public function openPageByAction(FunctionalTester $I)
Exemple #2

 * ------------------------------------
 *          Reply deletion
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Delete a reply as a visitor, normal member and admin.');
$topic = $I->postATopic(['title' => 'My Awsome Topic.']);
$reply = $I->have('Reply', ['topic_id' => $topic->id]);
// Testing as a visitor
$I->am('as a visitor');
$I->amOnRoute('', $topic->id);
$I->dontSeeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->amOnRoute('topics.delete', $topic->id);
// Test as a normal member
$I->am('as a member');
$I->dontSeeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->amOnRoute('topics.delete', $topic->id);
// Testing as a admin user
$I->am('a Phphub admin');
$I->amOnRoute('', $topic->id);
$I->seeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->click('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->dontSeeRecord('replies', ['id' => $reply->id]);
Exemple #3

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Add a product to cart');
$product = $I->createModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Product::class, [], 'published', 1);
$I->amOnRoute('', $product->slug);
$I->click('Add to Cart');
$I->see('Product added to cart', '.alert');
$I->see($product->title, '.CartTable-product-title');
Exemple #4
 public function login_with_not_activated_account(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->am('Unlogged user with a not activated account');
     $I->expectTo('see an error message explaining that my account is not activated, with a link to resend the activation email');
      * settings
     // we create a user
     $this->_credentials = ['last_name' => 'NOM', 'first_name' => 'Prénom', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'password'];
     $user = \Sentinel::register($this->_credentials);
      * run test
     $I->fillField('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $I->fillField('password', 'password');
     $I->see(trans('global.modal.alert.title.error'), 'h3');
     $I->see(strip_tags(trans('', ['url' => route('account.activation_email', ['email' => $user->email]), 'email' => $user->email])));

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Update Blog Tests');
// Not signed tests
$I->amOnRoute('blog.edit', 47);
// Sign in
// Update Blog
$I->amOnRoute('blog.edit', 47);
$I->see('Edit Blog');
$I->fillField('form input[name=title]', 'New Blog by FunctionalTester');
$I->selectOption('form select[name=category_id]', '2');
$I->fillField('form textarea[name=body]', 'bodybodybody \\n by FunctionalTester');
$I->click('form [type=submit]');
$I->seeCurrentRouteIs('', 47);
Exemple #6
 * ------------------------------------
 *          User editing
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Editing user profile as a Visitor and the Owner.');
$user = $I->have('User');
// --------------- As a visitor --------------
$I->am('as a Visitor');
$I->amOnRoute('', $user->id);
$I->amOnRoute('users.edit', $user->id);
// --------------- As a member --------------
$user = $I->signIn();
$I->am('as the Owner');
$I->amOnRoute('', $user->id);
$I->seeCurrentRouteIs('users.edit', $user->id);
$I->fillField(['name' => 'city'], 'My city');
$I->fillField(['name' => 'company'], 'My company');
$I->fillField(['name' => 'twitter_account'], 'My twitter_account');
$I->fillField(['name' => 'personal_website'], 'My personal_website');
$I->fillField(['name' => 'signature'], 'My signature');
$I->fillField(['name' => 'introduction'], 'My introduction');
$I->see('My city');
Exemple #7
 public function access_to_the_leading_team_page(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('access to the leading team page');
     $I->expectTo('see that the user shown in the category they belong');
      * settings
     // we create a member of the student leading board
     $credentials = ['last_name' => 'Student', 'first_name' => 'President', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status_id' => config('user.status_key.student_president'), 'board_id' => config('user.board_key.student_leading_board'), 'password' => 'test'];
     Sentinel::register($credentials, true);
     // we create a member of the student leading board
     $credentials = ['last_name' => 'Deactivated', 'first_name' => 'Student vice-president', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status_id' => config('user.status_key.user'), 'board_id' => config('user.board_key.student_leading_board'), 'password' => 'test'];
     // we create a member of the leading board
     $credentials = ['last_name' => 'Regular', 'first_name' => 'President', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status_id' => config('user.status_key.president'), 'board_id' => config('user.board_key.leading_board'), 'password' => 'test'];
     Sentinel::register($credentials, true);
     // we create a member of the executive committee
     $credentials = ['last_name' => 'Communication', 'first_name' => 'Responsible', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status_id' => config('user.status_key.communication_commission'), 'board_id' => config('user.board_key.executive_committee'), 'password' => 'test'];
     Sentinel::register($credentials, true);
     // we create an employee
     $credentials = ['last_name' => 'Coach', 'first_name' => 'Employee', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status_id' => config('user.status_key.employee'), 'password' => 'test'];
     Sentinel::register($credentials, true);
      * run test
     $I->see('Student', '.student_leading_board');
     $I->see('President', '.student_leading_board');
     $I->see(trans('users.config.status.student_president'), '.student_leading_board');
     $I->dontSee('Deactivated', '.student_leading_board');
     $I->dontSee('Student vice-president', '.student_leading_board');
     $I->dontSee(trans('users.config.status.user'), '.student_leading_board');
     $I->see('Regular', '.leading_board');
     $I->see('President', '.leading_board');
     $I->see(trans('users.config.status.president'), '.leading_board');
     $I->see('Communication', '.executive_committee');
     $I->see('Responsible', '.executive_committee');
     $I->see(trans('users.config.status.communication_commission'), '.executive_committee');
     $I->see('Coach', '.employee');
     $I->see('Employee', '.employee');
     $I->see(trans('users.config.status.employee'), '.employee');

