/** * Constructor Method */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::set_size_request(840, 640); parent::set_position(GTK::WIN_POS_CENTER); parent::connect_simple('delete-event', array($this, 'onClose')); parent::connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit')); parent::set_title(self::APP_TITLE); parent::set_icon(GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('favicon.png')); $gtk = GtkSettings::get_default(); $gtk->set_long_property("gtk-button-images", TRUE, 0); $gtk->set_long_property("gtk-menu-images", TRUE, 0); self::$inst = $this; $ini = parse_ini_file('application.ini'); $lang = $ini['language']; TAdiantiCoreTranslator::setLanguage($lang); TApplicationTranslator::setLanguage($lang); date_default_timezone_set($ini['timezone']); $this->content = new GtkFixed(); $vbox = new GtkVBox(); parent::add($vbox); $vbox->pack_start(GtkImage::new_from_file('app/images/pageheader-gtk.png'), false, false); $MenuBar = TMenuBar::newFromXML('menu.xml'); $vbox->pack_start($MenuBar, false, false); $vbox->pack_start($this->content, true, true); parent::show_all(); }
function __update($data) { $this->list->clear(); foreach ($data as $char) { $z = get_zone_name($char['map'], $char["xpos"], $char["ypos"]); if ($z == " ") { $z = get_map_name($char['map']); } $this->list->append(array($char['name'], GdkPixbuf::new_from_file("./img/{$char['race']}-{$char['gender']}.gif"), GdkPixbuf::new_from_file("./img/{$char['class']}.gif"), $char['level'], $char['latency'], $z)); } $this->list->set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING); }
/** * Constructor Method */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::set_size_request(840, 640); parent::set_position(GTK::WIN_POS_CENTER); parent::connect_simple('delete-event', array($this, 'onClose')); parent::connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit')); parent::set_title(self::APP_TITLE); parent::set_icon(GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('favicon.png')); $gtk = GtkSettings::get_default(); $gtk->set_long_property("gtk-button-images", TRUE, 0); $gtk->set_long_property("gtk-menu-images", TRUE, 0); self::$inst = $this; set_error_handler(array('TCoreApplication', 'errorHandler')); }
function loadFiles($mFile, $strDir) { $hdl = dir($strDir); $mFile->clear(); $pb = null; while (false !== ($file = $hdl->read())) { $path = $hdl->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (is_dir($path) && $file !== '.') { $mFile->append(array($file, '<span color="#00F">' . $file . '</span>', $path, true, null)); } else { if (substr($path, -4) == '.png' || substr($path, -4) == '.jpg') { if ($this->bLoadPreview) { $pb = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path)->scale_simple(32, 32, Gdk::INTERP_BILINEAR); } $mFile->append(array($file, $file, $path, false, $pb)); } } } }
function load_pixbufs() { global $background, $back_width, $back_height, $images, $image_names; $i = 0; /* We pass NULL for the error return location, we don't care * about the error message. */ $background = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file(BACKGROUND_NAME); if (!$background) { return false; } $back_width = $background->get_width(); $back_height = $background->get_height(); for ($i = 0; $i < N_IMAGES; $i++) { $images[$i] = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('../demos/' . $image_names[$i]); if (!$images[$i]) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Cria a janela no modo splash * * @name set_splash_image($image) * @param string $image Caminho para a imagem do splash * @return GtkFixed */ public function set_splash_image($image) { // Carrega a imagem $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($image); // Modifica as propriedades da janela parent::set_type_hint(Gdk::WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_SPLASHSCREEN); parent::set_size_request($pixbuf->get_width(), $pixbuf->get_height()); parent::set_position(GTK::WIN_POS_CENTER); parent::realize(); // Adiciona a imagem no fundo do GtkWindow list($pixmap, $mask) = $pixbuf->render_pixmap_and_mask(255); $style = parent::get_style(); $style = $style->copy(); $style->bg_pixmap[Gtk::STATE_NORMAL] = $pixmap; parent::set_style($style); // Adiciona um fixed para futuros widgets $fixed = new GtkFixed(); parent::add($fixed); // Mostra o splash parent::show_all(); // Retorna o fixed para adição de widgets return $fixed; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->set_transient_for($GLOBALS['XMONEY_JANELA_PRINCIPAL']); $this->set_modal(true); $this->set_icon(GdkPixbuf::new_from_file(XMONEY_IMAGES . