Exemple #1
  * Returns the SELECT in HTML
  * @access    public
  * @return    string
 function toHtml()
     $this->updateAttributes(array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
     if ($this->_flagFrozen) {
         return $this->getFrozenHtml();
     } else {
         $tabs = $this->_getTabs();
         $strHtml = '';
         if ($this->getComment() != '') {
             $strHtml .= $tabs . '<!-- ' . $this->getComment() . " //-->\n";
         $myName = $this->getName();
         $this->updateAttributes(array('id' => $myName));
         // Workaround for not processing attributes arg properly
         $searchElement = '';
         $search = new HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete($myName . '__search', '', array('HTML_QuickForm_automulti', 'get_autocomplete_suggestbox'), array($this->_options_callback, $this->_options_callback_args, $this->_format_callback));
         $search->setAttribute('placeholder', __('Start typing to search...'));
         $search->on_hide_js('if($("__autocomplete_id_' . $myName . '__search").value!=""){automulti_on_hide("' . $myName . '","' . $this->list_sep . '");' . $this->on_add_js_code . '}');
         $searchElement .= $tabs . $search->toHtml() . "\n";
         if (isset($this->_values[0]) && (preg_match('/' . addcslashes($this->list_sep, '/') . '/i', $this->_values[0]) || $this->_values[0] == '')) {
             $this->_values = explode($this->list_sep, $this->_values[0]);
         $this->setName($myName . '__display');
         $mainElement = '';
         $list = '';
         $attrString = $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes);
         $mainElement .= $tabs . '<select' . $attrString . ' onclick="automulti_remove_button_update(\'' . $myName . '\');">' . "\n";
         if ($this->_format_callback) {
             foreach ($this->_values as $value) {
                 $mainElement .= $tabs . "\t" . '<option value="' . $value . '">' . call_user_func($this->_format_callback, $value, $this->_options_callback_args) . '</option>' . "\n";
                 $list .= '__SEP__' . $value;
         $mainElement .= $tabs . '</select>';
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '<table class="automulti">';
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '<tr>' . $tabs . '<td class="search-element">' . $searchElement . '</td>' . ($this->search_button ? $tabs . '<td class="search">' . $this->search_button . '</td>' : '<td></td>') . $tabs . '<td width="80px;" class="button disabled" id="automulti_button_style_' . $myName . '">' . '<input style="width:100%" type="button" onclick="automulti_remove_button_action(\'' . $myName . '\', \'' . $this->list_sep . '\');' . $this->on_remove_js_code . '" value="' . __('Remove') . '">' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '<tr><td class="main-element" colspan="3">' . $mainElement . '</td></tr></table>';
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $myName . '" value="' . $list . '" id="' . $myName . '__var_holder" />' . "\n";
         return $strHtml;
Exemple #2
 function toHtml()
     if ($this->_flagFrozen) {
         return $this->getFrozenHtml();
     } else {
         $tabs = $this->_getTabs();
         $strHtml = '';
         if ($this->getComment() != '') {
             $strHtml .= $tabs . '<!-- ' . $this->getComment() . " //-->\n";
         $myName = $this->getName();
         $this->updateAttributes(array('id' => $myName));
         eval_js('Event.observe("' . $myName . '", "keydown", function(ev){autoselect_start_searching("' . $myName . '", ev.keyCode)});');
         if (!$this->getMultiple()) {
             $attrString = $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes);
         } else {
             $this->setName($myName . '[]');
             $attrString = $this->_getAttrString($this->_attributes);
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '<select' . $attrString . ">\n";
         $mode = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Libs_QuickForm', 'autoselect_mode');
         $val = $this->getValue();
         if (isset($val[0]) && $val[0] != '' && !isset($this->__options[$val[0]]) && $this->more_opts_format) {
             $label = call_user_func_array($this->more_opts_format, array($val[0], $this->more_opts_args));
             if ($label !== null) {
                 $this->addOption(strip_tags($label), $val[0]);
         $strValues = is_array($this->_values) ? array_map('strval', $this->_values) : array();
         $hint = __('Start typing to search...');
         $strHtml .= '<option value="">' . $hint . '</option>';
         //			eval_js('set_style_for_search_tip = function(el){if($(el).value=="__SEARCH_TIP__")$(el).className="autoselect_search_tip";else $(el).className=""}');
         //			eval_js('set_style_for_search_tip("'.$myName.'");');
         //			eval_js('Event.observe("'.$myName.'", "change", function (){set_style_for_search_tip("'.$myName.'");});');
         foreach ($this->_options as $option) {
             if (!empty($strValues) && in_array($option['attr']['value'], $strValues, true)) {
                 $option['attr']['selected'] = 'selected';
             $strHtml .= $tabs . "\t<option" . $this->_getAttrString($option['attr']) . '>' . $option['text'] . "</option>\n";
         $strHtml .= $tabs . '</select>';
         $text_attrs = array('placeholder' => $hint);
         $search = new HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete($myName . '__search', '', array('HTML_QuickForm_autoselect', 'get_autocomplete_suggestbox'), array($this->more_opts_callback, $this->more_opts_args, $this->more_opts_format), $text_attrs);
         $search->on_hide_js('autoselect_on_hide("' . $myName . '",' . ($mode ? '1' : '0') . ');' . $this->on_hide_js_code);
         if ($mode == 0) {
             eval_js('Event.observe("' . $myName . '","change",function(){if($("' . $myName . '").value=="")autoselect_start_searching("' . $myName . '");});');
         if (isset($val[0]) && $val[0] != '') {
             $mode = 1;
         return '<span id="__' . $myName . '_select_span"' . ($mode == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>' . $strHtml . '</span>' . '<span id="__' . $myName . '_autocomplete_span"' . ($mode == 1 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>' . $search->toHtml() . '</span>';