private function create_synonym($rec)
     $exclude = array('"species"');
     foreach ($rec["synonyms"] as $syn) {
         if (in_array($syn["synonym"], $exclude)) {
         $synonym = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
         if (!Functions::is_utf8($syn["synonym"]) || !Functions::is_utf8($syn["syn_author"])) {
         $synonym->taxonID = (string) $syn["syn_id"];
         if (self::starts_with_small_letter($syn["synonym"])) {
             $parts = explode(" ", $rec["sciname"]);
             $syn["synonym"] = $parts[0] . " " . $syn["synonym"];
         $synonym->scientificName = (string) $syn["synonym"];
         $synonym->scientificNameAuthorship = (string) $syn["syn_author"];
         $synonym->acceptedNameUsageID = (string) $rec["taxon_id"];
         $synonym->taxonomicStatus = "synonym";
         $synonym->taxonRemarks = (string) $syn["syn_remark"];
         $synonym->furtherInformationURL = (string) $syn["syn_url"];
         // special case e.g.
         if (@$rec["parent_id"] == 10408) {
             $rec["parent_id"] = "";
         $synonym->parentNameUsageID = (string) $rec["parent_id"];
         if (!$synonym->scientificName) {
         if ($synonym->scientificName == $rec["sciname"]) {
             echo "\n alert: synonym == valid name \n";
             self::save_to_dump($synonym->taxonID, $this->dump_file_synonyms);
         if (!isset($this->taxon_ids[$synonym->taxonID])) {
             $this->taxon_ids[$synonym->taxonID] = 1;
             self::save_to_dump($synonym->taxonID, $this->dump_file_synonyms);
 private function write_archive($taxon)
     $t = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
     $t->taxonID = $taxon['avibaseid'];
     $t->scientificName = $taxon['sciname'];
     $t->scientificNameAuthorship = $taxon['authorship'];
     $t->order = ucfirst(strtolower($taxon['order']));
     $t->family = $taxon['family'];
     $t->genus = self::get_genus($taxon['sciname']);
     $t->furtherInformationURL = self::AVIBASE_SOURCE_URL . $taxon['avibaseid'];
     if (!isset($this->taxon_ids[$t->taxonID])) {
         $this->taxon_ids[$t->taxonID] = '';
     //write comnames and synonyms
     $language_iso_codes = self::language_iso_codes();
     foreach ($taxon['comnames'] as $name) {
         if (!@$name['comnames']) {
         // e.g. -- see Malayalam
         foreach (@$name['comnames'] as $comname) {
             if (!($comname = trim($comname))) {
             if (!Functions::is_utf8($comname)) {
                 $comname = utf8_encode($comname);
             if ($name['lang'] == "Latin") {
                 if ($t->scientificName == $comname) {
                 $synonym = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
                 $synonym->taxonID = strtolower(str_ireplace(" ", "_", $comname));
                 $synonym->scientificName = $comname;
                 $synonym->acceptedNameUsageID = $taxon['avibaseid'];
                 $synonym->taxonomicStatus = "synonym";
                 if (!isset($this->taxon_ids[$synonym->taxonID])) {
                     $this->taxon_ids[$synonym->taxonID] = '';
             } else {
                 $v = new \eol_schema\VernacularName();
                 $v->taxonID = $taxon['avibaseid'];
                 $v->vernacularName = $comname;
                 $v->language = $language_iso_codes[$name['lang']];
                 $id = md5($v->vernacularName);
                 if (!isset($unique_id[$id])) {
                     $unique_id[$id] = '';
 function get_common_names($names)
     // might need or not need this...
