/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the simulations. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { $icon_pkg = "package.png"; // Create the root of the test suite $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Test Datasets', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => 'home.php', 'linkTarget' => 'right')); // Create the top-level test groups $aTypes = array('datasets' => 'menu.php'); foreach ($aTypes as $type => $link) { $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type), 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => $link, 'linkTarget' => "left")); $list = get_file_list(TD_DATAPATH, '.xml', true); foreach ($list as $index => $file) { ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $file, 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "action.php?&datasetfile={$file}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); } $menu->addItem($rootNode); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu); $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
function recurseDir($path, &$node) { global $pd; if (!($dir = opendir($path))) { return false; } $anode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => basename($path), 'link' => "javascript:setHelpVal('" . $path . "');", 'icon' => 'folder.gif')); $result = addslashes(realpath(stripslashes($path) . $pd . "..")); if (!$node) { $anode->addItem(new DirNode('..', "javascript:setHelp('" . $result . "');", 'folder.gif'), '..'); } while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir("{$path}{$pd}{$file}")) { recurseDir("{$path}{$pd}{$file}", $anode); } } } rewinddir($dir); // while (false) { //($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_file("{$path}{$pd}{$file}")) { $anode->addItem(new DirNode($file, "javascript:setHelpVal('{$path}{$pd}{$file}');", 'branchtop.gif', "{$path}{$pd}{$file}")); } } } if (!$node) { $node = $anode; } else { $node->addItem($anode); } closedir($dir); }
private function crearNodos($array) { list($nivel, $presedencia, $codigo, $deriva, $descripcion, $url, $array1) = $array; $icon = $this->arrayIconos[$nivel]["icono"]; $expandedIcon = $this->arrayIconos[$nivel]["iconoExpandido"]; $onclick = !$this->soloFinales ? "{$this->funcionJSEscucha}(this,'{$codigo}');" : !$deriva == 1 ? "{$this->funcionJSEscucha}(this,'{$codigo}');" : ""; $nodo = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "{$codigo}: {$descripcion}", 'link' => "#", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => false), array('onclick' => "{$onclick} return false")); //'onexpand'=>"alert('expand')" if (is_array($array1)) { foreach ($array1 as $i => $item) { $nodo->addItem($this->crearNodos($item)); } } return $nodo; }
/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the simulations. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'OpenX Developer Toolbox', 'icon' => '', 'link' => 'action.php?action=index', 'linkTarget' => 'right')); $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Plugins', 'action' => 'about&item=plugins', 'children' => array(0 => array('title' => 'New Plugin', 'action' => 'create_plugin'))); $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Schemas', 'action' => 'about&item=schema', 'children' => array(0 => array('title' => 'Schema Editor', 'action' => 'schema_editor'), 1 => array('title' => 'Changeset Archives', 'action' => 'schema_changesets'))); $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Core Schema Utilities', 'action' => 'about&item=core_utils', 'children' => array(0 => array('title' => 'Integrity Check', 'action' => 'schema_integ'), 1 => array('title' => 'Dump Data', 'action' => 'schema_datadump'), 2 => array('title' => 'Load Data', 'action' => 'schema_dataload'))); $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Schema Analysis', 'action' => 'schema_analysis'); // Generate DataObjects $aDataObjects[] = array('title' => 'OpenX Core', 'action' => 'generate_dataobjects'); $plugins = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginPaths']['packages']; foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] as $name => $enabled) { $schema = strtolower($name); $aDataObjects[] = array('title' => $name, 'action' => "generate_dataobjects&schema={$plugins}{$name}/etc/tables_{$schema}.xml&dbopath={$plugins}{$name}/etc/DataObjects"); } $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Generate DataObjects', 'action' => 'about&item=dataobjects', 'children' => $aDataObjects); // Upgrade Packages $aPackages[] = array('title' => 'New Core Upgrade Package', 'action' => 'upgrade_package&name=OpenXCore'); foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] as $name => $enabled) { $aPackages[] = array('title' => $name, 'action' => 'upgrade_package&name=' . $name); } $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Upgrade Packages', 'action' => 'about&item=upgrade_packages', 'children' => $aPackages); // Upgrade Packages Array $aUpgrades[] = array('title' => 'OpenX Core', 'action' => 'upgrade_array&read=/etc/changes&write=/etc/changes/openads_upgrade_array.txt'); foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] as $name => $enabled) { $aUpgrades[] = array('title' => $name, 'action' => "upgrade_array&read={$plugins}{$name}/etc/changes&write={$plugins}{$name}/etc/changes/{$name}_upgrade_array.txt"); } $aItems[] = array('title' => 'Upgrade