function processEvent(&$event)
     //perform actions
     $topic_id = $event['event_param'];
     $db =& $this->_getDB();
     require 'conf/' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '.conf.php';
     $topic = $db->GetRow("select topic_title,forum_id,topic_time from geobb_topics where topic_id='{$topic_id}' and forum_id = {$CONF['forum_gridsquare']}");
     //get title of topic
     $title = strtoupper(trim($topic['topic_title']));
     //see if title matches a grid reference
     $gridsquare = new GridSquare();
     if ($gridsquare->setGridRef($title)) {
         $gridsquare_id = $gridsquare->gridsquare_id;
         //set up mapping
         if ($gridsquare_id > 0) {
             $this->processor->trace("Mapping {$gridsquare_id} to topic {$topic_id} ({$title})");
             $db->Execute("replace into gridsquare_topic(gridsquare_id,topic_id,forum_id,last_post) " . "values ({$gridsquare_id}, {$topic_id}, {$topic['forum_id']}, '{$topic['topic_time']}')");
             //delete any smarty caches for this square
             $images = $db->getCol("select gridimage_id from gridimage where gridsquare_id = {$gridsquare_id}");
             $smarty = new GeographPage();
             foreach ($images as $gridimage_id) {
                 //clear any caches involving this photo
                 $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
                 $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}");
     //return true to signal completed processing
     //return false to have another attempt later
     return true;
 function processEvent(&$event)
     $db =& $this->_getDB();
     //very easy  -trash any mappings to this topic
     $post_id = $event['event_param'];
     $post = $db->GetRow("select topic_id,post_time from geobb_posts where post_id='{$post_id}'");
     if ($post) {
         //update timestamp of last post
         $db->Execute("update gridsquare_topic set last_post='{$post['post_time']}' where topic_id = '{$post['topic_id']}'");
         //delete any smarty caches for this square
         $gridsquare_id = $db->getOne("select gridsquare_id from gridsquare_topic where topic_id = {$post['topic_id']}");
         if ($gridsquare_id) {
             $images = $db->getCol("select gridimage_id from gridimage where gridsquare_id = {$gridsquare_id}");
             $smarty = new GeographPage();
             foreach ($images as $gridimage_id) {
                 //clear any caches involving this photo
                 $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
                 $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}");
     //return true to signal completed processing
     //return false to have another attempt later
     return true;
 function processEvent(&$event)
     $db =& $this->_getDB();
     list($gridimage_id, $updatemaps) = explode(',', $event['event_param']);
     $smarty = new GeographPage();
     $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
     $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}");
     //return true to signal completed processing
     //return false to have another attempt later
     return true;
 function processEvent(&$event)
     $db =& $this->_getDB();
     $topic_id = $event['event_param'];
     //delete any smarty caches for this square
     $gridsquare_id = $db->getOne("select gridsquare_id from gridsquare_topic where topic_id = {$topic_id}");
     if ($gridsquare_id) {
         $images = $db->getCol("select gridimage_id from gridimage where gridsquare_id = {$gridsquare_id}");
         $smarty = new GeographPage();
         foreach ($images as $gridimage_id) {
             //clear any caches involving this photo
             $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
             $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}");
         // -trash any mappings to this topic
         $db->Execute("delete from gridsquare_topic where topic_id = {$topic_id}");
     //return true to signal completed processing
     //return false to have another attempt later
     return true;
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'view') {
        $v = $memcache->name_get($namespace, intval($_GET['image_id']) . ':' . $size);
        print "<pre>";
        print htmlentities(print_r($v, true));
        print "</pre>";
    } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
        $ok = $memcache->name_delete($namespace, intval($_GET['image_id']) . ':' . $size);
        print "Delete return value: {$ok}";
} elseif (isset($_GET['flushMemcache'])) {
    print "<h2>Flush Memcache</h2>";
    print $memcache->flush();
    print "<h3>done</h3>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['clearSmarty'])) {
    print "<h2>Clear Whole Smarty Cache</h2>";
    print "<h3>done</h3>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['get'])) {
    $v = $memcache->get($_GET['get']);
    print "<pre>";
