private function editMsgCategoryDataSubmit() { $data['name'] = isset($_POST['catname']) ? trim($_POST['catname']) : ''; //名称 $data['rules'] = isset($_POST['alphabet']) ? $_POST['alphabet'] : array(); $data['account'] = isset($_POST['account']) ? trim($_POST['account']) : ''; //账号 $data['site'] = isset($_POST['site']) ? trim($_POST['site']) : ''; $data['gmail'] = isset($_POST['gmail']) ? trim($_POST['gmail']) : ''; $data['notes'] = isset($_POST['notes']) ? trim($_POST['notes']) : ''; //备注 extract($this->platformRelate($type)); //特定平台相关信息 $data['rules'] = array_intersect($data['rules'], generate_alphabet()); //计算交集 以确保规则正确 $data['rules'] = implode(',', $data['rules']); $data = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $data); $msgcat_obj = new amazonmessagecategoryModel(); $lpower_obj = new LocalPowerAmazonModel(); $global_obj = new GetLoacalUserModel(); //print_r($_SESSION); $creater = $global_obj->getRealNameByGlobalId($_SESSION['globaluserid']); $data['creater'] = $creater['global_user_name']; $data['createtime'] = time(); if ($data['account'] == -1) { //未分配账号 $promptdata = array('data' => array('请分配账号!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); } $cid = isset($_POST['cid']) ? trim($_POST['cid']) : 0; //这下面是判断是新增分类还是编辑分类,然后执行相应操作 if ($cid === 0) { //新增加分类 try { $result = $msgcat_obj->addNewCategory($data); } catch (Exception $e) { $promptdata = array('data' => array('新增分类失败!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); exit; } if (empty($result)) { //不存在的id $promptdata = array('data' => array('不合法的id!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); exit; } else { /*----- 将新增的分类的权限给创建者 -----*/ try { $new_cid = $msgcat_obj->getCategoryInfoByCatname($data['name']); $lpower_obj->updatePowerByAddClass($_SESSION['userId'], $new_cid['id']); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($new_cid); /* $promptdata = array('data'=>array('权限更新失败!'), 'link'=>$gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); */ exit; } } } else { //更新分类 /*----- 如果是更新 则需确保数据分类是否和操作的向对应 -----*/ $catinfo = $msgcat_obj->getCategoryInfoById($cid); if (empty($catinfo)) { //不存在的id $promptdata = array('data' => array('不合法的id!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); exit; } $result = $msgcat_obj->updateCategoryInfo($cid, $data); } if ($result) { $promptdata = array('data' => array('操作成功!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goOkMsgPage($promptdata); exit; } else { $promptdata = array('data' => array('操作失败!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($promptdata); exit; } }
public function view_messageStatisticsAli() { $starttime = isset($_GET['starttime']) ? trim($_GET['starttime']) : ''; $endtime = isset($_GET['endtime']) ? trim($_GET['endtime']) : ''; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : 'order'; $wheresql = ''; date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); //转换成洛杉矶时间 $start_stamp = strtotime($starttime); $end_stamp = strtotime($endtime) + 84600; date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); if (!empty($starttime)) { $wheresql .= ' and createtimestamp > ' . $start_stamp; } if (!empty($endtime)) { $wheresql .= ' and createtimestamp < ' . $end_stamp; } $localuser = new GetLoacalUserModel(); $mysql_obj = new MysqlModel(); $cat_obj = new messagecategoryModel(); $list = $cat_obj->getAllCategoryInfoList('', 2); // print_r($list); $userGroup = array(); foreach ($list as $lival) { $cat_name = trim($lival['category_name']); $nameBreak = explode("--", $cat_name); $userName = array_pop($nameBreak); if (array_key_exists($userName, $userGroup)) { $userGroup[$userName][] = $lival['id']; } else { $userGroup[$userName] = array($lival['id']); } } $userName2loginName = array('韩庆新' => '*****@*****.