function parse($input, $parser)
     foreach (split("\n", $input) as $line) {
         // skip empty line or comments
         if (preg_match("/^(\\s*)#.*\$|^(\\s*)\$/", $line)) {
         #               1ID>, 2P%,   3DEP,   4TASKNAME ,5DATE>,  6DATE,       7Tag
         if (preg_match("/(\\d+),(\\d+)%,([\\d:]*),([^,]+),([\\d\\s\\-]+),([\\d\\s\\-]+),?([^,]+)?/", $line, $parse_result)) {
             # $bar = new GanttBar(ID,             Comment,          start,            end,            tag, height);
             $bar = new GanttBar($parse_result[1], $parse_result[4], $parse_result[5], $parse_result[6]);
             foreach (split(",", $parse_result[3]) as $dep) {
                 if (!$dep) {
                 $bar->SetConstrain($dep, CONSTRAIN_STARTEND);
             if ($this->min_date) {
                 if (strtotime($parse_result[5]) < strtotime($this->min_date)) {
                     $this->min_date = $parse_result[5];
             } else {
                 $this->min_date = $parse_result[5];
             if ($this->max_date) {
                 if (strtotime($parse_result[6]) > strtotime($this->max_date)) {
                     $this->max_date = $parse_result[6];
             } else {
                 $this->max_date = $parse_result[6];
             $bar->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, "yellow");
             $bar->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "darkgreen");
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Error while parsing line '{$line}': expected 'ID,PURCENT%,DEPENDENCY,TASK NAME,DATE,DATE'");
 function CreateSimple($data, $constrains = array(), $progress = array())
     $num = count($data);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) {
         switch ($data[$i][1]) {
             case ACTYPE_GROUP:
                 // Create a slightly smaller height bar since the
                 // "wings" at the end will make it look taller
                 $a = new GanttBar($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3], $data[$i][4], '', 8);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_BOLD, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, 'black');
                 $csimpos = 6;
             case ACTYPE_NORMAL:
                 $a = new GanttBar($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3], $data[$i][4], '', 10);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->SetPattern($this->iSimpleStyle, $this->iSimpleColor);
                 // Check if this activity should have a constrain line
                 $n = count($constrains);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $n; ++$j) {
                     if (empty($constrains[$j]) || count($constrains[$j]) != 3) {
                         JpGraphError::RaiseL(6003, $j);
                         //("Invalid format for Constrain parameter at index=$j in CreateSimple(). Parameter must start with index 0 and contain arrays of (Row,Constrain-To,Constrain-Type)");
                     if ($constrains[$j][0] == $data[$i][0]) {
                         $a->SetConstrain($constrains[$j][1], $constrains[$j][2], 'black', ARROW_S2, ARROWT_SOLID);
                 // Check if this activity have a progress bar
                 $n = count($progress);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $n; ++$j) {
                     if (empty($progress[$j]) || count($progress[$j]) != 2) {
                         JpGraphError::RaiseL(6004, $j);
                         //("Invalid format for Progress parameter at index=$j in CreateSimple(). Parameter must start with index 0 and contain arrays of (Row,Progress)");
                     if ($progress[$j][0] == $data[$i][0]) {
                         $a->progress->SetPattern($this->iSimpleProgressStyle, $this->iSimpleProgressColor);
                 $csimpos = 6;
             case ACTYPE_MILESTONE:
                 $a = new MileStone($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3]);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->caption->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $csimpos = 5;
                 die('Unknown activity type');
         // Setup caption
         $a->caption->Set($data[$i][$csimpos - 1]);
         // Check if this activity should have a CSIM target�?
