  * Make sure setting a custom path + database dump filename correctly sets the database dump filepath
  * @access public
 public function testCustomDatabaseDumpPath()
     $this->backup->set_path(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/custom');
     $this->assertEquals(HM_Backup::conform_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/custom/dump.sql'), $this->backup->get_database_dump_filepath());
Exemple #2
 * Setup the HM_Backup class
 * @return null
function hmbkp_setup_hm_backup()
    $hm_backup = HM_Backup::get_instance();
    $hm_backup->path = hmbkp_path();
    $hm_backup->files_only = hmbkp_get_files_only();
    $hm_backup->database_only = hmbkp_get_database_only();
    if (defined('HMBKP_MYSQLDUMP_PATH')) {
        $hm_backup->mysql_command_path = HMBKP_MYSQLDUMP_PATH;
    if (defined('HMBKP_ZIP_PATH')) {
        $hm_backup->zip_command_path = HMBKP_ZIP_PATH;
    $hm_backup->excludes = hmbkp_valid_custom_excludes();
Exemple #3
 * Send the download file to the browser and then redirect back to the backups page
function hmbkp_request_download_backup()
    check_admin_referer('hmbkp_download_backup', 'hmbkp_download_backup_nonce');
    if (!file_exists(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_backup_archive'])))) {
    $url = str_replace(HM_Backup::conform_dir(HM_Backup::get_home_path()), home_url(), trailingslashit(dirname(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_backup_archive']))))) . urlencode(pathinfo(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_backup_archive'])), PATHINFO_BASENAME));
    global $is_apache;
    if ($is_apache) {
        $url = add_query_arg('key', HMBKP_SECURE_KEY, $url);
    wp_safe_redirect($url, 303);
 * Displays admin notices for various error / warning
 * conditions
 * @return void
function hmbkp_admin_notices()
    // If the backups directory doesn't exist and can't be automatically created
    if (!is_dir(hmbkp_path())) {
        function hmbkp_path_exists_warning()
            $php_user = exec('whoami');
            $php_group = reset(explode(' ', exec('groups')));
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress is almost ready.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('The backups directory can\'t be created because your %1$s directory isn\'t writable, run %2$s or %3$s or create the folder yourself.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>wp-content</code>', '<code>chown ' . esc_html($php_user) . ':' . esc_html($php_group) . ' ' . esc_html(dirname(hmbkp_path())) . '</code>', '<code>chmod 777 ' . esc_html(dirname(hmbkp_path())) . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_path_exists_warning');
    // If the backups directory exists but isn't writable
    if (is_dir(hmbkp_path()) && !wp_is_writable(hmbkp_path())) {
        function hmbkp_writable_path_warning()
            $php_user = exec('whoami');
            $php_group = reset(explode(' ', exec('groups')));
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress is almost ready.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('Your backups directory isn\'t writable, run %1$s or %2$s or set the permissions yourself.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>chown -R ' . esc_html($php_user) . ':' . esc_html($php_group) . ' ' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>', '<code>chmod -R 777 ' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_writable_path_warning');
    // If safe mode is active
    if (HM_Backup::is_safe_mode_active()) {
        function hmbkp_safe_mode_warning()
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress has detected a problem.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('%1$s is running in %2$s, please contact your host and ask them to disable it. BackUpWordPress may not work correctly whilst %3$s is on.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>PHP</code>', sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', __('http://php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php', 'hmbkp'), __('Safe Mode', 'hmbkp')), '<code>' . __('Safe Mode', 'hmbkp') . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_safe_mode_warning');
    // If a custom backups directory is defined and it doesn't exist and can't be created
    if (defined('HMBKP_PATH') && HMBKP_PATH && !is_dir(HMBKP_PATH)) {
        function hmbkp_custom_path_exists_warning()
