structure() public static méthode

Get a reference to the default database structure object.
public static structure ( ) : Gdn_DatabaseStructure
Résultat Gdn_DatabaseStructure
  * Apply database structure updates
 public function structure()
     $PM = new PermissionModel();
     $PM->define(array('Plugins.PostUrl.Allow' => 'Plugins.PostUrl.Allow'));
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->table('PostUrl')->column('DiscussionID', 'int(11)', false, 'unique')->column('PostUrlValue', 'int(11)')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->set(false, false);
  * @return bool
 public function updateCounts()
     // This option could take a while so set the timeout.
     set_time_limit(60 * 5);
     // Define the necessary SQL.
     $Sqls = array();
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'LastCommentID')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.LastCommentID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('max', 'Discussion', 'Comment');
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'DateLastComment')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.DateLastComment'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         left join :_Comment c\n            on d.LastCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.DateLastComment = coalesce(c.DateInserted, d.DateInserted)";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'LastCommentUserID')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.LastCommentUseID'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         join :_Comment c\n            on d.LastCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.LastCommentUserID = c.InsertUserID";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'Body')) {
         // Update the body of the discussion if it isn't there.
         if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'FirstCommentID')) {
             $Sqls['Discussion.FirstCommentID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('min', 'Discussion', 'Comment', 'FirstCommentID', 'CommentID');
         $Sqls['Discussion.Body'] = "update :_Discussion d\n         join :_Comment c\n            on d.FirstCommentID = c.CommentID\n         set d.Body = c.Body, d.Format = c.Format";
         if ($this->importExists('Media') && Gdn::structure()->TableExists('Media')) {
             // Comment Media has to go onto the discussion.
             $Sqls['Media.Foreign'] = "update :_Media m\n            join :_Discussion d\n               on d.FirstCommentID = m.ForeignID and m.ForeignTable = 'comment'\n            set m.ForeignID = d.DiscussionID, m.ForeignTable = 'discussion'";
         $Sqls['Comment.FirstComment.Delete'] = "delete c.*\n         from :_Comment c\n         inner join :_Discussion d\n           on d.FirstCommentID = c.CommentID";
     if (!$this->importExists('Discussion', 'CountComments')) {
         $Sqls['Discussion.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Discussion', 'Comment');
     if ($this->importExists('UserDiscussion') && !$this->importExists('UserDiscussion', 'CountComments') && $this->importExists('UserDiscussion', 'DateLastViewed')) {
         $Sqls['UserDiscussuion.CountComments'] = "update :_UserDiscussion ud\n         set CountComments = (\n           select count(c.CommentID)\n           from :_Comment c\n           where c.DiscussionID = ud.DiscussionID\n             and c.DateInserted <= ud.DateLastViewed)";
     if ($this->importExists('Tag') && $this->importExists('TagDiscussion')) {
         $Sqls['Tag.CoundDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Tag', 'TagDiscussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'TagID');
     if ($this->importExists('Poll') && Gdn::structure()->TableExists('Poll')) {
         $Sqls['PollOption.CountVotes'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'PollOption', 'PollVote', 'CountVotes', 'PollOptionID');
         $Sqls['Poll.CountOptions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Poll', 'PollOption', 'CountOptions', 'PollID');
         $Sqls['Poll.CountVotes'] = $this->GetCountSQL('sum', 'Poll', 'PollOption', 'CountVotes', 'CountVotes', 'PollID');
     if ($this->importExists('Activity', 'ActivityType')) {
         $Sqls['Activity.ActivityTypeID'] = "\n            update :_Activity a\n            join :_ActivityType t\n               on a.ActivityType = t.Name\n            set a.ActivityTypeID = t.ActivityTypeID";
     if ($this->importExists('Tag') && $this->importExists('TagDiscussion')) {
         $Sqls['Tag.CoundDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Tag', 'TagDiscussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'TagID');
     $Sqls['Category.CountDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Category', 'Discussion');
     $Sqls['Category.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('sum', 'Category', 'Discussion', 'CountComments', 'CountComments');
     if (!$this->importExists('Category', 'PermissionCategoryID')) {
         $Sqls['Category.PermissionCategoryID'] = "update :_Category set PermissionCategoryID = -1";
     if ($this->importExists('Conversation') && $this->importExists('ConversationMessage')) {
         $Sqls['Conversation.FirstMessageID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('min', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'FirstMessageID', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'CountMessages')) {
             $Sqls['Conversation.CountMessages'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'CountMessages', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'LastMessageID')) {
             $Sqls['Conversation.LastMessageID'] = $this->GetCountSQL('max', 'Conversation', 'ConversationMessage', 'LastMessageID', 'MessageID');
         if (!$this->importExists('Conversation', 'DateUpdated')) {
             $Sqls['Converstation.DateUpdated'] = "update :_Conversation c join :_ConversationMessage m on c.LastMessageID = m.MessageID set c.DateUpdated = m.DateInserted";
         if ($this->importExists('UserConversation')) {
             if (!$this->importExists('UserConversation', 'LastMessageID')) {
                 if ($this->importExists('UserConversation', 'DateLastViewed')) {
                     // Get the value from the DateLastViewed.