         if (!empty($data[$i][$csimpos])) {
             $a->SetCSIMAlt($data[$i][$csimpos + 1]);
         if (!empty($data[$i][$csimpos + 2])) {
             $a->title->SetCSIMTarget($data[$i][$csimpos + 2]);
             $a->title->SetCSIMAlt($data[$i][$csimpos + 3]);
Exemple #3

// Gantt example
include "../jpgraph.php";
include "../jpgraph_gantt.php";
// Create the basic graph
$graph = new GanttGraph();
$graph->title->Set("Example with multiple constrains");
$bar1 = new GanttBar(0, "Label 1", "2003-06-08", "2003-06-12");
$bar2 = new GanttBar(1, "Label 2", "2003-06-16", "2003-06-19");
$bar3 = new GanttBar(2, "Label 3", "2003-06-15", "2003-06-21");
//create constraints
$bar1->SetConstrain(1, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART);
$bar1->SetConstrain(2, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART);
// Setup scale
$graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HWEEK);
// Add the specified activities
// .. and stroke the graph
 function CreateSimple($data, $constrains = array(), $progress = array())
     $num = count($data);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) {
         switch ($data[$i][1]) {
             case ACTYPE_GROUP:
                 $a = new GanttBar($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3], $data[$i][4], '', 8);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_BOLD, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->SetPattern(BAND_SOLID, 'black');
                 $csimpos = 6;
             case ACTYPE_NORMAL:
                 $a = new GanttBar($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3], $data[$i][4], '', 10);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->SetPattern($this->iSimpleStyle, $this->iSimpleColor);
                 $n = count($constrains);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $n; ++$j) {
                     if (empty($constrains[$j]) || count($constrains[$j]) != 3) {
                         JpGraphError::RaiseL(6003, $j);
                     if ($constrains[$j][0] == $data[$i][0]) {
                         $a->SetConstrain($constrains[$j][1], $constrains[$j][2], 'black', ARROW_S2, ARROWT_SOLID);
                 $n = count($progress);
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $n; ++$j) {
                     if (empty($progress[$j]) || count($progress[$j]) != 2) {
                         JpGraphError::RaiseL(6004, $j);
                     if ($progress[$j][0] == $data[$i][0]) {
                         $a->progress->SetPattern($this->iSimpleProgressStyle, $this->iSimpleProgressColor);
                 $csimpos = 6;
             case ACTYPE_MILESTONE:
                 $a = new MileStone($data[$i][0], $data[$i][2], $data[$i][3]);
                 $a->title->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $a->caption->SetFont($this->iSimpleFont, FS_NORMAL, $this->iSimpleFontSize);
                 $csimpos = 5;
                 die('Unknown activity type');
         $a->caption->Set($data[$i][$csimpos - 1]);
         if (!empty($data[$i][$csimpos])) {
             $a->SetCSIMAlt($data[$i][$csimpos + 1]);
         if (!empty($data[$i][$csimpos + 2])) {
             $a->title->SetCSIMTarget($data[$i][$csimpos + 2]);
             $a->title->SetCSIMAlt($data[$i][$csimpos + 3]);
Exemple #5
 public function getJPGraphBar($issueActivityMapping)
     $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($this->userid);
     $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($this->bugid);
     if (NULL != $issue->getTcId()) {
         $formatedActivityName = substr($this->bugid . " [" . $issue->getTcId() . "] - " . $issue->getSummary(), 0, 50);
     } else {
         $formatedActivityName = substr($this->bugid . " - " . $issue->getSummary(), 0, 50);
     $formatedActivityInfo = $user->getName();
     if ($issue->getCurrentStatus() < $issue->getBugResolvedStatusThreshold()) {
         $formatedActivityInfo .= " (" . Constants::$statusNames[$issue->getCurrentStatus()] . ")";
     $bar = new GanttBar($this->activityIdx, utf8_decode($formatedActivityName), date('Y-m-d', $this->startTimestamp), date('Y-m-d', $this->endTimestamp), $formatedActivityInfo, 10);
     // --- colors
     $bar->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, $this->color);
     $bar->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, 'slateblue');
     // --- add constrains
     $relationships = $issue->getRelationships();
     $relationships = $relationships['' . Constants::$relationship_constrains];
     if (is_array($relationships)) {
         foreach ($relationships as $bugid) {
             // Add a constrain from the end of this activity to the start of the activity $bugid
             $bar->SetConstrain($issueActivityMapping[$bugid], CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART);
     if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
         self::$logger->debug("JPGraphBar bugid={$this->bugid} prj=" . $issue->getProjectId() . " activityIdx={$this->activityIdx}" . " progress={$this->progress} [" . date('Y-m-d', $this->startTimestamp) . " -> " . date('Y-m-d', $this->endTimestamp) . "]");
         self::$logger->debug("JPGraphBar bugid={$this->bugid} GanttBar = " . var_export($bar, TRUE));
     return $bar;
function prj_paintProjectBar($testMonitor, $pid, $name, $startdate, $enddate, $parent_task, $progress, $status, $expanded, $userid, $nameIndent, &$graph, &$count, &$row, $sm, $stm)