**', '王丽娟' => '*****@*****.**', '王玲' => '*****@*****.**', '王铭' => '*****@*****.**', '喻情' => '*****@*****.**', '黄海娣' => '*****@*****.**', '袁岸' => '*****@*****.**', '潘小红' => '*****@*****.**', '陈小燕' => '*****@*****.**', '肖奇生' => '*****@*****.**', '戴霞' => '*****@*****.**', '温健玲' => '*****@*****.**', '肖庚莲' => '*****@*****.**'); $name2id = $localuser->getUserId($userName2loginName); //中文名称到系统用户id的映射关系 // print_r($name2id); if ($type == 'order') { //处理订单留言 $sql = "select fieldId , hasread,count(*) as num from msg_aliordermessage where role=1 and hasread in (0,1)\n {$wheresql} group by fieldId, hasread\n "; // echo $sql;exit; $resultList = $mysql_obj->getQueryResult($sql); $statistics = array(); //统计数据 foreach ($userGroup as $username => $ids) { if (!array_key_exists($username, $statistics)) { $statistics[$username] = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0); } foreach ($resultList as $row) { if (in_array($row['fieldId'], $ids)) { if ($row['hasread'] == 0) { //累加未回复留言 $statistics[$username][0] += $row['num']; } elseif ($row['hasread'] == 1) { //累加已读留言 $statistics[$username][1] += $row['num']; } } } } foreach ($statistics as $key => $item) { $total = array_sum($item); $statistics[$key]['total'] = $total; } // print_r($statistics); $replyedStatistics = array(); //已回复留言统计 $userIdSql = implode(', ', $name2id); $sqlre = "select replyer, count(*) as num from msg_aliordermessage where role=1 and replyer in ({$userIdSql}) \n and hasread=2 {$wheresql} group by replyer"; // echo $sqlre;exit; $replyResult = $mysql_obj->getQueryResult($sqlre); $replyList = array(); foreach ($replyResult as $reRow) { $replyList[$reRow['replyer']] = $reRow['num']; } $totalNohandle = 0; //未处理的留言总数 $totalRead = 0; //已读留言总数 $totalReply = 0; //已回复留言总数 foreach ($statistics as $r) { $totalNohandle += $r[0]; $totalRead += $r[1]; $totalReply += $r[2]; } global $dbConn; $accountGroup = $this->getAliAccountGroup(); $gropAmount = array(); foreach ($accountGroup as $key => $group) { $sql_str = implode("', '", $group); $sql = "select count(1) as num from msg_aliordermessage where receiverid in ('{$sql_str}') {$wheresql}"; $row = $dbConn->fetch_first($sql); $gropAmount[$key] = $row['num']; } $filpNameId = array_flip($name2id); foreach ($statistics as $user => $rows) { $userId = isset($name2id[$user]) ? $name2id[$user] : -1; if (isset($replyList[$userId])) { $statistics[$user][2] = $replyList[$userId]; } else { $statistics[$user][2] = 0; } } $thirdmenue = 1; } else { //处理站内信 $sql = "select fieldId , hasread, count(*) as num from msg_alisitemessage where role=1 and hasread in (0,1)\n {$wheresql} group by fieldId, hasread\n "; $resultList = $mysql_obj->getQueryResult($sql); $statistics = array(); // 统计数据 foreach ($userGroup as $username => $ids) { if (!array_key_exists($username, $statistics)) { $statistics[$username] = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0); } foreach ($resultList as $row) { if (in_array($row['fieldId'], $ids)) { if ($row['hasread'] == 0) { // 累加未回复留言 $statistics[$username][0] += $row['num']; } elseif ($row['hasread'] == 1) { // 累加已读留言 $statistics[$username][1] += $row['num']; } } } } foreach ($statistics as $key => $item) { $total = array_sum($item); $statistics[$key]['total'] = $total; } // print_r($statistics); $replyedStatistics = array(); // 已回复留言统计 $userIdSql = implode(', ', $name2id); $sqlre = "select replyer, count(*) as num from msg_alisitemessage where role=1 and replyer in ({$userIdSql}) \n and hasread=2 {$wheresql} group by replyer"; // echo $sqlre;exit; $replyResult = $mysql_obj->getQueryResult($sqlre); $replyList = array(); foreach ($replyResult as $reRow) { $replyList[$reRow['replyer']] = $reRow['num']; } $totalNohandle = 0; // 未处理的留言总数 $totalRead = 0; // 已读留言总数 $totalReply = 0; // 已回复留言总数 foreach ($statistics as $r) { $totalNohandle += $r[0]; $totalRead += $r[1]; $totalReply += $r[2]; } global $dbConn; $accountGroup = $this->getAliAccountGroup(); $gropAmount = array(); foreach ($accountGroup as $key => $group) { $sql_str = implode("', '", $group); $sql = "select count(1) as num from msg_alisitemessage where receiverid in ('{$sql_str}') {$wheresql}"; $row = $dbConn->fetch_first($sql); $gropAmount[$key] = $row['num']; } // print_r($gropAmount);exit; $filpNameId = array_flip($name2id); // print_r($filpNameId); foreach ($statistics as $user => $rows) { $userId = isset($name2id[$user]) ? $name2id[$user] : -1; if (isset($replyList[$userId])) { $statistics[$user][2] = $replyList[$userId]; } else { $statistics[$user][2] = 0; } } // print_r($statistics);exit; $thirdmenue = 2; } // exit; // print_r($data);exit; $this->smarty->assign('third_menue', $thirdmenue); $this->smarty->assign('starttime', $starttime); $this->smarty->assign('endtime', $endtime); $this->smarty->assign('totalNhandle', $totalNohandle); $this->smarty->assign('totalread', $totalRead); $this->smarty->assign('totalreply', $totalReply); $this->smarty->assign('type', $type); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 3); // $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('statistics', $statistics); $this->smarty->assign('statistics_2', $gropAmount); $this->smarty->assign('sec_menue', 2); $this->smarty->display('msgstatisticsAliorder.htm'); }
private function allocateFieled() { extract($this->generateInfo()); $userid = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : FALSE; if (!is_numeric($userid) || $userid === FALSE) { $msgdata = array('data' => array('用户id不合法!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($msgdata); exit; } $use_obj = new GetLoacalUserModel(); $userinfo = $use_obj->getUserInfoById($userid); if (empty($userinfo)) { $msgdata = array('data' => array('用户信息不存在!'), 'link' => $gobackurl); goErrMsgPage($msgdata); exit; } //获得相应平台 文件夹信息 $cat_obj = new amazonmessagecategoryModel(); $catlist = $cat_obj->getAllCategoryInfoList(' order by category_name'); // print_r($catlist);exit; //print_r($catlist);exit; //获得用户权限 $lp_obj = new LocalPowerAmazonModel(); $userpower = $lp_obj->getUserInfo($userinfo['user_id'])['power']; // print_r($userpower);exit; $this->smarty->assign('userpower', explode(',', $userpower)); $this->smarty->assign('gobackurl', $gobackurl); $this->smarty->assign('catlist', $catlist); $this->smarty->assign('submiturl', $submiturl); $this->smarty->assign('userinfo', $userinfo); $this->smarty->assign('sec_menue', $sec_menue); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 4); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', 'Amazon message类别列表'); $this->smarty->display('fieldAllocationAmazon.htm'); }
public function getUserInfoBySysId($userId, $way = 1) { $returnar = array('userName' => NULL); if ($way === 1) { $info = $this->getUsernameById($userId); if (!empty($info)) { $decode = json_decode($info, TRUE); if (is_array($decode)) { $returnar['userName'] = $decode[0]['userName']; } else { $returnar['userName'] = ''; } } } else { $glu_ojb = new GetLoacalUserModel(); $user = $glu_ojb->getUserInfoBySysId($userId); if (!empty($user)) { $returnar['userName'] = $user['global_user_name']; } } return $returnar; }
