Exemple #1
     #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
         #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
         $versionUsers = (int) $GLOBALS['configuration']['version_users'];
         if ($users[0]['count'] >= $versionUsers && $versionUsers > 0) {
             eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=contact&limit_reached=1&message=" . urlencode(_MAXIMUMUSERSLIMITREACHEDCONTACTUS) . "&message_type=failure");
 $smarty->assign("T_CTG", "signup");
 // SMS: 7/23/2014 Changed to support vLab
 // $form = new HTML_QuickForm("signup_register_personal_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?ctg=signup".(isset($_GET['ldap']) ? '&ldap=1' : ''), "", "class = 'indexForm'", true);
 $form = new HTML_QuickForm_vLab("signup_register_personal_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=signup" . (isset($_GET['ldap']) ? '&ldap=1' : ''), "", "class = 'indexForm'", true);
 // SMS End Change
 // SMS: 7/23/2014 Changed to support vLab
 // $form -> registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter');           //Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter
 $form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter_vLab');
 //Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter_vLab
 $form->registerRule('checkNotExist', 'callback', 'eF_checkNotExist');
 //This rule is using our function, eF_checkNotExist, to ensure that no duplicate values are inserted in unique fields, such as login and email
 $form->registerRule('checkRule', 'callback', 'eF_checkRule');
 //Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter
 $form->addElement('text', 'login', _LOGIN, isset($_GET['ldap']) ? 'class = "inputText inactiveElement" readonly' : 'class = "inputText"');
 $form->addRule('login', _THEFIELD . ' ' . _LOGIN . ' ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client');
 $form->addRule('login', _THEFIELD . ' "' . _LOGIN . '" ' . _MUSTBESMALLERTHAN . ' 50 ' . mb_strtolower(_CHARACTERS), 'maxlength', 50, 'client');
 $form->addRule('login', _THEFIELD . ' ' . _LOGIN . ' ' . _HASINVALIDCHARACTERS . '. ' . _ONLYALLOWEDCHARACTERSLOGIN, 'checkParameter', 'login');
Exemple #2
$vLabDisabledState = array('KaseyaPublic', 'Instructors', 'DemoFree', 'KaseyaQuickStart', 'Sales', 'Trial', 'Administrator', 'Student');
$rolesPlain = EfrontUser::getRoles(true);
$valueOfLabSuspend = array_search("LabSuspend", $rolesPlain);
$curUserTypeThatCantTransitToLabSuspend = $vLabDisabledState;
if (isset($_GET['add_user'])) {
} else {
    $curUserTypeID = $editedUser->user['user_types_ID'];
    if (in_array($rolesPlain[$curUserTypeID], $curUserTypeThatCantTransitToLabSuspend)) {
// End Add by Masoud
$form->setMaxFileSize(FileSystemTree::getUploadMaxSize() * 1024);
//getUploadMaxSize returns size in KB
if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
    #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
    //Add custom fields, defined in user_profile database table
    if ($currentUser->user['login'] == $editedUser->user['login']) {
        if (isset($_GET['add_user'])) {
            $userProfile = eF_getTableData("user_profile", "*", "active=1 AND type <> 'branchinfo' AND type <> 'groupinfo'", "field_order");
            //Get admin-defined form fields for user registration
        } else {
            $userProfile = eF_getTableData("user_profile", "*", "active=1 and visible=1 AND type <> 'branchinfo' AND type <> 'groupinfo'", "field_order");
            //Get admin-defined form fields for user registration