  * @param $Data
  * @param $Options
  * @return bool
 public static function check(&$Data, &$Options)
     // Make the request.
     $Get = array();
     if (isset($Data['IPAddress'])) {
         $AddIP = true;
         // Don't check against the localhost.
         foreach (array('', '', '', '') as $LocalCIDR) {
             if (Gdn_Statistics::cidrCheck($Data['IPAddress'], $LocalCIDR)) {
                 $AddIP = false;
         if ($AddIP) {
             $Get['ip'] = $Data['IPAddress'];
     if (isset($Data['Username'])) {
         $Get['username'] = $Data['Username'];
     if (isset($Data['Email'])) {
         $Get['email'] = $Data['Email'];
     if (empty($Get)) {
         return false;
     $Get['f'] = 'json';
     $Url = "http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?" . http_build_query($Get);
     $Curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($Curl, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
     curl_setopt($Curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($Curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4);
     curl_setopt($Curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
     $ResultString = curl_exec($Curl);
     if ($ResultString) {
         $Result = json_decode($ResultString, true);
         $IPFrequency = valr('ip.frequency', $Result, 0);
         $EmailFrequency = valr('email.frequency', $Result, 0);
         $IsSpam = false;
         // Flag registrations as spam above a certain threshold.
         if ($IPFrequency >= c('Plugins.StopForumSpam.IPThreshold1', 5) || $EmailFrequency >= c('Plugins.StopForumSpam.EmailThreshold1', 20)) {
             $IsSpam = true;
         // Don't even log registrations that are above another threahold.
         if ($IPFrequency >= c('Plugins.StopForumSpam.IPThreshold2', 20) || $EmailFrequency >= c('Plugins.StopForumSpam.EmailThreshold2', 50)) {
             $Options['Log'] = false;
         if ($Result) {
             $Data['_Meta']['IP Frequency'] = $IPFrequency;
             $Data['_Meta']['Email Frequency'] = $EmailFrequency;
         return $IsSpam;
     return false;
 public function Index() {
    $this->Title(T('Vanilla Statistics'));
    if ($this->Form->IsPostBack()) {
       $Flow = TRUE;
       if ($Flow && $this->Form->GetFormValue('ClearCredentials')) {
          $Flow = FALSE;
       if ($Flow && $this->Form->GetFormValue('SaveIdentity')) {
          $this->InformMessage(T("Your settings have been saved."));
       if ($Flow && $this->Form->GetFormValue('AllowLocal')) {
          SaveToConfig('Garden.Analytics.AllowLocal', TRUE);
       if ($Flow && $this->Form->GetFormValue('Allow')) {
          SaveToConfig('Garden.Analytics.Enabled', TRUE);
    $AnalyticsEnabled = Gdn_Statistics::CheckIsEnabled();
    if ($AnalyticsEnabled) {
       $ConfFile = PATH_LOCAL_CONF.DS.'config.php';
       $this->SetData('ConfWritable', $ConfWritable = is_writable($ConfFile));
       if (!$ConfWritable)
          $AnalyticsEnabled = FALSE;
    $this->SetData('AnalyticsEnabled', $AnalyticsEnabled);
    $NotifyMessage = Gdn::Get('Garden.Analytics.Notify', FALSE);
    $this->SetData('NotifyMessage', $NotifyMessage);
    if ($NotifyMessage !== FALSE)
       Gdn::Set('Garden.Analytics.Notify', NULL);
    $this->Form->SetFormValue('InstallationID', Gdn::InstallationID());
    $this->Form->SetFormValue('InstallationSecret', Gdn::InstallationSecret());
  * Statistics setup & configuration.
  * @since 2.0.17
  * @access public
 public function index()
     $this->title(t('Vanilla Statistics'));
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Flow = true;
         if ($Flow && $this->Form->getFormValue('Reregister')) {
         if ($Flow && $this->Form->getFormValue('Save')) {
             $this->informMessage(t("Your settings have been saved."));
         if ($Flow && $this->Form->getFormValue('AllowLocal')) {
             saveToConfig('Garden.Analytics.AllowLocal', true);
         if ($Flow && $this->Form->getFormValue('Allow')) {
             saveToConfig('Garden.Analytics.Enabled', true);
         if ($Flow && $this->Form->getFormValue('ClearCredentials')) {
             $Flow = false;
     } else {
         $this->Form->setValue('InstallationID', Gdn::installationID());
         $this->Form->setValue('InstallationSecret', Gdn::installationSecret());
     $AnalyticsEnabled = Gdn_Statistics::checkIsEnabled();
     if ($AnalyticsEnabled) {
         $ConfFile = Gdn::config()->defaultPath();
         $this->setData('ConfWritable', $ConfWritable = is_writable($ConfFile));
         if (!$ConfWritable) {
             $AnalyticsEnabled = false;
     $this->setData('AnalyticsEnabled', $AnalyticsEnabled);
     $NotifyMessage = Gdn::get('Garden.Analytics.Notify', false);
     $this->setData('NotifyMessage', $NotifyMessage);
     if ($NotifyMessage !== false) {
         Gdn::set('Garden.Analytics.Notify', null);
  * Override the default index method of the settings controller in the
  * dashboard application to render new statistics.