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress has detected a problem.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('Your custom backups directory %1$s doesn\'t exist and can\'t be created, your backups will be saved to %2$s instead.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>' . esc_html(HMBKP_PATH) . '</code>', '<code>' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_custom_path_exists_warning');
    // If a custom backups directory is defined and exists but isn't writable
    if (defined('HMBKP_PATH') && HMBKP_PATH && is_dir(HMBKP_PATH) && !wp_is_writable(HMBKP_PATH)) {
        function hmbkp_custom_path_writable_notice()
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress has detected a problem.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong> ' . sprintf(__('Your custom backups directory %1$s isn\'t writable, new backups will be saved to %2$s instead.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>' . esc_html(HMBKP_PATH) . '</code>', '<code>' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_custom_path_writable_notice');
    // If there are any errors reported in the backup
    if (hmbkp_backup_errors_message()) {
        function hmbkp_backup_errors_notice()
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress detected issues with your last backup.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong><a href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'hmbkp_dismiss_error')) . '" style="float: right;" class="button">Dismiss</a></p>' . hmbkp_backup_errors_message() . '</div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_backup_errors_notice');
    $test_backup = new HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup('test_backup');
    if (!is_readable($test_backup->get_root())) {
        function hmbkp_ba§ckup_root_unreadable_notice()
            $test_backup = new HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup('test_backup');
            echo '<div id="hmbkp-warning" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('BackUpWordPress has detected a problem.', 'hmbkp') . '</strong>' . sprintf(__('Your backup root path %s isn\'t readable.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>' . $test_backup->get_root() . '</code>') . '</p></div>';
        add_action('admin_notices', 'hmbkp_backup_root_unreadable_notice');
Exemple #5
  * Return the current instance
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @return object
 public static function get_instance()
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new HM_Backup();
     return self::$instance;
 * Handle the backups API calls
 * @param string $call
 * @return mixed
function _wprp_backups_api_call($action)
    if (!class_exists('hm_backup')) {
        return new WP_Error('Backups module not present');
    switch ($action) {
        // TODO in the future we should do some check here to make sure they do support backups
        case 'supports_backups':
            return true;
        case 'do_backup':
            $backup = new HM_Backup();
            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
            // Store the backup file in the uploads dir
            $backup->path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/_wpremote_backups';
            $running_file = $backup->path . '/.backup_running';
            // delete the backups folder to cleanup old backups
            if (!@mkdir($backup->path)) {
                return new WP_Error('unable-to-create-backups-directory', 'Unable to write the .backup_running file - check your permissions on wp-content/uploads');
            // write the backup runing file for tracking...
            if (!($handle = @fopen($running_file, 'w'))) {
                return new WP_Error('unable-to-write-backup-running-file');
            fwrite($handle, $backup->archive_filename());
            if (!file_exists($running_file)) {
                return new WP_Error('backup-running-file-was-not-created');
            // Set a random backup filename
            $backup->archive_filename = md5(time()) . '.zip';
            // Excludes
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['backup_excludes'])) {
                $excludes = array_map('urldecode', (array) $_REQUEST['backup_excludes']);
                $backup->excludes = $excludes;
            unlink($backup->path . '/.backup_completed');
            unlink($backup->path . '/.backup_running');
            // write the backup runing file for tracking...
