<label>Educational Attainment <span>(*)</span></label>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <select id="EducAttain" name="EducAttain" class="form-control"
                                    style="width:100%; height:34px;">
                                <option value="">- Please select one -</option>
                                <option value="Bachelor's/College Degree" selected="selected">Bachelor's/College Degree</option>
                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <label>Course <span>(*)</span></label>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <select id="Course" name="Course" class="form-control" style="width:100%; height:34px;">
                                <option value="">- Please select one</option>
$course_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT CourseCode,CourseTitle FROM coursetbl", TRUE);
foreach ($course_tbl as $value) {
    $CourseCode = $value[0];
    $CourseTitle = $value[1];
                                    <option value="<?php 
    echo $CourseCode;
    echo $CourseTitle;
    header("location: ../../../login-student.php");
$ReferenceID = $_GET['id'];
$reference_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM referencetbl WHERE ReferenceID = ?", TRUE, "s", $ReferenceID);
$Name = $reference_tbl[0][2];
$Relationship = $reference_tbl[0][3];
$Company = $reference_tbl[0][4];
$Position = $reference_tbl[0][5];
$Phone = $reference_tbl[0][6];
$Email = $reference_tbl[0][7];
$infoquery = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT FirstName, LastName, MajorCourse FROM studentinfotbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
$FirstName = $infoquery[0][0];
$LastName = $infoquery[0][1];
$MajorCourse = $infoquery[0][2];
$StudentName = $FirstName . " " . $LastName;
$course_qry = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT CourseTitle FROM coursetbl WHERE CourseCode = ?", TRUE, "s", $MajorCourse);
$MajorCourse = $course_qry[0][0];

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">


    <!-- Basic -->

    <!-- Define Charset -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!-- Responsive Metatag -->
            <table class="table segment table-hover">
                    <th width='10%' class='tabletitle'>Username</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Name</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Position</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Address</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Contact Number</th>
                    <th width='7%' class='tabletitle'>Action</th>
$admin_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT Username, FirstName, LastName, Position, Address, ContactNumber FROM admintbl WHERE Usertype = 'Adviser'", TRUE);
foreach ($admin_tbl as $value) {
    $Username = $value[0];
    $FirstName = $value[1];
    $LastName = $value[2];
    $Position = $value[3];
    $Address = $value[4];
    $ContactNumber = $value[5];
                        <td width=10% class=tabletitle><?php 
    echo $Username;
                        <td width=15% class=tabletitle><?php 
    echo $FirstName . " " . $LastName;

include '../connection.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['AdminID'])) {
    $AdminID = $_SESSION['AdminID'];
} else {
    header("location: ../login-admin.php");
$admin_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM admintbl WHERE AdminID = ?", TRUE, "s", $AdminID);
$Username = $admin_tbl[0][1];
$FirstName = $admin_tbl[0][4];
$MiddleName = $admin_tbl[0][5];
$LastName = $admin_tbl[0][6];
$Position = $admin_tbl[0][7];
$Address = $admin_tbl[0][8];
$ContactNumber = $admin_tbl[0][9];
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">


    <!-- Basic -->

    <!-- Define Charset -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!-- Responsive Metatag -->
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

                            <div class="hr2" style="margin-top:35px;"></div>
                            <table class="table segment table-hover">
                                    <th>Year Taken</th>
                                    <th width="15%">&nbsp;</th>
$certification_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM certificationtbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
foreach ($certification_tbl as $value) {
    $CertificationID = $value[0];
    $Certification = $value[2];
    $YearTaken = $value[3];
                                <tr class="certification">
    echo $Certification;
    echo $YearTaken;
                                    <td class="text-center">
                                    <span class="fa fa-plus"> Add Document</span>