 public function StatsDashboard($Sender)
     $StatsUrl = $this->AnalyticsServer;
     if (!StringBeginsWith($StatsUrl, 'http:')) {
         $StatsUrl = "http://{$StatsUrl}";
     // Tell the page where to find the Vanilla Analytics provider
     $Sender->AddDefinition('VanillaStatsUrl', $StatsUrl);
     $Sender->SetData('VanillaStatsUrl', $StatsUrl);
     // Load javascript & css, check permissions, and load side menu for this page.
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Settings.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Routes.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Applications.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Plugins.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Themes.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Registration.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Applicants.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Roles.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Add';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Edit';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Delete';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Approve';
     $Sender->Permission($Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions, '', FALSE);
     if (!Gdn_Statistics::CheckIsEnabled() && Gdn_Statistics::CheckIsLocalhost()) {
         $Sender->Render('dashboardlocalhost', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
     } else {
         $VanillaID = Gdn::InstallationID();
         $Sender->SetData('VanillaID', $VanillaID);
         $Sender->SetData('VanillaVersion', APPLICATION_VERSION);
         $Sender->SetData('SecurityToken', $this->SecurityToken());
         // Render the custom dashboard view
         $Sender->Render('dashboard', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
  * Load up the leaderboard module data based on a specific time slot
  * @param string $SlotType Valid options are 'a': All Time, 'w': Weekly, 'm':
  * Monthly, 'y': Yearly
 public function GetData($SlotType = 'a')
     // Get the leaderboard data
     $Leaders = Gdn::SQL()->Select('up.Points as YagaPoints, u.*')->From('User u')->Join('UserPoints up', 'u.UserID = up.UserID')->Where('up.SlotType', $SlotType)->Where('up.TimeSlot', gmdate('Y-m-d', Gdn_Statistics::TimeSlotStamp($SlotType)))->Where('up.Source', 'Total')->OrderBy('up.Points', 'desc')->Limit(C('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Limit', 10), 0)->Get()->Result();
     $this->Data = $Leaders;
     switch ($SlotType) {
         case 'a':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.AllTime');
         case 'w':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Week');
         case 'm':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Month');
         case 'y':
             $this->Title = T('Yaga.LeaderBoard.Year');
Exemple #6
  * Signature check
  * This method checks the supplied signature of a request against a hash of
  * the request arguments augmented with the local secret from the config file.
  * @param type $Request Array of request parameters
  * @return boolean Status of verification check, or null if no VanillaID
 protected function VerifySignature($Request)
     // If this response has no ID, return NULL (could not verify)
     $VanillaID = GetValue('VanillaID', $Request, NULL);
     if (is_null($VanillaID)) {
         return NULL;
     // Response is bogus - wrong InstallationID
     if (!is_null(Gdn::InstallationID()) && $VanillaID != Gdn::InstallationID()) {
         return FALSE;
     // If we don't have a secret, we cannot verify anyway
     $VanillaSecret = Gdn::InstallationSecret();
     if (is_null($VanillaSecret)) {
         return NULL;
     // Calculate clock desync
     $CurrentGmTime = Gdn_Statistics::Time();
     $RequestTime = GetValue('RequestTime', $Request, 0);
     $TimeDiff = abs($CurrentGmTime - $RequestTime);
     $AllowedTimeDiff = C('Garden.Analytics.RequestTimeout', 1440);
     // Allow 24* minutes of clock desync, otherwise signature is invalid
     if ($TimeDiff > $AllowedTimeDiff) {
         return FALSE;
     $SecurityHash = GetValue('SecurityHash', $Request);
     // Remove the existing SecuritHash before calculating the signature
     // Add the real secret
     $Request['Secret'] = $VanillaSecret;
     $SignData = array_intersect_key($Request, array_fill_keys(array('VanillaID', 'Secret', 'RequestTime', 'TimeSlot'), NULL));
     // ksort the array to preserve a known order
     $SignData = array_change_key_case($SignData, CASE_LOWER);
     // Calculate the hash
     $RealHash = sha1(http_build_query($SignData));
     if ($RealHash == $SecurityHash) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Exemple #7
  * Add points to a user's total in a specific time slot.