            $completed_file = $backup->path . '/.backup_completed';
            if (!($handle = @fopen($completed_file, 'w'))) {
                return new WP_Error('unable-to-write-backup-completed-file');
            if ($backup->errors() || $backup->warnings() && !file_exists($backup->archive_filepath())) {
                $errors = array_merge($backup->errors(), $backup->warnings());
                fwrite($handle, json_encode($errors));
            } else {
                fwrite($handle, 'file:' . $backup->archive_filename());
            return true;
        case 'get_backup':
            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
            // Store the backup file in the uploads dir
            $path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/_wpremote_backups';
            $url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/_wpremote_backups';
            if (!is_dir($path)) {
                return new WP_Error('backups-dir-does-not-exist');
            if (file_exists($path . '/.backup_running')) {
                return new WP_Error('backup-running');
            if (!file_exists($path . '/.backup_completed')) {
                return new WP_Error('backup-not-started');
            $file = file_get_contents($path . '/.backup_completed');
            if (strpos($file, 'file:') === 0) {
                return $url . '/' . substr($file, 5);
            // must have errored, return errors in a WP_Error
            return new WP_Error('backup-failed', json_decode($file));
        case 'delete_backup':
            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
            _wprp_backups_rmdirtree($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/_wpremote_backups');
function hmbkp_set_server_config_notices()
    $notices = HMBKP_Notices::get_instance();
    $messages = array();
    if (!HM_Backup::is_shell_exec_available()) {
        $php_user = '******';
        $php_group = '<PHP GROUP>';
    } else {
        $php_user = shell_exec('whoami');
        $groups = explode(' ', shell_exec('groups'));
        $php_group = reset($groups);
    if (!is_dir(hmbkp_path())) {
        $messages[] = sprintf(__('The backups directory can\'t be created because your %1$s directory isn\'t writable, run %2$s or %3$s or create the folder yourself.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>' . esc_html(dirname(hmbkp_path())) . '</code>', '<code>chown ' . esc_html($php_user) . ':' . esc_html($php_group) . ' ' . esc_html(dirname(hmbkp_path())) . '</code>', '<code>chmod 777 ' . esc_html(dirname(hmbkp_path())) . '</code>');
    if (is_dir(hmbkp_path()) && !wp_is_writable(hmbkp_path())) {
        $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your backups directory isn\'t writable, run %1$s or %2$s or set the permissions yourself.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>chown -R ' . esc_html($php_user) . ':' . esc_html($php_group) . ' ' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>', '<code>chmod -R 777 ' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>');
    if (HM_Backup::is_safe_mode_active()) {
        $messages[] = sprintf(__('%1$s is running in %2$s, please contact your host and ask them to disable it. BackUpWordPress may not work correctly whilst %3$s is on.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>PHP</code>', sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', __('http://php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php', 'backupwordpress'), __('Safe Mode', 'backupwordpress')), '<code>' . __('Safe Mode', 'backupwordpress') . '</code>');
    if (defined('HMBKP_PATH') && HMBKP_PATH) {
        // Suppress open_basedir warning https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53041
        if (!@file_exists(HMBKP_PATH)) {
            $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your custom path does not exist', 'backupwordpress'));
        } elseif (hmbkp_is_restricted_custom_path()) {
            $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your custom path is unreachable due to a restriction set in your PHP configuration (open_basedir)', 'backupwordpress'));
        } else {
            if (!@is_dir(HMBKP_PATH)) {
                $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your custom backups directory %1$s doesn\'t exist and can\'t be created, your backups will be saved to %2$s instead.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>' . esc_html(HMBKP_PATH) . '</code>', '<code>' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>');
            if (@is_dir(HMBKP_PATH) && !wp_is_writable(HMBKP_PATH)) {
                $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your custom backups directory %1$s isn\'t writable, new backups will be saved to %2$s instead.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>' . esc_html(HMBKP_PATH) . '</code>', '<code>' . esc_html(hmbkp_path()) . '</code>');
    $test_backup = new HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup('test_backup');
    if (!is_readable($test_backup->get_root())) {
        $messages[] = sprintf(__('Your site root path %s isn\'t readable.', 'backupwordpress'), '<code>' . $test_backup->get_root() . '</code>');
    if (count($messages) > 0) {
        $notices->set_notices('server_config', $messages, false);
Exemple #8
 * Display a html list of files
 * @param HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup $schedule
 * @param mixed                  $excludes    (default: null)
