Exemple #1
function printForm($data = array())
    // The first field that's empty
    $focus = '';
    foreach (array('name', 'email', 'subject', 'text') as $key) {
        if (!isset($data[$key])) {
            $data[$key] = '';
            $focus == '' ? $focus = $key : '';
    $bb = new BorderBox('Send email');
    $form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES) . '?handle=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['handle'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post', 'contact');
    $form->addText('name', 'Your name:', $data['name'], 30);
    $form->addText('email', 'EMail address:', $data['email'], 30);
    $form->addText('subject', 'Subject:', $data['subject'], 30);
    $form->addTextarea('text', 'Text:', $data['text'], 35, 10);
    $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
    echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
    echo "document.forms.contact." . $focus . ".focus();\n";
    echo "-->\n";
    echo "</script>";
Exemple #2

include "../inc/redakce.inc";
$redakce = new CLASS_REDAKCE();
include "../inc/form.inc";
if ($submit == "pridaj") {
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie rubriky</title></head><body>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form->addText("description", "Popis:", "");
$form->addSelect("id_parent", "Rodicovska rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSubmit("submit", "pridaj", "");
echo "</body></html>";
Exemple #3
$tf = array('t' => 'True', 'f' => 'False');
$f = new HTML_Form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$f->addSelect('class', 'Class:', $tf, $class);
$f->addSelect('navLinks', 'Nav Links:', $tf, $navLinks);
$f->addSelect('otherMonths', 'Other Months:', $tf, $otherMonths);
$f->addSelect('size', 'Size:', array(HTML_CALENDAR_FULL => 'Full', HTML_CALENDAR_TINY => 'Tiny'), $size);
$cal = new MyHTML_Calendar();
$cal->setClass($class == 't');
$cal->setNavLinks($navLinks == 't');
$cal->setOtherMonths($otherMonths == 't');
$html = $cal->toHTML($day, $month, $year);
<style type="text/css">
	#html_cal_table {

	#html_cal_cell_table {

	#html_cal_cell_label {

	#html_cal_cell {

	xth {
Exemple #4
if ($submit == "pridajskin") {
    $redakce->addSkin($nazov, $address);
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie rubriky</title></head><body>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form->addFile("obrazok", "Obrazok:", "");
$form->addSelect("id_parent", "Rodicovska  rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSubmit("submit", "pridajrubriku", "");
echo "<br>";
$form2 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form2->addText("title", "Titulok:", "");
$form2->addSubmit("submit", "pridajtitle", "");
echo "<br>";
$form3 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form3->addTextarea("text", "Text uvodniku:", "", 60, 60);
$form3->addText("id_autor", "ID Autora:", "");
$form3->addSubmit("submit", "pridajintro", "");
echo "<BR>";
$form4 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form4->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form4->addText("address", "Adresa:", "");
$form4->addSubmit("submit", "pridajskin", "");
echo "<br>";
echo "</body></html>";
Exemple #5
$row = $dbh->getRow('SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle = ?', array($handle));
$cvs_acl_arr = $dbh->getCol('SELECT path FROM cvs_acl' . ' WHERE username = ? AND access = 1', 0, array($handle));
$cvs_acl = implode("\n", $cvs_acl_arr);
if ($row === null) {
    error_handler($handle . ' is not a valid account name.', 'Invalid Account');
$form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post');
$form->addText('name', '<span class="accesskey">N</span>ame:', $row['name'], 40, null, 'accesskey="n"');
$form->addText('email', 'Email:', $row['email'], 40, null);
$form->addCheckbox('showemail', 'Show email address?', $row['showemail']);
$form->addText('homepage', 'Homepage:', $row['homepage'], 40, null);
$form->addText('wishlist', 'Wishlist URI:', $row['wishlist'], 40, null);
$form->addText('pgpkeyid', 'PGP Key ID:' . '<p class="cell_note">(Without leading 0x)</p>', $row['pgpkeyid'], 40, 20);
$form->addTextarea('userinfo', 'Additional User Information:' . '<p class="cell_note">(limited to 255 chars)</p>', $row['userinfo'], 40, 5, null);
$form->addTextarea('cvs_acl', 'SVN Access:', $cvs_acl, 40, 5, null);
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
$form->addHidden('handle', $handle);
$form->addHidden('command', 'update');
$form->display('class="form-holder" style="margin-bottom: 2em;"' . ' cellspacing="1"', 'Edit Your Information', 'class="form-caption"');
print '<a name="password"></a>' . "\n";
print '<h2>&raquo; Manage your password</h2>' . "\n";
$form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post');
$form->addPlaintext('<span class="accesskey">O</span>ld Password:'******'password_old', '', 40, 0, 'accesskey="o"'));
$form->addPassword('password', 'Password', '', 10, null);
$form->addCheckbox('PEAR_PERSIST', 'Remember username and password?', '');
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
$form->addHidden('handle', $handle);
$form->addHidden('command', 'change_password');
$form->display('class="form-holder" cellspacing="1"', 'Change Password', 'class="form-caption"');