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png')); $this->set_logo(GdkPixbuf::new_from_file(XMONEY_IMAGES . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png')); $this->set_name(XMONEY_TITULO); $this->set_version(XMONEY_DESC_VERSAO); $this->set_comments(XMONEY_DESCRICAO); $this->set_copyright(XMONEY_COPYRIGHT); $this->set_license(latin1(file_get_contents(XMONEY_LICENCA))); $this->set_authors(array(file_get_contents(XMONEY_AUTORES))); $this->set_url_hook(array($this, 'site_clicked')); $this->set_email_hook(array($this, 'email_clicked')); $this->set_website('http://www.gamuza.com.br/xmoney'); $this->set_website_label('Website do X-Money'); // Maybe a Bug??? foreach ($this->action_area as $child) { if ($child instanceof GtkButton) { $child->connect('clicked', array($this, 'close_event')); } } }
function __update($bt = NULL, $passive = false) { global $auth; if (!$passive) { $fdata = file_get_contents("http://{$auth['login']}:{$auth['pass']}@{$auth['web']}/sess_system.php"); $mdata = @unserialize($fdata); //var_dump($fdata,$mdata); $this->update_data("http://{$auth['web']}/XML/sess_xml-stats" . $mdata['serv'][$auth['realmid']]['sid']); //$this->update_data("".$mdata['serv'][0]['sid']); } $widget = $this->da; $this->m_ssdata_clear(); $this->is_lock = false; $this->update_sinfo(true); $this->pixmap->draw_pixbuf($widget->style->black_gc, GdkPixbuf::new_from_file("./img/map.jpg"), 0, 0, 0, 0); $data = $this->data; if (is_array($data) and count($data) > 1) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if ($this->ss == "") { $this->pixmap->draw_pixbuf($widget->style->black_gc, GdkPixbuf::new_from_file("./img/{$val['f']}_point.gif"), 0, 0, $val['x'], $val['y']); } elseif (sString($val['name'], $this->ss)) { $this->pixmap->draw_pixbuf($widget->style->black_gc, GdkPixbuf::new_from_file("./img/{$val['f']}_point.gif"), 0, 0, $val['x'], $val['y']); } } } $widget->queue_draw(); if ($this->wp) { $this->wp->__update($this->data); } }
<?php $window = new GtkWindow(); $window->set_default_size(120, 120); $vbox = new GtkVBox(); // new Button $button = new GtkButton(); $button->set_label('Icon Test'); $p = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('images/publica.png'); $a = new GtkImage(); $a->set_from_pixbuf($p); $button->set_image($a); $vbox->pack_start($button, false, false); $window->add($vbox); $window->show_all(); Gtk::main();
public function on_toggle_format($column, $cell, $model, $iter, $col, $trueimage, $falseimage) { echo "OK"; $path = $model->get_path($iter); $row_num = $path[0]; $value = $model->get_value($iter, $col); if ($value == TRUE) { $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($trueimage); } else { $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($falseimage); } $cell->set_property("pixbuf", $pixbuf); }
/** * Adiciona uma imagem no icoview apartir de um arquivo * * @name add_image_from_file($file, $title="") * @param string $file Caminho da imagem a ser adicionada * @param string $title Titulo da imagem */ public function add_image_from_file($file, $title = "") { // Carrega o pixbuf $pixBuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($file); // Busca o tamanho da imagem $width = $pixBuf->get_width(); $height = $pixBuf->get_height(); // Verifica se a foto é paisagem ou não if ($height > $width) { // Calcula o novo width if ($height > $this->imageHeight) { $newHeight = $this->imageHeight; $newWidth = $this->imageHeight * $width / $height; } } else { // Calcula o novo height if ($width > $this->imageWidth) { $newWidth = $this->imageWidth; $newHeight = $this->imageWidth * $height / $width; } } // Gera o thumb $pixBuf = $pixBuf->scale_simple($newWidth, $newHeight, Gdk::INTERP_HYPER); // Adiciona a imagem $this->model->append(array($pixBuf, $title)); }