Packages Array', 'action' => 'about&item=upgrade_array', 'children' => $aUpgrades); foreach ($aItems as $aItem) { $newNode =& $rootNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $aItem['title'], 'icon' => 'package.png', 'link' => 'action.php?action=' . $aItem['action'], 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); if (isset($aItem['children'])) { foreach ($aItem['children'] as $aChild) { $newNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $aChild['title'], 'icon' => 'Method.png', 'link' => 'action.php?action=' . $aChild['action'], 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } } } $menu->addItem($rootNode); $options = array('images' => 'assets/images'); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu, $options); $code = file_get_contents(PATH_ASSETS . '/css/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(PATH_ASSETS . '/js/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the OpenX tests. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { preg_match('/^(\\d+\\.\\d+)/', VERSION, $aMatches); // Create the root of the test suite $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => PRODUCT_NAME . ' ' . $aMatches[1] . ' Tests', 'icon' => "package.png")); // Create the top-level test groups foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST']['groups'] as $type) { $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type) . ' Test Suite', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=all", 'linkTarget' => "right")); $structure = TestFiles::getAllTestFiles($type); foreach ($structure as $layerCode => $folders) { $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $GLOBALS['_MAX']['TEST'][$type . '_layers'][$layerCode][0], 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=layer&layer={$layerCode}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); foreach ($folders as $folder => $files) { if (count($files)) { $secondNode =& $firstNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $folder, 'icon' => "class_folder.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=folder&layer={$layerCode}&folder={$folder}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } foreach ($files as $index => $file) { $secondNode->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $file, 'icon' => "Method.png", 'link' => "run.php?type={$type}&level=file&layer={$layerCode}&folder={$folder}&file={$file}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } } } $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); } /** * @TODO Clean up the following code to ensure that adding new * PEAR PHPUnit tests to the test suite is easier! */ // Create the PEAR PHPUnit tests $nodeName = 'PearRootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR PHPUnit Test Suite', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "", 'linkTarget' => "right")); $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR::MDB2', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type=phpunit&dir=../lib/pear/MDB2/tests", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); $firstNode =& ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'PEAR::MDB2_Schema', 'icon' => "package.png", 'link' => "run.php?type=phpunit&dir=../lib/pear/MDB2_Schema/tests", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); // Add the root node to the menu, and return the HTML code $menu->addItem($rootNode); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu); $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
function &recurseDir($path) { if (!($dir = opendir($path))) { return false; } $files = array(); $node = new HTML_TreeNode(basename($path), basename($path), 'folder.gif'); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (@is_dir("{$path}/{$file}")) { $addnode =& recurseDir("{$path}/{$file}"); } else { $addnode = new HTML_TreeNode($file, $file, 'document2.png'); } $node->addItem($addnode); } } closedir($dir); return $node; }
/** * A method to return the HTML code needed to display a tree-based * menu of all the simulations. * * @return string A string containing the HTML code needed to display * the tests in a tree-based menu. */ function buildTree() { $icon_pkg = "package.png"; // Create the root of the test suite $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rootNode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Simulation Scenarios', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => 'home.php', 'linkTarget' => 'right')); // Create the top-level test groups $aTypes = array(SCENARIOS => 'menu.php'); foreach ($aTypes as $type => $link) { $nodeName = $type . 'RootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => ucwords($type), 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => $link, 'linkTarget' => "left")); $scenarios = get_file_list($type, '.php'); foreach ($scenarios as $index => $scenario) { ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $scenario, 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "action.php?dir={$type}&scenario={$scenario}", 'linkTarget' => 'right'))); } $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); } $aParams = array('text' => 'Actions', 'icon' => $icon_pkg, 'link' => "", 'linkTarget' => "right"); // create the Actions node $nodeName = 'ActionsRootNode'; ${$nodeName} = new HTML_TreeNode($aParams); $rootNode->addItem(${$nodeName}); $aParams['text'] = 'Save Current Scenario'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=save'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); $aParams['text'] = 'Download Scenario/s'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=download'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); $aParams['text'] = 'Upload Scenario/s'; $aParams['link'] = 'action.php?act=upload'; ${$nodeName}->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($aParams)); // Add the root node to the menu, and return the HTML code $menu->addItem($rootNode); $tree = new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu); $code = file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/menu.css'); $code .