function process_message($msg) { $dbalive = mysql_ping(); if ($dbalive !== TRUE) { //数据库连接失效 重连 echo "reconnecting DB ! \n"; } global $remsg_obj, $msg_obj, $rm_obj, $remsgque_obj, $dbConn; $message_body = json_decode($msg->body, TRUE); if ($message_body == FALSE || !is_array($message_body) || !isset($message_body['id'])) { echo 'invalid message ! --- ' . $msg->body . "\n"; return; } $id = $message_body['id']; $sql = "select * from msg_replyqueue where id={$id} limit 1"; $row = $dbConn->fetch_first($sql); if (empty($row)) { //没找到信息 直接return $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($msg->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); //删除队列信息 return; } $infor = unserialize($row['parameter']); // 反序列化其他扩展信息 /*----- 根据账号来加载账号信息 -----*/ $ebayaccount = $row['account']; //所属账号 $token_file = WEB_PATH . "lib/ebaylibrary/keys/keys_" . $ebayaccount . ".php"; if (!file_exists($token_file)) { echo formatetime() . '---' . $token_file . " does not exists!!! at code line--" . __LINE__ . "\n"; // 密码文件不存在 $remsgque_obj->delAQueueRecords($row['id']); //数据不对直接删除 $msg_obj->updateMessageStatus(array($row['messageid']), 0); //重置message为0的状态 $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($msg->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); //删除队列信息 return; // 退出 } include '' . $token_file; /*----- 导出为全局变量 ugly code -----*/ $GLOBALS['siteID'] = $siteID; $GLOBALS['production'] = $production; $GLOBALS['compatabilityLevel'] = $compatabilityLevel; $GLOBALS['devID'] = $devID; $GLOBALS['appID'] = $appID; $GLOBALS['certID'] = $certID; $GLOBALS['serverUrl'] = $serverUrl; $GLOBALS['userToken'] = $userToken; /*----- 根据账号来加载账号信息 -----*/ $msgid = $row['messageid']; //对应的message表的主键id if ($row['replytype'] == 1) { //带有回复内容的message回复 $content = $row['retext']; //回复内容 $copytosender = $infor['iscopy']; // 是否抄送 改值只能为0、1 /*----- 推送回复到线上 -----*/ $result = $rm_obj->replyMessage($msgid, $content, $copytosender); //回复 并返回结果 if ($result == TRUE) { //执行成功则标记为已经读取 $result = $rm_obj->markAsRead($msgid, 'Read'); if (!$result) { echo ReplyMessageModel::$errMsg . " --- 回邮件发送成功, 标记已读失败!\n"; } } } else { //只标及为回复状态 没有回复内容的 /*----- 发送请求 -----*/ $result = $rm_obj->markAsRead($msgid, 'Read'); } if ($result == TRUE) { // 发送成功 删除该回复队列记录 $remsgque_obj->delAQueueRecords($row['id']); $status = 2; // 默认为正常回复 if ($row['replytype'] == 2) { //为标记回复 $status = 3; } $msg_obj->updateMessageStatus(array($msgid), $status); //将message状态改为回复成功 echo 'success! ' . date('Y:m:d H:i:s', time()) . "\n"; } else { // 发送失败 echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . '---' . __LINE__ . '---' . __FILE__ . '---' . ReplyMessageModel::$errMsg . "\n"; $errcontent = ReplyMessageModel::$sendMsg; if (ReplyMessageModel::$sender != NULL) { $usrmod_obj = new GetLoacalUserModel(); $userinfo = $usrmod_obj->getUserInfoBySysId(ReplyMessageModel::$sender); if (!empty($userinfo)) { /*发送邮件*/ $result_sys = getOpenSysApi('notice.send.message', array('content' => $errcontent, 'from' => 'tuxinglong', 'to' => $userinfo['global_user_login_name'], 'type' => 'email')); } } $remsgque_obj->plusCountById($row['id']); // 将失败次数加一 } //确认收到 $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($msg->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); //确认收到 // Send a message with the string "quit" to cancel the consumer. if ($msg->body === 'quit') { $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_cancel($msg->delivery_info['consumer_tag']); } }
public function view_messageStatistics() { $starttime = isset($_GET['starttime']) ? trim($_GET['starttime']) : ''; $endtime = isset($_GET['endtime']) ? trim($_GET['endtime']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('starttime', $starttime); $this->smarty->assign('endtime', $endtime); $wheresql = ''; if (!empty($starttime)) { $start_stamp = strtotime($starttime); } else { $start_stamp = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); //没有开始时间就默认为当前日期 } if (!empty($endtime)) { $end_stamp = strtotime($endtime); } else { $end_stamp = $start_stamp + 86399; //没有结束时间就默认为开始时间加到这天的最后一秒 } if ($starttime == $endtime) { $end_stamp = $start_stamp + 86399; } $wheresql .