    print "</pre><pre>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['set'])) {
    $v = $memcache->set($_GET['set'], $_GET['v']);
    print "<pre>";
    print "</pre>";
} else {
Exemple #6
            $errors[$key] = "missing required info";
    if (!count($updates)) {
        $smarty->assign('error', "No Changes to Save");
        $errors[1] = 1;
    if ($_REQUEST['id'] == 'new') {
        $updates[] = "`user_id` = {$USER->user_id}";
        $updates[] = "`created` = NOW()";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO geoevent SET " . implode(',', $updates);
    } else {
        $sql = "UPDATE geoevent SET " . implode(',', $updates) . " WHERE geoevent_id = " . $db->Quote($_REQUEST['id']);
    if (!count($errors) && count($updates)) {
        if ($_REQUEST['id'] == 'new') {
            $_REQUEST['id'] = $db->Insert_ID();
        $memcache->name_increment('ep', intval($_REQUEST['id']), 1, true);
        header("Location: /events/event.php?id=" . intval($_REQUEST['id']));
    } else {
        if ($errors[1] != 1) {
            $smarty->assign('error', "Please see messages below...");
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors);
$smarty->display($template, $cacheid);
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'geograph/';
require_once 'geograph/mapmosaic.class.php';
$smarty = new GeographPage();
$template = 'statistics_not_geographed.tpl';
$cacheid = 'statistics|not_geographed';
if ($smarty->caching) {
    $smarty->caching = 2;
    // lifetime is per cache
    $smarty->cache_lifetime = 3600 * 24;
    //24hr cache
if (isset($_GET['refresh']) && $USER->hasPerm('admin')) {
    $smarty->clear_cache($template, $cacheid);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('references_real', $CONF['references']);
if (!$smarty->is_cached($template, $cacheid)) {
    $db = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['DSN']);
    if (!$db) {
        die('Database connection failed');
    #$db->debug = true;
    $mosaic = new GeographMapMosaic();
    $mostarray = array();
    foreach ($CONF['references'] as $ri => $rname) {
        $letterlength = $CONF['gridpreflen'][$ri];
        $most = $db->GetAll("select \n\t\tgrid_reference,x,y,\n\t\tconcat(substring(grid_reference,1," . ($letterlength + 1) . "),substring(grid_reference," . ($letterlength + 3) . ",1)) as tenk_square,\n\t\tsum(has_geographs) as geograph_count,\n\t\tsum(percent_land >0) as land_count\n\t\tfrom gridsquare \n\t\twhere reference_index = {$ri} \n\t\tgroup by tenk_square \n\t\thaving geograph_count = 0 and land_count > 0\n\t\torder by tenk_square");
             if ($status == 'rejected') {
                 $ticket = new GridImageTroubleTicket();
                 if (!empty($_GET['comment'])) {
                     $ticket->setNotes("Auto-generated ticket, as a result of Moderation. Rejecting this image because: " . stripslashes($_GET['comment']));
                 } else {
                     $ticket->setNotes("Auto-generated ticket, as a result of Moderation. Please leave a comment to explain the reason for rejecting this image.");
                 $status = $ticket->commit('open');
                 echo " <a href=\"/editimage.php?id={$gridimage_id}\"><B>View Ticket</b></a>";
             //clear caches involving the image
             $smarty->clear_cache('view.tpl', "{$gridimage_id}_0_0");
             $smarty->clear_cache('view.tpl', "{$gridimage_id}_0_1");
             $smarty->clear_cache('view.tpl', "{$gridimage_id}_1_0");
             $smarty->clear_cache('view.tpl', "{$gridimage_id}_1_1");
             //clear the users profile cache
             $smarty->clear_cache('profile.tpl', "{$image->user_id}_0");
             $smarty->clear_cache('profile.tpl', "{$image->user_id}_1");
             $memcache->name_delete('us', $image->user_id);
     } else {
         echo "FAIL";
 } else {
     echo "NOT LOGGED IN";
        if ($memcache->valid) {
            //the submit list
            $mkey = md5("{$square->gridsquare_id}:{$USER->user_id},,order by submitted desc limit 6");
            $memcache->name_delete('gi', $mkey);
            //the browse page for the user (to show pending)
            $mkey = md5("{$square->gridsquare_id}:{$USER->user_id},,order by ftf desc,gridimage_id");
            $memcache->name_delete('gi', $mkey);
    if (!empty($_POST['pattrib_default'])) {
        $USER->setCreditDefault($_POST['pattrib'] == 'other' ? stripslashes($_POST['pattrib_name']) : '');
    //clear user profile
    $ab = floor($USER->user_id / 10000);
    $smarty->clear_cache(null, "user{$ab}|{$USER->user_id}");
    $token = new Token();
    $token->setValueBinary("s", serialize($status));
    $token->setValueBinary("f", serialize($filenames));
    $t = $token->getToken($expiry);
    print "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/puploader.php?success&t={$t}";
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['inner'])) {
    $template = 'puploader_inner.tpl';
    $step = 1;