/** * Class Constructor * @param $image Image path */ public function __construct($image) { parent::__construct(); $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($image); parent::set_from_pixbuf($pixbuf); }
public function minimize_onprint($widget, $event) { $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($this->minimizeImage); $w = $pixbuf->get_width(); $h = $pixbuf->get_height(); $x = $widget->allocation->width - $w; $y = 0; $widget->window->draw_pixbuf($widget->style->bg_gc[Gtk::STATE_NORMAL], $pixbuf, 0, 0, $x, $y); return TRUE; }
function icontip($widget, $x, $y, $keyboard_mode, $tooltip) { $tooltip->set_icon(GdkPixbuf::new_from_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../apple-red.png')); return true; // return false or nothing to NOT show a tooltip }
/** * Fill one level of the treeview * @param $options array of options * @ignore-autocomplete on */ private function fromOptions($parent, $options) { if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if (is_scalar($option)) { $iter = $this->model->append($parent); $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('app/images/' . $this->itemIcon); $this->model->set($iter, 0, $pixbuf); $this->model->set($iter, 1, $option); $this->model->set($iter, 2, array('key' => $key, 'value' => $option)); $this->model->set($iter, 3, 'child'); } else { if (is_array($option)) { $iter = $this->model->append($parent); $pixbuf = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('lib/adianti/include/ttreeview/ico_folder.png'); $this->model->set($iter, 0, $pixbuf); $this->model->set($iter, 1, $key); $this->model->set($iter, 2, array('key' => $key, 'value' => $option)); $this->model->set($iter, 3, 'parent'); $this->fromOptions($iter, $option); } } } } }
function show_cell($cell, $content, $sel_options, $readonlys, $cname, $show_c, $show_row, &$span, &$result) { if ($this->debug >= 3 || $this->debug == $cell['type']) { echo "<p>etemplate.show_cell({$this->name},name='{$cell['name']}',type='{$cell['type']}',cname='{$cname}')</p>\n"; } list($span) = explode(',', $cell['span']); // evtl. overriten later for type template $name = $this->expand_name($cell['name'], $show_c, $show_row, $content['.c'], $content['.row'], $content); // building the form-field-name depending on prefix $cname and possibl. Array-subscript in name if (ereg('^([^[]*)(\\[.*\\])$', $name, $regs)) { $form_name = $cname == '' ? $name : $cname . '[' . $regs[1] . ']' . $regs[2]; eval(str_replace(']', "']", str_replace('[', "['", '$value = $content[' . $regs[1] . ']' . $regs[2] . ';'))); $org_name = substr($regs[2], 1, -1); eval(str_replace(']', "']", str_replace('[', "['", '$var = &$result[' . $regs[1] . ']' . $regs[2] . ';'))); } else { $form_name = $cname == '' ? $name : $cname . '[' . $name . ']'; $value = $content[$name]; $org_name = $name; $var =& $result[$name]; } $readonly = $cell['readonly'] || $readonlys[$name] || $readonlys['__ALL__']; if ($cell['disabled'] || $cell['type'] == 'button' && $readonly) { if ($this->rows == 1) { return ''; // if only one row omit cell } $cell = $this->empty_cell(); // show nothing $value = ''; } if ($cell['onchange']) { $options .= ' onChange="' . ($cell['onchange'] == '1' ? 'this.form.submit();' : $cell['onchange']) . '"'; } if (strlen($label = $cell['label']) > 1) { $label = lang($label); } list($left_label, $right_label) = explode('%s', $label); //echo "show_cell: type='$cell[type]', name='$cell[name]'-->'$name', value='$value'\n"; $widget = False; switch ($cell['type']) { case 'label': // size: [[b]old][[i]talic] $value = strlen($value) > 1 && !$cell['no_lang'] ? lang($value) : $value; //if ($value != '' && strstr($cell['size'],'b')) $value = $this->html->bold($value); //if ($value != '' && strstr($cell['size'],'i')) $value = $this->html->italic($value); $html .= $value; if ($value) { $widget =& new GtkLabel($value); if ($cell['align'] != 'center') { $widget->set_justify($cell['align'] == 'right' ? GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT : GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); } } break; case 'raw': //$html .