update_meta() public méthode

Update the post meta
Since: 1.5
public update_meta ( string $meta_key = '', string $meta_value = '', string $prev_value = '' ) : integer | boolean
$meta_key string The meta key to update
$meta_value string The meta value
$prev_value string Previous meta value
Résultat integer | boolean Meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful update, false on failure
Exemple #1
 * Update the meta for a payment
 * @param  integer $payment_id Payment ID
 * @param  string  $meta_key   Meta key to update
 * @param  string  $meta_value Value to update to
 * @param  string  $prev_value Previous value
 * @return mixed               Meta ID if successful, false if unsuccessful
function give_update_payment_meta($payment_id = 0, $meta_key = '', $meta_value = '', $prev_value = '')
    $payment = new Give_Payment($payment_id);
    return $payment->update_meta($meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value);
Exemple #2
 * Process the payment details edit
 * @access      private
 * @param array $data
 * @since       1.0
 * @return      void
function give_update_payment_details($data)
    if (!current_user_can('edit_give_payments', $data['give_payment_id'])) {
        wp_die(esc_html__('You do not have permission to edit payment records.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 403));
    // Retrieve the payment ID
    $payment_id = absint($data['give_payment_id']);
    /* @var Give_Payment $payment */
    $payment = new Give_Payment($payment_id);
    // Retrieve existing payment meta
    $meta = $payment->get_meta();
    $user_info = $payment->user_info;
    $status = $data['give-payment-status'];
    $date = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-date']);
    $hour = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-hour']);
    // Restrict to our high and low
    if ($hour > 23) {
        $hour = 23;
    } elseif ($hour < 0) {
        $hour = 00;
    $minute = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-min']);
    // Restrict to our high and low
    if ($minute > 59) {
        $minute = 59;
    } elseif ($minute < 0) {
        $minute = 00;
    $address = array_map('trim', $data['give-payment-address'][0]);
    $curr_total = give_sanitize_amount($payment->total);
    $new_total = give_sanitize_amount($data['give-payment-total']);
    $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':00';
    $curr_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['give-current-customer']);
    $new_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['customer-id']);
     * Fires before updating edited purchase.
     * @since 1.0
     * @param int $payment_id The ID of the payment.
    do_action('give_update_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
    $payment->date = $date;
    $updated = $payment->save();
    if (0 === $updated) {
        wp_die(esc_html__('Error Updating Payment.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 400));
    $customer_changed = false;
    if (isset($data['give-new-customer']) && $data['give-new-customer'] == '1') {
        $email = isset($data['give-new-customer-email']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-email']) : '';
        $names = isset($data['give-new-customer-name']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-name']) : '';
        if (empty($email) || empty($names)) {
            wp_die(esc_html__('New Customers require a name and email address.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 400));
        $customer = new Give_Customer($email);
        if (empty($customer->id)) {
            $customer_data = array('name' => $names, 'email' => $email);
            $user_id = email_exists($email);
            if (false !== $user_id) {
                $customer_data['user_id'] = $user_id;
            if (!$customer->create($customer_data)) {
                // Failed to crete the new donor, assume the previous donor
                $customer_changed = false;
                $customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
                give_set_error('give-payment-new-customer-fail', esc_html__('Error creating new donor.', 'give'));
        $new_customer_id = $customer->id;
        $previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $customer_changed = true;
    } elseif ($curr_customer_id !== $new_customer_id) {
        $customer = new Give_Customer($new_customer_id);
        $email = $customer->email;
        $names = $customer->name;
        $previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $customer_changed = true;
    } else {
        $customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
        $email = $customer->email;
        $names = $customer->name;
    // Setup first and last name from input values
    $names = explode(' ', $names);
    $first_name = !empty($names[0]) ? $names[0] : '';
    $last_name = '';
    if (!empty($names[1])) {
        $last_name = implode(' ', $names);
    if ($customer_changed) {
        // Remove the stats and payment from the previous customer and attach it to the new customer
        $previous_customer->remove_payment($payment_id, false);
        $customer->attach_payment($payment_id, false);
        if ('publish' == $status) {
            // Reduce previous user donation count and amount.
            // If purchase was completed adjust stats of new customers.
        $payment->customer_id = $customer->id;
    } else {
        if ('publish' === $status) {
            // Update user donation stat.
            $customer->update_donation_value($curr_total, $new_total);
    // Set new meta values
    $payment->user_id = $customer->user_id;
    $payment->email = $customer->email;
    $payment->first_name = $first_name;
    $payment->last_name = $last_name;
    $payment->address = $address;
    $payment->total = $new_total;
    // Check for payment notes
    if (!empty($data['give-payment-note'])) {
        $note = wp_kses($data['give-payment-note'], array());
        give_insert_payment_note($payment_id, $note);
    // Set new status
    $payment->status = $status;
    // Adjust total store earnings if the payment total has been changed
    if ($new_total !== $curr_total && 'publish' == $status) {
        if ($new_total > $curr_total) {
            // Increase if our new total is higher
            $difference = $new_total - $curr_total;
        } elseif ($curr_total > $new_total) {
            // Decrease if our new total is lower
            $difference = $curr_total - $new_total;
    // Get new give form ID.
    $new_form_id = absint($data['forms']);
    $current_form_id = absint($payment->get_meta('_give_payment_form_id'));
    // We are adding payment transfer code in last to remove any conflict with above functionality.
    // For example: above code will automatically handle form stat (increase/decrease) when payment status changes.
    /* Check if user want to transfer current payment to new give form id. */
    if ($new_form_id != $current_form_id) {
        // Get new give form title.
        $new_form_title = get_the_title($new_form_id);
        // Update new give form data in payment data.
        $payment_meta = $payment->get_meta();
        $payment_meta['form_title'] = $new_form_title;
        $payment_meta['form_id'] = $new_form_id;
        // Update price id post meta data for set donation form.
        if (!give_has_variable_prices($new_form_id)) {
            $payment_meta['price_id'] = '';
        // Update payment give form meta data.
        $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_form_id', $new_form_id);
        $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_form_title', $new_form_title);
        $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_meta', $payment_meta);
        // Update price id payment metadata.
        if (!give_has_variable_prices($new_form_id)) {
            $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_price_id', '');
        // If purchase was completed, adjust stats of forms
        if ('publish' == $status) {
            // Decrease sale of old give form. For other payment status
            $current_form = new Give_Donate_Form($current_form_id);
            // Increase sale of new give form.
            $new_form = new Give_Donate_Form($new_form_id);
        // Re setup payment to update new meta value in object.
    // Update price id if current form is variable form.
    if (!empty($data['give-variable-price']) && give_has_variable_prices($payment->form_id)) {
        // Get payment meta data.
        $payment_meta = $payment->get_meta();
        // Set payment id to empty string if variable price id is negative ( i.e. custom amount feature enabled ).
        $data['give-variable-price'] = 'custom' === $data['give-variable-price'] ? 'custom' : 0 < $data['give-variable-price'] ? $data['give-variable-price'] : '';
        // Update payment meta data.
        $payment_meta['price_id'] = $data['give-variable-price'];
        // Update payment give form meta data.
        $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_price_id', $data['give-variable-price']);
        $payment->update_meta('_give_payment_meta', $payment_meta);
        // Re setup payment to update new meta value in object.
     * Fires after updating edited purchase.
     * @since 1.0
     * @param int $payment_id The ID of the payment.
    do_action('give_updated_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
    wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('edit.php?post_type=give_forms&page=give-payment-history&view=view-order-details&give-message=payment-updated&id=' . $payment_id));