     $common = utf8_encode($name['commonName']);
     if (Functions::is_utf8($common)) {
         $arr_names[] = array("name" => Functions::import_decode($common), "language" => $name['xml_lang']);
 private function get_texts($description, $taxon_id, $title, $subject, $code, $reference_ids = null, $agent_ids = null)
     $description = utf8_encode($description);
     if (!Functions::is_utf8($description)) {
     $mr = new \eol_schema\MediaResource();
     if ($reference_ids) {
         $mr->referenceID = implode("; ", $reference_ids);
     if ($agent_ids) {
         $mr->agentID = implode("; ", $agent_ids);
     $mr->taxonID = $taxon_id;
     $mr->identifier = $mr->taxonID . "_" . $code;
     $mr->type = '';
     $mr->language = 'en';
     $mr->format = 'text/html';
     $mr->furtherInformationURL = $this->taxon_link["species"] . str_replace("s_", "", $taxon_id);
     $mr->description = $description;
     $mr->CVterm = $subject;
     $mr->title = $title;
     $mr->creator = '';
     $mr->CreateDate = '';
     $mr->modified = '';
     $mr->UsageTerms = '';
     $mr->Owner = '';
     $mr->publisher = '';
     $mr->audience = 'Everyone';
     $mr->bibliographicCitation = $this->bibliographic_citation;
 private function process_fields($records, $class, $allowed_fields)
     foreach ($records as $rec) {
         if ($class == "VernacularName") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\VernacularName();
         } elseif ($class == "Agent") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\Agent();
         } elseif ($class == "Reference") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\Reference();
         } elseif ($class == "Taxon") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
         } elseif ($class == "MeasurementOrFact") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\MeasurementOrFact();
         } elseif ($class == "Occurrence") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\Occurrence();
         } elseif ($class == "Distribution") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\MediaResource();
         } elseif ($class == "Image") {
             $c = new \eol_schema\MediaResource();
         $keys = array_keys($rec);
         $save = true;
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             $temp = pathinfo($key);
             $field = $temp["basename"];
             /* resource specifications */
             // if($this->resource_id == "345") //3I Interactive resource
             // if(true)
             // {
             //     if($class == "Image" && $field == "license")            $field = "UsageTerms";
             //     if($class == "Distribution" && $field == "locality")    $field = "Description";
             // }
             /* end specifications */
             // manual adjustment bec. of a typo in meta.xml, without "s"
             if ($field == "measurementRemark") {
                 $field = "measurementRemarks";
             // sample way to exclude if field is to be excluded
             if($field == "attribution") continue; //not recognized in eol:
             if (!in_array($field, $allowed_fields)) {
                 $this->debug["undefined"][$class][$field] = '';
             // some fields have '#', e.g. ""
             $parts = explode("#", $field);
             if ($parts[0]) {
                 $field = $parts[0];
             if (@$parts[1]) {
                 $field = $parts[1];
             $value = trim((string) $rec[$key]);
             $value = trim(Functions::import_decode($value));
             if (!Functions::is_utf8($value)) {
                 $save = false;
             //special arrangement
             if ($class == "Reference") {
                 if ($field == "identifier") {
                     $this->reference_ids[$value] = '';
                 if ($field == "full_reference") {
                     if (!$value) {
                         $full_ref = "";
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= $val;
                         } elseif ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". Page(s) " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= " - " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". Vol. " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". Publisher: " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". Author: " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". Editor: " . $val;
                         if ($val = (string) @$rec[""]) {
                             $full_ref .= ". " . $val;
                         if ($val = $full_ref) {
