public function evaluate($params = []) { $params['scripting'] = Util::get_scripting()[intval(@$params['scriptingi'])]; $model = Record::allow($params, ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'company', 'url', 'scripting']); $where = [implode(' = ? AND ', array_keys($model)) . ' = ?'] + $model; $evaluator = Evaluator::read(['*'], TRUE, $where); $today = gmdate('Y-m-d'); $update = ['agreement_date' => $today, 'email_date' => $today, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'opt_out' => 0]; if (isset($evaluator['id'])) { Evaluator::update($update, $evaluator['id']); $evaluator += $update; } else { $model['`key`'] = Evaluator::get_unique_key($model); $model += $update; $evaluator = Evaluator::create($model); $evaluator['key'] = $evaluator['`key`']; unset($evaluator['`key`']); } $body = Template::render_doc_by_name('evaluate-email', $evaluator); $args = ['toname' => $evaluator['name'], 'toemail' => $evaluator['email'], 'fromname' => 'WinWrap Support', 'fromemail' => '*****@*****.**', 'subject' => 'WinWrap Basic Evaluation', 'body' => $body]; if (GoogleMail::send($args) === true) { unset($evaluator['id']); Render::json($evaluator); } else { header('Status: 500'); } }
public function order_request($params = []) { $quote = Quote::read_by_params($params); if (!isset($quote['id'])) { Render::error_404(); } $order = $params; $order += $quote; $order['country'] = Util::get_countries()[$order['country']]; $order['payment'] = Util::get_payments()[$order['payment']]; if (!isset($order['po'])) { $order['po'] = ''; } $body = Template::render_doc_by_name('order-email', $order); // send order request to "WinWrap Web Primary/" $linkc = '' . '?license=16' . '&company=' . urlencode($order['company']) . '&country=' . urlencode($order['country']) . '&billingaddress=' . urlencode(str_replace("\r\n", '|', $order['address'])) . '&billingname=' . urlencode($order['billing_name']) . '&billingaddr=' . urlencode($order['billing_email']) . '&billingphone=' . urlencode($order['billing_phone']) . '&name=' . urlencode($order['technical_name']) . '&addr=' . urlencode($order['technical_email']); $link = '' . '?licenseid=' . '&company=' . urlencode($order['company']) . '&feecount=0' . '&payment=' . urlencode($order['payment']) . '&po=' . urlencode($order['po']); if (!is_null($quote['discount'])) { $link .= '&WWXX00=' . urlencode($quote['discount']) . '&WWXX00_DESC=' . urlencode($quote['discount_desc']); } $problem = false; $parts = []; foreach ($quote['items'] as $item) { $link .= '&' . $item['part'] . '=' . $item['quantity']; $part = substr($item['part'], 0, 6); if (array_search($part, $parts)) { $problem = true; } else { $parts[] = $part; } if (isset($item['override'])) { $link .= '&' . $part . '-override=' . $item['override']; } } $bodyc = '1) Click on this link to create the new company:' . "\r\n" . $linkc . "\r\n\r\n"; if ($problem) { $bodyc .= '*** the following link will not create the correct fees ***' . "\r\n"; } $bodyc .= '2) Click on this link to create the fees and invoice:' . "\r\n" . $link . "\r\n\r\n" . $body; $args = ['IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\r\n\r\n" . 'toname' => 'WinWrap Web Primary', 'toemail' => '*****@*****.**', 'fromname' => 'WinWrap Web Primary', 'fromemail' => '*****@*****.**', 'subject' => 'WinWrap Basic Order Request', 'body' => $bodyc]; if (GoogleMail::send($args) !== true) { header('Status: 500'); return; } $status = '1/2: send to ' . $args['toemail'] . "\r\n"; //echo '<pre>' . $body . '</pre>'; exit; // send order request to puchaser $args = ['toname' => $order['billing_name'], 'toemail' => $order['billing_email'], 'fromname' => 'WinWrap Support', 'fromemail' => '*****@*****.**', 'subject' => 'WinWrap Basic Order Request', 'body' => $body]; if (GoogleMail::send($args) !== true) { header('Status: 500'); return; } $status .= '2/2: send to ' . $args['toemail']; Render::text($status); }