we swap from indeterminate mode to determinate mode and run a standard progress bar from 0 to 100% */ if ($progressValue == 60) { $bar->setIndeterminate(false); $bar->setString(null); // show percent-info $bar->setValue(0); } } } $monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor('frmMonitor4', array('button' => array('style' => 'width:80px;'))); $monitor->setProgressHandler('myFunctionHandler'); $progress = new HTML_Progress(); $progress->setAnimSpeed(20); $progress->setUI('Progress_ITDynamic'); // Attach a progress ui-model $progress->setStringPainted(true); // get space for the string $progress->setString(""); // but don't paint it $progress->setIndeterminate(true); // Progress start in indeterminate mode $monitor->setProgressElement($progress); ?> <html> <head> <title>ProgressBar Monitor - Default renderer </title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body {
* @ignore */ class myClassHandler { function myMethodHandler($progressValue, &$bar) { if (fmod($progressValue, 10) == 0) { echo "myMethodHandler -> progress value is = {$progressValue} <br/>\n"; } $bar->sleep(); } } $obs = new myClassHandler(); $monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor('frmMonitor3', array('button' => array('style' => 'width:80px;'))); $progress = new HTML_Progress(); $progress->setUI('Progress_Default2'); // Attach a progress ui-model $progress->setAnimSpeed(20); $progress->setProgressHandler(array(&$obs, 'myMethodHandler')); $monitor->setProgressElement($progress); ?> <html> <head> <title>ProgressBar Monitor - Default renderer </title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .progressStatus { color:#000000; font-size:10px; } <?php
<?php require_once 'HTML/Progress.php'; class Progress_ITDynamic extends HTML_Progress_UI { function Progress_ITDynamic() { parent::HTML_Progress_UI(); $this->setCellCount(20); $this->setProgressAttributes('background-color=#EEE'); $this->setStringAttributes('background-color=#EEE color=navy'); $this->setCellAttributes('inactive-color=#FFF active-color=#444444'); } } $bar = new HTML_Progress(); $bar->setUI('Progress_ITDynamic'); $ui =& $bar->getUI(); print_r($ui);