Exemple #1
 function __construct($folder, $filename)
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
     $this->folder = $folder;
     $this->filename = $filename;
     $this->iptcInfo = new IPTC($this->gallery->getPhotosPath() . DS . $this->folder->getFolderPath() . DS . $this->filename);
 private function __construct()
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
     $this->folders = array();
     // TODO is that effective? or use another data structure?
     $this->photos = array();
Exemple #3
 /** @param String $folderPath relative path of folder */
 public function __construct($relativeFolderPath)
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
     $this->filesystem = Filesystem::getInstance();
     $this->relativeFolderPath = $relativeFolderPath;
     // TODO make sure it is relative
     $this->absoluteFolderPath = $this->gallery->getPhotosPath() . DS . $relativeFolderPath;
Exemple #4
 public static function validateRequestPath()
     $gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
     if (JRequest::getVar('controller') == 'file') {
         $fullPath = $gallery->getCachePath();
     } else {
         $fullPath = $gallery->getPhotosPath();
     $fullPath .= DS . $gallery->getCurrentRequestPath();
     if ($gallery->getCurrentRequestPath() != '' && !(JFolder::exists($fullPath) || JFile::exists($fullPath))) {
         JError::raiseError(404, JText::_("Page Not Found"));
         // TODO use return?
 function display($tpl = null)
     $this->app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $this->document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $this->pathway = JFactory::getApplication('site')->getPathway();
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
     $this->filesystem = Filesystem::getInstance();
     $this->folder = $this->filesystem->getFolder($this->gallery->getCurrentRequestPath());
     // get child folders of this folder
     $childFolders = $this->folder->getChildFolders();
     // get photos of this folder
     $photos = $this->folder->getPhotos();
     // load js and css files
     // get title
     if ($this->gallery->getCurrentRequestPath() == '') {
         $title = 'Gallery';
     } else {
         $title = $this->folder->getFolderName();
     // set breadcrumbs and title
     $this->childFoldersCount = count($childFolders);
     $this->photosCount = count($photos);
     // add noindex for category pages
     if ($this->photosCount == 0) {
         $this->document->addCustomTag('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />');
     // assign Variables
     $this->assignRef('title', $title);
     // TODO change to direct assign
     $this->assignRef('childFolders', $childFolders);
     // TODO change to direct assign
     $this->assignRef('photos', $photos);
     // TODO change to direct assign
     $this->showBacklink = $this->gallery->showBacklink();
     $this->useLazyLoading = $this->gallery->shouldUseLazyLoading();
     $this->thumbnailSize = $this->gallery->getThumbnailSize();
Exemple #6
 function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
 public function __construct()
     $this->gallery = Gallery::getInstance();
Exemple #8
 public function getHtmlForObjectId(\FrameResponseObject $frameResponseObject)
     $rawHtml = new \Widgets\RawHtml();
     $objectId = $this->id;
     if (isset($this->params[1])) {
         $from = $this->params[1];
     } else {
         $from = 0;
     $steam = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id();
     $currentRoom = \steam_factory::get_object($steam, $objectId);
     $this->object = $currentRoom;
     $currentRoomPath = $currentRoom->get_path(1);
     $currentRoomData = $currentRoom->get_attributes(array(OBJ_NAME, OBJ_DESC), 1);
     $steamUser = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user();
     $steamUserId = $steamUser->get_id();
     //check if user may write in this folder
     $writeAllowed = $currentRoom->check_access_write($steamUser, 1);
     //get inventory and inventorys attributes if allowed to
     $allowed = $currentRoom->check_access_read($steamUser, 1);
     $result = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->buffer_flush();
     $writeAllowed = $result[$writeAllowed];
     $allowed = $result[$allowed];
     $currentRoomPath = $result[$currentRoomPath];
     $currentRoomData = $result[$currentRoomData];
     $currentRoomDisplayName = str_replace("'s workarea", "", stripslashes($currentRoomData[OBJ_NAME]));