  * @param int $UserID
  * @param int $Points
  * @param string $SlotType
  * @param string $Source
  * @param int $CategoryID
  * @param int|false $Timestamp
  * @since 2.1.0
  * @see UserModel::GivePoints()
 private static function givePointsInternal($UserID, $Points, $SlotType, $Source = 'Total', $CategoryID = 0, $Timestamp = false)
     $TimeSlot = gmdate('Y-m-d', Gdn_Statistics::timeSlotStamp($SlotType, $Timestamp));
     $Px = Gdn::database()->DatabasePrefix;
     $Sql = "insert {$Px}UserPoints (UserID, SlotType, TimeSlot, Source, CategoryID, Points)\n         values (:UserID, :SlotType, :TimeSlot, :Source, :CategoryID, :Points)\n         on duplicate key update Points = Points + :Points1";
     Gdn::database()->query($Sql, [':UserID' => $UserID, ':Points' => $Points, ':SlotType' => $SlotType, ':Source' => $Source, ':CategoryID' => $CategoryID, ':TimeSlot' => $TimeSlot, ':Points1' => $Points]);
  * Add points to a user's total in a specific timeslot.
  * @since 2.1.0
  * @access protected
  * @see self::GivePoints
 protected static function _GivePoints($UserID, $Points, $SlotType, $Source = 'Total', $Timestamp = FALSE)
     $TimeSlot = gmdate('Y-m-d', Gdn_Statistics::TimeSlotStamp($SlotType, $Timestamp));
     $Px = Gdn::Database()->DatabasePrefix;
     $Sql = "insert {$Px}UserPoints (UserID, SlotType, TimeSlot, Source, Points)\n         values (:UserID, :SlotType, :TimeSlot, :Source, :Points)\n         on duplicate key update Points = Points + :Points1";
     Gdn::Database()->Query($Sql, array(':UserID' => $UserID, ':Points' => $Points, ':SlotType' => $SlotType, ':Source' => $Source, ':TimeSlot' => $TimeSlot, ':Points1' => $Points));
    #Content form .StatsDisabled input.Button {
        margin: 20px 0 0 0;
<div class="StatsDisabled">
echo t("Vanilla Statistics are currently disabled");
if (!c('Garden.Analytics.Enabled', true)) {
    echo $this->Form->Hidden('Allow', array('value' => 1));
    echo "<p>" . t("Garden.StatisticsDisabled", "You have specifically disabled Vanilla Statistics in your configuration file.") . "</p>";
    echo $this->Form->button("Enable", array('class' => 'Button SliceSubmit'));
} else {
    if (Gdn_Statistics::CheckIsLocalhost() && !c('Garden.Analytics.AllowLocal', false)) {
        echo $this->Form->Hidden('AllowLocal', array('value' => 1));
        echo "<p>" . t("Garden.StatisticsLocal.Explain", "This forum appears to be running in a test environment, or is otherwise reporting a private IP. By default, forums running on private IPs are not tracked.") . "</p>";
        echo "<p>" . t("Garden.StatisticsLocal.Resolve", "If you're sure your forum is accessible from the internet you can force it to report statistics here:") . "</p>";
        echo $this->Form->button("Enable", array('class' => 'Button SliceSubmit'));
    } else {
        if (!$this->data('ConfWritable')) {
            echo "<p>" . t("Garden.StatisticsReadonly.Explain", "Your config.php file appears to be read-only. This means that Vanilla will be unable to automatically register your forum's InstallationID and InstallationSecret.") . "</p>";
            echo "<p>" . t("Garden.StatisticsReadonly.Resolve", "To solve this problem, assign file mode 777 to your conf/config.php file.") . "</p>";

  * Override the default index method of the settings controller in the
  * dashboard application to render new statistics.
 public function statsDashboard($Sender)
     $StatsUrl = $this->AnalyticsServer;
     if (!stringBeginsWith($StatsUrl, 'http:') && !stringBeginsWith($StatsUrl, 'https:')) {
         $StatsUrl = Gdn::request()->scheme() . "://{$StatsUrl}";
     // Tell the page where to find the Vanilla Analytics provider
     $Sender->addDefinition('VanillaStatsUrl', $StatsUrl);
     $Sender->setData('VanillaStatsUrl', $StatsUrl);
     // Load javascript & css, check permissions, and load side menu for this page.
