css_class)))); $c = array_merge($c, array_filter(explode(' ', $custom_css_classes))); } } /* Layout IDs, etc */ $c[] = 'layout-' . HeadwayLayout::get_current(); $c[] = 'layout-using-' . HeadwayLayout::get_current_in_use(); if (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { $c[] = 've-iframe'; } if (headway_get('ve-iframe-mode') && HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) { $c[] = 'visual-editor-mode-' . headway_get('ve-iframe-mode'); } if (!current_theme_supports('headway-design-editor')) { $c[] = 'design-editor-disabled'; } $c = array_unique(array_filter($c)); return $c; }
public static function save($options, $current_layout = false, $mode = false) { if (!$current_layout) { $current_layout = headway_post('layout'); } if (!$mode) { $mode = headway_post('mode'); } //Handle triple slash bullshit if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) { $options = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $options); } $blocks = isset($options['blocks']) ? $options['blocks'] : null; $wrappers = isset($options['wrappers']) ? $options['wrappers'] : null; $layout_options = isset($options['layout-options']) ? $options['layout-options'] : null; $options_inputs = isset($options['options']) ? $options['options'] : null; $design_editor_inputs = isset($options['design-editor']) ? $options['design-editor'] : null; //Set the current layout to customized if it's the grid mode if ($mode == 'grid') { HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, 'customized', true); } /* Blocks */ if ($blocks) { foreach ($blocks as $id => $methods) { foreach ($methods as $method => $value) { switch ($method) { case 'new': if (HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($id)) { continue; } $dimensions = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['dimensions']); $position = explode(',', $blocks[$id]['position']); $settings = isset($blocks[$id]['settings']) ? $blocks[$id]['settings'] : array(); $args = array('id' => $id, 'type' => $value, 'position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1]), 'dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1]), 'settings' => $settings); HeadwayBlocksData::add_block($current_layout, $args); break; case 'delete': HeadwayBlocksData::delete_block($current_layout, $id); break; case 'dimensions': $dimensions = explode(',', $value); $args = array('dimensions' => array('width' => $dimensions[0], 'height' => $dimensions[1])); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'position': $position = explode(',', $value); $args = array('position' => array('left' => $position[0], 'top' => $position[1])); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'wrapper': $args = array('wrapper' => $value); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $args); break; case 'settings': //Retrieve all blocks from layout $layout_blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_layout($current_layout); //Get the block from the layout $block = headway_get($id, $layout_blocks); //If block doesn't exist, we can't do anything. if (!$block) { continue; } //If there aren't any options, then don't do anything either if (!is_array($value) || count($value) === 0) { continue; } $block['settings'] = array_merge($block['settings'], $value); HeadwayBlocksData::update_block($current_layout, $id, $block); break; } } } } /* End Blocks */ /* Wrappers */ if ($wrappers) { /* Pluck last-id out of wrappers and send it to DB */ if (headway_get('last-id', $wrappers)) { $last_id = $wrappers['last-id']; unset($wrappers['last-id']); HeadwayOption::set('last-id', $last_id, 'wrappers'); } /* Save layout wrappers to dB */ HeadwayOption::set($current_layout, $wrappers, 'wrappers'); } /* End Wrappers */ /* Layout Options */ if ($layout_options) { foreach ($layout_options as $group => $options) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { HeadwayLayoutOption::set($current_layout, $option, $value, $group); } } } /* End Layout Options */ /* Options */ if ($options_inputs) { foreach ($options_inputs as $group => $options) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { HeadwayOption::set($option, $value, $group); } } } /* End Options */ /* Design Editor Inputs */ if ($design_editor_inputs) { /* If skin import is set to true then nuke all design settings to prevent overlapping settings */ if (headway_get('skin-import', $design_editor_inputs)) { HeadwayElementsData::delete_all(); } /* End skin import nuke */ /* Handle skin templates */ $skin_templates = headway_get('skin-import-templates', $design_editor_inputs); if (is_array($skin_templates) && count($skin_templates)) { $skin_template_block_id_translations = array(); $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = array(); foreach ($skin_templates as $skin_template_name => $skin_template_blocks) { /* Pluck wrappers array out of blocks array */ $skin_template_wrappers = $skin_template_blocks['wrappers']; unset($skin_template_blocks['wrappers']); $template = HeadwayLayout::add_template($skin_template_name, $skin_template_blocks, $skin_template_wrappers); /* Use + rather than array_merge because + preserves numeric keys */ $skin_template_block_id_translations = $skin_template_block_id_translations + $template['block-id-translations']; $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations + $template['wrapper-id-translations']; } /* Re-map block IDs in instances according to block ID translations */ foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) { if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['special-element-instance'])) { continue; } foreach ($element_data['special-element-instance'] as $instance_id => $instance_properties) { $instance_id_fragments = explode('-', $instance_id); $instance_potential_block_id_search = preg_match('/\\bblock\\b\\-[0-9]+/', $instance_id, $instance_potential_block_id_search_results); $instance_potential_block_id = str_replace('block-', '', end($instance_potential_block_id_search_results)); $instance_potential_wrapper_id = $instance_id_fragments[1]; /* Wrapper instance conditional. Modify new instance ID accordingly */ if (strpos($instance_id, 'wrapper-') === 0 && isset($skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)])) { $new_wrapper_id = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['id']; $new_wrapper_layout = $skin_template_wrapper_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_wrapper_id)]['layout']; $new_instance_id = 'wrapper-' . $new_wrapper_id . '-layout-' . $new_wrapper_layout; /* Block instance conditional. Modify new instance ID accordingly */ } else { if (strpos($instance_id, 'block-') !== false && is_numeric($instance_potential_block_id) && isset($skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)])) { $new_block_id = $skin_template_block_id_translations[intval($instance_potential_block_id)]; $new_instance_id = str_replace('block-' . $instance_potential_block_id, 'block-' . $new_block_id, $instance_id); /* Not a proper block or wrapper instance, just skip it */ } else { continue; } } /* Remove existing instance key/value pair */ unset($design_editor_inputs[$element_id]['special-element-instance'][$instance_id]); /* Add new instance key/value pair with new instance ID */ $design_editor_inputs[$element_id]['special-element-instance'][$new_instance_id] = $instance_properties; } } } /* End skin template handling */ /* Loop through to get every element and its properties */ foreach ($design_editor_inputs as $element_id => $element_data) { if (!is_array($element_data) || !isset($element_data['group'])) { continue; } $element_group = $element_data['group']; //Dispatch depending on type of element data foreach ($element_data as $element_data_node => $element_data_node_data) { //Handle different nodes depending on what they are if ($element_data_node == 'properties') { //Set each property for the regular element foreach ($element_data_node_data as $property_id => $property_value) { HeadwayElementsData::set_property($element_group, $element_id, $property_id, $property_value); } //Handle instances, states, etc. } else { if (strpos($element_data_node, 'special-element-') === 0) { $special_element_type = str_replace('special-element-', '', $element_data_node); //Loop through the special elements foreach ($element_data_node_data as $special_element => $special_element_properties) { //Set the special element properties now foreach ($special_element_properties as $special_element_property => $special_element_property_value) { HeadwayElementsData::set_special_element_property($element_group, $element_id, $special_element_type, $special_element, $special_element_property, $special_element_property_value); } } } } } } /* End loop */ } /* End Design Editor Inputs */ //This hook is used by cache flushing, plugins, etc. Do not fire on preview save because it'll flush preview options if (!headway_get('ve-preview')) { do_action('headway_visual_editor_save'); } return true; }
public static function secure_method_remove_template_from_layout() { $layout = headway_post('layout'); //Remove the template flag if (!HeadwayLayoutOption::set($layout, 'template', false)) { echo 'failure'; return; } if (HeadwayLayoutOption::get($layout, 'customized', false) === true) { echo 'customized'; return; } do_action('headway_visual_editor_unassign_template'); echo 'success'; }