     if (isset($currentRoomData[OBJ_DESC]) && $currentRoomData[OBJ_DESC] != "") {
         $currentRoomDisplayName = $currentRoomData[OBJ_DESC];
     $currentRoomDisplayName = str_replace("s workroom.", "", $currentRoomDisplayName);
     $numberOfThumbs = 10;
     //forces a stable navigation structure
     $from -= $from % $numberOfThumbs;
     //navigation commands
     $picCount = sizeof($currentRoom->get_inventory());
     $to = $from + ($numberOfThumbs - 1);
     if ($from >= $picCount) {
         $from = $picCount - 1 - ($picCount - 1) % $numberOfThumbs;
     if ($to >= $picCount) {
         $to = $picCount - 1;
     if ($allowed && $currentRoom instanceof \steam_container) {
         if ($from >= 0 && $to >= $numberOfThumbs - 1) {
             $inventory = $currentRoom->get_inventory_paged($from, $to);
         } else {
             $inventory = $currentRoom->get_inventory_paged(0, $numberOfThumbs - 1);
     } else {
         $inventory = array();
     //$contentJS = $this->loadTemplate("overlay.template.js");
     //add css
     //	\Gallery::getInstance()->addCSS();
     //add js
     //	\Gallery::getInstance()->addJS();
     //\lms_portal::get_instance()->add_javascript_src("JQuery", PATH_URL . "gallery/js/jquery.min.js");
     //	\lms_portal::get_instance()->add_javascript_src("JQuery", PATH_URL . "gallery/js/jquery.colorbox.js");
     //	\lms_portal::get_instance()->add_javascript_src("JQuery", PATH_URL . "gallery/js/colorbox.control.js");
     //TODO: overlay.template.js not working - overlay to start gallery missing
     $tpl = \Gallery::getInstance()->loadTemplate("gallery.template.html");
     //$tpl= new \HTML_TEMPLATE_IT();
     $tpl->setVariable("IMAGEURL", \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "image/round_green_play_button_4044.jpg");
     $tpl->setVariable("FROM", max($from + 1, 1));
     $tpl->setVariable("TO", min($to + 1, $picCount));
     $tpl->setVariable("PIC_COUNT", $picCount);
     $pagemin = $from - $numberOfThumbs;
     $pagemin = max($pagemin, 0);
     $backlink = "<a href=\"" . PATH_URL . "gallery/index/" . $objectId . "/" . $pagemin . "\" class=\"pagingleft\"><img alt=\"Zurück\" title=\"Zurück\" src=\"" . \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "/icons/top_seq_prev_on.gif\"></a>";
     if ($from == 0) {
         $backlink = "<a href=\"\" class=\"pagingleft\"><img alt=\"Zurück\" title=\"Zur&uuml;ck\" src=\"" . \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "/icons/top_seq_prev_off.gif\"></a>";
         $tpl->setVariable("BACKLINK", $backlink);
     } else {
         $tpl->setVariable("BACKLINK", $backlink);
     $pagemax = min($to, $picCount - 1);
     $forwardlink = "<a href=\"" . PATH_URL . "gallery/index/" . $objectId . "/" . ($pagemax + 1) . "\" class=\"pagingleft\"><img alt=\"Zurück\" title=\"Zurück\" src=\"" . \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "/icons/top_seq_next_on.gif\"></a>";
     if ($to >= $picCount - 1) {
         $forwardlink = "<a href=\"\" class=\"pagingright\"><img alt=\"Vor\" title=\"Vor\" src=\"" . \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "/icons/top_seq_next_off.gif\">";
         $tpl->setVariable("FORWARDLINK", $forwardlink);
     } else {
         $tpl->setVariable("FORWARDLINK", $forwardlink);
     foreach ($inventory as $item) {
         $tnr[$item->get_id()] = array();
         $tnr[$item->get_id()]["creator"] = $item->get_creator(1);
         $tnr[$item->get_id()]["item_write_access"] = $item->check_access_write($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user(), 1);
         $tnr[$item->get_id()]["item_read_access"] = $item->check_access_read($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user(), 1);
     $result = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->buffer_flush();
     $creators = array();
     $itemWriteAccess = array();
     $itemReadAccess = array();
     foreach ($inventory as $item) {
         $creators[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["creator"]];
         $itemWriteAccess[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["item_write_access"]];
         $itemReadAccess[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["item_read_access"]];
     \steam_factory::load_attributes($steam, $inventory, array(OBJ_NAME, OBJ_DESC, OBJ_KEYWORDS, DOC_MIME_TYPE, "bid:description"));
     // If you want to use further Methods of caching e.g. PHP PEARs Cache_Lite
     // insert caching mechanisms in here...
     // below this, the steam connector is no longer used...