                        <div class="hr2" style="margin-top:35px;"></div>
                        <table class="table segment table-hover">
                                <th width="15%">&nbsp;</th>
$documents_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM documentstbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
foreach ($documents_tbl as $value) {
    $DeleteID = $value[0];
    $DocumentName = $value[2];
    echo $DocumentName;
                                    <td class="text-center">
                                        <button class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="modal"
    echo $DeleteID;

include '../connection.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['CompanyID'])) {
    $CompanyID = $_SESSION['CompanyID'];
} else {
    header("location: ../login-company.php");
$companyuser_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n            Email,\n            Password,\n            FirstName,\n            MiddleName,\n            LastName,\n            Position,\n            Department,\n            Address\n        FROM\n            companyinfotbl\n        WHERE\n            CompanyID = ?", TRUE, "s", $CompanyID);
$Email = $companyuser_tbl[0][0];
$Password = $companyuser_tbl[0][1];
$FirstName = $companyuser_tbl[0][2];
$MiddleName = $companyuser_tbl[0][3];
$LastName = $companyuser_tbl[0][4];
$Position = $companyuser_tbl[0][5];
$Department = $companyuser_tbl[0][6];
$Address = $companyuser_tbl[0][7];
<!doctype html>
<!--[if IE 8 ]><html class="ie ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><html lang="en" class="no-js"> <![endif]-->
<html lang="en">


    <!-- Basic -->

    <!-- Define Charset -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

include '../../../connection.php';
$StudentID = $_SESSION['StudentID'];
$fileToUpload = basename($_FILES["DocumentFile"]["name"]);
$target_dir = "Documents/";
$target_file = $target_dir . $fileToUpload;
$uploadOk = 1;
$salt = hash('sha512', mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX));
$target_file = hash('sha512', $target_file . $salt);
echo $fileToUpload;
echo $target_file;
if ($uploadOk == 0) {
    echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
} else {
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["DocumentFile"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
        GSecureSQL::query("INSERT INTO documentstbl (StudentID, DocumentName, DocumentPath) VALUES (?,?,?)", FALSE, "sss", $StudentID, $fileToUpload, $target_file);
        header("location: portfolio.php");
    } else {
        echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
Exemple #9
$workexperience_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM workexperiencetbl WHERE StudentID = ? ORDER BY DateToYear DESC", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
foreach ($workexperience_tbl as $value) {
    $WorkID = $value[0];
    $CompanyName = $value[2];
    $CompanyWebsite = $value[3];
    $Industry = $value[4];
    $WorkSpecialization = $value[5];
    $DateFromMonth = $value[6];
    $DateFromYear = $value[7];
    $DateToMonth = $value[8];
    $DateToYear = $value[9];
    $PositionLevel = $value[11];
    $MonthlySalary = $value[12];
    $NatureOfWork = $value[10];
    $specialization_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT Specialization FROM listofspecializationtbl WHERE id = ?", TRUE, "s", $WorkSpecialization);
    if ($DateFromMonth == 1) {
        $DateFromMonth = 'January';
    if ($DateFromMonth == 2) {
        $DateFromMonth = 'February';
    if ($DateFromMonth == 3) {
        $DateFromMonth = 'March';
    if ($DateFromMonth == 4) {
        $DateFromMonth = 'April';
    if ($DateFromMonth == 5) {
        $DateFromMonth = 'May';
                                            <input type="radio" id="star1half" name="rating" value="1.5" /><label class="half" for="star1half" title="Meh - 1.5 stars"></label>
                                            <input type="radio" id="star1" name="rating" value="1" /><label class = "full" for="star1" title="Sucks big time - 1 star"></label>
                                            <input type="radio" id="starhalf" name="rating" value="0." /><label class="half" for="starhalf" title="Sucks big time - 0.5 stars"></label>
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-md-8">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label>Specialization <span>(*)</span></label>
                                    <select id="" name="Specialization" class="form-control">
                                        <option value="" selected="selected">- Please select one -</option>
$listofspecialization_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT Specialization FROM listofspecializationtbl", TRUE);
foreach ($listofspecialization_tbl as $value) {
    $Specialization = $value[0];
                                            <option value="<?php 
    echo $Specialization;
    echo $Specialization;
                                <div class="hr3" style="margin-top:35px;margin-bottom:40px;"></div>
                                <div class="text-center"><h3><?php 
echo $PositionTitle;
                                <div class="hr3" style="margin-top:35px;margin-bottom:40px;"></div>