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Settings.View';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Settings.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Community.Manage';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Add';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Edit';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Delete';
     $Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions[] = 'Garden.Users.Approve';
     $Sender->permission($Sender->RequiredAdminPermissions, '', false);
     if (!Gdn_Statistics::checkIsEnabled() && Gdn_Statistics::checkIsLocalhost()) {
         $Sender->render('dashboardlocalhost', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
     } else {
         $Sender->addJsFile('vanillastats.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $Sender->addJsFile('picker.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $Sender->addCSSFile('picker.css', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $VanillaID = Gdn::installationID();
         $Sender->setData('VanillaID', $VanillaID);
         $Sender->setData('VanillaVersion', APPLICATION_VERSION);
         $Sender->setData('SecurityToken', $this->securityToken());
         // Render the custom dashboard view
         $Sender->render('dashboard', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
  * Override the index of the dashboard's settings controller in the to render new statistics.
  * @param SettingsController $sender Instance of the dashboard's settings controller.
 public function settingsController_home_create($sender)
     $statsUrl = $this->AnalyticsServer;
     if (!stringBeginsWith($statsUrl, 'http:') && !stringBeginsWith($statsUrl, 'https:')) {
         $statsUrl = Gdn::request()->scheme() . "://{$statsUrl}";
     $sender->setData('IsWidePage', true);
     // Tell the page where to find the Vanilla Analytics provider
     $sender->addDefinition('VanillaStatsUrl', $statsUrl);
     $sender->setData('VanillaStatsUrl', $statsUrl);
     // Load javascript & css, check permissions, and load side menu for this page.
     $sender->RequiredAdminPermissions = ['Garden.Settings.View', 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'Garden.Community.Manage'];
     $sender->permission($sender->RequiredAdminPermissions, '', false);
     if (!Gdn_Statistics::checkIsEnabled() && Gdn_Statistics::checkIsLocalhost()) {
         $sender->render('dashboardlocalhost', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
     } else {
         $sender->addCssFile('picker.css', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addCssFile('vendors/c3.min.css', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addJsFile('vanillastats.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addJsFile('picker.js', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
         $sender->addDefinition('VanillaID', Gdn::installationID());
         $sender->addDefinition('AuthToken', Gdn_Statistics::generateToken());
         $sender->addDefinition('ExpandText', t('more'));
         $sender->addDefinition('CollapseText', t('less'));
         // Render the custom dashboard view
         $sender->render('dashboard', '', 'plugins/VanillaStats');
   #Content form .StatsDisabled input.Button {
      margin: 20px 0 0 0;
<div class="StatsDisabled">
echo T("Vanilla Statistics are currently disabled");
if (!C('Garden.Analytics.Enabled', TRUE)) {
    echo $this->Form->Hidden('Allow', array('value' => 1));
    echo "<p>" . T("Garden.StatisticsDisabled", "You have specifically disabled Vanilla Statistics in your configuration file.") . "</p>";
    echo $this->Form->Button("Enable", array('class' => 'Button SliceSubmit'));
} else {
    if (Gdn_Statistics::CheckIsLocalhost() && !C('Garden.Analytics.AllowLocal', FALSE)) {
        echo $this->Form->Hidden('AllowLocal', array('value' => 1));
        echo "<p>" . T("Garden.StatisticsLocal.Explain", "This forum appears to be running in a test environment, or is otherwise reporting a private IP. By default, forums running on private IPs are not tracked.") . "</p>";
        echo "<p>" . T("Garden.StatisticsLocal.Resolve", "If you're sure your forum is accessible from the internet you can force it to report statistics here:") . "</p>";
        echo $this->Form->Button("Enable", array('class' => 'Button SliceSubmit'));
    } else {
        if (!$this->Data('ConfWritable')) {
            echo "<p>" . T("Garden.StatisticsReadonly.Explain", "Your config.php file appears to be read-only. This means that Vanilla will be unable to automatically register your forum's InstallationID and InstallationSecret.") . "</p>";
            echo "<p>" . T("Garden.StatisticsReadonly.Resolve", "To solve this problem, assign file mode 777 to your conf/config.php file.") . "</p>";