// Connection Testing
$ping = $api->ping();
// Account
$details = $api->getAccountInfo();
// Campaigns
$campaigns = (array) $api->getCampaigns();
$campaignIDs = array_keys($campaigns);
$campaign = $api->getCampaignByID($campaignIDs[0]);
var_dump($campaigns, $campaign);
// Contacts
$contacts = (array) $api->getContacts(null);
$contactIDs = array_keys($contacts);
$setName = $api->setContactName($contactIDs[0], 'John Smith');
$setCustoms = $api->setContactCustoms($contactIDs[0], array('title' => 'Mr', 'middle_name' => 'Fred'));
$customs = $api->getContactCustoms($contactIDs[0]);
$contact = $api->getContactByID($contactIDs[0]);
$geoIP = $api->getContactGeoIP($contactIDs[0]);
$opens = $api->getContactOpens($contactIDs[0]);
$clicks = $api->getContactClicks($contactIDs[0]);
// Find the contact ID by using email ID and delete the contact
$contactEmail = (array) $api->getContactsByEmail('EMAIL_ID');
$contactEmailID = array_keys($contactEmail);
$deleteResponse = $api->deleteContact($contactEmailID[0]);
var_dump($contacts, $setName, $setCustoms, $customs, $contact, $geoIP, $opens, $clicks);
// Blacklists
$addBlacklist = $api->addAccountBlacklist('*****@*****.**');
$getBlacklist = $api->getAccountBlacklist();
$delBlacklist = $api->deleteAccountBlacklist('*****@*****.**');
var_dump($addBlacklist, $getBlacklist, $delBlacklist);
     if ($field_v['list_field_id'] != 'email' && $field_v['list_field_id'] != 'name') {
         // If a custom field is set with an empty value, the contact won't be added
         // Any custom field that is added must have a value in order to add the contact in the list
         if ($element_ids_values[$field_v['element_id']]['element_value'][0]) {
             // for customfields in add procedure
             $getresponse_contact['customfields'][] = array('name' => $field_v['list_field_id'], 'content' => getElementValue($field_v['element_id']));
             // for customfields in update procedure
             $gr_update_contact_customs[$field_v['list_field_id']] = getElementValue($field_v['element_id']);
 $getresponse_add = '';
 if ($getresponse_contact['email'] && $getresponse_contact['name']) {
     $gr_search_res = $getresponse_api->getContactsByEmail($getresponse_contact['email'], array($list_id), $operator = 'EQUALS');
     if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) {
         echo 'SEARCH RESULTS in (list_id)' . $list_id . "\r\n";
         echo "\r\n";
     $gr_search_res_arr = (array) $gr_search_res;
     // ^-- we use a temp variable with the search results casted as an array because $gr_search_res is an object and it is not possible to check if an object is empty (if empty: add, if not: update)
     // ADD
     if (!$gr_search_res_arr) {
         $getresponse_add = $getresponse_api->addContact($list_id, $getresponse_contact['name'], $getresponse_contact['email'], $action = 'standard', $cycle_day = 0, $getresponse_contact['customfields']);
         if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) {
             echo 'ADD CONTACT ' . "\r\n";
             echo "\r\n";