= '(replytime between ' . $start_stamp . ' and ' . $end_stamp . ')'; /*获得文件夹列表*/ $cat_obj = new amazonmessagecategoryModel(); $list = $cat_obj->getAllCategoryInfoList(''); $catgroup = array(); $finalcatgroup = array(); //print_r($list);exit; /*----- 生成数组形式的客服及其所属分类id -----*/ foreach ($list as $v) { $catname = $v['category_name']; $breakar = explode('-', $catname); if (isset($breakar[1])) { if (array_key_exists($breakar[1], $catgroup)) { $catgroup[$breakar[1]][] = $v['id']; } else { $catgroup[$breakar[1]] = array($v['id']); } } } // print_r($catgroup); $localUser_obj = new GetLoacalUserModel(); $userlist = array(); $userlist = $localUser_obj->getUserInfo(74); //获得所有的74部门的成员 $name2id = $localUser_obj->getUserId($userlist); $userlist_tmp = array_flip($name2id); //print_r($userlist_tmp); //这是防止创建人不是74部的 foreach ($catgroup as $name => $cid) { if (in_array($name, $userlist_tmp)) { $finalcatgroup[$name] = $cid; } } // print_r($finalcatgroup); $idsql = implode(',', $name2id); //根据上边的全局id查询某个id回复了的邮件数 $sql_user = "******"; //echo $sql_user; $query_re = mysql_query($sql_user); $userReply = array(); //为对应的全局id和回复的邮件数 while ($urow = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_re)) { $userReply[$urow['replyuser_id']] = $urow['num']; } //print_r($userReply); /*----- 生成统计信息 -----*/ /*----- 以下是先获取所有的邮件回复状况 -----*/ $sql = "select classid, status, count(status) as num from msg_amazonmessage where ( {$wheresql} ) or replytime is null group by classid , status"; // echo $sql; $result = array(); // result结构:array(分类id=>array(邮件状态值=>邮件数量)) $finalresult = array(); $final = array(); //echo $sql; $qre = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qre)) { if (array_key_exists($row['classid'], $result)) { if (!array_key_exists($row['status'], $result[$row['classid']])) { $result[$row['classid']][$row['status']] = $row['num']; } } else { $result[$row['classid']] = array($row['status'] => $row['num']); } } // print_r($result); foreach ($finalcatgroup as $name => $cids) { foreach ($result as $classid => $status) { if (in_array($classid, $cids)) { $finalresult[$name][] = $status; } else { $finalresult[$name][] = array(0, 0, 0, 0); } } } //print_r($finalresult); //这里统计的是某个客服邮件的未回复,回复中,标记回复数 foreach ($finalresult as $name => $status) { $final[$name] = array(0, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($status as $state) { $final[$name][0] += isset($state[0]) ? $state[0] : 0; $final[$name][1] += isset($state[1]) ? $state[1] : 0; $final[$name][2] += isset($state[2]) ? $state[2] : 0; $final[$name][3] += isset($state[3]) ? $state[3] : 0; } //名字必须在该部门,其回复的数量才会被记录,不然会被置为0 $final[$name][2] = array_key_exists($name, $userlist) ? $final[$name][2] : 0; $final[$name][4] = $final[$name][0] + $final[$name][2]; $final[$name]['name'] = $name; } //print_r($final); /*----- 处理排序 -----*/ $noreply = array(); //未回复 $replyed = array(); //已回复 $replying = array(); //回复中 $markreply = array(); //标记回复 $total = array(); //总数 foreach ($final as $name => $item) { $noreply[$name] = $item[0]; $replyed[$name] = $item[2]; $replying[$name] = $item[1]; $markreply[$name] = $item[3]; $total[$name] = $item[4]; } //print_r($total);exit; $total_noreply = array_sum($noreply); $total_replyed = array_sum($replyed); $total_replying = array_sum($replying); $total_markreply = array_sum($markreply); $total_total = array_sum($total); $this->smarty->assign('total_noreply', $total_noreply); $this->smarty->assign('total_replyed', $total_replyed); $this->smarty->assign('total_markreply', $total_markreply); $this->smarty->assign('total_replying', $total_replying); $this->smarty->assign('total_total', $total_total); $sort_no = isset($_GET['srtn']) ? $_GET['srtn'] == 'asc' ? $sortype = 'asc' : ($sortype = 'desc') : FALSE; //未回复 $sort_h = isset($_GET['srth']) ? $_GET['srth'] == 'asc' ? $sortype = 'asc' : ($sortype = 'desc') : FALSE; //已回复 $sort_i = isset($_GET['srti']) ? $_GET['srti'] == 'asc' ? $sortype = 'asc' : ($sortype = 'desc') : FALSE; //回复中 $sort_m = isset($_GET['srtm']) ? $_GET['srtm'] == 'asc' ? $sortype = 'asc' : ($sortype = 'desc') : FALSE; //标记回复 $sort_t = isset($_GET['srtt']) ? $_GET['srtt'] == 'asc' ? $sortype = 'asc' : ($sortype = 'desc') : FALSE; //总数 if ($sort_no !