 * @param string                 $file_method (default: 'get_included_files')
 * @return void
function hmbkp_file_list(HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup $schedule, $excludes = null, $file_method = 'get_included_files')
    if (!is_null($excludes)) {
    $exclude_string = $schedule->exclude_string('regex');

	<ul class="hmbkp_file_list code">

    foreach ($schedule->get_files() as $file) {
        if (!is_null($excludes) && strpos($file, str_ireplace($schedule->get_root(), '', $schedule->get_path())) !== false) {
        // Skip dot files, they should only exist on versions of PHP between 5.2.11 -> 5.3
        if (method_exists($file, 'isDot') && $file->isDot()) {
        // Show only unreadable files
        if ($file_method === 'get_unreadable_files' && @realpath($file->getPathname()) && $file->isReadable()) {
        } elseif ($file_method !== 'get_unreadable_files' && (!@realpath($file->getPathname()) || !$file->isReadable())) {
        // Show only included files
        if ($file_method === 'get_included_files') {
            if ($exclude_string && preg_match('(' . $exclude_string . ')', str_ireplace(trailingslashit($schedule->get_root()), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathname())))) {
        // Show only excluded files
        if ($file_method === 'get_excluded_files') {
            if (!$exclude_string || !preg_match('(' . $exclude_string . ')', str_ireplace(trailingslashit($schedule->get_root()), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathname())))) {
        if (@realpath($file->getPathname()) && !$file->isReadable() && $file->isDir()) {

				<li title="<?php 
            echo esc_attr(HM_Backup::conform_dir(trailingslashit($file->getPathName())));
            echo esc_html(ltrim(trailingslashit(str_ireplace(HM_Backup::conform_dir(trailingslashit($schedule->get_root())), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathName()))), '/'));

        } else {

				<li title="<?php 
            echo esc_attr(HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathName()));
            echo esc_html(ltrim(str_ireplace(HM_Backup::conform_dir(trailingslashit($schedule->get_root())), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathName())), '/'));



Exemple #9
function hmbkp_is_path_accessible($dir)
    if (strpos($dir, HM_Backup::get_home_path()) === false) {
        // path is inaccessible
        return false;
    return true;
  * Generate some posts.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * [--files_only]
  * : Backup files only, default to off
  * [--database_only]
  * : Backup database only, defaults to off
  * [--path]
  * : dir that the backup should be save in, defaults to wp-content/backups/
  * [--root]
  * : dir that should be backed up, defaults to site root.
  * [--zip_command_path]
  * : path to your zip binary, standard locations are automatically used
  * [--mysqldump_command_path]
  * : path to your mysqldump binary, standard locations are automatically used
  * ## Usage
  *     wp backupwordpress backup [--files_only] [--database_only] [--path<dir>] [--root<dir>] [--zip_command_path=<path>] [--mysqldump_command_path=<path>]
 public function backup($args, $assoc_args)
     // Make sure it's possible to do a backup
     if (HM_Backup::is_safe_mode_active()) {
         WP_CLI::error(sprintf(__('BackUpWordPress may not work when php is running with %s on', 'hmbkp'), 'safe_mode'));
     add_action('hmbkp_mysqldump_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line(__('Backup: Dumping database...', 'hmbkp'));
     add_action('hmbkp_archive_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line(__('Backup: Zipping everything up...', 'hmbkp'));
     // Clean up any mess left by a previous backup
     $hm_backup = new HM_Backup();
     if (!empty($assoc_args['path'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['root'])) {
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->get_path()) && (!is_writable(dirname($hm_backup->get_path())) || !wp_mkdir_p($hm_backup->get_path())) || !is_writable($hm_backup->get_path())) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Invalid backup path', 'hmbkp'));
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->get_root()) || !is_readable($hm_backup->get_root())) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Invalid root path', 'hmbkp'));
         return false;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['files_only'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['database_only'])) {
     if (isset($assoc_args['mysqldump_command_path'])) {
     if (isset($assoc_args['zip_command_path'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['excludes'])) {
     // Delete any old backup files
     if (file_exists($hm_backup->get_archive_filepath())) {
         WP_CLI::success(__('Backup Complete: ', 'hmbkp') . $hm_backup->get_archive_filepath());
     } else {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Backup Failed', 'hmbkp'));
 public function testMixedSlashes()
     $this->assertEquals(HM_Backup::conform_dir('\\/one\\//\\two\\/\\three'), $this->dir);
Exemple #12
  * Perform a Backup.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * [--files_only]
  * : Backup files only, default to off
  * [--database_only]
  * : Backup database only, defaults to off
  * [--path]
  * : dir that the backup should be save in, defaults to your existing backups directory
  * [--root]
  * : dir that should be backed up, defaults to site root.