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_PRJCONF;
    $name = html_entity_decode($name);
    if (strlen($name) > $_PRJCONF['project_name_length']) {
        $name = substr($name, 0, $_PRJCONF['project_name_length']);
        $name .= "...";
    $strdate = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $startdate);
    $edate = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $enddate);
    $sql = 'SELECT  c.fullname ';
    $sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['prj_users']} a ";
    $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} b on ";
    $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$_TABLES['users']} c on a.uid=c.uid ";
    $sql .= "WHERE a.role='o' AND{$pid}";
    $result2 = DB_query($sql);
    list($owner) = DB_fetchArray($result2);
    $link = $_CONF['site_url'] . "/nexproject/viewproject.php?pid=" . $pid;
    $count = $count + 1;
    $doesAnyoneDependOnMe = DB_count($_TABLES['prj_projects'], 'parent_id', $pid);
    if (array_keys($expanded, $pid) != array()) {
        $sign = '[-]';
    } else {
        $sign = '[+]';
    if ($doesAnyoneDependOnMe == 0) {
        $sign = '';
    if ($strdate == $edate) {
        $milestone = new Milestone($row, "{$nameIndent}{$name}   {$sign}", $strdate);
        if ($sign != '') {
            $tempval2 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
            $milestone->title->SetCSIMTarget("javascript:projectGanttClick('{$pid}','{$sign}','{$tempval}', '{$gdate1}', '{$gdate2}', '{$tempval2}');");
    } else {
        $activity = new GanttBar($count, "{$nameIndent}{$name}   {$sign}", "{$strdate}", "{$edate}", "{$owner}");
        if ($status == 0) {
            // Yellow diagonal line pattern on a red background
            $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "darkgreen");
            $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
        } elseif ($status == 1) {
            $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "yellow");
            $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
        } else {
            $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "red");
            $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
        // Set absolute height
        $activity->progress->Set($progress / 100);
        // Specify progress
        $activity->SetCSIMAlt($progress . "% completed");
        $tempval2 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        if ($sign != '') {
            $activity->title->SetCSIMTarget("javascript:projectGanttClick('{$pid}','{$sign}','{$tempval}', '{$gdate1}', '{$gdate2}', '{$tempval2}');");
        $activity->title->SetCSIMAlt($progress . "% completed");
        $qconstraints = DB_query("SELECT pid FROM {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} WHERE parent_id='{$pid}' ORDER BY lhs ASC");
        $numconstraints = DB_numRows($qconstraints);
        if ($sign == '[-]') {
            for ($c = 1; $c <= $numconstraints; $c++) {
                list($testingThisPID) = DB_fetchArray($qconstraints);
                $tempPerms = prj_getProjectPermissions($testingThisPID, $userid);
                $tempOwner = getProjectToken($testingThisPID, $userid, "{$_TABLES['prj_users']}");
                $buffer = 0;
                if (array_keys($expanded, $pid) != array() && DB_count($_TABLES['prj_projects'], 'parent_id', $pid) > 0) {
                    if ($showTasksForExpandedProjects == 'true') {
                        if ($testMonitor == false) {
                            //my projects
                            if ($tempPerms['teammember'] == '1' || $tempPerms['full'] == '1' || $tempOwner != 0) {
                                prj_drawProjectTasksGanttBar($tmpg, $buffer, $tmpcount, $pid, $nameIndent, 0, 1, $sm, $stm);
                        } else {
                            //all projects
                            if ($tempPerms['monitor'] == '1' || $tempPerms['teammember'] == '1' || $tempPerms['full'] == '1' || $tempOwner != 0) {
                                prj_drawProjectTasksGanttBar($tmpg, $buffer, $tmpcount, $pid, $nameIndent, 0, 1, $sm, $stm);
                if ($testMonitor == false) {
                    if ($tempPerms['teammember'] == '1' || $tempPerms['full'] == '1' || $tempOwner == '1') {
                        $activity->SetConstrain($row + $c + $buffer, CONSTRAIN_STARTSTART, "maroon4");
                } else {
                    if ($tempPerms['monitor'] == '1' || $tempPerms['teammember'] == '1' || $tempPerms['full'] == '1' || $tempOwner == '1') {
                        $activity->SetConstrain($row + $c + $buffer, CONSTRAIN_STARTSTART, "maroon4");
            //end for
        //end if $sign==[-]
        // Add line to Gantt Chart
    //end else
     $q->addWhere('dependencies_req_task_id=' . $a['task_id']);
     $query = $q->loadList();
     foreach ($query as $dep) {
         // find row num of dependencies
         for ($d = 0; $d < count($gts); $d++) {
             if ($gts[$d][0]['task_id'] == $dep['dependencies_task_id']) {
                 $bar->SetConstrain($d, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART);
 $today = date('y-m-d');
 $vline = new GanttVLine($today, $AppUI->_('Today', UI_OUTPUT_RAW));
 if ($monospacefont) {
     $vline->title->SetFont(FF_DEJAVUMONO, FS_BOLD, $printpdfhr == '1' ? 12 : 8);
     //16); //8); //specify the use of VeraMono
 } else {
