public function getCMSActions(GlobalContent $record) { if ($record->hasMethod('getAllCMSActions')) { $actions = $record->getAllCMSActions(); } else { $actions = $record->getCMSActions(); // add default actions if none are defined if (!$actions || !$actions->Count()) { if ($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && $record->canEdit()) { $actions->push(FormAction::create('save', _t('CMSMain.SAVE', 'Save'))->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')); } if ($record->hasMethod('canDelete') && $record->canDelete()) { $actions->push(FormAction::create('delete', _t('ModelAdmin.DELETE', 'Delete'))->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive')); } } } // Use <button> to allow full jQuery UI styling $actionsFlattened = $actions->dataFields(); if ($actionsFlattened) { foreach ($actionsFlattened as $action) { $action->setUseButtonTag(true); } } return $actions; }
check_login(); $gCms = cmsms(); $gcbops = $gCms->GetGlobalContentOperations(); $userid = get_userid(); $adminaccess = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Global Content Blocks'); $isowner = $gcbops->CheckOwnership($htmlblob_id, $userid); $access = $adminaccess || $isowner || $gcbops->CheckAuthorship($htmlblob_id, $userid); if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { redirect("listhtmlblobs.php" . $urlext); return; } $the_blob = ''; if ($htmlblob_id > 0) { $the_blob = $gcbops->LoadHtmlBlobById($htmlblob_id); } else { $the_blob = new GlobalContent(); } $htmlblob = $the_blob->name; $oldhtmlblob = $the_blob->name; $owner_id = $the_blob->owner; $content = $the_blob->content; $use_wysiwyg = $the_blob->use_wysiwyg; $description = $the_blob->description; $ajax = false; $error = ""; if (isset($_POST['htmlblob'])) { $htmlblob = trim($_POST['htmlblob']); } if (isset($_POST['oldhtmlblob'])) { $oldhtmlblob = trim($_POST['oldhtmlblob']); }
$error .= "<li>" . lang('blobexists') . "</li>"; $validinfo = false; } elseif (preg_match('<^[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*$>', $htmlblob) == 0) { $error .= "<li>" . lang('illegalcharacters', lang('name')) . "</li>"; $validinfo = false; } else { if ($content == "") { $error .= '<li>' . lang('nofieldgiven', array(lang('content'))) . '</li>'; $validinfo = false; } } } if ($validinfo) { $gCms = cmsms(); $gcbops = $gCms->GetGlobalContentOperations(); $blobobj = new GlobalContent(); $blobobj->name = $htmlblob; $blobobj->content = $content; $blobobj->owner = $userid; $blobobj->use_wysiwyg = $use_wysiwyg; $blobobj->description = $description; Events::SendEvent('Core', 'AddGlobalContentPre', array('global_content' => &$blobobj)); $result = $blobobj->save(); if ($result) { if (isset($_POST["additional_editors"])) { foreach ($_POST["additional_editors"] as $addt_user_id) { $blobobj->AddAuthor($addt_user_id); } } // put mention into the admin log audit($blobobj->id, 'Global Content Block: ' . $blobobj->name, 'Added');
public static function GlobalContent($key = null) { $inst = GlobalContent::inst(); return is_null($key) ? $inst : $inst->{$key}; }
} if (isset($_POST["cancel"])) { redirect("listhtmlblobs.php" . $urlext); return; } global $gCms; $gcbops =& $gCms->GetGlobalContentOperations(); $userid = get_userid(); $adminaccess = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Global Content Blocks'); $isowner = $gcbops->CheckOwnership($htmlblob_id, $userid); $access = $adminaccess || $isowner || $gcbops->CheckAuthorship($htmlblob_id, $userid); $the_blob = ''; if ($htmlblob_id > 0) { $the_blob = $gcbops->LoadHtmlBlobById($htmlblob_id); } else { $the_blob = new GlobalContent(); } /* $htmlarea_flag = false; $use_javasyntax = false; if (get_preference($userid, 'use_wysiwyg') == "1") { $htmlarea_flag = true; $use_javasyntax = false; } else if (get_preference($userid, 'use_javasyntax') == "1") { $use_javasyntax = true; } */