= "\n<script>\n"; $code .= file_get_contents(MAX_PATH . '/tests/testClasses/TreeMenu.js'); $code .= "\n</script>"; $code .= $tree->toHTML(); return $code; }
// | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE | // | OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. | // | | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Author: Richard Heyes <http://www.phpguru.org/> | // | Harald Radi <*****@*****.**> | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: example.php,v 1.14 2005/03/02 02:16:51 richard Exp $ //error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //require_once('HTML/TreeMenu.php'); require_once '../TreeMenu.php'; $icon = 'folder.gif'; $expandedIcon = 'folder-expanded.gif'; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $node1 = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "First level", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => true), array('onclick' => "alert('foo'); return false", 'onexpand' => "alert('Expanded')")); $node1_1 =& $node1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Second level", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $node1_1_1 =& $node1_1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Third level", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $node1_1_1_1 =& $node1_1_1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Fourth level", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $node1_1_1_1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Fifth level", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'cssClass' => 'treeMenuBold'))); $node1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Second level, item 2", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $node1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Second level, item 3", 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $menu->addItem($node1); $menu->addItem($node1); // Create the presentation class $treeMenu =& new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu, array('images' => '../images', 'defaultClass' => 'treeMenuDefault')); $listBox =& new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($menu, array('linkTarget' => '_self')); //$treeMenuStatic = &new HTML_TreeMenu_staticHTML($menu, array('images' => '../images', 'defaultClass' => 'treeMenuDefault', 'noTopLevelImages' => true)); ?> <html> <head>
function DirNode($text = false, $link = false, $icon = false, $path, $events = array()) { $this->path = $path; $options = array(); if ($text) { $options['text'] = $text; } if ($link) { $options['link'] = $link; } if ($icon) { $options['icon'] = $icon; } HTML_TreeNode::HTML_TreeNode($options, $events); }
if ($base_add != '') { $source = $svn->cat->run($args); if (substr($base_add, -4) == '.php') { highlight_string($source); } else { echo '<pre>' . htmlentities($source, ENT_NOQUOTES) . "</pre>\n"; } } else { // TreeMenu setup require_once 'HTML/TreeMenu.php'; // Change icons to appropriate names // See HTML_TreeMenu docs for more details. $foldericon = 'aquafolder.gif'; $docicon = 'bbedit_doc.gif'; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $node1 = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'VersionControl_SVN', 'icon' => $foldericon)); $list = $svn->list->run($args, $switches); foreach ($list['list'][0]['entry'] as $item) { $dir = dirname($item['name']); if ($item['kind'] !== 'file') { $icon = $foldericon; $link = ''; } else { $icon = $docicon; $link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "/" . $item['name']; // don't need the link for the . $link = str_replace('/.', '', $link); } if ($dir == '.') { // Adding to root level $obj = basename($item['name']);
function HTML_TreeNodeXL() { HTML_TreeNode::HTML_TreeNode(); $numargs = func_num_args(); $numargs = min(6, $numargs); $arglist = array('text', 'link', 'icon', 'expanded', 'isDynamic', 'cssClass'); for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) { $a =& func_get_arg($i); if (is_array($a)) { // Array is always the last argument. Ignore anything else. $this->setProperties($a); break; } $this->{$arglist}[$i] = $a; } $this->_checkProperties(); }
