Exemple #1
 public function run($arguments, CLImaxController $cliController)
     // Look for a story id on the command line
     $storyId = NULL;
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         $storyId = ltrim($arguments[0], "# ");
     // Look for the story id in the current git branch name
     if (!$storyId) {
         $storyId = GitPlanbox_Util::currentStoryId();
     // Require a storyId to move forward
     if (!$storyId) {
         throw new Exception("I was unable to auto-detect which story id you would like to pause, please specify it like this: 'git planbox pause 12345'");
     // Fetch the story from Planbox
     $session = GitPlanbox_Session::create();
     try {
         $story = $session->post('get_story', array('story_id' => $storyId));
     } catch (GitPlanbox_ApplicationErrorException $e) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to fetch story {$storyId} from Planbox.");
     // Arrange tasks in useful ways
     $tasksByStatus = array();
     $tasksByTaskId = array();
     foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
         $tasksByStatus[$task->status][] = $task;
         $tasksByTaskId[$task->id] = $task;
     // If there are no inprogress tasks, tell the user
     if (!isset($tasksByStatus['inprogress']) || count($tasksByStatus['inprogress']) < 1) {
         print "There are no tasks currently in-progress for story {$storyId}.\n";
         return 0;
     // If there's only one status:inprogress task, set it to status:pending
     if (count($tasksByStatus['inprogress']) == 1) {
         $task = array_shift($tasksByStatus['inprogress']);
         $this->_pauseTimerForTask($session, $storyId, $task->id);
         return 0;
     // Otherwise ask the user which task they'd like to pause (allow pausing all too!)
     foreach ($tasksByStatus['inprogress'] as $task) {
         printf("%8s %10s - %-50s\n", "#{$task->id}", $task->status, $task->name);
     $taskId = GitPlanbox_Util::readline("Which task id would you like to pause? You can also say all... ");
     if (strtolower($taskId) === 'all') {
         foreach ($tasksByStatus['inprogress'] as $task) {
             $this->_pauseTimerForTask($session, $storyId, $task->id);
     } elseif (isset($tasksByTaskId[intVal($taskId)])) {
         $task = $tasksByTaskId[intVal($taskId)];
         $this->_pauseTimerForTask($session, $storyId, $task->id);
     } else {
         if (!$storyId) {
             throw new Exception("I didn't understand that story id.");
     return 0;
Exemple #2
 public function run($arguments, CLImaxController $cliController)
     // If we have an argument, show the story with _that_ id
     $storyId = NULL;
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         $storyId = ltrim($arguments[0], "# ");
     // Otherwise try to figure out what story we're working on
     // based on the current branch name
     if (!$storyId) {
         $currentBranchName = GitPlanbox_Util::currentGitBranchName();
         // Try to parse out a story id
         preg_match("/[0-9]{5,8}/", $currentBranchName, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $storyId = array_pop($matches);
     // If we STILL don't know what story to show, throw a usage exception
     if (!$storyId) {
         throw new Exception("Please specify a story_id to show.");
     // Fetch the story
     $session = GitPlanbox_Session::create();
     try {
         $story = $session->post('get_story', array('story_id' => $storyId));
     } catch (GitPlanbox_ApplicationErrorException $e) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to fetch story {$storyId} from Planbox.");
     // Lines for all stories
     $storyText = '';
     $lineFormat = "%-10s %s\n";
     $storyLines = array('Story' => "#{$story->id}", 'Name' => $story->name, 'Type' => $story->type, 'Status' => $story->status, 'Created' => GitPlanbox_Util::timeAgo($story->created_on));
     foreach ($storyLines as $key => $value) {
         $storyText .= sprintf($lineFormat, "{$key}:", $value);
     // Optional fields
     $optionalLines = array();
     if ($story->completed_on) {
         $optionalLines['Completed'] = GitPlanbox_Util::timeAgo($story->completed_on);
     foreach ($optionalLines as $key => $value) {
         $storyText .= sprintf($lineFormat, "{$key}:", $value);
     if ($story->description) {
         $storyText .= "\nDescription:\n  {$story->description}\n";
     if ($story->tasks) {
         $storyText .= "\nTasks:\n";
         foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