                     $Sqls['UserConversation.LastMessageID'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     set LastMessageID = (\n                       select max(MessageID)\n                       from :_ConversationMessage m\n                       where m.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                         and m.DateInserted >= uc.DateLastViewed)";
                 } else {
                     // Get the value from the conversation.
                     // In this case just mark all of the messages read.
                     $Sqls['UserConversation.LastMessageID'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     join :_Conversation c\n                       on c.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                     set uc.CountReadMessages = c.CountMessages,\n                       uc.LastMessageID = c.LastMessageID";
             } elseif (!$this->importExists('UserConversation', 'DateLastViewed')) {
                 // We have the last message so grab the date from that.
                 $Sqls['UserConversation.DateLastViewed'] = "update :_UserConversation uc\n                     join :_ConversationMessage m\n                       on m.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID\n                         and m.MessageID = uc.LastMessageID\n                     set uc.DateLastViewed = m.DateInserted";
     // User counts.
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'DateFirstVisit')) {
         $Sqls['User.DateFirstVisit'] = 'update :_User set DateFirstVisit = DateInserted';
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountDiscussions')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountDiscussions'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'User', 'Discussion', 'CountDiscussions', 'DiscussionID', 'UserID', 'InsertUserID');
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountComments')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountComments'] = $this->GetCountSQL('count', 'User', 'Comment', 'CountComments', 'CommentID', 'UserID', 'InsertUserID');
     if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountBookmarks')) {
         $Sqls['User.CountBookmarks'] = "update :_User u\n            set CountBookmarks = (\n               select count(ud.DiscussionID)\n               from :_UserDiscussion ud\n               where ud.Bookmarked = 1\n                  and ud.UserID = u.UserID\n            )";
     //      if (!$this->importExists('User', 'CountUnreadConversations')) {
     //         $Sqls['User.CountUnreadConversations'] =
     //            'update :_User u
     //            set u.CountUnreadConversations = (
     //              select count(c.ConversationID)
     //              from :_Conversation c
     //              inner join :_UserConversation uc
     //                on c.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID
     //              where uc.UserID = u.UserID
     //                and uc.CountReadMessages < c.CountMessages
     //            )';
     //      }
     // The updates start here.
     $CurrentSubstep = val('CurrentSubstep', $this->Data, 0);
     //      $Sqls2 = array();
     //      $i = 1;
     //      foreach ($Sqls as $Name => $Sql) {
     //         $Sqls2[] = "/* $i. $Name */\n"
     //            .str_replace(':_', $this->Database->DatabasePrefix, $Sql)
     //            .";\n";
     //         $i++;
     //      }
     //      throw new Exception(implode("\n", $Sqls2));
     // Execute the SQL.
     $Keys = array_keys($Sqls);
     for ($i = $CurrentSubstep; $i < count($Keys); $i++) {
         $this->Data['CurrentStepMessage'] = sprintf(t('%s of %s'), $CurrentSubstep + 1, count($Keys));
         $Sql = $Sqls[$Keys[$i]];
         if ($this->Timer->ElapsedTime() > $this->MaxStepTime) {
             $this->Data['CurrentSubstep'] = $i + 1;
             return false;
     if (isset($this->Data['CurrentSubstep'])) {
     $this->Data['CurrentStepMessage'] = '';
     // Update the url codes of categories.