                             $value = $full_ref;
                         } else {
                             echo " -- still blank";
             // if($class == "MeasurementOrFact" && $field == "referenceID")
             // {
             //     if($value)
             //     {
             //         if(!isset($this->reference_ids[$value])) echo " -- undefined refid:[$value]";
             //     }
             // }
             if ($value) {
                 $c->{$field} = $value;
         /* if($class == "objects") {} // sample way to filter */
         if ($save) {
 private function get_names()
     //0    tsn serial not null
     //1    unit_ind1 char(1)
     //2    unit_name1 char(35) not null
     //3    unit_ind2 char(1)
     //4    unit_name2 varchar(35)
     //5    unit_ind3 varchar(7)
     //6    unit_name3 varchar(35)
     //7    unit_ind4 varchar(7)
     //8    unit_name4 varchar(35)
     //9    unnamed_taxon_ind char(1)
     //10   usage varchar(12,5) not null
     //11   unaccept_reason varchar(50,9)
     //12   credibility_rtng varchar(40,17) not null
     //13   completeness_rtng char(10)
     //14   currency_rating char(7)
     //15   phylo_sort_seq smallint
     //16   initial_time_stamp datetime year to second not null
     //17   parent_tsn integer
     //18   taxon_author_id integer
     //19   hybrid_author_id integer
     //20   kingdom_id smallint not null
     //21   rank_id smallint not null
     //22   update_date date not null
     //23   uncertain_prnt_ind char(3)
     $written_publication_ids = array();
     $path = $this->download_directory . "/" . $this->filenames['taxonomic_units'];
     $i = 0;
     foreach (new FileIterator($path) as $line) {
         if (!$line) {
         $line_data = explode("|", $line);
         $name_tsn = trim($line_data[0]);
         $x1 = trim($line_data[1]);
         $name_part_1 = trim($line_data[2]);
         $x2 = trim($line_data[3]);
         $name_part_2 = trim($line_data[4]);
         $sp_marker_1 = trim($line_data[5]);
         $name_part_3 = trim($line_data[6]);
         $sp_marker_2 = trim($line_data[7]);
         $name_part_4 = trim($line_data[8]);
         $validity = trim($line_data[10]);
         $reason = trim($line_data[11]);
         $comp_rating = trim($line_data[12]);
         $cred_rating = trim($line_data[13]);
         $curr_rating = trim($line_data[14]);
         $parent_tsn = trim($line_data[17]);
         $author_id = trim($line_data[18]);
         $rank_id = trim($line_data[21]);
         if (!$parent_tsn) {
             $parent_tsn = 0;
         $name_string = $name_part_1;
         if (preg_match("/^[a-z]/", $name_part_1)) {
             echo "???????? {$name_tsn}) {$name_part_1}\n";
         if ($x1) {
             $name_string = $x1 . " " . $name_string;
         if ($x2) {
             $name_string .= " " . $x2;
         if ($name_part_2) {
             $name_string .= " " . $name_part_2;
         if ($sp_marker_1) {
             $name_string .= " " . $sp_marker_1;
         if ($name_part_3) {
             $name_string .= " " . $name_part_3;
         if ($sp_marker_2) {
             $name_string .= " " . $sp_marker_2;
         if ($name_part_4) {
             $name_string .= " " . $name_part_4;
         if ($a = @$this->authors[$author_id]) {
             $name_string = utf8_encode($name_string) . " " . $a;
         $name_string = trim($name_string);
         $remarks = "";
         if ($comp_rating && $comp_rating != "unknown") {
             $remarks .= "Completeness: {$comp_rating}. ";
         if ($cred_rating && $cred_rating != "unknown") {
             $remarks .= "Credibility: {$cred_rating}. ";
         // if($curr_rating && $curr_rating != "unknown") $remarks .= "Currency: $curr_rating. ";
         if (isset($this->comment_links[$name_tsn])) {
             foreach ($this->comment_links[$name_tsn] as $comment_id) {
                 if ($c = @$this->comments[$comment_id]) {
                     $remarks .= $c . ". ";
         $remarks = str_replace("..", ".", $remarks);
         $remarks = trim($remarks);
         if (isset($this->synonym_of[$name_tsn])) {
             static $unavailable_reasons = array('database artifact', 'unavailable, database artifact', 'unavailable, incorrect orig. spelling', 'unavailable, literature misspelling', 'unavailable, suppressed by ruling', 'unavailable, other', 'unjustified emendation', 'nomen dubium', 'homonym (illegitimate)', 'superfluous renaming (illegitimate)');
             if (in_array($reason, $unavailable_reasons)) {