if ( $conf['debug'] == 1 ) { print "UserID:".$_SESSION['__auth']['userID']."<BR>"; print "APP_BASE: ".APP_BASE."<BR>"; print "FRAMEWORK_BASE: ".FRAMEWORK_BASE."<BR>"; } global $conf; global $applications; // use TreeMenu require_once(FRAMEWORK_BASE.'/lib/TreeMenu.php'); $icon = 'stock_open16.gif'; $level_count = 0; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $root = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "dnsZone-Manager", 'icon' => $icon)); $top_level = LDAP_functions::my_ldap_search('objectclass=dcObject', '', array( "dc" ), 'one', 'dc'); if (is_array($top_level) && (count($top_level) > 1)) { foreach ($top_level as $value) { if ( $value['dc'][0] ) { $level[$level_count] = &$root->addItem( new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $value['dc'][0], 'icon' => $icon))); $domain_level = LDAP_functions::my_ldap_search('(& (objectclass=domain) (description=ActiveDomain*))', $value['dn'], array( "*" )); if ( $conf['debug'] == 1 ) { print "Domain Level: ".count($domain_level)." is array? ".is_array($domain_level)."<br/>";
$icon = 'folder.gif'; $expandedIcon = 'folder-expanded.gif'; $iconp780 = 'p780.gif'; $iconAix = 'aix.gif'; $iconCPU = 'cpu.gif'; $iconMem = 'mem.gif'; $iconIO = 'io.gif'; $iconNet = 'net.gif'; $iconDisk = 'disk.gif'; $iconFs = 'fs.gif'; $iconCP = 'cpupool.gif'; $iconAvg = 'avg.gif'; $iconSea = 'sea.gif'; $iconTux = 'tux.gif'; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $node1 = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "All Systems", 'link' => "", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => true), array('onclick' => "alert('All Systems'); return false")); //$sql = "select host,os,serial from hosts order by os,serial"; $sql = "select host,os,serial,b.value,vio from hosts a left join parameter b on a.serial=b.param order by os,b.value,host"; $prevos = ''; $prevserial = ''; $nodeOS = ''; foreach ($conn->query($sql) as $row) { if (!$row['os']) { continue; } if ($prevos != $row['os']) { $nodeOS =& $node1->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $row['os'], 'link' => "", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => true))); if ($row['os'] == 'AIX') { $nodeTCPUAvg =& $nodeOS->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => 'Total Usage Averages', 'link' => "allavg.php", 'icon' => $iconp, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => true))); } $prevos = $row['os'];
/** * Recursively builds a dynamic tree menu for seleting the categories to filter * search results by. * * @param array $cats An array of category objects from the DB. * @param array $selected An array of currently selected category IDs. * @param string $baseurl The base URL that this menu is being displayed on. * @return array An array of completed HTML_TreeMenu nodes. */ function repository_alfresco_make_category_select_tree_browse($cats, $selected = array(), $baseurl = '') { global $CFG; global $repo; static $catlist; if (empty($cats)) { return; } $icon = 'folder.gif'; $eicon = 'folder-expanded.gif'; $nodes = array(); /// Get the list of all the categories we actually need to display here if (!isset($catlist)) { $catlist = repository_alfresco_make_category_tree(); } $catfilter = repository_alfresco_get_category_filter(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($cats); $i++) { if (!empty($catlist) && !array_key_exists($cats[$i]->id, $catlist)) { continue; } if (empty($catfiler) || in_array($cats[$i]->id, $catfilter)) { if (in_array($cats[$i]->id, $selected)) { $checked = ' checked'; } else { $checked = ''; } $text = '<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="' . $cats[$i]->id . '"' . $checked . ' /> '; } if (!empty($baseurl)) { $text .= '<a href="' . $baseurl . '&search=*&category=' . $cats[$i]->id . '">' . $cats[$i]->title . '</a>'; } else { $text .= $cats[$i]->title; } $node = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $text, 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $eicon, 'expanded' => false)); if ($children = $repo->category_get_children($cats[$i]->id)) { if ($cnodes = repository_alfresco_make_category_select_tree_browse($children, $selected, $baseurl)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cnodes); $j++) { $node->addItem($cnodes[$j]); } } } $nodes[] = $node; } return $nodes; }
/** * Private function to handle ensureVisible stuff * * @return void * @access private */ function _ensureVisible() { $this->ensureVisible = true; $this->expanded = true; if (!is_null($this->parent)) { $this->parent->_ensureVisible(); } }
/** * Recursively builds a dynamic tree menu for seleting the categories to filter * search results by. * * @param array $cats An array of category objects from the DB. * @param array $selected An array of currently selected category IDs. * @return array An array of completed HTML_TreeMenu nodes. */ function make_root_folder_select_tree($folders = false, $path = '') { global $CFG; if (ELIS_FILES_DEBUG_TRACE) mtrace('make_root_folder_select_tree()'); if (empty($folders) && (!$folders = elis_files_folder_structure())) { return false; } $icon = 'folder.gif'; $eicon = 'folder-expanded.gif'; $nodes = array(); foreach ($folders as $i => $folder) { $npath = $path . '/' . $folder['name']; $text = ' <a href="#" onclick="set_value(\\\'' . $npath . '\\\')" title="' . $npath . '">' . $folder['name'] . (!empty(elis::$config->elisfiles->root_folder) && elis::$config->elisfiles->root_folder == $npath ? ' <span class="pathok">✔</span>' : '') . '</a>'; $node = new HTML_TreeNode(array( 'text' => $text, 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $eicon, 'expanded' => false )); if (!empty($folder['children'])) { if ($cnodes = $this->make_root_folder_select_tree($folder['children'], $npath)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($cnodes); $j++) { $node->addItem($cnodes[$j]); } } } $nodes[] = $node; } return $nodes; }