  * Returns the Settings from the Database
  * @param string $force - Forces a database call incase it was stored.
  * @return array
 public static function get_settings($force = false)
     if (empty(self::$settings) || $force) {
         self::$settings = get_option(self::$option_key);
     return self::$settings;
 public static function image($image = 'featured', $additional_attributes = array(), $tag_type = 'img')
     if (empty($image)) {
         return '';
     if ($image === 'featured') {
         if (is_numeric($image) && get_post_type($image) !== 'attachment') {
             $attachment = get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id($image));
         } else {
             $attachment = get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id());
         if ($attachment) {
             $image = array('alt' => get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true), 'caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt, 'description' => $attachment->post_content, 'href' => get_permalink($attachment->ID), 'src' => $attachment->guid, 'url' => $attachment->guid, 'title' => $attachment->post_title);
             if (GRAV_BLOCKS_PLUGIN_SETTINGS::is_setting_checked('advanced_options', 'add_responsive_img')) {
                 $image['sizes'] = array();
                 foreach (self::get_image_sizes() as $size => $image_size) {
                     // Only include sizes that are not cropped.
                     if (empty($image_size['crop']) && $image_size['width']) {
                         if ($url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, $size)) {
                             $image['sizes'][$size] = $url[0];
         } else {
             return '';
     if ($tag_type === 'img' && !isset($additional_attributes['alt']) && !empty($image['alt'])) {
         $additional_attributes['alt'] = esc_attr($image['alt']);
     if (!isset($additional_attributes['title']) && !empty($image['title'])) {
         $additional_attributes['title'] = esc_attr($image['title']);
     $image_sources = array();
     if (GRAV_BLOCKS_PLUGIN_SETTINGS::is_setting_checked('advanced_options', 'add_responsive_img')) {
         $additional_attributes['src'] = '';
         $image_sources = self::image_sources($image, true);
     } else {
         if ($tag_type === 'img' && !isset($additional_attributes['src'])) {
             if (!empty($image['sizes']['large'])) {
                 $additional_attributes['src'] = $image['sizes']['large'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($image['url'])) {
                     $additional_attributes['src'] = $image['sizes']['url'];
     $additional_attributes = array_filter($additional_attributes);
     foreach ($additional_attributes as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
         $additional_attributes[$attribute_key] = '"' . esc_attr($attribute_value) . '"';
     $attributes_array = array_filter(array_merge($image_sources, $additional_attributes));
     // If not ALt then add an empty one for validation
     if ($tag_type === 'img' && empty($additional_attributes['alt'])) {
         $attributes_array['alt'] = '""';
     $attributes_str = trim(urldecode(http_build_query($attributes_array, '', ' ')));
     if ($attributes_str) {
         if ($tag_type === 'div') {
             return '<div ' . $attributes_str . '></div>';
         } else {
             return '<img ' . $attributes_str . ' />';
     return '';