     $undisplayedPicCount = 0;
     $sanction = $currentRoom->get_sanction();
     $attrib = $this->object->get_attributes(array(OBJ_NAME, OBJ_DESC, "bid:doctype"));
     $bid_doctype = isset($attrib["bid:doctype"]) ? $attrib["bid:doctype"] : "";
     $docTypeQuestionary = strcmp($attrib["bid:doctype"], "questionary") == 0;
     $docTypeMessageBoard = $this->object instanceof \steam_messageboard;
     // in questionaries the write right is limited to insert rights only
     if ($docTypeQuestionary) {
     } else {
         if ($docTypeMessageBoard) {
         } else {
     $sanctionFlag = false;
     if (isset($sanction[$steamUserId])) {
         if ($sanction[$steamUserId] >= $SANCTION_WRITE_FOR_CURRENT_OBJECT) {
             $sanctionFlag = true;
     $env = $currentRoom->get_environment();
     if ($env instanceof \steam_room) {
         $envSanction = $env->get_sanction();
         if (isset($envSanction[$steamUserId])) {
             if ($envSanction[$steamUserId] >= $SANCTION_WRITE_FOR_CURRENT_OBJECT) {
                 $sanctionFlag = true;
     $currentRoomCreater = $currentRoom->get_creator();
     $currentRoomCreaterId = $currentRoomCreater->get_id();
     if ($currentRoomCreaterId == $steamUserId) {
         $sanctionFlag = true;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($inventory); $i++) {
         $item = $inventory[$i];
         if ($sanctionFlag) {
             $tpl->setVariable("REMOVE_ICON", \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "icons/trash.png");
             $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_PATH_URL2", PATH_URL);
             $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_THUMBNAIL_ID2", $item->get_id());
         $tpl->setVariable("FULLSCREEN_ICON", \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "icons/image_fullscreen.png");
         $tpl->setVariable("SAVE_ICON", \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "icons/image_save.png");
         $tpl->setVariable("EDIT_ICON", \Gallery::getInstance()->getAssetUrl() . "icons/image_properties.gif");
         $popupMenu = new \Widgets\PopupMenu();
         $tpl->setVariable("POPUP_MENU", $popupMenu->getHtml());
         // Skip image if rights are insufficient
         if (!$itemReadAccess[$item->get_id()]) {
         $itemName = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_NAME);
         $itemDescription = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_DESC);
         $itemKeywords = implode(", ", $item->get_attribute(OBJ_KEYWORDS));
         $itemMimetype = $item->get_attribute(DOC_MIME_TYPE);
         //set Item
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_ID", $item->get_id());
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_NAME", $itemName);
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_DESC", $itemDescription);
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_KEYWORDS", $itemKeywords);
         // render a steam_document
         if ($item instanceof \steam_document) {
             //care for documents not to be displayed in the browser
             if ($itemMimetype === "image/gif" || $itemMimetype === "image/jpg" || $itemMimetype === "image/jpeg" || $itemMimetype === "image/png") {
                 $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_PATH_URL", PATH_URL);
                 $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_THUMBNAIL_ID", $item->get_id());
                 $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_BIGTHUMB_ID", $item->get_id());
                 if ($i - $undisplayedPicCount == 0) {
                     $tpl->setVariable("FIRST_GALLERY_ID", $item->get_id());
     //set invisible items for colorbox
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($inventory); $i++) {
         $item = $inventory[$i];
         // Skip image if rights are insufficient
         if (!$itemReadAccess[$item->get_id()]) {
         $itemName = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_NAME);
         $itemDescription = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_DESC);
         $itemKeywords = implode(", ", $item->get_attribute(OBJ_KEYWORDS));
         $itemMimetype = $item->get_attribute(DOC_MIME_TYPE);
         // set display name
         $objectDisplayName = $itemName;
         if ($itemDescription === 0) {
             $itemDescription = "";
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_NAME", $objectDisplayName);
         $tpl->setVariable("OBJECT_DESC", $itemDescription);
         // render a steam_document
         if ($item instanceof \steam_document) {
             //care for documents not to be displayed in the browser
             if ($itemMimetype === "image/gif" || $itemMimetype === "image/jpg" || $itemMimetype === "image/jpeg" || $itemMimetype === "image/png") {
                 $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_PATH_URL", PATH_URL);
                 $tpl->setVariable("ITEM_THUMBNAIL_ID", $item->get_id());
     $actionBar = new \Widgets\ActionBar();
     $actionBar->setActions(array(array("name" => "Neues Bild", "ajax" => array("onclick" => array("command" => "Addpicture", "params" => array("id" => $this->id), "requestType" => "popup"))), array("name" => "Eigenschaften", "ajax" => array("onclick" => array("command" => "Properties", "params" => array("id" => $this->id), "requestType" => "popup", "namespace" => "explorer"))), array("name" => "Rechte", "ajax" => array("onclick" => array("command" => "Sanctions", "params" => array("id" => $this->id), "requestType" => "popup", "namespace" => "explorer")))));
     $css = self::auslesen(PATH_URL . "gallery/css/style.css");
     $js = self::auslesen(PATH_URL . "gallery/js/code.js");
     if ($sanctionFlag) {
     return $frameResponseObject;