= $value; break; case 'int': // size: [min][,[max][,len]] // size: [min][,[max][,len]] case 'float': list($min, $max, $cell['size']) = explode(',', $cell['size']); if ($cell['size'] == '') { $cell['size'] = $cell['type'] == 'int' ? 5 : 8; } // fall-through // fall-through case 'text': // size: [length][,maxLength] if ($readonly) { //$html .= $this->html->bold($value); } else { //$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,$value,'',$options.$this->html->formatOptions($cell['size'],'SIZE,MAXLENGTH')); } list($len, $max) = explode(',', $cell['size']); $widget =& new GtkEntry(); $widget->set_text($value); if ($max) { $widget->set_max_length($max); } $widget->set_editable(!$readonly); if ($len) { $widget->set_usize($len * $this->font_width, 0); } break; case 'textarea': // Multiline Text Input, size: [rows][,cols] //$html .= $this->html->textarea($form_name,$value,$options.$this->html->formatOptions($cell['size'],'ROWS,COLS')); $widget =& new GtkText(null, null); $widget->insert_text($value, strlen($value)); $widget->set_editable(!$readonly); break; /* case 'date': if ($cell['size'] != '') { $date = split('[/.-]',$value); $mdy = split('[/.-]',$cell['size']); for ($value=array(),$n = 0; $n < 3; ++$n) { switch($mdy[$n]) { case 'Y': $value[0] = $date[$n]; break; case 'm': $value[1] = $date[$n]; break; case 'd': $value[2] = $date[$n]; break; } } } else { $value = array(date('Y',$value),date('m',$value),date('d',$value)); } if ($readonly) { $html .= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->dateformatorder($value[0],$value[1],$value[2]); } else { $html .= $this->sbox->getDate($name.'[Y]',$name.'[m]',$name.'[d]',$value,$options); } break; */ /* case 'date': if ($cell['size'] != '') { $date = split('[/.-]',$value); $mdy = split('[/.-]',$cell['size']); for ($value=array(),$n = 0; $n < 3; ++$n) { switch($mdy[$n]) { case 'Y': $value[0] = $date[$n]; break; case 'm': $value[1] = $date[$n]; break; case 'd': $value[2] = $date[$n]; break; } } } else { $value = array(date('Y',$value),date('m',$value),date('d',$value)); } if ($readonly) { $html .= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->dateformatorder($value[0],$value[1],$value[2]); } else { $html .= $this->sbox->getDate($name.'[Y]',$name.'[m]',$name.'[d]',$value,$options); } break; */ case 'checkbox': if ($value) { $options .= ' CHECKED'; } //$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,'1','CHECKBOX',$options); $widget =& new GtkCheckButton($right_label); $right_label = ''; $widget->set_active($value); break; case 'radio': // size: value if checked if ($value == $cell['size']) { $options .= ' CHECKED'; } //$html .= $this->html->input($form_name,$cell['size'],'RADIO',$options); if (isset($this->buttongroup[$form_name])) { $widget =& new GtkRadioButton($this->buttongroup[$form_name], $right_label); } else { $this->buttongroup[$form_name] = $widget =& new GtkRadioButton(null, $right_label); } $right_label = ''; $widget->set_active($value == $cell['size']); break; case 'button': //$html .= $this->html->submit_button($form_name,$cell['label'],'',strlen($cell['label']) <= 1 || $cell['no_lang'],$options); $widget =& new GtkButton(strlen($cell['label']) > 1 ? lang($cell['label']) : $cell['label']); $widget->connect_object('clicked', array('etemplate', 'button_clicked'), &$var, $form_name); break; case 'hrule': //$html .= $this->html->hr($cell['size']); $widget =& new GtkHSeparator(); break; case 'template': // size: index in content-array (if not full content is past further on) if ($this->autorepeat_idx($cell, $show_c, $show_row, $idx, $idx_cname) || $cell['size'] != '') { if ($span == '' && isset($content[$idx]['span'])) { // this allows a colspan in autorepeated cells like the editor $span = explode(',', $content[$idx]['span']); $span = $span[0]; if ($span == 'all') { $span = 1 + $content['cols'] - $show_c; } } $readonlys = $readonlys[$idx]; $content = $content[$idx]; $var =& $result[$idx]; if ($idx_cname != '') { $cname .= $cname == '' ? $idx_cname : "[{$idx_cname}]"; } //echo "<p>show_cell-autorepeat($name,$show_c,$show_row,cname='$cname',idx='$idx',idx_cname='$idx_cname',span='$span'): readonlys[$idx] ="; _debug_array($readonlys); } else { $var =& $result; } if ($readonly) { $readonlys['__ALL__'] = True; } $templ = is_object($cell['name']) ? $cell['name'] : new etemplate($name); $templ->widgets =& $this->widgets; //$html .