    $square = new GridSquare();
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['photographer_gridref']) && empty($_REQUEST['grid_reference'])) {
        $_REQUEST['grid_reference'] = $_REQUEST['photographer_gridref'];
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['grid_reference'])) {
Exemple #10
        $updates[] = "`create_time` = NOW()";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO article SET " . implode(',', $updates);
    } else {
        $sql = "UPDATE article SET " . implode(',', $updates) . " WHERE article_id = " . $db->Quote($_REQUEST['article_id']);
    if (!count($errors) && count($updates)) {
        if ($_REQUEST['page'] == 'new' || $_REQUEST['article_id'] == 'new') {
            $_REQUEST['article_id'] = $db->Insert_ID();
        require_once 'geograph/event.class.php';
        new Event("article_updated", $_REQUEST['article_id']);
        //and back it up
        $sql = "INSERT INTO article_revisions SELECT *,NULL,{$USER->user_id} FROM article WHERE article_id = " . $db->Quote($_REQUEST['article_id']);
        $_SESSION[$_POST['url']] = $db->Insert_ID();
        $smarty->clear_cache('article_article.tpl', $_POST['url']);
        $db->Execute("DELETE FROM article_lock WHERE user_id = {$USER->user_id} AND article_id = {$_REQUEST['article_id']}");
        header("Location: /article/" . (empty($_POST['url']) ? $page['url'] : $_POST['url']));
    } else {
        if ($errors[1] != 1) {
            $smarty->assign('error', "Please see messages below...");
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors);
$smarty->assign('licences', array('none' => '(Temporarily) Not Published', 'pd' => 'Public Domain', 'cc-by-sa/2.0' => 'Creative Commons BY-SA/2.0', 'copyright' => 'Copyright'));
$smarty->assign('article_cat', array(0 => '') + $db->getAssoc("select article_cat_id,category_name from article_cat order by sort_order"));
$smarty->display($template, $cacheid);
Exemple #11
        } else {
            header("Location: /photo/{$_REQUEST['id']}");
        if (isset($_POST['pattrib'])) {
            if ($_POST['pattrib'] == 'other') {
            } elseif ($_POST['pattrib'] == 'self') {
            if (!empty($_POST['pattrib_default'])) {
                $USER->setCreditDefault($_POST['pattrib'] == 'other' ? stripslashes($_POST['pattrib_name']) : '');
            //clear any caches involving this photo
            $ab = floor($image->gridimage_id / 10000);
            $smarty->clear_cache(null, "img{$ab}|{$image->gridimage_id}");
            //clear user specific stuff like profile page
            $smarty->clear_cache(null, "user{$image->user_id}");
            header("Location: /photo/{$_REQUEST['id']}");
        //do our thing!
        $smarty->assign('page_title', $image->grid_reference);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('image', $image);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('isowner', $isowner);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('isadmin', $isadmin);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign('error', 'Invalid image id specified');
} else {
    $smarty->assign('error', 'No image id specified');
 * $Project: GeoGraph $
 * $Id$
 * GeoGraph geographic photo archive project
 * This file copyright (C) 2005 Barry Hunter (
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'geograph/';
$smarty = new GeographPage();
if (!empty($_GET['template']) || !empty($_GET['cache_id'])) {
    $smarty->clear_cache($_GET['template'], $_GET['cache_id']);
    print "Done ->clear_cache({$_GET['template']},{$_GET['cache_id']})";
} else {
    print "Done Nothing!";
    //redirect to prevent page refreshes of this url
if (isset($_GET['invalidateAll']) && $USER->hasPerm('admin')) {
    $mosaic = new GeographMapMosaic();
    //redirect to prevent page refreshes of this url
if (isset($_GET['expireAll']) && $USER->hasPerm('admin')) {
    $mosaic = new GeographMapMosaic();
    $mosaic->expireAll($_GET['expireAll'] ? true : false);
    $smarty->clear_cache(null, 'mapbrowse');
    //redirect to prevent page refreshes of this url
$db = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['DSN']);
if (isset($_GET['coast_GB_40'])) {
    //invalidate coast'ish' GB squares at thumbnail level!
    $prefixes = $db->GetAll("select * \n\tfrom gridprefix \n\twhere reference_index = 1 \n\tand landcount < 9500 \n\tand landcount > 0");
    foreach ($prefixes as $idx => $prefix) {
        $minx = $prefix['origin_x'];
        $maxx = $prefix['origin_x'] + $prefix['width'] - 1;
        $miny = $prefix['origin_y'];
        $maxy = $prefix['origin_y'] + $prefix['height'] - 1;
        if ($_GET['do']) {
            $db->Execute("update mapcache set age=age+1 where " . "map_x between {$minx} and {$maxx} and " . "map_y between {$miny} and {$maxy} and " . "pixels_per_km >= 40");
Exemple #14
            print "<a href=\"" . htmlentities($url) . "\">Continue to Search</a>";
            //should never return!