             $taxon = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
             $taxon->taxonID = $name_tsn;
             $taxon->scientificName = $name_string;
             $taxon->parentNameUsageID = $this->synonym_of[$name_tsn];
             $taxon->taxonRank = $this->ranks[$rank_id];
             $taxon->taxonRemarks = $remarks;
             // $taxon->namePublishedIn = $publications;
             $taxon->taxonomicStatus = $reason;
             // if(isset($this->locations[$name_tsn])) $taxon->spatial = $this->locations[$name_tsn];
             if ($val = @$this->locations[$name_tsn]) {
                 self::add_string_types($taxon->taxonID, md5($val), $val, "", true);
             // - possible value for ITIS geographic division
             if (!Functions::is_utf8($taxon->scientificName)) {
                 echo "NOT UTF8 SYN: {$name_tsn} : {$taxon->scientificName}\n";
             @($this->all_statuses['synonyms'][$validity] += 1);
             @($this->all_statuses['synonym_reasons'][$reason] += 1);
         } else {
             // first loop and find all vernacular names
             $vernacular_names = array();
             if (isset($this->vernaculars[$name_tsn])) {
                 foreach ($this->vernaculars[$name_tsn] as $name_hash) {
                     $vernacular = new \eol_schema\VernacularName();
                     $vernacular->taxonID = $name_tsn;
                     $vernacular->vernacularName = $name_hash['name'];
                     $vernacular->language = self::get_iso_code_for_language($name_hash['language']);
                     if (!Functions::is_utf8($vernacular->vernacularName)) {
                         echo "NOT UTF8 VERN: {$name_tsn} : {$vernacular->vernacularName}\n";
                     @($this->all_statuses['languages'][$name_hash['language']] += 1);
             $publication_ids = array();
             if (isset($this->publication_links[$name_tsn])) {
                 foreach ($this->publication_links[$name_tsn] as $pub_id) {
                     if ($p = @$this->publications[$pub_id]) {
                         if (!isset($written_publication_ids[$pub_id])) {
                             $reference = new \eol_schema\Reference();
                             $reference->identifier = $pub_id;
                             $reference->full_reference = $p;
                             if (!Functions::is_utf8($reference->full_reference)) {
                                 echo "NOT UTF8 REF: {$name_tsn} : {$reference->full_reference}\n";
                             $written_publication_ids[$pub_id] = 1;
                         $publication_ids[] = $pub_id;
             if ($i % 5000 == 0) {
                 echo "{$i} : {$name_tsn} : {$name_string} : " . time_elapsed() . " : " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
             $taxon = new \eol_schema\Taxon();
             $taxon->taxonID = $name_tsn;
             $taxon->scientificName = $name_string;
             $taxon->parentNameUsageID = $parent_tsn;
             $taxon->taxonRank = $this->ranks[$rank_id];
             $taxon->taxonRemarks = $remarks;
             $taxon->referenceID = implode(";", $publication_ids);
             $taxon->taxonomicStatus = $validity;
             // if(isset($this->locations[$name_tsn])) $taxon->spatial = $this->locations[$name_tsn];
             if ($val = @$this->locations[$name_tsn]) {
                 self::add_string_types($taxon->taxonID, md5($val), $val, "", true);
             if (!Functions::is_utf8($taxon->scientificName)) {
                 echo "NOT UTF8: {$name_tsn} : {$taxon->scientificName}\n";
             @($this->all_statuses['valids'][$validity] += 1);
Exemple #7
 private function format_utf8($string)
     $string = Functions::import_decode($string);
     if (!Functions::is_utf8($string)) {
         return utf8_encode($string);
     return $string;
 private function clean_string($str)
     $str = trim($str);
     if (substr($str, 0, 1) == '"' && substr($str, -1) == '"') {
         $str = substr($str, 1, strlen($str) - 2);
     if (!Functions::is_utf8($str)) {
         $str = utf8_encode($str);
     return trim($str);
Exemple #9
function format_utf8($str)
    if (Functions::is_utf8($str)) {
        return $str;
    } else {
        return utf8_encode($str);
 private function format_utf8($str)
     if (!Functions::is_utf8($str)) {
         return utf8_encode($str);
     return $str;
Exemple #11
 private static function lookup_with_cache_vimeo_call($vimeo, $command, $param, $options = array())
     // default expire time is 15 days
