The followings are the available columns in table 'Gp':
Inheritance: extends BaseActiveRecordVersioned
 private function importGp(array $data)
     if (!($gp = Gp::model()->findbyAttributes(array('nat_id' => $data['code'])))) {
         if ($data['status'] != 'A') {
         $gp = new Gp();
         $gp->nat_id = $data['code'];
         $gp->obj_prof = $data['code'];
     if (!$gp->save()) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to save GP: " . print_r($gp->errors, true));
     $contact = $gp->contact;
     $contact->primary_phone = $data['phone'];
     if (preg_match("/^([\\S]+)\\s+([A-Z]{1,4})\$/i", trim($data['name']), $m)) {
         $contact->title = 'Dr';
         $contact->first_name = $m[2];
         $contact->last_name = $this->tidy($m[1]);
     } else {
         $contact->last_name = $data['name'];
     if (!$contact->save()) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to save contact: " . print_r($contact->errors, true));
     if (!($address = $contact->address)) {
         $address = new Address();
         $address->contact_id = $contact->id;
     $this->importAddress($address, array($data['addr1'], $data['addr2'], $data['addr3'], $data['addr4'], $data['addr5']));
     $address->postcode = $data['postcode'];
     $address->country_id = $this->country_id;
     if (!$address->save()) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to save address: " . print_r($address->errors, true));
 public function tearDown()
     Gp::model()->deleteAll('id > 3)');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand('ALTER TABLE gp AUTO_INCREMENT = 4')->execute();
 public function actionAssociatecontact()
     if (!($patient = Patient::model()->findByPk(@$_GET['patient_id']))) {
         throw new Exception('Patient not found: ' . @$_GET['patient_id']);
     if (@$_GET['contact_location_id']) {
         if (!($location = ContactLocation::model()->findByPk(@$_GET['contact_location_id']))) {
             throw new Exception("Can't find contact location: " . @$_GET['contact_location_id']);
         $contact = $location->contact;
     } else {
         if (!($contact = Contact::model()->findByPk(@$_GET['contact_id']))) {
             throw new Exception("Can't find contact: " . @$_GET['contact_id']);
     // Don't assign the patient's own GP
     if ($contact->label == 'General Practitioner') {
         if ($gp = Gp::model()->find('contact_id=?', array($contact->id))) {
             if ($gp->id == $patient->gp_id) {
     if (isset($location)) {
         if (!($pca = PatientContactAssignment::model()->find('patient_id=? and location_id=?', array($patient->id, $location->id)))) {
             $pca = new PatientContactAssignment();
             $pca->patient_id = $patient->id;
             $pca->location_id = $location->id;
             if (!$pca->save()) {
                 throw new Exception("Unable to save patient contact assignment: " . print_r($pca->getErrors(), true));
     } else {
         if (!($pca = PatientContactAssignment::model()->find('patient_id=? and contact_id=?', array($patient->id, $contact->id)))) {
             $pca = new PatientContactAssignment();
             $pca->patient_id = $patient->id;
             $pca->contact_id = $contact->id;
             if (!$pca->save()) {
                 throw new Exception("Unable to save patient contact assignment: " . print_r($pca->getErrors(), true));
     $this->renderPartial('_patient_contact_row', array('pca' => $pca));
Exemple #4
 private function mapGp(\Patient $patient)
     if ($code = $this->getAssignedProperty('GpCode')) {
         if ($gp = \Gp::model()->findByAttributes(array('nat_id' => $code))) {
             $patient->gp_id = $gp->id;
         } else {
             $this->addWarning("Could not find GP for code " . $code);
     } else {
         if (!$this->partial_record) {
             $patient->gp_id = null;
  * Imports the 'Gp' CSV file.
  * @param array $data
 private function importGp(array $data)
     if (!($gp = Gp::model()->findbyAttributes(array('nat_id' => $data['code'])))) {
         $gp = new Gp();
         $gp->nat_id = $data['code'];
         $gp->obj_prof = $data['code'];
     $isNewRecord = $gp->isNewRecord;
     $gp->is_active = $data['status'] == 'A' || $data['status'] == 'P' ? '1' : '0';
     if ($gp->saveOnlyIfDirty()->save()) {
         if ($this->audit !== 'false') {
             Audit::add('ProcessHscicDataCommand', ($isNewRecord ? 'Insert' : 'Update') . ' GP');
     } else {
         // save has not been carried out, either mode was not dirty or save() failed
     $contact = $gp->contact;
     $contact->primary_phone = $data['phone'];
      * Regexp
      * the first part match a word (any number of char, no whithespace)
      * than (after the first word) can follow any number of whitepace 
      * and for the last part the string must end 1 to 4 characters[A-Z]
      * The goal is to extract the name initials from the field and use as a first name with the doctor title.
     if (preg_match("/^([\\S]+)\\s+([A-Z]{1,4})\$/i", trim($data['name']), $m)) {
         $contact->title = 'Dr';
         $contact->first_name = $m[2];
         $contact->last_name = $this->tidy($m[1]);
     } else {
         $contact->last_name = $data['name'];
     $isNewRecord = $contact->isNewRecord;
     if ($contact->saveOnlyIfDirty()->save()) {
         if ($this->audit !== 'false') {
             Audit::add('ProcessHscicDataCommand', ($isNewRecord ? 'Insert' : 'Update') . ' GP-Contact');
     } else {
         // save has not been carried out, either mode was not dirty or save() failed
     if (!($address = $contact->address)) {
         $address = new Address();
         $address->contact_id = $contact->id;
     $this->importAddress($address, array($data['addr1'], $data['addr2'], $data['addr3'], $data['addr4'], $data['addr5']));
     $address->postcode = $data['postcode'];
     $address->country_id = $this->countryId;
     $isNewRecord = $address->isNewRecord;
     if ($address->saveOnlyIfDirty()->save()) {
         if ($this->audit !== 'false') {
             Audit::add('ProcessHscicDataCommand', ($isNewRecord ? 'Insert' : 'Update') . ' GP-Address');
     } else {
         // save has not been carried out, either mode was not dirty or save() failed
     $gp = null;