Exemple #1
$status = array();
$ret = null;
/* The permission bit sets that we accept / handle. */
$permissionBitSets = getPermissionSets();
/* Gather a complete list of plugins in this installation. */
$plugins = getPluginList();
/* Process inputs and set some variables to default values */
$path = getRequestVariable('path');
if (empty($path)) {
    $path = getGalleryStoragePath();
} else {
     * $path is used in a chmod() call and we output the path in the HTML.
     * Just do some very basic sanitation.
/* Some basic sanitation */
$path = str_replace('..', '', $path);
if (!file_exists($path)) {
    /* TODO: add open_basedir check */
    $status['error'][] = "Folder or file '{$path}' does not exist!";
/* Permissions (format e.g. 755644, split after 3 characters to get 755 and 644)*/
$permissions = (string) getRequestVariable('permissions');
if (empty($permissions)) {
    $permissions = $DEFAULT_FOLDER_PERMISSIONS->getAsString() . $DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS->getAsString();
if (strlen($permissions) != 6) {
    $status['error'][] = "Unknown permissions '{$permissions}'! Aborting action and resetting permissions.";
Exemple #2
if ($ret) {
    $templateData['errors'][] = $ret->getAsHtml();
} else {
    $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform();
    $storage =& $gallery->getStorage();
    $templateData['warnings'] = array();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['importDatabase'])) {
        $importFile = $_REQUEST['importFile'];
        /* Sanitize the input */
        if (!$platform->file_exists($importFile)) {
            return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, null, null, 'The file "' . $importFile . '" does not exist.');
        $verifiedFile = $_REQUEST['verifiedFile'];
        /* Sanitize the input */
        $doImportFlag = true;
        if ($verifiedFile != $importFile) {
            $templateData['verifiedFile'] = $importFile;
            $verifiedFile = $importFile;
            $doImportFlag = verifyVersions($templateData, $importFile);
        if ($doImportFlag) {
            $template->renderStatusMessage('Restoring Gallery Database', '', 0);
            /* Do the database import */
            $importer = $storage->getDatabaseImporter();
            list($ret, $errors) = $importer->importToDb($verifiedFile, 'importProgressCallback');
            if ($ret) {
                $templateData['errors'][] = $ret->getAsHtml();
            } else {