     if (!isset($options['expire_seconds'])) {
         $options['expire_seconds'] = 1296000;
     //debug orig value = 1296000
     if (!isset($options['timeout'])) {
         $options['timeout'] = 240;
     if (!isset($options['cache_path'])) {
         $options['cache_path'] = DOC_ROOT . "tmp/cache/";
     // if(!isset($options['cache_path'])) $options['cache_path'] = "/Volumes/Eli black/eol_cache/";    //debug - only during development
     $url = $command . implode("_", $param);
     $md5 = md5($url);
     $cache1 = substr($md5, 0, 2);
     $cache2 = substr($md5, 2, 2);
     $options['cache_path'] .= "vimeo/";
     if (!file_exists($options['cache_path'])) {
     if (!file_exists($options['cache_path'] . $cache1)) {
         mkdir($options['cache_path'] . $cache1);
     if (!file_exists($options['cache_path'] . "{$cache1}/{$cache2}")) {
         mkdir($options['cache_path'] . "{$cache1}/{$cache2}");
     $cache_path = $options['cache_path'] . "{$cache1}/{$cache2}/{$md5}.cache";
     if (file_exists($cache_path)) {
         $file_contents = file_get_contents($cache_path);
         if (!Functions::is_utf8($file_contents)) {
             $file_contents = utf8_encode($file_contents);
         $obj = json_decode($file_contents);
         if ($file_contents || strval($file_contents) == "0") {
             $file_age_in_seconds = time() - filemtime($cache_path);
             if ($file_age_in_seconds < $options['expire_seconds']) {
                 return $obj;
             if ($options['expire_seconds'] === false) {
                 return $obj;
     if ($obj = $vimeo->call($command, $param)) {
         $file_contents = json_encode($obj);
         if ($FILE = Functions::file_open($cache_path, 'w+')) {
             fwrite($FILE, $file_contents);
         } else {
             if (!($h = Functions::file_open(DOC_ROOT . "/public/tmp/cant_delete.txt", 'a'))) {
             fwrite($h, $cache_path . "\n");
         return $obj;
     return false;
Exemple #12
 private function get_texts($description, $taxon_id, $title, $subject, $code, $reference_ids = null, $agent_ids = null)
     $description = utf8_encode(self::remove_quotes($description));
     $description = str_ireplace("<br>", "xxxyyy", $description);
     $description = strip_tags($description);
     $description = str_ireplace("xxxyyy", "<br>", $description);
     if (in_array($code, $this->media_ids)) {
     if (!Functions::is_utf8($description)) {
     $this->media_ids[] = $code;
     if (in_array($subject, array("#TypeInformation"))) {
         $subject = $this->EOL . $subject;
     } else {
         $subject = $this->SPM . $subject;
     $mr = new \eol_schema\MediaResource();
     if ($reference_ids) {
         $mr->referenceID = implode("; ", $reference_ids);
     if ($agent_ids) {
         $mr->agentID = implode("; ", $agent_ids);
     $mr->taxonID = $taxon_id;
     $mr->identifier = $code;
     $mr->type = "";
     $mr->language = "en";
     $mr->format = "text/html";
     $mr->furtherInformationURL = $this->taxon_url . $taxon_id;
     $mr->description = (string) $description;
     $mr->CVterm = $subject;
     $mr->title = $title;
     $mr->creator = "";
     $mr->CreateDate = "";
     $mr->modified = "";
     $mr->UsageTerms = "";
     $mr->Owner = "";
     $mr->publisher = "";
     $mr->audience = "Everyone";
     $mr->bibliographicCitation = "";
Exemple #13
 function get_common_names($names)
     $arr_names = array();
     if ($names) {
         foreach ($names as $name) {
             $common = utf8_encode($name['commonName']);
             if (Functions::is_utf8($common)) {
                 $arr_names[] = array("name" => Functions::import_decode($common), "language" => $name['xml_lang']);
             } else {
                 echo "\n not utf8 common name: [" . $common . "]\n";
     return $arr_names;
 private function get_contributor_name($url)
     $options = array('resource_id' => 'gbif', 'expire_seconds' => false, 'download_wait_time' => 1000000, 'timeout' => 900, 'download_attempts' => 2, 'delay_in_minutes' => 2);
     // 15mins timeout
     $options = array('resource_id' => 'gbif', 'expire_seconds' => false, 'download_wait_time' => 1000000, 'timeout' => 900);
     // 15mins timeout
     if ($html = Functions::lookup_with_cache($url, $options)) {
         // <title property="dc:title">Herbarium Berolinense - Dataset detail</title>
         if (preg_match("/\"dc:title\">(.*?)\\- Dataset detail/ims", $html, $arr)) {
             if (!Functions::is_utf8($arr[1])) {
                 exit("\n culprit is contributor name \n");