     if (!$this->importExists('Category', 'UrlCode')) {
         $Categories = CategoryModel::categories();
         $TakenCodes = array();
         foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
             $UrlCode = urldecode(Gdn_Format::url($Category['Name']));
             if (strlen($UrlCode) > 50) {
                 $UrlCode = 'c' . $Category['CategoryID'];
             } elseif (is_numeric($UrlCode)) {
                 $UrlCode = 'c' . $UrlCode;
             if (in_array($UrlCode, $TakenCodes)) {
                 $ParentCategory = CategoryModel::categories($Category['ParentCategoryID']);
                 if ($ParentCategory && $ParentCategory['CategoryID'] != -1) {
                     $UrlCode = Gdn_Format::url($ParentCategory['Name']) . '-' . $UrlCode;
                 if (in_array($UrlCode, $TakenCodes)) {
                     $UrlCode = $Category['CategoryID'];
             $TakenCodes[] = $UrlCode;
             Gdn::sql()->put('Category', array('UrlCode' => $UrlCode), array('CategoryID' => $Category['CategoryID']));
     // Rebuild the category tree.
     $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
     return true;
  * Database update.
  * @throws Exception
 public function structure()
     Gdn::structure()->table('Media')->primaryKey('MediaID')->column('Name', 'varchar(255)')->column('Type', 'varchar(128)')->column('Size', 'int(11)')->column('ImageWidth', 'usmallint', null)->column('ImageHeight', 'usmallint', null)->column('StorageMethod', 'varchar(24)', 'local')->column('Path', 'varchar(255)')->column('ThumbWidth', 'usmallint', null)->column('ThumbHeight', 'usmallint', null)->column('ThumbPath', 'varchar(255)', null)->column('InsertUserID', 'int(11)')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('ForeignID', 'int(11)', true)->column('ForeignTable', 'varchar(24)', true)->set();
     Gdn::structure()->table('Category')->column('AllowFileUploads', 'tinyint(1)', '1')->set();
  * Plugin structure method.
  * Add 'Resolved' columns to the Discussion table.
  * @return void
 public function structure()
     Gdn::structure()->table('Discussion')->column('Resolved', 'int', '0')->column('DateResolved', 'datetime', true)->column('ResolvedUserID', 'int', true)->set();
  * Run the structure for all addons.
  * The structure runs the addons in priority order so that higher priority addons override lower priority ones.
  * @param bool $captureOnly Run the structure or just capture the SQL changes.
  * @throws Exception Throws an exception if in debug mode and something goes wrong.
 public function runStructure($captureOnly = false)
     $addons = array_reverse(Gdn::addonManager()->getEnabled());
     // These variables are required for included structure files.
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     $SQL = $this->SQL;
     $SQL->CaptureModifications = $captureOnly;
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->CaptureOnly = $captureOnly;
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons as $addon) {
         // Look for a structure file.
         if ($structure = $addon->getSpecial('structure')) {
             Logger::event('addon_structure', Logger::INFO, "Executing structure for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'structureType' => 'file']);
             try {
                 include $addon->path($structure);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 if (debug()) {
                     throw $ex;
         // Look for a structure method on the plugin.
         if ($addon->getPluginClass()) {
             $plugin = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInstance($addon->getPluginClass(), Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME);
             if (is_object($plugin) && method_exists($plugin, 'structure')) {
                 Logger::event('addon_structure', Logger::INFO, "Executing structure for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'structureType' => 'method']);
                 try {
                     call_user_func([$plugin, 'structure']);
                 } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                     if (debug()) {
                         throw $ex;
         // Register permissions.
         $permissions = $addon->getInfoValue('registerPermissions');
         if (!empty($permissions)) {
             Logger::event('addon_permissions', Logger::INFO, "Defining permissions for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'permissions' => $permissions]);
     if ($captureOnly && property_exists($Structure->Database, 'CapturedSql')) {
         return $Structure->Database->CapturedSql;
     return [];
Exemple #6
  * Import a table from a CSV using SQL insert statements.
  * @param string $Tablename The name of the table to import to.
  * @param string $Path The path to the CSV.
  * @param bool $skipHeader Whether the CSV contains a header row.
  * @param int $chunk The number of records to chunk the imports to.
  * @return bool
 public function loadTableInsert($Tablename, $Path, $skipHeader = true, $chunk = 100)
     // Get the column count of the table.
     $St = Gdn::structure();
     $St->get(self::TABLE_PREFIX . $Tablename);
     $ColumnCount = count($St->Columns());
     ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
     $fp = fopen($Path, 'rb');
     // Figure out the current position.
