$status_message = ''; // Status messages, default to nothing $g = new Genre(); $g->auth(null); $g->init(WEB::_get('id')); if (!$g->valid()) { $status_message = WEB::_error('Genre couldn\'t be viewed. Check ID #!', null); } // Handle Post Request if (WEB::_req('POST')) { $genre_name = WEB::_post('genre_name'); // array($genre_name) $form_error = $g->validateParams(array($genre_name)); if (is_null($form_error)) { if (!is_null($genre_name)) { $updateStatus = $g->updateGenre($genre_name); } if ($updateStatus) { $g->refresh(); $status_message = WEB::_success('Genre Successfully updated!'); } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were updating the Genre. Please make sure you\'re not adding duplicates!', $form_error); } } else { $status_message = WEB::_error('There is an error when you were updating the Genre. Please review the form below!', $form_error); } } ?> <?php