  * [--zip_command_path]
  * : path to your zip binary, standard locations are automatically used
  * [--mysqldump_command_path]
  * : path to your mysqldump binary, standard locations are automatically used
  * ## Usage
  *     wp backupwordpress backup [--files_only] [--database_only] [--path<dir>] [--root<dir>] [--zip_command_path=<path>] [--mysqldump_command_path=<path>]
 public function backup($args, $assoc_args)
     add_action('hmbkp_mysqldump_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line(__('Backup: Dumping database...', 'backupwordpress'));
     add_action('hmbkp_archive_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line(__('Backup: Zipping everything up...', 'backupwordpress'));
     $hm_backup = new HM_Backup();
     if (!empty($assoc_args['path'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['root'])) {
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->get_path()) && (!is_writable(dirname($hm_backup->get_path())) || !wp_mkdir_p($hm_backup->get_path())) || !is_writable($hm_backup->get_path())) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Invalid backup path', 'backupwordpress'));
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->get_root()) || !is_readable($hm_backup->get_root())) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Invalid root path', 'backupwordpress'));
         return false;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['files_only'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['database_only'])) {
     if (isset($assoc_args['mysqldump_command_path'])) {
     if (isset($assoc_args['zip_command_path'])) {
     if (!empty($assoc_args['excludes'])) {
     if (file_exists($hm_backup->get_archive_filepath())) {
         WP_CLI::success(__('Backup Complete: ', 'backupwordpress') . $hm_backup->get_archive_filepath());
     } else {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Backup Failed', 'backupwordpress'));
Exemple #13
 function __construct($args, $assoc_args)
     // Make sure it's possible to do a backup
     if (hmbkp_is_safe_mode_active()) {
         WP_CLI::error('Backup not possible when php is running safe_mode on');
         return false;
     remove_action('hmbkp_backup_started', 'hmbkp_set_status', 10, 0);
     remove_action('hmbkp_mysqldump_started', 'hmbkp_set_status_dumping_database');
     remove_action('hmbkp_archive_started', 'hmbkp_set_status_archiving');
     add_action('hmbkp_mysqldump_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line('Backup: Dumping database...');
     add_action('hmbkp_archive_started', function () {
         WP_CLI::line('Backup: Zipping everything up...');
     // Clean up any mess left by a previous backup
     $hm_backup = HM_Backup::get_instance();
     if (!empty($assoc_args['path'])) {
         $hm_backup->path = $assoc_args['path'];
     if (!empty($assoc_args['root'])) {
         $hm_backup->root = $assoc_args['root'];
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->path()) && (!is_writable(dirname($hm_backup->path())) || !mkdir($hm_backup->path())) || !is_writable($hm_backup->path())) {
         WP_CLI::error('Invalid backup path');
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($hm_backup->root()) || !is_readable($hm_backup->root())) {
         WP_CLI::error('Invalid root path');
         return false;
     // Default to both
     $hm_backup->files_only = false;
     $hm_backup->database_only = false;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['files_only'])) {
         $hm_backup->files_only = true;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['database_only'])) {
         $hm_backup->database_only = true;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['mysqldump_command_path'])) {
         $hm_backup->mysqldump_command_path = empty($assoc_args['mysqldump_command_path']) || $assoc_args['mysqldump_command_path'] === 'false' ? false : true;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['zip_command_path'])) {
         $hm_backup->zip_command_path = empty($assoc_args['zip_command_path']) || $assoc_args['zip_command_path'] === 'false' ? false : true;
     if (!empty($assoc_args['excludes'])) {
         $hm_backup->excludes = $valid_rules = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $assoc_args['excludes'])));