= $templ->show($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,$show_c,$show_row); $widget = $templ->show($var, $content, $sel_options, $readonlys, $cname, $show_c, $show_row); break; case 'select': // size:[linesOnMultiselect] if (isset($sel_options[$name])) { $sel_options = $sel_options[$name]; } elseif (isset($sel_options[$org_name])) { $sel_options = $sel_options[$org_name]; } elseif (isset($content["options-{$name}"])) { $sel_options = $content["options-{$name}"]; } //$html .= $this->sbox->getArrayItem($form_name.'[]',$value,$sel_options,$cell['no_lang'],$options,$cell['size']); reset($sel_options); for ($maxlen = 0; list($key, $val) = each($sel_options);) { if (!$cell['no_lang']) { $sel_options[$key] = lang($val); } if (($len = strlen($sel_options[$key])) > $maxlen) { $maxlen = $len; } } $widget =& new GtkCombo(); $widget->set_popdown_strings($sel_options); $entry = $widget->entry; $entry->set_text($sel_options[$value]); $entry->set_editable(False); $entry->set_usize($maxlen * $this->font_width, 0); if ($cell['onchange'] == '1') { $entry->connect('changed', array('etemplate', 'submit')); } break; /* case 'select-percent': $html .= $this->sbox->getPercentage($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-priority': $html .= $this->sbox->getPriority($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-access': $html .= $this->sbox->getAccessList($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-country': $html .= $this->sbox->getCountry($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-state': $html .= $this->sbox->list_states($form_name,$value); // no helptext - old Function!!! break; case 'select-cat': $html .= $this->sbox->getCategory($form_name.'[]',$value,$cell['size'] >= 0, False,$cell['size'],$options); break; case 'select-account': $type = substr(strstr($cell['size'],','),1); if ($type == '') { $type = 'accounts'; // default is accounts } $html .= $this->sbox->getAccount($form_name.'[]',$value,2,$type,0+$cell['size'],$options); break; */ /* case 'select-percent': $html .= $this->sbox->getPercentage($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-priority': $html .= $this->sbox->getPriority($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-access': $html .= $this->sbox->getAccessList($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-country': $html .= $this->sbox->getCountry($form_name,$value,$options); break; case 'select-state': $html .= $this->sbox->list_states($form_name,$value); // no helptext - old Function!!! break; case 'select-cat': $html .= $this->sbox->getCategory($form_name.'[]',$value,$cell['size'] >= 0, False,$cell['size'],$options); break; case 'select-account': $type = substr(strstr($cell['size'],','),1); if ($type == '') { $type = 'accounts'; // default is accounts } $html .= $this->sbox->getAccount($form_name.'[]',$value,2,$type,0+$cell['size'],$options); break; */ case 'image': if (!($path = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image(substr($this->name, 0, strpos($this->name, '.')), $cell['label']))) { $path = $cell['label']; } // name may already contain absolut path if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['pixbufs'][$path])) { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['pixbufs'][$path] = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file('../..' . $path); } $pixbuf =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['pixbufs'][$path]; if ($pixbuf) { $widget =& new GtkDrawingArea(); $widget->size($pixbuf->get_width(), $pixbuf->get_height()); $widget->connect('expose_event', array('etemplate', 'draw_image'), $pixbuf); } else { echo "Can't load image '{$path}'"; } break; default: //$html .= '<i>unknown type</i>'; $widget =& new GtkLabel('unknown type: ' . $cell['type']); $widget->set_justify(GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); break; } if ($widget && !$readonly && !