protected function makeFromJSON($_json) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "entering"); $gadc = new GeoGadc(); $gadc->short_name = $_json['short_name']; $gadc->long_name = $_json['long_name']; $gadc->types = $_json['types']; sort($gadc->types); GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving"); return $gadc; }
protected function makeFromJSON($_json) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "entering"); $gdat = new GeoGdat(); $geomfactory = new GeoGeomFactory(); $gadcfactory = new GeoGadcFactory(); $gdat->geometry = $geomfactory->make(new JSONGeoGeomFactoryData($_json['geometry'])); $gdat->formatted_address = $_json['formatted_address']; $gdat->types = $_json['types']; $gdat->lang = $_json['lang']; $gdat->ext = 0; foreach ($_json['address_components'] as $ad) { $gdat->address_components[] = $gadcfactory->make(new JSONGeoGadcFactoryData($ad)); } return $gdat; }
public function reverseGeocode($_lat, $_lng, $_lang) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_NOTICE, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "asking for: [{$_lat}:{$_lng}] ({$_lang})"); $headers = array("Host:"); $url = sprintf('http://%s/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=%s&latlng=%s,%s&language=%s', GOOGLE_MAPS_SERVER . ":" . GOOGLE_MAPS_PORT, 'false', $_lat, $_lng, $_lang); if (GOOGLE_MAPS_SIGN) { $url .= "&client=" . GOOGLE_MAPS_ID; $url = self::signUrl($url, GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY); GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "url signing requested, url is now: [" . $url . "]"); } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if (!($json = curl_exec($ch))) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_CRIT, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "Curl error: " . curl_errno($ch)); curl_close($ch); return $result = array(); } $google = json_decode($json, true); switch ($google['status']) { case "OK": GeoProxy::log(LOG_INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "data found in google"); curl_close($ch); return $google['results']; case "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT": GeoProxy::log(LOG_CRIT, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT reached !"); break; case "ZERO_RESULTS": GeoProxy::log(LOG_WARNING, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "ZERO_RESULTS found !"); break; default: GeoProxy::log(LOG_WARNING, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "Google unknown status: " . $google->status); } curl_close($ch); return $result = array(); }
public function equals($_gadc) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "entering"); if (!($_gadc->short_name = $this->short_name)) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving (false 1)"); return false; } if (!($_gadc->long_name = $this->long_name)) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving (false 2)"); return false; } if (count($_gadc->types) != count($this->types)) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving (false 3)"); return false; } $s1 = array_diff($_gadc->types, $this->types); if (count($s1) > 0) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving (false 4)"); return false; } GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving (true)"); return true; }
protected function makeFromJSON($_json) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "entering"); $geom = new GeoGeom(); $geom->location_type = $_json['location_type']; $geom->location = new GeoLocation($_json['location']['lat'], $_json['location']['lng']); if (isset($_json['viewport'])) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "viewport exists in array, propagating to object"); $sw = new GeoLocation($_json['viewport']['southwest']['lat'], $_json['viewport']['southwest']['lng']); $ne = new GeoLocation($_json['viewport']['northeast']['lat'], $_json['viewport']['northeast']['lng']); $geom->viewport = new GeoBounds($sw, $ne); } else { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "viewport doesn't exist in array"); } if (isset($_json['bounds'])) { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "bounds exists in array, propagating to object"); $sw = new GeoLocation($_json['bounds']['southwest']['lat'], $_json['bounds']['southwest']['lng']); $ne = new GeoLocation($_json['bounds']['northeast']['lat'], $_json['bounds']['northeast']['lng']); $geom->bounds = new GeoBounds($sw, $ne); } else { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "bounds doesn't exist in array"); } return $geom; }
public function indexGdatID($_gdatid, $_indexname, $_indexvalue) { $key = "idx:gdat" . $this->mapF2I($_indexname) . ":" . $_indexvalue; $this->writeConn->sAdd($key, $_gdatid); GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "index [{$_indexname}:{$_indexvalue}] updated with gdat:id=[{$_gdatid}]"); }
public function computeSerial() { $md5 = md5(serialize($this)); GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "computed value: {$md5}"); return $md5; }
public function __construct() { GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "leaving"); }
public function getGdatIDs($_filters) { $filternames = array_keys($_filters); $nbfilters = count($filternames); $keys = array(); if (in_array('query', $filternames) && (in_array('lng', $filternames) or in_array('lat', $filternames))) { // query can not be specified with lat and/or lng in the same time throw new Exception('filter with both query and lat/lng'); } $logbuf = ""; foreach ($filternames as $filtername) { $logbuf .= " {$filtername}=[" . $_filters[$filtername] . "]"; } GeoProxy::log(LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, "received query filter with {$logbuf}"); if (!in_array('lang', $filternames)) { // default language == en $_filters['lang'] = 'en'; } // first case: geocoding if (in_array('query', $filternames)) { // encode query $_filters['query'] = rawurlencode($_filters['query']); $this->geocodeData($_filters['query'], $_filters['lang']); } elseif (in_array('lat', $filternames) && in_array('lng', $filternames)) { //second case: reverse geocoding $this->reverseGeocodeData($_filters['lat'], $_filters['lng'], $_filters['lang']); } // at the end, search in Redis return $this->rq->search("gdat", $_filters); }