     WP_CLI::line('Backup: Deleting old backups...');
     // Delete any old backup files
     if (file_exists(HM_Backup::get_instance()->archive_filepath())) {
         WP_CLI::success('Backup Complete: ' . HM_Backup::get_instance()->archive_filepath());
     } else {
         WP_CLI::error('Backup Failed');
  * Recursively scans a directory to calculate the total filesize
  * @param string $directory		The directory to scan
  * @param bool $ignore_excludes	Whether or not to include excluded files in the total filesize calculation
  * @return int $total_filesize	The total filesize of all files in all subdirectories
 public function recursive_directory_filesize_scanner($directory, $ignore_excludes = true)
     if (!is_dir($directory)) {
         return $total_filesize;
     $handle = opendir($directory);
     if (!$handle) {
         return $total_filesize;
     $excludes = $this->exclude_string('regex');
     $transient_filesize_key = $this->get_transient_key($directory);
     $transient_running_key = $this->get_transient_key('running_' . $directory);
     if (!$ignore_excludes) {
         $transient_filesize_key = $this->get_transient_key($excludes . $directory);
         $transient_running_key = $this->get_transient_key('running_' . $excludes . $directory);
     // Use the cached directory size if available
     $directory_size = get_transient($transient_filesize_key);
     if ($directory_size !== false) {
         return $directory_size;
     update_option($transient_running_key, true);
     $total_filesize = 0;
     $files = array();
     while ($file_handle = readdir($handle)) {
         // Ignore current dir and containing dir
         if ($file_handle === '.' || $file_handle === '..') {
         $file = new SplFileInfo(HM_Backup::conform_dir(trailingslashit($directory) . $file_handle));
         // Skip unreadable files
         if (!@realpath($file->getPathname()) || !$file->isReadable()) {
         // Skip excluded files if we have excludes
         if (!$ignore_excludes && $excludes && preg_match('(' . $excludes . ')', str_ireplace(trailingslashit($this->get_root()), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathname())))) {
         $total_filesize += $file->getSize();
         // We need to recursively calculate the size of all files in a subdirectory
         if ($file->isDir()) {
             $total_filesize += $this->recursive_directory_filesize_scanner($file->getPathname(), $ignore_excludes);
     // If we have a filesize then let's cache it
     if ($total_filesize !== false) {
         set_transient($transient_filesize_key, (string) $total_filesize, WEEK_IN_SECONDS);
     return $total_filesize;
Exemple #15
 * Get the exclude string from HM Backup
 * @param string $context
 * @return string
function hmbkp_exclude_string($context)
    return HM_Backup::get_instance()->exclude_string($context);
  * @return string
 protected function test()
     $hm_backup = new HM_Backup();
     return $hm_backup->get_root();
 function testSafeModeTrue()
     $this->safe_mode = true;
     $this->assertEquals($this->ini_get_mock(), true);
     $this->assertTrue(HM_Backup::is_safe_mode_active(array($this, 'ini_get_mock')));





    foreach ($files as $size => $file) {
        $is_excluded = $is_unreadable = false;
        // Check if the file is excluded
        if ($exclude_string && preg_match('(' . $exclude_string . ')', str_ireplace(trailingslashit($schedule->get_root()), '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($file->getPathname())))) {
            $is_excluded = true;
        // Skip unreadable files
        if (!@realpath($file->getPathname()) || !$file->isReadable()) {
            $is_unreadable = true;



        if ($is_unreadable) {
  * Hook into the actions fired in HM Backup and set the status
  * @param $action
 protected function do_action($action)
     // Pass the actions to all the services
     foreach (HMBKP_Services::get_services($this) as $service) {
     // Fire the parent function as well
     switch ($action) {
         case 'hmbkp_mysqldump_started':
             $this->set_status(sprintf(__('Dumping Database %s', 'backupwordpress'), '(<code>' . $this->get_mysqldump_method() . '</code>)'));
         case 'hmbkp_mysqldump_verify_started':