     $vline->title->SetFont(FF_DEJAVU, FS_BOLD, $printpdfhr == '1' ? 12 : 8);
Exemple #8
function prj_drawGanttBar(&$graph, $pid, $tid = 0, &$row, &$count)
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_PRJCONF;
    $sql = "SELECT tid,name,start_date, estimated_end_date,parent_task, progress, progress_id ";
    $sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['prj_tasks']} ";
    if ($tid == 0) {
        $sql .= "WHERE pid={$pid} AND parent_task=0 ORDER BY lhs ASC";
    } else {
        $sql .= "WHERE parent_task='{$tid}' ORDER BY lhs ASC";
    $result = DB_query($sql);
    for ($j = 0; $j < DB_numrows($result); $j++) {
        list($tid, $name, $startdate, $enddate, $parent_task, $progress, $status) = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $name = html_entity_decode($name);
        $strdate = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $startdate);
        $edate = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $enddate);
        $sql = "SELECT fullname FROM {$_TABLES['users']}, {$_TABLES['prj_task_users']} ";
        $sql .= "WHERE {$_TABLES['prj_task_users']}.tid={$tid} AND {$_TABLES['prj_task_users']}.uid={$_TABLES['users']}.uid";
        $result2 = DB_query($sql);
        list($owner) = DB_fetchArray($result2);
        $link = $_CONF['site_url'] . "/nexproject/viewproject.php?mode=view&id=" . $tid;
        $count = $count + 1;
        //echo "<br>Count:$count, row:$row";
        //$constrains[$j]=array($count, $parentcount, "CONSTRAIN_STARTEND");
        if (strlen($name) > $_PRJCONF['project_name_length']) {
            $name = substr($name, 0, $_PRJCONF['project_name_length']);
            $name .= "...";
        if ($strdate == $edate) {
            $milestone = new Milestone($row, $name, $strdate);
        } else {
            $activity = new GanttBar($count, "{$name}", "{$strdate}", "{$edate}", "{$owner}");
            if ($status == 0) {
                // Yellow diagonal line pattern on a red background
                $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "darkgreen");
                $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
            } elseif ($status == 1) {
                $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "yellow");
                $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
            } else {
                $activity->SetPattern(GANTT_SOLID, "red");
                $activity->progress->SetPattern(GANTT_RDIAG, "black");
            // Set absolute height
            $activity->progress->Set($progress / 100);
            // Specify progress
            $activity->SetCSIMAlt($progress . "% completed");
            $activity->title->SetCSIMAlt($progress . "% completed");
            $qconstraints = DB_query("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['prj_tasks']} WHERE parent_task='{$tid}' ORDER BY lhs ASC");
            $numconstraints = DB_numRows($qconstraints);
            for ($c = 1; $c <= $numconstraints; $c++) {
                $activity->SetConstrain($row + $c, CONSTRAIN_STARTSTART, "maroon4");
            // Add line to Gnatt Chart
        if (DB_count($_TABLES['prj_tasks'], 'parent_task', $tid) > 0) {
            prj_drawGanttBar($graph, $pid, $tid, $row, $count);
Exemple #9
function gantt_chart($p_metrics, $p_title, $p_subtitle, $p_graph_width = 300, $p_graph_height = 380)
    $t_graph_font = graph_get_font();
    $t_metrics = $p_metrics['metrics'];
    $t_range = $p_metrics['range'];
    // Diff in weeks of the range:
    $t_60s = 60;
    // 1 minute
    $t_60min = 60;
    // 1 hour
    $t_24h = 24;
    // 1 day
    $t_7d = 7;
    // 1 week
    $t_minute = $t_60s;
    $t_hour = $t_60min * $t_minute;
    $t_day = $t_24h * $t_hour;
    $t_week = $t_7d * $t_day;
    $t_gantt_chart_max_rows = plugin_config_get('rows_max');
    error_check(is_array($t_metrics) ? count($t_metrics) : 0, $p_title . " (" . $p_subtitle . ")");
    if (plugin_config_get('eczlibrary') == ON) {
    } else {
        // A new graph with automatic size
        $graph = new GanttGraph(0, 0, "auto");
        // Add title and subtitle
        $graph->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_BOLD, 12);
        // Show day, week and month scale
        $graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HWEEK | GANTT_HMONTH);
        // Instead of week number show the date for the first day in the week
        // on the week scale
        // Make the week scale font smaller than the default
        $graph->scale->week->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        // Use the short name of the month together with a 2 digit year
        // on the month scale
        // Setup a horizontal grid
        // Setup a vertical grid
        //   $graph->vgrid->Show();
        //Setup the divider display
        //   // Set the column headers and font
        //   $graph->scale->actinfo->SetColTitles( array('Task','Start','End'),array(100));
        //   $graph->scale->actinfo->SetFont( $t_graph_font, FS_BOLD, 10 );
        //Adding columns:
        //The following is an example: 1st element, an array of the columns,
        //  2nd element an optional array of min width of the columns (here the min width of the 2 first columns)
        //  array('Note','Task','Duration','Start','Finish'),array(30,100));
        //Adding a table title
        $graph->scale->tableTitle->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        //           if ( null != $t_constrain ){
