  * Executes this pulse. Does the withdrawn search and emails the results.
 public function execute()
     // Reschedule the next run of this process
     $sp = $this->makeClone();
     $sp->execute_at = strtotime("tomorrow");
     // Load some classes
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'WithdrawnSearch.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Email.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'UserStatus.php');
     UserStatus::wearMask('HMS System');
     // The search is run over all future terms
     $terms = Term::getFutureTerms();
     $text = "";
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $search = new WithdrawnSearch($term);
         $text .= "\n\n=========== " . Term::toString($term) . " ===========\n\n";
         $text .= $search->getTextView();
     $text = $search->getTextView();
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
     header("Location: {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?module=controlpanel");
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     if (!Current_User::allow('hms', 'reports')) {
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/PermissionException.php');
         throw new PermissionException('You do no have permission to run reports.');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'ReportFactory.php');
     $reportClass = $context->get('reportClass');
     if (!isset($reportClass) || is_null($reportClass)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing report class name.');
     $reportCtrl = ReportFactory::getcontrollerInstance($reportClass);
     $runNow = $context->get('runNow');
     if (isset($runNow) && $runNow == "true") {
         $time = time();
     } else {
         $timePicker = $context->get('timePicker');
         $timeParts = explode(" ", $timePicker);
         $meridian = $timeParts[1];
         $timeParts = explode(":", $timeParts[0]);
         $hour = $timeParts[0];
         if ($meridian == "PM") {
             $hour += 12;
         $min = $timeParts[1];
         $datePicker = $context->get('datePicker');
         $dateParts = explode("/", $datePicker);
         $month = $dateParts[0];
         $day = $dateParts[1];
         $year = $dateParts[2];
         $time = mktime($hour, $min, 0, $month, $day, $year);
     // Set the exec time
     // Save the report
     // Grab the report's settings from the context
     // Save those params
 public function execute(CommandContext $context)
     if (!UserStatus::isAdmin() || !Current_User::allow('hms', 'deadlines')) {
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/PermissionException.php');
         throw new PermissionException('You do not have permission to edit deadlines.');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'exception/MissingDataException.php');
     if (!isset($this->featureId)) {
         $this->featureId = $context->get('featureId');
     $featureId = $this->featureId;
     if (!isset($this->term)) {
         $this->term = $context->get('term');
     $term = $this->term;
     if (!isset($this->name)) {
         $this->name = $context->get('name');
     $name = $this->name;
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'ApplicationFeature.php');
     if (!is_null($featureId)) {
         $feature = ApplicationFeature::getInstanceById($featureId);
     } else {
         if (!is_null($name) && !is_null($term)) {
             $feature = ApplicationFeature::getInstanceByName($name);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must either provide a featureId, or a name and a term.');
     // Checkboxes are weird.
     $enabled = !is_null($context->get('enabled'));
     if ($enabled) {
         $startDate = strtotime($context->get('start_date'));
         $editDate = strtotime($context->get('edit_date'));
         $endDate = strtotime($context->get('end_date'));
         if ($startDate && $endDate) {
             if ($startDate >= $endDate) {
                 $e = new MissingDataException('Start date must be before the end date.', array('Start date', 'End date'));
                 echo $e->getJSON();
             if ($editDate && ($editDate <= $startDate || $editDate >= $endDate)) {
                 $e = new MissingDataException('Edit date must be between the start and end dates.', array('Edit date'));
                 echo $e->getJSON();
         if (!is_null($startDate)) {
         $registration = $feature->getRegistration();
         if ($registration->requiresEditDate()) {
             $feature->setEditDate($editDate + 86399);
             // Add 23h23m23s so that the end date is actuall 11:59:59pm on the selected day
         } else {
         if ($registration->requiresEndDate()) {
             $feature->setEndDate($endDate + 86399);
             // Add 23h23m23s so that the end date is actuall 11:59:59pm on the selected day
         } else {
     try {
     } catch (MissingDataException $e) {
         echo json_encode($e);
     echo json_encode($feature);
 public function goBack()
     $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?module=hms&hms_goback=true';
     header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
     header("Location: {$path}");
Exemple #6
  * Returns a 303 Redirect to this command and then exits.  This
  * should be used after every POST request or destructive GET to
  * prevent accidental damage through a refresh or back/forward
  * operation in the client web browser.
  * Note: Obviously, the implementation of HTTP 303 is browser-
  * specific and cannot be predicted by this script.  Most browsers
  * implement HTTP 303 in such a way that refresh/back/forward won't
  * attempt to re-POST, but some might.  Sucks to be them.
  * Also Note: This DOES EVENTUALLY CALL exit().  After you call
  * this redirect function, you won't be returned control unless an
  * exception is somehow thrown.
  * @see getRequestVars
  * @see getLink
  * @see getURI
  * @see initForm
 public function redirect()
     $path = $this->getURI();
     header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
     header("Location: {$path}");