     $fPosition = val('CurrentLoadPosition', $this->Data, 0);
     if ($fPosition == 0 && $skipHeader) {
         // Skip the header row.
         $Row = self::FGetCSV2($fp);
     if ($fPosition == 0) {
         $Px = Gdn::database()->DatabasePrefix . self::TABLE_PREFIX;
         Gdn::database()->query("truncate table {$Px}{$Tablename}");
     } else {
         fseek($fp, $fPosition);
     $PDO = Gdn::database()->connection();
     $PxTablename = Gdn::database()->DatabasePrefix . self::TABLE_PREFIX . $Tablename;
     $Inserts = '';
     $Count = 0;
     while ($Row = self::FGetCSV2($fp)) {
         $Row = array_map('trim', $Row);
         // Quote the values in the row.
         $Row = array_map(array($PDO, 'quote'), $Row);
         // Add any extra columns to the row.
         while (count($Row) < $ColumnCount) {
             $Row[] = 'null';
         // Add the insert values to the sql.
         if (strlen($Inserts) > 0) {
             $Inserts .= ',';
         $Inserts .= '(' . implode(',', $Row) . ')';
         if ($Count >= $chunk) {
             // Insert in chunks.
             $Sql = "insert {$PxTablename} values {$Inserts}";
             $Count = 0;
             $Inserts = '';
             // Check for a timeout.
             if ($this->Timer->ElapsedTime() > $this->MaxStepTime) {
                 // The step's taken too long. Save the file position.
                 $Pos = ftell($fp);
                 $this->Data['CurrentLoadPosition'] = $Pos;
                 $Filesize = filesize($Path);
                 if ($Filesize > 0) {
                     $PercentComplete = $Pos / filesize($Path);
                     $this->Data['CurrentStepMessage'] = $Tablename . ' (' . round($PercentComplete * 100.0) . '%)';
                 return 0;
     if (strlen($Inserts) > 0) {
         $Sql = "insert {$PxTablename} values {$Inserts}";
     return $Count;
  * Runs on utility/update.
  * @throws Exception
 public function structure()
     // Pocket class isn't autoloaded on Enable.
     require_once 'library/class.pocket.php';
     $St = Gdn::structure();
     $St->table('Pocket')->primaryKey('PocketID')->column('Name', 'varchar(255)')->column('Page', 'varchar(50)', null)->column('Location', 'varchar(50)')->column('Sort', 'smallint')->column('Repeat', 'varchar(25)')->column('Body', 'text')->column('Format', 'varchar(20)')->column('Condition', 'varchar(500)', null)->column('Disabled', 'smallint', '0')->column('Attributes', 'text', null)->column('MobileOnly', 'tinyint', '0')->column('MobileNever', 'tinyint', '0')->column('EmbeddedNever', 'tinyint', '0')->column('ShowInDashboard', 'tinyint', '0')->column('Type', array(Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT, Pocket::TYPE_AD), Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT)->set();
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     $PermissionModel->define(array('Garden.NoAds.Allow' => 0));
  * Run on utility/update.
  * @throws Exception
 public function structure()
     Gdn::structure()->table('Discussion')->column('DateRevived', 'datetime', true)->set();
Exemple #9
if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
 * @copyright 2009-2016 Vanilla Forums Inc.
 * @license GNU GPL v2
 * @package Addons
 * @since 2.0
$Drop = false;
$Explicit = false;
$SQL = Gdn::sql();
$Construct = Gdn::structure();
$Px = $Construct->databasePrefix();
$Construct->table('AddonType')->primaryKey('AddonTypeID')->column('Label', 'varchar(50)')->column('Visible', 'tinyint(1)', '1')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Plugin', 'Visible' => '1'), array('AddonTypeID' => 1), true);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Theme', 'Visible' => '1'), array('AddonTypeID' => 2), true);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Style', 'Visible' => '0'), array('AddonTypeID' => 3), true);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Locale', 'Visible' => '1'), array('AddonTypeID' => 4), true);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Application', 'Visible' => '1'), array('AddonTypeID' => 5), true);
$SQL->replace('AddonType', array('Label' => 'Core', 'Visible' => '1'), array('AddonTypeID' => 10), true);
$Description2Exists = $Construct->columnExists('Description2');
$Construct->primaryKey('AddonID')->column('CurrentAddonVersionID', 'int', true, 'key')->column('AddonKey', 'varchar(50)', null, 'index')->column('AddonTypeID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('Name', 'varchar(100)')->column('Icon', 'varchar(200)', true)->column('Description', 'text', true)->column('Description2', 'text', null)->column('Requirements', 'text', true)->column('CountComments', 'int', '0')->column('CountDownloads', 'int', '0')->column('Visible', 'tinyint(1)', '1')->column('Vanilla2', 'tinyint(1)', '1')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', true)->column('Checked', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('Official', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('License', 'varchar(100)')->column('GitHub', 'varchar(100)', null)->column('EnName', 'varchar(100)', null)->column('PercentComplete', 'tinyint', null)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
if (!$Description2Exists) {
    $Construct->query("update {$Px}Addon set Description2 = Description where Checked = 0");
$Construct->table('AddonVersion')->primaryKey('AddonVersionID')->column('AddonID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('File', 'varchar(200)', true)->column('Version', 'varchar(20)')->column('TestedWith', 'text', null)->column('FileSize', 'int', null)->column('MD5', 'varchar(32)')->column('Notes', 'text', null)->column('Format', 'varchar(10)', 'Html')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('DateReviewed', 'datetime', true)->column('Checked', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('Deleted', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
  * Run the database structure or /utility/structure.