                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-md-12">
                                <div class="classic-testimonials">
                                    <label><u>Good candidate must have the following qualifications:</u></label>
$reqSkills_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT ReqSkills FROM comppositiontbl WHERE CompanyID = ? AND PositionID = ?", TRUE, "ss", $CompanyID, $PositionID);
foreach ($reqSkills_tbl as $value) {
    $Skills = $value[0];
    $Skills = explode(", ", $Skills);
    foreach ($Skills as $value2) {
        $Skills = $value2;
        echo $Skills;
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <table class="table segment table-hover">
                    <th width='10%' class='tabletitle'>Course Code</th>
                    <th width='20%' class='tabletitle'>Course Title</th>
                    <th width='30%' class='tabletitle'>Course Description</th>
                    <th width='10%' class='tabletitle'></th>
$ListCourseQuery = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM coursetbl", TRUE);
foreach ($ListCourseQuery as $value) {
    $CourseID = $value[0];
    $CourseTitle = $value[1];
    $CourseCode = $value[2];
    $CourseDesc = $value[3];
                        <td width=10% class=tabletitle><?php 
    echo $CourseCode;
                        <td width=20% class=tabletitle><?php 
    echo $CourseTitle;

                        <div class="hr2" style="margin-top:35px;"></div>
                        <table class="table segment table-hover">
                                <th>Year Attended</th>
                                <th width="15%">&nbsp;</th>
$seminar_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM seminartbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
foreach ($seminar_tbl as $item) {
    $SeminarID = $item[0];
    $Seminar = $item[2];
    $YearAttended = $item[3];
    echo $Seminar;
    echo $YearAttended;
                                    <td class="text-center">