        //           $t_activity->SetConstrain( $t_constrain, CONSTRAIN_ENDSTART );
        //         }
        //     if ( null != $t_constrain ){
        //       $t_activity->SetConstrain( $t_constrain['row'], $t_constrain['type'] );
        //     }
        // We first need to get the list of rows, in order to know whether to
        // display the constraint or not (in case of missing referenced row)
        $t_row_list = array();
        foreach ($t_metrics as $t_metric_row) {
            $t_row_list[] = $t_metric_row[0];
        foreach ($t_metrics as $t_metric_row) {
            $t_row = $t_metric_row[0] % $t_gantt_chart_max_rows;
            $t_activity_type = $t_metric_row[1];
            $t_bug_id = $t_metric_row[2];
            $t_start_date = $t_metric_row[3];
            $t_end_date = $t_metric_row[4];
            $t_extra = " {$t_bug_id}" . $t_metric_row[5];
            $t_level = $t_metric_row[6];
            $t_constraints = $t_metric_row[7];
            if (isset($t_level)) {
                $t_row_label = utf8_str_pad('', $t_level * 2, ' ') . htmlspecialchars_decode(bug_format_summary($t_bug_id, SUMMARY_FIELD));
            } else {
                $t_row_label = htmlspecialchars_decode(bug_format_summary($t_bug_id, SUMMARY_FIELD));
            // Limit the label to max defined
            $t_row_label = strlen($t_row_label) > plugin_config_get('label_max') ? substr($t_row_label, 0, plugin_config_get('label_max') - 3) . '...' : $t_row_label;
            $t_activity_arr = array('left' => null, 'main' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_start_date, 'end' => $t_end_date, 'info' => $t_extra), 'right' => null);
            if ($t_end_date < $t_range['min']) {
                // complete left bar
                //   **  | o[ ]-[ ]o
                $t_activity_arr = array('left' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_range['min'], 'end' => $t_range['min'], 'info' => "<- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date)), 'main' => null, 'right' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['min'] + $t_day, 'end' => $t_range['min'] + $t_day, 'info' => "<<- [" . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . " / " . graph_date_format($t_end_date) . "]" . $t_extra));
            } else {
                if ($t_range['max'] < $t_start_date) {
                    // complete right bar
                    //   o[ ]-[ ]o | **
                    $t_activity_arr = array('left' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => $t_row_label, 'start' => $t_range['max'] - $t_day, 'end' => $t_range['max'] - $t_day, 'info' => ""), 'main' => null, 'right' => array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['max'], 'end' => $t_range['max'], 'info' => "[" . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . " / " . graph_date_format($t_end_date) . "] ->>" . $t_extra));
                } else {
                    if ($t_start_date < $t_range['min']) {
                        // left bar
                        //   *  | o[ ]-[    ]
                        $t_activity_arr['left'] = array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => '', 'start' => $t_range['min'], 'end' => $t_range['min'], 'info' => "<- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date));
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['start'] = $t_range['min'] + $t_day;
                        //4 * $t_day;// @TODO: what happens if duration is less than that
                    if ($t_range['max'] < $t_end_date) {
                        // right bar
                        //  [     ]-[ ]o | *
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['end'] = $t_range['max'] - $t_day;
                        //4 * $t_day;
                        $t_activity_arr['main']['info'] = "";
                        $t_activity_arr['right'] = array('row' => $t_row, 'label' => "", 'start' => $t_range['max'], 'end' => $t_range['max'], 'info' => graph_date_format($t_end_date) . " ->" . $t_extra);
            switch ($t_activity_type) {
                case ACTYPE_NORMAL:
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['left']) {
                        $t_activity_left = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['left']['row'], $t_activity_arr['left']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['left']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['left']['end']), $t_activity_arr['left']['info']);
                        // Add a left marker
                        //                        $t_activity_left->leftMark->SetColor( 'red' );
                        $t_activity_left->leftMark->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_left->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_left->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['main']) {
                        $t_activity_main = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['main']['row'], $t_activity_arr['main']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['main']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['main']['end']), $t_activity_arr['main']['info']);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_main->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_main->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_main->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        // Set the constraint if any...