== FALSE) { //未回复排序 if ($sort_no == 'asc') { //升序 asort($noreply); } else { //降序 arsort($noreply); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_no'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $noreply); } elseif ($sort_h !== FALSE) { //已回复 if ($sort_h == 'asc') { asort($replyed); } else { arsort($replyed); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_h'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $replyed); } elseif ($sort_i !== FALSE) { //回复中 if ($sort_i == 'asc') { asort($replying); } else { arsort($replying); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_i'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $replying); } elseif ($sort_m !== FALSE) { //标记回复 if ($sort_m == 'asc') { asort($markreply); } else { arsort($markreply); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_m'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $markreply); } elseif ($sort_t !== FALSE) { //总数量 if ($sort_t == 'asc') { asort($total); } else { arsort($total); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_t'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $total); } else { //默认按未回复数量降序排列 if ($sort_no == 'asc') { //升序 asort($noreply); } else { //降序 arsort($noreply); } $this->smarty->assign('condition', 'sort_no'); $this->smarty->assign('sortindex', $noreply); } //print_r($noreply);exit; $this->smarty->assign('sorttype', $sortype); /*----- 处理排序 -----*/ $this->smarty->assign('sec_menue', 7); $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=msgCategoryAmazon&act=categoryList', 'title' => 'Amazon message系统'), array('url' => '', 'title' => 'Amazon message统计')); $isExport = isset($_GET['export']) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($isExport) { $final[] = array($total_noreply, 0, $total_replyed, 0, $total_total, 'name' => '统计'); $this->exportExcell($starttime, $endtime, $final); exit; } $this->smarty->assign('starttime', date('Y-m-d', $start_stamp)); $this->smarty->assign('endtime', date('Y-m-d', $end_stamp)); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 3); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('statistics', $final); $this->smarty->assign('sec_menue', 3); $this->smarty->display('msgstatisticsAmazon.htm'); }
public function view_mailPushSettingList() { include_once WEB_PATH . 'lib/global_ebay_accounts.php'; //导入ebay平台账号 $bindObj = new UserAccountBindModel(); $relatio = array(); $userObj = new GetLoacalUserModel(); foreach ($GLOBAL_EBAY_ACCOUNT as $account) { $users = $bindObj->getBindInfo($account); foreach ($users as &$u) { $userInfo = $userObj->getUserInfoBySysId($u['userID']); $u['name'] = isset($userInfo['global_user_name']) ? $userInfo['global_user_name'] : ''; } $relation[$account] = $users; } $allowedList = $bindObj->getAllowedAccount($_SESSION['globaluserid']); $GLOBAL_EBAY_ACCOUNT = array_intersect($allowedList, $GLOBAL_EBAY_ACCOUNT); // print_r($relation);exit; $this->smarty->assign('accountList', $GLOBAL_EBAY_ACCOUNT); $this->smarty->assign('sec_menue', 4); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 4); $this->smarty->assign('powerList', $relation); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', 'message类别列表'); $this->smarty->display('mailPushSettingList.htm'); }