include '../connection.php';
//Delete Position
if (isset($_GET['delete_PositionID'])) {
    $Z = $_GET['delete_PositionID'];
    GSecureSQL::query("DELETE FROM comppositiontbl WHERE PositionID=?", FALSE, "s", $Z);
    header("location: company-positionlist.php?id=3");
            <table class="table segment table-hover">
                    <th width='25%' class='tabletitle'>Company Name</th>
                    <th width='25%' class='tabletitle'>Courses</th>
                    <th width='20%' class='tabletitle'>Location</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Date Requested</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Status</th>
                    <th width='3%' class='tabletitle'></th>
$requestlog_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n                            logrequesttbl.LID,\n                            logrequesttbl.CompanyID,\n                            logrequesttbl.Course,\n                            logrequesttbl.Status,\n                            logrequesttbl.DateRequested,\n                            logrequesttbl.PositionTitle,\n                            logrequesttbl.EmployeeClassification,\n                            logrequesttbl.PositionLevel,\n                            logrequesttbl.Description,\n                            logrequesttbl.Qualifications,\n                            logrequesttbl.Location,\n                            logrequesttbl.SalaryRange,\n                            logrequesttbl.RequiredYOE,\n                            logrequesttbl.CFG,\n                            logrequesttbl.DurationOfRequest,\n                            logrequesttbl.MarketingMaterials,\n                            companyinfotbl.CompanyName,\n                            companyinfotbl.City\n                        FROM\n                            companyinfotbl\n                        INNER JOIN logrequesttbl ON companyinfotbl.CompanyID = logrequesttbl.CompanyID WHERE logrequesttbl.Status = 'Pending' ORDER BY logrequesttbl.DateRequested ASC", TRUE);
foreach ($requestlog_tbl as $value) {
    $LID = $value[0];
    $CompanyID = $value[1];
    $Course = $value[2];
    $Status = $value[3];
    $DateRequested = $value[4];
    $PositionTitle = $value[5];
    $EmployeeClassification = $value[6];
    $PositionLevel = $value[7];
    $Description = $value[8];
    $Qualifications = $value[9];
    $Location = $value[10];
    $SalaryRange = $value[11];
    $RequiredYOE = $value[12];
    $CFG = $value[13];
    $MiddleName = $_GET['MiddleName'];
    $LastName = $_GET['LastName'];
    $Gender = $_GET['Gender'];
    $Birthdate = $_GET['Birthdate'];
    $Nationality = $_GET['Nationality'];
    $CivilStatus = $_GET['CivilStatus'];
    $FBLink = $_GET['FBLink'];
    $TwitterLink = $_GET['TwitterLink'];
    $FBLink = "http://www.facebook.com/" . $FBLink;
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE studentinfotbl SET FirstName = ?, MiddleName = ?, LastName = ?, Gender = ?, Birthdate = ?, Nationality = ?, CivilStatus = ?, FBLink = ?, TwitterLink = ? WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ssssssssss", $FirstName, $MiddleName, $LastName, $Gender, $Birthdate, $Nationality, $CivilStatus, $FBLink, $TwitterLink, $StudentID);
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE progresstbl SET Pinfo = 'ok' WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "s", $StudentID);
    header("location: personal-info.php?id=1");
if (isset($_GET['btnSaveContactInfo'])) {
    $Email = $_GET['Email'];
    $MobileNumber = $_GET['MobileNumber'];
    $HomeNumber = $_GET['HomeNumber'];
    $WorkNumber = $_GET['WorkNumber'];
    $Address = $_GET['Address'];
    $City = $_GET['City'];
    $PostalCode = $_GET['PostalCode'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE studcontactstbl SET Email = ?, MobileNumber = ?, HomeNumber = ?, WorkNumber = ?, Address = ?, City = ?, PostalCode = ? WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ssssssss", $Email, $MobileNumber, $HomeNumber, $WorkNumber, $Address, $City, $PostalCode, $StudentID);
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE progresstbl SET Cinfo = 'ok' WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "s", $StudentID);
    header("location: contacts-info.php?id=1");
if (isset($_POST['Objective'])) {
    $Objective = $_POST['Objective'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE studentinfotbl SET Objectives = ? WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ss", $Objective, $StudentID);
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE progresstbl SET Objective = 'ok' WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "s", $StudentID);
    header("location: work.php");
Exemple #17
        echo "Incorrect Company email or Password";
} elseif (isset($_POST['AdminEmail'])) {
    $AdminEmail = $_POST['AdminEmail'];
    $_Password = $_POST['password'];
    $admin_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n                `AdminID`,\n                `Password`,\n                `SaltedPassword`\n            FROM `admintbl` WHERE `Username` = ?", TRUE, "s", $AdminEmail);
    if (count($admin_tbl)) {
        if (hash('sha512', $_Password . $admin_tbl[0][2]) == $admin_tbl[0][1]) {
            $_SESSION['AdminID'] = $admin_tbl[0][0];
            echo "\n\t\t        <script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t        alert('You have successfully loggged in.');\n\t\t        location.href='admin/admin.php';\n\t\t        </script>";
        } else {
            echo "Incorrect username or Password";
    } else {
        echo "Incorrect username or Password";
} elseif (isset($_POST['AdviserUsername'])) {
    $AdviserUsername = $_POST['AdviserUsername'];
    $_Password = $_POST['_password'];
    $adviser_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n                AdminID,\n                Password,\n                SaltedPassword\n            FROM admintbl WHERE Username = ?", TRUE, "s", $AdviserUsername);
    if (count($adviser_tbl)) {
        if (hash('sha512', $_Password . $adviser_tbl[0][2]) == $adviser_tbl[0][1]) {
            $_SESSION['AdviserID'] = $adviser_tbl[0][0];
            echo "\n\t\t        <script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t        alert('You have successfully loggged in.');\n\t\t        location.href='adviser/ojt-adviser.php';\n\t\t        </script>";
        } else {
            echo "Incorrect username or Password";
    } else {
        echo "Incorrect username or Password";
                <th width="10%" class="tabletitle">Student ID</th>
                <th width="15%" class="tabletitle">Student Name</th>
                <th width="10%" class="tabletitle">Course</th>
                <th width="15%" class="tabletitle">Company</th>
                <th width="20%" class="tabletitle">Company Address</th>
                <th width="15%" class="tabletitle">Contact Number</th>
                <th width="10%" class="tabletitle">Supervisor</th>
                <th width="10%" class="tabletitle">Adviser</th>
                <th width="10%" class="tabletitle">Status</th>
                <th width="5%" class="tabletitle">View</th>
$ojt_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM ojttbl", TRUE);
foreach ($ojt_tbl as $value) {
    $StudentID = $value[1];
    $LastName = $value[2];
    $FirstName = $value[3];
    $Course = $value[5];
    $CompanyName = $value[6];
    $CompanyAddress = $value[7];
    $Supervisor = $value[8];
    $Position = $value[9];
    $ContactNumber = $value[10];
    $Email = $value[11];
    $Status = $value[12];
    $DailyTimeRecord = $value[13];
    $IntegrationPaper = $value[14];
    $PracJournal = $value[15];
                                        <td width='25%' class='tabletitle'><?php 
                echo $Email;
                                        <td width='20%' class='tabletitle'><?php 
                echo $_Location;
    } else {
        $isEmpty = 0;
        $listofgraduates_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n                                        studentinfotbl.StudentID,\n                                        studentinfotbl.FirstName,\n                                        studentinfotbl.LastName,\n                                        studentinfotbl.MajorCourse,\n                                        studcontactstbl.Email,\n                                        studcontactstbl.MobileNumber,\n                                        studcontactstbl.City\n                                        FROM\n                                        studcontactstbl\n                                        INNER JOIN `studentinfotbl` ON `studcontactstbl`.`StudentID` = `studentinfotbl`.`StudentID` WHERE studentinfotbl.MajorCourse IN ('{$RequestedCourses}')", TRUE);
        if (empty($listofgraduates_tbl)) {
            $isEmpty = 1;
        if ($isEmpty == 1) {
            echo '
                                        <td width="20%" class="tabletitle">No results found.</td>
                                        <td width="10%" class="tabletitle"></td>
                                        <td width="20%" class="tabletitle"></td>
                                        <td width="25%" class="tabletitle"></td>
                                        <td width="20%" class="tabletitle"></td>