                        foreach ($t_constraints as $t_constraint) {
                            // ... and if possible
                            if (in_array($t_constraint['row'], $t_row_list)) {
                                $t_activity_main->SetConstrain($t_constraint['row'], $t_constraint['type']);
                    if (null != $t_activity_arr['right']) {
                        $t_activity_right = new GanttBar($t_activity_arr['right']['row'], $t_activity_arr['right']['label'], graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['right']['start']), graph_date_format($t_activity_arr['right']['end']), $t_activity_arr['right']['info']);
                        // Add a left marker
                        $t_activity_right->rightMark->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                        if (null != gantt_get_resolution_date($t_bug_id)) {
                            $t_activity_right->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                        $t_activity_right->SetFillColor(get_status_color(bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'status')));
                    if (isset($t_activity_left)) {
                    if (isset($t_activity_right)) {
                case ACTYPE_MILESTONE:
                    $t_size = 5;
                    if ($t_start_date < $t_range['min']) {
                        $t_extra = "(<-- " . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . ")" . $t_extra;
                        $t_start_date = $t_range['min'];
                        $t_size = 8;
                    } else {
                        if ($t_range['max'] < $t_start_date) {
                            $t_extra = "(--> " . graph_date_format($t_start_date) . ")" . $t_extra;
                            $t_start_date = $t_range['max'];
                            $t_size = 8;
                    $t_milestone = new MileStone($t_row, $t_row_label, graph_date_format($t_start_date), $t_extra);
                    $t_milestone->title->SetFont($t_graph_font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
                    if (5 != $t_size) {
                    //         foreach( $t_constraints as $t_constraint){
                    //           $t_milestone->SetConstrain( $t_constraint['row'], $t_constraint['type'] );
                    //         }
        // Setting the min and max date:
        $t_minmax = $graph->GetBarMinMax();
        $t_week_in_seconds = 7 * 24 * 3600;
        // 1 week offset min:
        if ($t_minmax[0] - $t_week_in_seconds > 0) {
            $t_graph_offset_min = $t_minmax[0] - $t_week_in_seconds;
        } else {
            $t_graph_offset_min = $t_minmax[0];
        // 2 weeks offset max:
        $t_graph_offset_max = $t_minmax[1] + 3 * $t_week_in_seconds;
        $graph->SetDateRange(graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_min), graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_max));
        // Add a vertical line for today if in the range of GetBarMinMax() (retruns an arry ($min, $max) ):
        $t_minmax = $graph->GetBarMinMax();
        $t_now = date(config_get('short_date_format'));
        if ($t_now >= graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_min) && $t_now <= graph_date_format($t_graph_offset_max)) {
            $t_today = new GanttVLine($t_now, "Today", "darkred", 2, "solid");
        //       $t_today = new GanttVLine( "2011-03-01" , "" , "darkred", 2, "solid");//
        //       $t_today->SetDayOffset(0.5);
        //       $graph->add( $t_today );
        $t_gantt_chart_height = gantt_chart_get_height($graph);
        $t_legend = gantt_chart_legend(false);
        $t_legend_height = 60;
        // Display the Gantt chart
        //     $graph->Stroke();
        // Create a combined graph
        $mgraph = new MGraph();
        $mgraph->Add($graph, 0, 0);
        $mgraph->Add($t_legend, 0, $t_gantt_chart_height + $t_legend_height);