$this->no_result[$cell['type']]) { $this->widgets[] = array('widget' => &$widget, 'type' => $cell['type'], 'set_val' => $cell['type'] == 'radio' ? $cell['size'] : $sel_options, 'name' => $form_name, 'readonly' => $readonly); } if ($cell['type'] != 'button' && $cell['type'] != 'image' && ($left_label || $right_label)) { if (!$widget && !$right_label) { $widget =& new GtkLabel($left_label); } else { $hbox =& new GtkHBox(False, 5); if ($left_label) { $left =& new GtkLabel($left_label); $left->show(); $hbox->add($left); } if ($widget) { $widget->show(); $hbox->add($widget); } if ($right_label) { $right =& new GtkLabel($right_label); $right->show(); $hbox->add($right); } } } if ($cell['help'] && $widget) { if (!$this->tooltips) { $this->tooltips =& new GtkTooltips(); } $this->tooltips->set_tip($widget, lang($cell['help']), $this->name . '/' . $form_name); } return $hbox ? $hbox : $widget; }
/** * Retorna un modelo de comandos administrativos disponibles */ function cargar_comandos($seleccionar_proyecto = null) { $instalacion = $this->toba_instalador->get_instalacion(); //---El formato es Nombre,Imagen,Clave, Label $modelo = new GtkTreeStore(Gtk::TYPE_STRING, Gtk::TYPE_OBJECT, Gtk::TYPE_STRING, Gtk::TYPE_STRING); $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/instalacion.png'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $raiz = null; $path_inst = $instalacion->get_dir(); $nodo_instal = $modelo->append($raiz, array('Instalación', $img, 'instalacion', "Instalación")); $seleccion = null; if ($instalacion->existe_info_basica()) { //---Agrega las instancias foreach ($instalacion->get_lista_instancias() as $id_instancia) { $instancia = $instalacion->get_instancia($id_instancia); $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/instancia.gif'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $nodo_inst = $modelo->append($nodo_instal, array($id_instancia, $img, 'instalacion/' . $id_instancia, "Instancia {$id_instancia}")); //---Agrega los proyectos $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/nucleo/proyecto.gif'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); foreach ($instancia->get_lista_proyectos_vinculados() as $id_proyecto) { $nodo_pro = $modelo->append($nodo_inst, array($id_proyecto, $img, 'instalacion/' . $id_instancia . '/' . $id_proyecto, "Proyecto {$id_proyecto}")); if ($id_proyecto == $seleccionar_proyecto) { $seleccion = $nodo_pro; } } } //---BASES $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/fuente.png'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $nodo_bases = $modelo->append($raiz, array('Bases', $img, 'base', 'Bases de Toba')); foreach ($instalacion->get_lista_bases() as $db) { $modelo->append($nodo_bases, array($db, $img, 'base_' . $db, "Base '{$db}'")); } } //--- Comandos extra $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/cpu.png'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $modelo->append($raiz, array('Núcleo', $img, 'nucleo', 'Núcleo de Toba')); $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/ayuda.png'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $modelo->append($raiz, array('Documentación', $img, 'doc', 'Documentación')); $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/objetos/item.gif'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $modelo->append($raiz, array('Items', $img, 'item', 'Items')); $path = toba_nucleo::toba_dir() . '/www/img/testing.gif'; $img = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($path); $modelo->append($raiz, array('Testing', $img, 'test', 'Testing')); //--- Expansion $this->comp['arbol_comandos']->set_model($modelo); $this->comp['arbol_comandos']->expand_row(0, true); if (isset($seleccion)) { return $seleccion; } }
function timerSpin($file) { // Timer which checks if Inkscape created preview of file global $timerSpin, $_preview; if (file_exists("{$file}.nul")) { // Preview created; Gtk::timeout_remove($timerSpin); $timerSpin = null; try { // Try to load the file to don't crash when file is broken $pixBuffer = GdkPixbuf::new_from_file_at_size($file, 200, 270); $_preview->set_from_pixbuf($pixBuffer); } catch (Exception $e) { gtIcon($_preview, Gtk::STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE); } unlink($file); unlink("{$file}.nul"); spinnerToggle(false); return false; } return true; }