             return Functions::import_decode(trim($arr[1]));
Exemple #15
function fix_latin1_mangled_with_utf8_maybe_hopefully_most_of_the_time($str)
    return preg_replace_callback('#[\\xA1-\\xFF](?![\\x80-\\xBF]{2,})#', function ($m) {
        // utf8_encode($m[0]);
        if (Functions::is_utf8($m[0])) {
            $str = utf8_decode($m[0]);
            $str = utf8_encode($str);
            return $str;
        } else {
            return utf8_encode($m[0]);
    }, $str);
 private function get_descriptions_from_html($html, $rec)
     $descriptions = array();
     if (preg_match("/AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION\\:(.*?)Available\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $authorship_citation = self::clean_str(strip_tags($arr[1]), true);
         $authorship_citation = self::get_authorship_citation($authorship_citation);
         $descriptions["AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION"] = $authorship_citation;
     } else {
         echo "\n ALERT: no authorship and citation: " . $rec['url'];
     if ($rec["kingdom"] == "Animalia") {
         $html = str_ireplace("ORDER :", "ORDER:", $html);
         $html = str_ireplace("CLASS :", "CLASS:", $html);
         if (preg_match("/ORDER\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"CLASS\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/ORDER\\:(.*?)<b>CLASS\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
             $order = trim(strip_tags($arr[1]));
         if (isset($order)) {
             if (preg_match("/(.*?)\\(/ims", $order, $arr)) {
                 $order = trim($arr[1]);
             //remove parenthesis
             echo "\n order:[{$order}]\n";
             $rec["order"] = $order;
         if (isset($rec["order"])) {
             if ($rec["order"] == "Caudata") {
                 $rec["class"] = "Amphibian";
             } elseif (in_array($rec["order"], array("Passeriformes", "Piciformes", "Ciconiiformes", "Galliformes"))) {
                 $rec["class"] = "Bird";
             } elseif (in_array($rec["order"], array("Artiodactyla", "Carnivora"))) {
                 $rec["class"] = "Mammal";
         } else {
             if (preg_match("/CLASS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/CLASS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"FederalLegalStatus\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/CLASS\\:(.*?)<b>FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/CLASS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"DistributionAndOccurrence\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/CLASS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE\"/ims", $html, $arr)) {
                 $class = trim(strip_tags($arr[1]));
             if (isset($class)) {
                 if (preg_match("/(.*?)\\(/ims", $class, $arr)) {
                     $class = trim($arr[1]);
                 //remove parenthesis
                 $rec["class"] = $class;
         if (isset($rec["class"])) {
             echo "\n class:" . $rec["class"];
     // taxonomy
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     } else {
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                 $descriptions["LIFE FORM"] = "";
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                         $descriptions["LIFE FORM"] = "";
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                 $descriptions["FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS"] = "";
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                         $descriptions["FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS"] = "";
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                 $descriptions["FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS"] = "";
             if (stripos($descriptions["FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS"], "No legal status") != "") {
                 $descriptions["FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS"] = "";
     // kingdom = Plantae
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         $other_stat = $arr[1];
     if (isset($other_stat)) {
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         if (stripos($other_stat, "Management considerations") != "") {
             $descriptions["OTHER STATUS"] = "";
             if (preg_match("/(.*?)Management considerations\\:/ims", $other_stat, $arr)) {
                 $descriptions["OTHER STATUS"] = $arr[1];
     $html = str_ireplace("GENERAL DISTRIBUTION :", "GENERAL DISTRIBUTION:", $html);