        $template = 'explore_places_adm1.tpl';
        $cacheid = 'places|' . $_GET['ri'] . '.' . $_GET['adm1'];
    } else {
        $template = 'explore_places_ri.tpl';
        $cacheid = 'places|' . $_GET['ri'];
} else {
    $template = 'explore_places.tpl';
    $cacheid = 'places';
if (isset($_GET['refresh']) && $USER->hasPerm('admin')) {
    $smarty->clear_cache($template, 'places');
if (!$smarty->is_cached($template, $cacheid)) {
    require_once 'geograph/gridimage.class.php';
    require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php';
    require_once 'geograph/imagelist.class.php';
    $db = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['DSN']);
    if (!empty($_GET['ri'])) {
        $smarty->assign('ri', $_GET['ri']);
        if (!empty($_GET['adm1'])) {
            $smarty->assign('adm1', $_GET['adm1']);
            if (!empty($_GET['pid'])) {
                //todo: error message?
            if ($_GET['ri'] == 2) {
             require_once "3rdparty/S3.php";
             $s3 = new S3($CONF['awsAccessKey'], $CONF['awsSecretKey']);
             $ok = $s3->putObjectFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $image->originalUrl, $CONF['awsS3Bucket'], preg_replace("/^\\//", '', $image->originalUrl), S3::ACL_PRIVATE);
         if ($image->previewUrl != "/photos/error.jpg") {
             if (!empty($_POST['confirm'])) {
                 //delete the preview - we dont need it
                 unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $image->previewUrl);
             } else {
                 //store the preview as an alterantive fullsize
                 $image->storeImage($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $image->previewUrl, true, '_640x640');
         //clear caches involving the image
         $ab = floor($gridimage_id / 10000);
         $smarty->clear_cache('', "img{$ab}|{$gridimage_id}|");
         $mkey = "{$gridimage_id}:F";
         $memcache->name_delete('is', $mkey);
         $db->Execute("DELETE FROM gridimage_size WHERE gridimage_id = {$gridimage_id}");
         if (!empty($_POST['confirm'])) {
             $db->Execute("UPDATE gridimage_pending gp SET status = 'confirmed' WHERE gridimage_id = {$gridimage_id} ");
         } else {
             $db->Execute("UPDATE gridimage_pending gp SET status = 'accepted' WHERE gridimage_id = {$gridimage_id} ");
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('message', 'Verification failed - please let us know!');
 } else {
     $db->Execute("UPDATE gridimage_pending gp SET status = 'rejected' WHERE gridimage_id = {$gridimage_id} ");
 $smarty->assign("last_id", $gridimage_id);
function UploadPicture()
    global $CONF;
    global $xml;
    global $USER;
    if (empty($_POST['userid']) || !intval($_POST['userid'])) {
        $xml['status'] = 'Not Logged In';
    } else {
        $USER = new GeographUser(intval($_POST['userid']));
        //TODO: check validation hash?
        if ($_POST['validation'] != md5($_POST['userid'] . '#' . $CONF['register_confirmation_secret'])) {
            $xml['status'] = 'User not verified';
        if (!$USER->user_id || !$USER->hasPerm('basic')) {
            $xml['status'] = 'Not authorised to post';
    $um = new UploadManager();
    $gs = new GridSquare();
    // this is the check that we like the client and any image has
    // come in with the appropriate cc licence
    $ccl = $_POST['cclicence'];
    if ($ccl != "I grant you the permission to use this submission " . "under the terms of the Creative Commons by-sa-2.0 licence") {
        $xml['status'] = 'Bad client submission';
    // validate the grid square - we may be going back to the user
    // quickly here :-)
    if ($gs->errormsg != "") {
        $xml['status'] = $gs->errormsg;
    $takendate = strtotime_uk($_POST['date']);
    if ($takendate > time()) {
        $xml['status'] = "Date taken in future";
    // set up attributes from uploaded data
    $um->setTaken(date('Y-m-d', $takendate));
    // where there any errors back from the image processing?
    // if so, JUppy needs to know...
    if ($um->error != "") {
        $xml['status'] = $um->error;
    } else {
        // so far so good... can we commit the submission?
        $rc = $um->commit();
        if ($rc == "") {
            //clear user profile
            $ab = floor($USER->user_id / 10000);
            $smarty = new GeographPage();
            $smarty->clear_cache(null, "user{$ab}|{$USER->user_id}");
            $xml['status'] = "OK";
        } else {
            $xml['status'] = $rc;