include '../connection.php';
$AdminID = $_SESSION['AdminID'];
$fileToUpload = basename($_FILES["ProfilePicture"]["name"]);
$target_dir = "ProfileImage/";
$target_file = $target_dir . $AdminID . ".jpg";
$uploadOk = 1;
$imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($imageFileType != "jpg" && $imageFileType != "png" && $imageFileType != "jpeg") {
    echo "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed.";
    $uploadOk = 0;
if ($uploadOk == 0) {
    echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
} else {
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ProfilePicture"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
        GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE admineventtbl SET ProfileImage = ? WHERE AdminID = ?", FALSE, "ss", $target_file, $AdminID);
        header("location: admin-calendarcreateevent.php");
    } else {
        echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
Exemple #21
include '../../connection.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['StudentID'])) {
    $StudentID = $_SESSION['StudentID'];
} else {
    header("location: ../../login-student.php");
$infoquery = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT FirstName, LastName, MajorCourse FROM studentinfotbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
$FirstName = $infoquery[0][0];
$LastName = $infoquery[0][1];
$MajorCourse = $infoquery[0][2];
$StudentName = $FirstName . " " . $LastName;
$course_qry = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT CourseTitle FROM coursetbl WHERE CourseCode = ?", TRUE, "s", $MajorCourse);
$MajorCourse = $course_qry[0][0];
$progress_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT\n        Pinfo,\n        Cinfo,\n        Objective,\n        WorkXP,\n        School,\n        Seminar,\n        Certification,\n        Achievements,\n        Specialization,\n        Languages,\n        _References\n        FROM Progresstbl\n        WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
$nPinfo = "*";
$nCinfo = "*";
$nObjective = "*";
$nWorkXP = "*";
$nSchool = "*";
$nSeminar = "*";
$nCertification = "*";
$nAchievements = "*";
$nSpecialization = "*";
$nLanguages = "*";
$nReferences = "*";
$Progress = 10;
$Pinfo = $progress_tbl[0][0];
$Cinfo = $progress_tbl[0][1];
$Objective = $progress_tbl[0][2];
 private static function _get_mysqli_config()
     self::$config = GSecureSQLConfig::get_mysqli_config();

include '../connection.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['CompanyID'])) {
    $CompanyID = $_SESSION['CompanyID'];
} else {
    header("location: ../login-company.php");
$companyinfo_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT CompanyName, FirstName, LastName FROM companyinfotbl WHERE CompanyID = ?", TRUE, "s", $CompanyID);
$CompanyName = $companyinfo_tbl[0][0];
$cFirstName = $companyinfo_tbl[0][1];
$cLastName = $companyinfo_tbl[0][2];
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">


    <!-- Basic -->

    <!-- Define Charset -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!-- Responsive Metatag -->
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

    <!-- Page Description and Author -->
    <meta name="description" content="Margo - Responsive HTML5 Template">
    <meta name="author" content="iThemesLab">

