  * Retrieves ajax parameters for content and update or delete
  * user data depending on params.
  * @throws \coding_exception
 public static function handle_ajax()
     global $DB;
     // Query String Parameters.
     $content_id = required_param('content_id', PARAM_INT);
     $data_id = required_param('data_type', PARAM_RAW);
     $sub_content_id = required_param('sub_content_id', PARAM_INT);
     // Form Data.
     $data = optional_param('data', null, PARAM_RAW);
     $pre_load = optional_param('preload', null, PARAM_INT);
     $invalidate = optional_param('invalidate', null, PARAM_INT);
     if ($content_id === null || $data_id === null || $sub_content_id === null) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('missingparameters', 'hvp'));
         // Missing parameters.
     // Saving data
     if ($data !== NULL && $pre_load !== NULL && $invalidate !== NULL) {
         // Validate token
         if (!\H5PCore::validToken('contentuserdata', required_param('token', PARAM_RAW))) {
             \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('invalidtoken', 'hvp'));
         // Use context id if supplied
         $context_id = optional_param('contextId', null, PARAM_INT);
         if ($context_id) {
             $context = \context::instance_by_id($context_id);
         } else {
             // Otherwise try to find it from content id
             $context = \context_course::instance($DB->get_field('hvp', 'course', array('id' => $content_id)));
         // Check permissions
         if (!has_capability('mod/hvp:savecontentuserdata', $context)) {
             \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('nopermissiontosavecontentuserdata', 'hvp'));
         if ($data === '0') {
             // Delete user data.
             self::delete_user_data($content_id, $sub_content_id, $data_id);
         } else {
             // Save user data.
             self::save_user_data($content_id, $sub_content_id, $data_id, $pre_load, $invalidate, $data);
     } else {
         // Fetch user data
         $user_data = self::get_user_data($content_id, $sub_content_id, $data_id);
         if ($user_data === false) {
             // Did not find data, return nothing
         } else {
             // Found data, return encoded data
 public static function handle_ajax()
     global $DB, $USER;
     if (!\H5PCore::validToken('result', required_param('token', PARAM_RAW))) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('invalidtoken', 'hvp'));
     // Content parameters
     $content_id = required_param('contentId', PARAM_INT);
     $score = required_param('score', PARAM_INT);
     $max_score = required_param('maxScore', PARAM_INT);
     // Time values not usable by gradebook
     // $opened = required_param('opened', PARAM_INT);
     // $finished = required_param('finished', PARAM_INT);
     // Get hvp data from contentId
     $hvp = $DB->get_record('hvp', array('id' => $content_id));
     // Check permissions
     $context = \context_course::instance($hvp->course);
     if (!has_capability('mod/hvp:saveresults', $context)) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('nopermissiontosaveresult', 'hvp'));
     // Create grade object and set grades
     $grade = (object) array('userid' => $USER->id);
     // Get course module id from db, required for grade item
     $cm_id_sql = "SELECT cm.id, h.name\n            FROM {course_modules} cm, {hvp} h, {modules} m\n            WHERE cm.instance = h.id AND h.id = ? AND m.name = 'hvp' AND m.id = cm.module";
     $result = $DB->get_record_sql($cm_id_sql, array($content_id));
     // Set grade using Gradebook API
     $hvp->cmidnumber = $result->id;
     $hvp->name = $result->name;
     $hvp->rawgrade = $score;
     $hvp->rawgrademax = $max_score;
     hvp_grade_item_update($hvp, $grade);
     // Get content info for log
     $content = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT c.name AS title, l.machine_name AS name, l.major_version, l.minor_version\n                   FROM {hvp} c\n                   JOIN {hvp_libraries} l ON l.id = c.main_library_id\n                  WHERE c.id = ?", array($content_id));
     // Log view
     new \mod_hvp\event('results', 'set', $content_id, $content->title, $content->name, $content->major_version . '.' . $content->minor_version);
  * Print results data
 public function print_results()
     global $DB;
     // Check permission
     $course = $DB->get_field('hvp', 'course', array('id' => $this->content_id));
     $context = \context_course::instance($course);
     if (!has_capability('mod/hvp:viewresults', $context)) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('nopermissiontoviewresult', 'hvp'));
     $results = $this->get_results();
     // Make data readable for humans
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $rows[] = array(\html_writer::link(new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $result->user_id, 'course' => $course)), \fullname($result)), $result->rawgrade === null ? '—' : (int) $result->rawgrade, $result->rawgrade === null ? '—' : (int) $result->rawgrademax, empty($result->timemodified) ? '—' : date('Y/m/d – H:i', $result->timemodified));
     // Print
     header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
     header('Content-type: application/json');
     print json_encode(array('num' => $this->get_results_num(), 'rows' => $rows));
  * Handle file uploads through AJAX.