  * Note: Keep this method protected!
  * @param string $appName Unique app name or 'all' (default).
  * @param bool $captureOnly Whether to list changes rather than execute (0 or 1).
  * @throws Exception
 protected function runStructure($appName = 'all', $captureOnly = true)
     // This permission is run again to be sure someone doesn't accidentally call this method incorrectly.
     $Files = array();
     $appName = $appName == '' ? 'all' : $appName;
     if ($appName == 'all') {
         // Load all application structure files.
         $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager();
         $Apps = $ApplicationManager->enabledApplications();
         $AppNames = array_column($Apps, 'Folder');
         foreach ($AppNames as $appName) {
             $Files[] = combinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS, $appName, 'settings', 'structure.php'), DS);
         $appName = 'all';
     } else {
         // Load that specific application structure file.
         $Files[] = combinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS, $appName, 'settings', 'structure.php'), DS);
     $Drop = false;
     $Explicit = false;
     $captureOnly = !($captureOnly == '0');
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->CaptureOnly = $captureOnly;
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     $SQL->CaptureModifications = $captureOnly;
     $this->setData('CaptureOnly', $Structure->CaptureOnly);
     $this->setData('Drop', $Drop);
     $this->setData('Explicit', $Explicit);
     $this->setData('ApplicationName', $appName);
     $this->setData('Status', '');
     $FoundStructureFile = false;
     foreach ($Files as $File) {
         if (file_exists($File)) {
             $FoundStructureFile = true;
             try {
                 include $File;
             } catch (Exception $Ex) {
     // Run the structure of all of the plugins.
     $Plugins = Gdn::pluginManager()->enabledPlugins();
     foreach ($Plugins as $PluginKey => $Plugin) {
         $PluginInstance = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInstance($PluginKey, Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_PLUGINNAME);
         if (method_exists($PluginInstance, 'Structure')) {
     if (property_exists($Structure->Database, 'CapturedSql')) {
         $this->setData('CapturedSql', (array) $Structure->Database->CapturedSql);
     } else {
         $this->setData('CapturedSql', array());
     if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0 && !$captureOnly && $FoundStructureFile) {
         $this->setData('Status', 'The structure was successfully executed.');
  * Update database structure based on current definitions in each app's structure.php file.
  * @since 2.0.?
  * @access public
  * @param string $AppName Unique app name or 'all' (default).
  * @param int $CaptureOnly Whether to list changes rather than execture (0 or 1).
  * @param int $Drop Whether to drop first (0 or 1).
  * @param int $Explicit Whether to force to only columns currently listed (0 or 1).
 public function structure($AppName = 'all', $CaptureOnly = '1', $Drop = '0', $Explicit = '0')
     $Files = array();
     $AppName = $AppName == '' ? 'all' : $AppName;
     if ($AppName == 'all') {
         // Load all application structure files.
         $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager();
         $Apps = $ApplicationManager->enabledApplications();
         $AppNames = array_column($Apps, 'Folder');
         foreach ($AppNames as $AppName) {
             $Files[] = combinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS, $AppName, 'settings', 'structure.php'), DS);
         $AppName = 'all';
     } else {
         // Load that specific application structure file.