             $storyText .= sprintf("  #%-10s %-10s %1.1f/%1.1f hours   %-30s\n", $task->id, $task->status, $task->duration, $task->estimate, $task->name);
     if ($story->comments) {
         $storyText .= "\nComments:\n";
         foreach ($story->comments as $comment) {
             $storyText .= "  " . GitPlanbox_Util::timeAgo($comment->date) . "\n  {$comment->text}\n\n";
     print $storyText;
     return 0;
Exemple #3
 public function run($arguments, CLImaxController $cliController)
     // First try the storyId specified on the command line
     $storyId = NULL;
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         $storyId = ltrim($arguments[0], "# ");
     // If no storyId was specified on the command line, try to
     // parse it out of the current branch name
     if (!$storyId) {
         $storyId = GitPlanbox_Util::currentStoryId();
     // If we still don't have a story id, tell the user to please
     // specify one
     if (!$storyId) {
         throw new Exception("Couldn't auto-detect a story_id, please specify one like so: git planbox status 12345");
     // Get the story from Planbox
     $session = GitPlanbox_Session::create();
     try {
         $story = $session->post('get_story', array('story_id' => $storyId));
     } catch (GitPlanbox_ApplicationErrorException $e) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to fetch story {$storyId} from Planbox.");
     // Find all SHAs referenced in the comments
     $shas = array();
     foreach ($story->comments as $comment) {
         $commentShas = array();
         preg_match_all('/[a-fA-F0-9]{40}/', $comment->text, $commentShas);
         if (isset($commentShas[0])) {
             $shas = array_merge($shas, $commentShas[0]);
     $shas = array_unique($shas);
     // Run `git branch --contains {$sha}` on each sha to see where it's been merged to
     $infos = array();
     foreach ($shas as $sha) {
         $info = array('sha' => $sha);
         // Get the commit message for this sha
         $command = "git log -1 --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit {$sha} 2>&1";
         $output = '';
         exec($command, $output, $returnCode);
         $commitMessage = array_shift($output);
         $info['message'] = $commitMessage;
         // Find out which git branches contain this sha
         $command = "git branch -a --contains {$sha} 2>&1";
         $output = '';
         exec($command, $output, $returnCode);
         if ($returnCode === 0) {
             $branches = array();
             $branchesText = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', str_replace('*', '', implode("\n", $output))));
             if ($branchesText) {
                 $branches = explode("\n", $branchesText);
             $info['branches'] = $branches;
         } else {
             $info['branches'] = array();
         array_push($infos, $info);
     // Pretty print the story status and the branches it's merged to
     print "Story #{$storyId} is currently: {$story->status}\n";
     if (count($infos) > 0) {
         print "Commits:\n";
     foreach ($infos as $info) {
         if (isset($info['branches']) && $info['branches']) {
             print "  \"{$info['message']}\" is on branches: " . implode(', ', $info['branches']) . "\n";
         } else {
             print "  \"{$info['message']}\" is not on any branches.\n";
     // Success!
     return 0;
Exemple #4
 private function _startTimer($session, $story)
     // Don't do anything if there are no tasks
     if (count($story->tasks) < 1) {
         print "Not starting timer because story {$story->id} has no tasks.";
     // If we have only one task, start the timer for that task
     if (count($story->tasks) == 1) {
         $task = $story->tasks[0];
         $this->_startTimerForTask($session, $story, $task->id);
     // Otherwise, ask the user which task they want to start
     $tasksByTaskId = array();
     foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
         $tasksByTaskId[$task->id] = $task;
         printf("%8s %10s - %-50s\n", "#{$task->id}", $task->status, $task->name);
     $taskId = intVal(GitPlanbox_Util::readline("Which task would you like to work on? "));
     if (!isset($tasksByTaskId[$taskId])) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid task id {$taskId} for story {$story->id}, expected one of: " . implode(', ', array_keys($tasksByTaskId)) . '.');
     $this->_startTimerForTask($session, $story, $taskId);