             $this->set_status(sprintf(__('Verifying Database Dump %s', 'backupwordpress'), '(<code>' . $this->get_mysqldump_method() . '</code>)'));
         case 'hmbkp_archive_started':
             $this->set_status(sprintf(__('Creating zip archive %s', 'backupwordpress'), '(<code>' . $this->get_archive_method() . '</code>)'));
         case 'hmbkp_archive_verify_started':
             $this->set_status(sprintf(__('Verifying Zip Archive %s', 'backupwordpress'), '(<code>' . $this->get_archive_method() . '</code>)'));
         case 'hmbkp_backup_complete':
             $this->set_status(__('Finishing Backup', 'backupwordpress'));
             $this->update_average_schedule_run_time($this->get_schedule_running_start_time(), time());
         case 'hmbkp_error':
             if ($this->get_errors()) {
                 $file = $this->get_path() . '/.backup_errors';
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                 if (!($handle = @fopen($file, 'w'))) {
                 fwrite($handle, json_encode($this->get_errors()));
         case 'hmbkp_warning':
             if ($this->get_warnings()) {
                 $file = $this->get_path() . '/.backup_warnings';
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                 if (!($handle = @fopen($file, 'w'))) {
                 fwrite($handle, json_encode($this->get_warnings()));
     do_action('hmbkp_action_complete', $action, $this);
Exemple #20
 * Send the download file to the browser and
 * then redirect back to the backups page
function hmbkp_request_download_backup()
    global $is_apache;
    if (empty($_GET['hmbkp_download_backup']) || !check_admin_referer('hmbkp-download_backup') || !file_exists(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_download_backup'])))) {
    $url = str_replace(HM_Backup::conform_dir(HM_Backup::get_home_path()), home_url(), trailingslashit(dirname(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_download_backup']))))) . urlencode(pathinfo(sanitize_text_field(base64_decode($_GET['hmbkp_download_backup'])), PATHINFO_BASENAME));
    if ($is_apache) {
        // Force the .htaccess to be rebuilt
        if (file_exists(hmbkp_path() . '/.htaccess')) {
            unlink(hmbkp_path() . '/.htaccess');
        $url = add_query_arg('key', HMBKP_SECURE_KEY, $url);
    wp_redirect($url, 303);

if (defined('HMBKP_ROOT')) {
    printf(__('You\'ve set it to: %s', 'hmbkp'), '<code>' . HMBKP_ROOT . '</code>');

printf(__('The root directory that is backed up. Defaults to %s.', 'hmbkp'), '<code>' . HM_Backup::get_home_path() . '</code>');
_e('e.g.', 'hmbkp');
 <code>define( 'HMBKP_ROOT', ABSPATH . 'wp/' );</code></p>



if (defined('HMBKP_SCHEDULE_TIME') && HMBKP_SCHEDULE_TIME !== '11pm') {
 * @param null $pathname
function hmbkp_recalculate_directory_filesize($pathname = null)
    if (!$pathname && (!isset($_GET['hmbkp_recalculate_directory_filesize']) || !check_admin_referer('hmbkp-recalculate_directory_filesize'))) {
    $schedule = new HMBKP_Scheduled_Backup(sanitize_text_field($_GET['hmbkp_schedule_id']));
    if (!$pathname) {
        $directory = sanitize_text_field($_GET['hmbkp_recalculate_directory_filesize']);
    } else {
        $directory = $pathname;
    // Delete the cached directory size
    // TODO should use $schedule->get_transient_key
    $handle = opendir($directory);
    while ($file_handle = readdir($handle)) {
        // Ignore current dir and containing dir
        if ($file_handle === '.' || $file_handle === '..') {
        $file = HM_Backup::conform_dir(trailingslashit($directory) . $file_handle);
        // Delete all sub directories
        if (is_dir($file)) {
    $parent_directory = dirname($directory);
    // Delete the cached filesize of all parents as well
    while ($schedule->get_root() !== $parent_directory) {
        $parent_directory = dirname($parent_directory);
    if (!$pathname) {
        $url = add_query_arg(array('action' => 'hmbkp_edit_schedule', 'hmbkp_panel' => 'hmbkp_edit_schedule_excludes'), hmbkp_get_settings_url());
        if (isset($_GET['hmbkp_directory_browse'])) {
            $url = add_query_arg('hmbkp_directory_browse', sanitize_text_field($_GET['hmbkp_directory_browse']), $url);
        wp_safe_redirect($url, '303');