     if (in_array($rec["url"], array("", ""))) {
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         } elseif (preg_match("/GENERAL DISTRIBUTION\\:(.*?)States\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
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     } else {
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             $states = $arr[1];
     if (isset($states)) {
         $states = str_ireplace("(key to state/province abbreviations)", "", $states);
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     } elseif (preg_match("/SRM \\(RANGELAND\\) COVER TYPES \\:(.*?)<b>PLANT COMMUNITIES/ims", $html, $arr)) {
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     } elseif (preg_match("/<a name\\=\"SRM \\(RANGELAND\\) COVER TYPES\">(.*?)<a name\\=\"HABITAT TYPES/ims", $html, $arr)) {
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     } else {
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             $habitat_types = $arr[1];
     if (isset($habitat_types)) {
         if (is_numeric(stripos($habitat_types, '<a name="MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS"></a>'))) {
             if (preg_match("/HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS/ims", $html, $arr)) {
                 $habitat_types = $arr[1];
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         // LIFE HISTORY subtopics
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         if (preg_match("/Life span and survival\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"Diet\">/ims", $html, $arr)) {
             $descriptions["Life span and survival"] = $arr[1];
         /* other life history subtopics e.g - Daily activity, Annual activity, Social interactions, Growth, Longevity */
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             $descriptions["Daily activity"] = $arr[1];
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         if (preg_match("/Longevity\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"Survival\">/ims", $html, $arr)) {
             $descriptions["Longevity"] = $arr[1];
         /* other life history subtopics e.g - Longevity and survivorship, Maturation, Reproduction, Annual cycle, Activity and movement, Density and home range */
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             } elseif (preg_match("/LIFE HISTORY\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"Diseases And Sources Of Mortality\"/ims", $html, $arr)) {
                 $life_history = $arr[1];
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             $descriptions["DIET"] = $arr[1];
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             $diseases = $arr[1];
             $descriptions["DISEASES AND SOURCES OF MORTALITY"] = $diseases;
         $html = str_ireplace("<b>TIMING OF MAJOR LIFE HISTORY EVENTS :", "<b>TIMING OF MAJOR LIFE HISTORY EVENTS:", $html);
         if (preg_match("/TIMING OF MAJOR LIFE HISTORY EVENTS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"PREFERRED HABITAT\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/TIMING OF MAJOR LIFE HISTORY EVENTS\\:(.*?)<b>PREFERRED HABITAT/ims", $html, $arr)) {
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             $html = str_ireplace("<b>COVER REQUIREMENTS :", "<b>COVER REQUIREMENTS:", $html);
             if (preg_match("/COVER REQUIREMENTS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"FOOD HABITS\"/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/COVER REQUIREMENTS\\:(.*?)<b>FOOD HABITS/ims", $html, $arr) || preg_match("/<a name\\=\"CoverRequirements\">(.*?)<a name\\=\"FOODHABITS\"/ims", $html, $arr)) {
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         $html = str_ireplace("<b>FOOD HABITS :", "<b>FOOD HABITS:", $html);
         // 1 of 2
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             $descriptions["FOOD HABITS"] = $food_habits;
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             $federal_legal_stat = $arr[1];
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     $link = false;
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     if (preg_match("/<b>STUDY LOCATION\\:(.*?)<b>PREFIRE HABITAT\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["STUDY LOCATION"] = $arr[1];
     if (preg_match("/<b>PREFIRE HABITAT\\:(.*?)<b>SITE DESCRIPTION\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["PREFIRE HABITAT"] = $arr[1];
     if (preg_match("/<b>SITE DESCRIPTION\\:(.*?)<b>FIRE DESCRIPTION\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["SITE DESCRIPTION"] = $arr[1];