                            <div class="hr2" style="margin-top:35px;"></div>
                            <table class="table segment table-hover">
                                        <th>Written Proficiency</th>
                                        <th>Spoken Proficiency</th>
                                        <th width="15%">&nbsp;</th>
$language_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM languagetbl WHERE StudentID = ?", TRUE, "s", $StudentID);
foreach ($language_tbl as $value2) {
    $LangID = $value2[0];
    $Language = $value2[2];
    $WrittenProf = $value2[3];
    $SpokenProf = $value2[4];
    echo $Language;
                                        <td class="text-center">
                                            <fieldset class="rating">
                                                <input type="radio" id="star5" name="rating" value="5" /><label class = "full" for="star5" title="Awesome - 5 stars"></label>
                                                <input type="radio" id="star4half" name="rating" value="4 and a half" /><label class="half" for="star4half" title="Pretty good - 4.5 stars"></label>
if (isset($_GET['Achievement'])) {
    $AchievementID = $_GET['AchievementID'];
    $Achievement = $_GET['Achievement'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE achievementstbl SET Achievements = ? WHERE AchievementID = ? AND StudentID = ?", FALSE, "sss", $Achievement, $AchievementID, $StudentID);
    header("location: ../achievements.php?id=1");
if (isset($_GET['ReferenceID'])) {
    $ReferenceID = $_GET['ReferenceID'];
    $Name = $_GET['Name'];
    $Relationship = $_GET['Relationship'];
    $Company = $_GET['Company'];
    $Position = $_GET['Position'];
    $Phone = $_GET['Phone'];
    $Email = $_GET['Email'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE referencetbl SET Name = ?, Relationship = ?, Company = ?, Position = ?, Phone = ?, Email = ? WHERE ReferenceID = ? AND StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ssssssss", $Name, $Relationship, $Company, $Position, $Phone, $Email, $ReferenceID, $StudentID);
    header("location: ../references.php?id=1");
if (isset($_POST['Specialization'])) {
    $SID = $_POST['SpecializationID'];
    $Specialization = $_POST['Specialization'];
    $YearOfExperience = $_POST['YearsOfExperience'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE specializationtbl SET Specialization = ?, YearOfExperience = ? WHERE SID = ? AND StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ssss", $Specialization, $YearOfExperience, $SID, $StudentID);
    header("location: ../specialization-and-languages.php?id=1");
if (isset($_POST['Language'])) {
    $LangID = $_POST['LangID'];
    $Language = $_POST['Language'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE languagetbl SET Language = ? WHERE LangID = ? AND StudentID = ?", FALSE, "sss", $Language, $LangID, $StudentID);
    header("location: ../specialization-and-languages.php?id=4");

                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Company Name</th>
                    <th width='10%' class='tabletitle'>Location</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Industry</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Contact Number</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Email Address</th>
                    <th width='15%' class='tabletitle'>Website</th>
                    <th width='5%' class='tabletitle'>Action</th>
$companyinfo_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM companyinfotbl WHERE Status = 'Active'", TRUE);
foreach ($companyinfo_tbl as $value) {
    $CompanyID = $value[0];
    $CompanyName = $value[1];
    $Industry = $value[3];
    $City = $value[5];
    $PhoneNo = $value[7];
    $MobileNo = $value[8];
    $Email = $value[15];
    $Website = $value[20];
    if (empty($PhoneNo)) {
        $ContactNo = $MobileNo;
    } elseif (empty($MobileNo)) {
        $ContactNo = $PhoneNo;
    } else {
        $ContactNo = $PhoneNo . ", " . $MobileNo;
        $isAvailable = false;
    echo json_encode(array('valid' => $isAvailable));
if (isset($_POST['aFirstName'])) {
    $aUsername = $_POST['aUsername'];
    $aFirstName = $_POST['aFirstName'];
    $aMiddleName = $_POST['aMiddleName'];
    $aLastName = $_POST['aLastName'];
    $aPosition = $_POST['aPosition'];
    $aAddress = $_POST['aAddress'];
    $aContactNumber = $_POST['aContactNumber'];
    $Usertype = "Adviser";
    $aPassword = "******";
    $salt = hash('sha512', mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX) . mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX) . mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX));
    $aPassword = hash('sha512', $aPassword . $salt);
    GSecureSQL::query("INSERT INTO admintbl (Username,Password,SaltedPassword,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Position,Address,ContactNumber,Usertype) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", FALSE, "ssssssssss", $aUsername, $aPassword, $salt, $aFirstName, $aMiddleName, $aLastName, $aPosition, $aAddress, $aContactNumber, $Usertype);
    header("location: admin-users.php?id=1");
// End of Add User
//Create Calendar-Event
if (isset($_GET['BtnCalendarsave'])) {
    $datefrom = $_GET['datefrom'];
    $dateto = $_GET['dateto'];
    $eventtitle = $_GET['eventtitle'];
    $location = $_GET['location'];
    $descrip = $_GET['descrip'];
    GSecureSQL::query("INSERT INTO admineventtbl (CompanyID,EventTitle,EventDatef,EventDatet,Location,Description) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", FALSE, "ssssss", $CompanyID, $eventtitle, $datefrom, $dateto, $location, $descrip);
    header("location: admin-calendar.php?id=EventAdd");
// End of Create Calendar-Event