  * @since 1.1.0
 public function ajax_files()
     $plugin = H5P_Plugin::get_instance();
     $files_directory = $plugin->get_h5p_path();
     if (!wp_verify_nonce(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'token', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'h5p_editor_ajax')) {
         H5PCore::ajaxError(__('Invalid security token. Please reload the editor.', $this->plugin_slug));
     $contentId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'contentId', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
     if ($contentId) {
         $files_directory .= '/content/' . $contentId;
     } else {
         $files_directory .= '/editor';
     $editor = $this->get_h5peditor_instance();
     $interface = $plugin->get_h5p_instance('interface');
     $file = new H5peditorFile($interface, $files_directory);
     if (!$file->isLoaded()) {
         H5PCore::ajaxError(__('File not found on server. Check file upload settings.', $this->plugin_slug));
     if ($file->validate() && $file->copy()) {
         // Keep track of temporary files so they can be cleaned up later.
     header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
     // Must support IE, so cannot use application/json
     header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
     print $file->getResult();
  *  int contextId
 case 'files':
     global $DB;
     // TODO: Check permissions
     if (!\H5PCore::validToken('editorajax', required_param('token', PARAM_RAW))) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('invalidtoken', 'hvp'));
     // Get Content ID and Context ID for upload
     $contentid = required_param('contentId', PARAM_INT);
     $contextid = required_param('contextId', PARAM_INT);
     // Create file
     $file = new H5peditorFile(\mod_hvp\framework::instance('interface'));
     if (!$file->isLoaded()) {
         H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('filenotfound', 'hvp'));
     // Make sure file is valid
     if ($file->validate()) {
         $core = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('core');
         // Save the valid file
         $file_id = $core->fs->saveFile($file, $contentid, $contextid);
         // Track temporary files for later cleanup
         $DB->insert_record_raw('hvp_tmpfiles', array('id' => $file_id), false, false, true);
      * Throw error if AJAX isnt handeled
Exemple #6
     // Make sure file is valid
     if ($file->validate()) {
         $core = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('core');
         // Save the valid file
         $file_id = $core->fs->saveFile($file, $contentid, $contextid);
         // Track temporary files for later cleanup
         $DB->insert_record_raw('hvp_tmpfiles', array('id' => $file_id), false, false, true);
 case 'logxapievent':
     global $CFG;
     // Trigger a Moodle log event for each xAPI statement
     // that is dispatched by the H5P (hvp) object.
     if (!\H5PCore::validToken('logxapievent', required_param('token', PARAM_RAW))) {
         \H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('invalidtoken', 'hvp'));
     $hvpid = optional_param('hvpid', null, PARAM_INT);
     $courseid = optional_param('courseid', null, PARAM_INT);
     $jsonxapistatement = optional_param('xapistatement', null, PARAM_RAW);
     $xapistatement = json_decode($jsonxapistatement, true);
     $context = \context_module::instance($hvpid);
     $event = \mod_hvp\event\hvp_xapi::create(array('objectid' => $hvpid, 'context' => $context, 'other' => array('statement' => $xapistatement['data']['statement']), 'courseid' => $courseid));
     // Debugging...
     if (!empty($CFG->debug) and $CFG->debug >= DEBUG_DEVELOPER) {
         $msg = "xAPI '" . $xapistatement['data']['statement']['verb']['display']['en-US'] . "' statement dispatched";
  * Handle user results reported by the H5P content.
  * @since 1.5.0
 public function ajax_contents_user_data()
     global $wpdb;
     $content_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'content_id');
     $data_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'data_type');
     $sub_content_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'sub_content_id');
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     if ($content_id === NULL || $data_id === NULL || $sub_content_id === NULL || !$current_user->ID) {
         // Missing parameters
     $response = (object) array('success' => TRUE);
     $data = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'data');
     $preload = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'preload');
     $invalidate = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'invalidate');
     if ($data !== NULL && $preload !== NULL && $invalidate !== NULL) {
         if (!wp_verify_nonce(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'token'), 'h5p_contentuserdata')) {
             H5PCore::ajaxError(__('Invalid security token', $this->plugin_slug));
         if ($data === '0') {
             // Remove data
             $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'h5p_contents_user_data', array('content_id' => $content_id, 'data_id' => $data_id, 'user_id' => $current_user->ID, 'sub_content_id' => $sub_content_id), array('%d', '%s', '%d', '%d'));
         } else {
             // Wash values to ensure 0 or 1.
             $preload = $preload === '0' ? 0 : 1;
             $invalidate = $invalidate === '0' ? 0 : 1;
             // Determine if we should update or insert
             $update = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT content_id\n           FROM {$wpdb->prefix}h5p_contents_user_data\n           WHERE content_id = %d\n             AND user_id = %d\n             AND data_id = %s\n             AND sub_content_id = %d", $content_id, $current_user->ID, $data_id, $sub_content_id));
             if ($update === NULL) {
                 // Insert new data
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'h5p_contents_user_data', array('user_id' => $current_user->ID, 'content_id' => $content_id, 'sub_content_id' => $sub_content_id, 'data_id' => $data_id, 'data' => $data, 'preload' => $preload, 'invalidate' => $invalidate, 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql', 1)), array('%d', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s'));
             } else {
                 // Update old data
                 $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'h5p_contents_user_data', array('data' => $data, 'preload' => $preload, 'invalidate' => $invalidate, 'updated_at' => current_time('mysql', 1)), array('user_id' => $current_user->ID, 'content_id' => $content_id, 'data_id' => $data_id, 'sub_content_id' => $sub_content_id), array('%s', '%d', '%d', '%s'), array('%d', '%d', '%s', '%d'));
         // Inserted, updated or deleted
     } else {
         // Fetch data
         $response->data = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT hcud.data\n         FROM {$wpdb->prefix}h5p_contents_user_data hcud\n         WHERE user_id = %d\n           AND content_id = %d\n           AND data_id = %s\n           AND sub_content_id = %d", $current_user->ID, $content_id, $data_id, $sub_content_id));
         if ($response->data === NULL) {
     header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
     header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     print json_encode($response);