         $Files[] = combinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS, $AppName, 'settings', 'structure.php'), DS);
     $Validation = new Gdn_Validation();
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     $Drop = $Drop == '0' ? false : true;
     $Explicit = $Explicit == '0' ? false : true;
     $CaptureOnly = !($CaptureOnly == '0');
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->CaptureOnly = $CaptureOnly;
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     $SQL->CaptureModifications = $CaptureOnly;
     $this->setData('CaptureOnly', $Structure->CaptureOnly);
     $this->setData('Drop', $Drop);
     $this->setData('Explicit', $Explicit);
     $this->setData('ApplicationName', $AppName);
     $this->setData('Status', '');
     $FoundStructureFile = false;
     foreach ($Files as $File) {
         if (file_exists($File)) {
             $FoundStructureFile = true;
             try {
                 include $File;
             } catch (Exception $Ex) {
     // Run the structure of all of the plugins.
     $Plugins = Gdn::pluginManager()->enabledPlugins();
     foreach ($Plugins as $PluginKey => $Plugin) {
         $PluginInstance = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInstance($PluginKey, Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_PLUGINNAME);
         if (method_exists($PluginInstance, 'Structure')) {
     if (property_exists($Structure->Database, 'CapturedSql')) {
         $this->setData('CapturedSql', (array) $Structure->Database->CapturedSql);
     } else {
         $this->setData('CapturedSql', array());
     if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0 && !$CaptureOnly && $FoundStructureFile) {
         $this->setData('Status', 'The structure was successfully executed.');
     $this->setData('Title', t('Database Structure Upgrades'));
  * Database structure: on update
 public function structure()
     Gdn::structure()->table('User')->column('Troll', 'int', '0')->column('Fingerprint', 'varchar(50)', null, 'index')->set();
Exemple #13
// Define 'Answer' badges
if (Gdn::addonManager()->isEnabled('badges', \Vanilla\Addon::TYPE_ADDON) && c('Plugins.QnA.Badges', true)) {
    $this->Badges = true;
if ($this->Badges && class_exists('BadgeModel')) {
    $BadgeModel = new BadgeModel();
    // Answer Counts
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => 'First Answer', 'Slug' => 'answer', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Answering questions is a great way to show your support for a community!', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 2, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 1, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 1, 'CanDelete' => 0));
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => '5 Answers', 'Slug' => 'answer-5', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Your willingness to share knowledge has definitely been noticed.', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 3, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 5, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 2, 'CanDelete' => 0));
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => '25 Answers', 'Slug' => 'answer-25', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Looks like you&rsquo;re starting to make a name for yourself as someone who knows the score!', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 5, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 25, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 3, 'CanDelete' => 0));
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => '50 Answers', 'Slug' => 'answer-50', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Why use Google when we could just ask you?', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 10, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 50, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 4, 'CanDelete' => 0));
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => '100 Answers', 'Slug' => 'answer-100', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Admit it, you read Wikipedia in your spare time.', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 15, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 100, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 5, 'CanDelete' => 0));
    $BadgeModel->define(array('Name' => '250 Answers', 'Slug' => 'answer-250', 'Type' => 'UserCount', 'Body' => 'Is there *anything* you don&rsquo;t know?', 'Photo' => '', 'Points' => 20, 'Attributes' => array('Column' => 'CountAcceptedAnswers'), 'Threshold' => 250, 'Class' => 'Answerer', 'Level' => 6, 'CanDelete' => 0));
// Define 'Accept' reaction
if (Gdn::addonManager()->isEnabled('Reactions', \Vanilla\Addon::TYPE_ADDON) && c('Plugins.QnA.Reactions', true)) {
    $this->Reactions = true;
if ($this->Reactions && class_exists('ReactionModel')) {
    $Rm = new ReactionModel();
    if (Gdn::structure()->table('ReactionType')->columnExists('Hidden')) {
        $points = 3;
        if (c('QnA.Points.Enabled', false)) {
            $points = c('QnA.Points.AcceptedAnswer', 1);
        // AcceptAnswer
        $Rm->defineReactionType(['UrlCode' => 'AcceptAnswer', 'Name' => 'Accept Answer', 'Sort' => 0, 'Class' => 'Positive', 'IncrementColumn' => 'Score', 'IncrementValue' => 5, 'Points' => $points, 'Permission' => 'Garden.Curation.Manage', 'Hidden' => 1, 'Description' => "When someone correctly answers a question, they are rewarded with this reaction."]);
