array_push($arrayOfNormalTemplates, array($questionload->getObjectID(), $text));
        /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* report messages ---------------------------------------------------- */
    $td->cont($lib->createSelections($arrayOfPolTemplates, $arrayOfSkalaTemplates, $arrayOfNormalTemplates, $arrayOfFreeTemplates, $myuserid));
} else {
    /* NO template selection lists ---------------------------------------- */
    /* a back button */
    $form = new HTM("form");
    $form->attr("action", URLHelper::getLink("?page=edit&evalID=" . $evalID));
    $form->attr("method", "post");
    $form->cont(Button::create(_('zurück'), 'template_back_button', array('title' => _('Zurück zur Auswahl'))));
    /* on the fly info message -------------------------------------------- */
    if ($command == "create_question_answers" || Request::option('onthefly')) {
        $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(sprintf(_("Weisen Sie der links %sausgewählten%s Frage hier Antworten zu:"), "<span class=\"eval_highlight\">", "</span>"), EVAL_PIC_INFO, EVAL_CSS_INFO);
    /* report messages ---------------------------------------------------- */
if ($command) {
Exemple #2
  * create html for the meta-information about an evaluation.
  * @param    Object $eval          The evaluation
  * @param    bool   $isAssociated  whether the current user has used the eval
  * @returns  String                a table row
 function createEvalMetaInfo($eval, $votedNow = NO, $votedEarlier = NO)
     $html = "";
     $stopdate = $eval->getRealStopdate();
     $number = EvaluationDB::getNumberOfVotes($eval->getObjectID());
     $voted = $votedNow || $votedEarlier;
     $html .= "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-left:3px; margin-right:3px;\">\n";
     $html .= "<hr noshade=\"noshade\" size=\"1\">\n";
     #      $html .= $votedEarlier ? _("Sie haben an dieser Evaluation bereits teilgenommen.") : "";
     #      $html .= $votedNow ? _("Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme.") : "";
     #      $html .= $voted ? "<hr noshade=\"noshade\" size=\"1\">\n" : "";
     /* multiple choice? ----------------------------------------------------- */
     #      if ($eval->isMultipleChoice()) {
     #     $html .= ($voted || $eval->isStopped())
     #         ? _("Sie konnten mehrere Antworten auswählen.")
     #         : _("Sie können mehrere Antworten auswählen.");
     #     $html .= " \n";
     #      }
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     $html .= EvalShow::getNumberOfVotesText($eval, $voted);
     $html .= "<br>";
     $html .= EvalShow::getAnonymousText($eval, $voted);
     $html .= "<br>";
     $html .= EvalShow::getStopdateText($eval, $voted);
     $html .= "<br>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     /* create html tr object ------------------------------------------------ */
     $tr = new HTM("tr");
     $td = new HTM("td");
     $td->attr("align", "left");
     $td->attr("style", "font-size:0.8em;");
     return $tr;
  * Creates the form for the Polskala templates
  * @param
 function createTemplateFormFree(&$question)
     global $evalID;
     $answer = $question->getNextChild();
     $tableA = new HTM("table");
     $tableA->attr("border", "0");
     $tableA->attr("cellpadding", "2");
     $tableA->attr("cellspacing", "0");
     $tableA->attr("width", "100%");
     $trA = new HTM("tr");
     $tdA = new HTM("td");
     $tdA->attr("class", "table_header_bold");
     $tdA->attr("align", "left");
     $tdA->html("<b>" . (strstr($this->getPageCommand(), "create") ? _("Freitextvorlage erstellen") : _("Freitextvorlage bearbeiten")) . "</b>");
     $trA = new HTM("tr");
     $tdA = new HTM("td");
     $form = new HTM("form");
     $form->attr("action", URLHelper::getLink("?page=edit&evalID=" . $evalID));
     $form->attr("method", "post");
     $b = new HTM("b");
     $b->cont(_("Name") . ": ");
     $input = new HTMpty("input");
     $input->attr("type", "text");
     $input->attr("name", "template_name");
     $name = $question->getText();
     $input->attr("value", $question->getText());
     //    $input->attr( "value", $name );
     $input->attr("style", "vertical-align:middle;");
     $input->attr("size", 22);
     $input->attr("maxlength", 22);
     $input = new HTMpty("input");
     $input->attr("type", "hidden");
     $input->attr("name", "template_id");
     $input->attr("value", $question->getObjectID());
     $input = new HTMpty("input");
     $input->attr("type", "hidden");
     $input->attr("name", "template_type");
     $input->attr("value", $question->getType());
     $input = new HTMpty("input");
     $input->attr("type", "hidden");
     $input->attr("name", "template_multiple");
     $input->attr("value", NO);
     $img = new HTMpty("img");
     $img->attr("src", Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive')->asImagePath(16));
     $img->attr("class", "middle");
     $img->stri(tooltip(_("Geben Sie hier einen Namen für Ihre Vorlage ein. Ändern Sie den Namen, um eine neue Vorlage anzulegen."), FALSE, TRUE));
     //$answer = $question->getNextChild();
     /* Anzahl Zeilen------------------------------------------------------ */
     $form->cont($this->createSubHeadline(_("Anzahl Zeilen") . ": "));
     $select = new HTM("select");
     $select->attr("name", "template_add_num_answers");
     $select->attr("size", "1");
     $select->attr("style", "vertical-align:middle;");
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 25; $i++) {
         $option = new HTM("option");
         $option->attr("value", $i);
         if ($i == $answer->getRows()) {
             $option->addAttr("selected", "selected");
     /* uebernehmen / loeschen Button ---------------------------- */
     $input = Button::create(_('Übernehmen'), 'template_savefree_button');
     $odb = new EvaluationObjectDB();
     //  $myuserid = 0;
     //   $myuserid = $user->id;
     //   $loesch=1;
     if (!strstr($this->command, "create")) {
         $showDelete = YES;
         $input2 = Button::createAccept(_('Löschen'), 'template_delete_button');
     $table = new HTM("table");
     $table->attr("border", "0");
     $table->attr("align", "center");
     $table->attr("cellspacing", "0");
     $table->attr("cellpadding", "3");
     $table->attr("width", "100%");
     $tr = new HTM("tr");
     $td = new HTM("td");
     $td->attr("class", "content_body");
     $td->attr("align", "center");
     if ($showDelete) {
         $td = new HTM("td");
         $td->attr("class", "content_body");
         $td->attr("align", "center");
     return $tableA;