Exemple #1

require __DIR__ . "/../lib/halfmoon.php";
HalfMoon\Config::set_session_store("encrypted_cookie", array("encryption_key" => str_repeat("0", 32)));
class EncryptedCookieTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    static $str = "australia's darrell lea soft eating liquorice";
    static $key = "3d737148b5d7c1a08e0e92d26f8d020b";
    static $cookie = "test";
    public function setupSS($key, $cookie)
        $this->ss = new HalfMoon\EncryptedCookieSessionStore($key);
        $this->ss->open("", $cookie);
    public function testCookieEncryptionAndDecryption()
        for ($z = 0; $z < 5000; $z++) {
            $key = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16));
            $this->setupSS($key, "test_" . $z);
            $ki = rand(20, 40);
            for ($k = "", $x = 0; $x++ < $ki; $k .= bin2hex(chr(mt_rand(0, 255)))) {
            $vi = rand(20, 500);
            for ($v = "", $x = 0; $x++ < $vi; $v .= bin2hex(chr(mt_rand(0, 255)))) {
            $data = var_export(array($k, $v), true);
            $this->ss->write("", $data);
            $this->setupSS($key, "test_" . $z);
            $dec_data = $this->ss->read("");
            $this->assertEquals($data, $dec_data);
Exemple #2

	early initialization of site-wide settings, loaded after halfmoon framework
	but before activerecord is initialized.

	per-environment setup like logging, tweaking php settings, etc. can be done
	here.  any code requiring activerecord or needing to be done after
	everything is initialized should be done in config/application.php.
/* session settings, change according to your application requirements */
session_set_cookie_params($lifetime = 0, $path = "/");
/* activate encrypted cookie storage; requires the mcrypt php extension */
HalfMoon\Config::set_session_store("encrypted_cookie", array("encryption_key" => "%%COOKIE_ENCRYPTION_KEY%%"));
/* a timezone is required for DateTime functions */
/* environment-specific settings */
if (HALFMOON_ENV == "development") {
    /* be open and verbose during development */
    /* show errors in the browser */
    ini_set("display_errors", 1);
    /* log all activerecord queries and values */
    /* log all halfmoon activity */
} elseif (HALFMOON_ENV == "production") {
    /* be quiet in production */
    /* don't display actual php error messages to the user, just generic error
     * pages (see skel/500.html) */
    ini_set("display_errors", 0);