     if (preg_match("/<b>FIRE DESCRIPTION\\:(.*?)<b>FIRE EFFECTS ON ANIMAL SPECIES AND HABITAT\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["FIRE DESCRIPTION"] = $arr[1];
     if (preg_match("/<b>FIRE EFFECTS ON ANIMAL SPECIES AND HABITAT\\:(.*?)<b>FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS\\:/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["FIRE EFFECTS ON ANIMAL SPECIES AND HABITAT"] = $arr[1];
     if (preg_match("/<b>FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS\\:(.*?)<a name\\=\"REFERENCES\"/ims", $html, $arr)) {
         $descriptions["FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS"] = $arr[1];
     $rec['texts'] = $descriptions;
     return $rec;
Exemple #17
 public function check_if_with_content($phylum, $taxid, $dc_source, $barcode_image_url = false, $with_stats, $public_barcodes)
     $src = self::BOLDS_DOMAIN_NEW . "/connect/REST/getBarcodeRepForSpecies.php?taxid=" . $taxid . "&iwidth=400";
     if ($barcode_image_url || self::barcode_image_available($src)) {
         $description = "The following is a representative barcode sequence, the centroid of all available sequences for this species.<br><a target='barcode' href='{$src}'><img src='{$src}' height=''></a>";
     } else {
         $description = "Barcode image not yet available.";
     $description .= "<br><br>";
     if (!in_array($phylum, $this->phylum_without_sequence)) {
         //start get text dna sequece
         /* replaced
            $url = self::BOLDS_DOMAIN . "/pcontr.php?action=doPublicSequenceDownload&taxids=$taxid";
            $arr = self::get_text_dna_sequence($url);
         $arr = $this->get_text_dna_sequence_v2($taxid);
         $count_sequence = $arr["count_sequence"];
         $text_dna_sequence = $arr["best_sequence"];
         // $url_fasta_file     = $arr["url_fasta_file"]; this will point to the fasta.fas file from BOLDS temp folder
         echo "\n[{$public_barcodes}]=[{$count_sequence}]\n";
         $str = "";
         if ($count_sequence > 0) {
             if ($count_sequence == 1) {
                 $str = "There is 1 barcode sequence available from BOLD and GenBank. \n                                         Below is the sequence of the barcode region Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI or COX1) from a member of the species.\n                                         See the <a target='BOLDSys' href='{$dc_source}'>BOLD taxonomy browser</a> for more complete information about this specimen.\n                                         Other sequences that do not yet meet barcode criteria may also be available.";
             } else {
                 $str = "There are {$count_sequence} barcode sequences available from BOLD and GenBank.\n                                         Below is a sequence of the barcode region Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI or COX1) from a member of the species.\n                                         See the <a target='BOLDSys' href='{$dc_source}'>BOLD taxonomy browser</a> for more complete information about this specimen and other sequences.";
             $str .= "<br><br>";
             $text_dna_sequence .= "<br>-- end --<br>";
         if (trim($text_dna_sequence) != "") {
             $temp = "{$str} ";
             $temp .= "<div style='font-size : x-small;overflow : scroll;'> {$text_dna_sequence} </div>";
         } else {
             $temp = "No available public DNA sequences. <br>";
         if ($count_sequence > 0 || $with_stats) {
             /* one-click         
                $url_fasta_file = "$taxid";
             /* 2-click per PL advice */
             $url_fasta_file = self::BOLDS_DOMAIN . "/pcontr.php?action=doPublicSequenceDownload&taxids={$taxid}";
             $temp .= "<br><a target='fasta' href='{$url_fasta_file}'>Download FASTA File</a>";
         $description .= $temp;
         //end get text dna sequence
     } else {
         echo "\n this phylum is non-animal: [{$phylum}]";
     if (is_numeric(stripos("Barcode image not yet available.", $description)) && is_numeric(stripos("No available public DNA sequences.", $description)) && !is_numeric(stripos("Download FASTA File", $description))) {
         return false;
     if (Functions::is_utf8($description)) {
         return $description;
     } else {
         return false;
 public static function is_utf8($v)
     $v = trim($v);
     if (!$v) {
         return true;
     $return = Functions::is_utf8($v);
     return $return;