Exemple #14

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
Gdn::structure()->table('Newsletter')->primaryKey('NewsletterID')->column('Email', 'varchar(200)', null)->column('Subscribe', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->set();
Gdn::structure()->table('User')->column('Newsletter', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('DateContributorAgreement', 'datetime', true)->set();
 public function structure()
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->table('Discussion')->column('DiscussionEventDate', 'date', true, 'index')->set();
     $Structure->table('Discussion')->column('DiscussionEventGuests', 'varchar(65535)', true, 'index')->set();
Exemple #16

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
Gdn::structure()->table('Sprint')->primaryKey('SprintID')->column('DateStarted', 'datetime', true)->column('DateEnded', 'datetime', true)->set();
Gdn::structure()->table('SprintIssue')->primaryKey('SprintIssueID')->column('Name', 'varchar(100)', false)->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false)->column('CloseUserID', 'int', true)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false)->column('DateClosed', 'datetime', true)->set();
Gdn::structure()->table('SprintPR')->primaryKey('SprintPRID')->column('Name', 'varchar(100)', false)->column('Branch', 'varchar(100)', false)->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false)->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('CloseUserID', 'int', true)->column('MergeUserID', 'int', true)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false)->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', true)->column('DateMerged', 'datetime', true)->column('DateClosed', 'datetime', true)->set();
  * @param null $AddonCode
  * @param bool $Explicit
  * @param bool $Drop
  * @throws Exception
 public function runStructure($AddonCode = null, $Explicit = false, $Drop = false)
     // Get the structure files for all of the enabled applications.
     $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager();
     $Apps = $ApplicationManager->EnabledApplications();
     $AppNames = consolidateArrayValuesByKey($Apps, 'Folder');
     $Paths = array();
     foreach ($Apps as $Key => $AppInfo) {
         $Path = PATH_APPLICATIONS . "/{$AppInfo['Folder']}/settings/structure.php";
         if (file_exists($Path)) {
             $Paths[] = $Path;
         Gdn::ApplicationManager()->RegisterPermissions($Key, $this->Validation);
     // Execute the structures.
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     $SQL = Gdn::sql();
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     foreach ($Paths as $Path) {
         include $Path;
     // Execute the structures for all of the plugins.
     $PluginManager = Gdn::pluginManager();
     $Registered = $PluginManager->RegisteredPlugins();
     foreach ($Registered as $ClassName => $Enabled) {
         if (!$Enabled) {
         try {
             $Plugin = $PluginManager->GetPluginInstance($ClassName, Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME);
             if (method_exists($Plugin, 'Structure')) {
         } catch (Exception $Ex) {
             // Do nothing, plugin wouldn't load/structure.
             if (Debug()) {
                 throw $Ex;
  * Database changes needed for this plugin.
 public function structure()
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->table('Flag')->column('DiscussionID', 'int(11)', true)->column('InsertUserID', 'int(11)', false, 'key')->column('InsertName', 'varchar(64)')->column('AuthorID', 'int(11)')->column('AuthorName', 'varchar(64)')->column('ForeignURL', 'varchar(255)', false, 'key')->column('ForeignID', 'int(11)')->column('ForeignType', 'varchar(32)')->column('Comment', 'text')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->set(false, false);
     // Turn off disabled Flagging plugin (deprecated)
     if (c('Plugins.Flagging.Enabled', null) === false) {
  * @throws Exception
 public function structure()
     // Set to false by default, so change in config if uploads allowed.
     touchConfig('Garden.AllowFileUploads', true);
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->table('Category')->column('AllowFileUploads', 'tinyint(1)', '1')->set();
  * Run the database structure or /utility/structure.
  * Note: Keep this method private!
  * @param bool $captureOnly Whether to list changes rather than execute.
  * @throws Exception Throws an exception if there was an error in the structure process.
 private function runStructure($captureOnly = true)
     // This permission is run again to be sure someone doesn't accidentally call this method incorrectly.
     $updateModel = new UpdateModel();
     $capturedSql = $updateModel->runStructure($captureOnly);
     $this->setData('CapturedSql', $capturedSql);
     $issues = Gdn::structure()->getIssues();
     if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0 && !$captureOnly) {
         if (empty($issues)) {
             $this->setData('Status', 'The structure was successfully executed.');
         } else {
             $this->setData('Status', 'The structure completed with issues.');
     $this->setData('Issues', $issues);