include '../connection.php';
if (isset($_POST['StudentID'])) {
    $StudentID = $_POST['StudentID'];
    $Company = $_POST['txtCompany'];
    $CompanyAddress = $_POST['txtCompanyAddress'];
    $ContactNumber = $_POST['txtContactNumber'];
    $Supervisor = $_POST['txtSupervisor'];
    $DTR = $_POST['DTR'];
    $iPaper = $_POST['iPaper'];
    $PracJournal = $_POST['PracJournal'];
    $TrainingPlan = $_POST['TrainingPlan'];
    $Resume = $_POST['Resume'];
    $MOA = $_POST['MOA'];
    $AppLetter = $_POST['AppLetter'];
    $Waiver = $_POST['Waiver'];
    GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE ojttbl\n        SET\n        CompanyName = ?,\n        CompanyAddress = ?,\n        ContactNumber = ?,\n        Supervisor = ?,\n        DailyTimeRecord = ?,\n        IntegrationPaper = ?,\n        PracJournal = ?,\n        TrainingPlan = ?,\n        Resume = ?,\n        MOA = ?,\n        ApplicationLetter = ?,\n        Waiver = ?\n        WHERE\n        StudentID = ?", FALSE, "sssssssssssss", $Company, $CompanyAddress, $ContactNumber, $Supervisor, $DTR, $iPaper, $PracJournal, $TrainingPlan, $Resume, $MOA, $AppLetter, $Waiver, $StudentID);
    header("location: ojt-adviser.php");
                                        <option value="High School Diploma">High School Diploma</option>
                                        <option value="Technical Vocational/Certificate">Technical Vocational/Certificate</option>
                                        <option value="Bachelor's/College Degree">Bachelor's/College Degree</option>
                                        <option value="Post Graduate Diploma/Master's Degree">Post Graduate Diploma/Master's Degree</option>
                                        <option value="Professional License (Passed Board/Bar/Professional License Exam)">Professional License (Passed Board/Bar/Professional License Exam</option>
                                        <option value="Doctorate Degree">Doctorate Degree</option>
                            <div class="col-md-6">
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <label id="lblCourse">Course <span>(*)</span></label>
                                    <select id="Course" name="Course" class="form-control" style="width:100%; height:34px;">
                                        <option value="">- Course -</option>
$course_tbl = GSecureSQL::query("SELECT * FROM coursetbl", TRUE);
foreach ($course_tbl as $value) {
    $CourseCode = $value[2];
    $CourseTitle = $value[1];
                                        <option value="<?php 
    echo $CourseCode;
    echo $CourseTitle;
                                        <option value="other">others</option>
Exemple #30

include '../../connection.php';
$StudentID = $_SESSION['StudentID'];
$fileToUpload = basename($_FILES["ProfilePicture"]["name"]);
$target_dir = "ProfileImages/";
$target_file = $target_dir . $StudentID . ".jpg";
$uploadOk = 1;
$imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($imageFileType != "jpg" && $imageFileType != "png" && $imageFileType != "jpeg") {
    echo "Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed.";
    $uploadOk = 0;
if ($uploadOk == 0) {
    echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
} else {
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ProfilePicture"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
        GSecureSQL::query("UPDATE studentinfotbl SET ProfileImage = ? WHERE StudentID = ?", FALSE, "ss", $target_file, $StudentID);
        header("location: personal-info.php");
    } else {
        echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";