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Add a product to cart that has bad extras');
// Create the models
$product = $I->createModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Product::class, [], 'inStock', 1);
// Extra 1 - This extra has a few options and will be selected
$extra1 = $I->makeModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Extra::class, [], 'inStock', 1);
$extra1 = $product->extras()->save($extra1);
$option1 = $I->makeModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Option::class, [], 'text', 1);
$option1 = $extra1->options()->save($option1);
$I->amOnRoute('', $product->slug);
// Select the extra 1, but DON'T fill out the option value
$I->checkOption('extra[' . $extra1->id . ']');
$I->submitForm('#addToCart', []);
$I->dontSee('Product added to cart', '.alert');

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Update Article Tests');
// Not signed tests
$I->amOnRoute('article.edit', 19);
// Sign in
// Update Article
$I->amOnRoute('article.edit', 19);
$I->see('Edit Article');
$I->fillField('form input[name=title]', 'New Article by FunctionalTester');
$I->selectOption('form select[name=category_id]', '1');
$I->fillField('form textarea[name=body]', 'bodybodybody \\n by FunctionalTester');
$I->click('form [type=submit]');
$I->seeCurrentRouteIs('', 19);
 public function routesWithTrailingSlashes(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->see('Contact Us');
Exemple #11
 public function checkHomePageContainsDataSetInAdmin(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('check on the home page that the data saved from the admin panel are shown');
     $I->expectTo('see the saved data on the home page');
      * settings
     // we create the admin role
     $admin_role = $this->_createAdminRole();
     // we attach it to the logged user
     // we create a slide
      * run test
     $I->see($this->_slide->title, 'h2');
     $I->see($this->_slide->quote, '.quote');
     $I->seeElement('//img[@src="' . url('img/slides/' . $this->_slide->picto) . '"]');
     $I->seeElement('//div[@data-background-image="' . url('img/slides/' . $this->_slide->background_image) . '"]');
     $I->see(json_decode(file_get_contents(storage_path('app/home/content.json')))->title, 'h2');
     $I->seeElement('//a[@href="' . json_decode(file_get_contents(storage_path('app/home/content.json')))->video_link . '"]');
Exemple #12

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Create an order');
// Add a product to the cart
$product = $I->createModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Product::class, [], 'published', 1);
$I->amOnRoute('', $product->slug);
$I->click('Add to Cart');
// Checkout
$order = $I->makeModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Order::class, [], null, 1);
$I->submitForm('#createOrder', $order->toArray());
// Continue to confirmation
//$I->click('Continue to confirmation');
// Check delivery option exists in config
// Check delivery option matches cart total
// Check billing & delivery country exists in config
Exemple #13
 public function delete_current_role_denied(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('delete the Admin role');
     $I->expectTo('see an error message explaining that deleting the role we use is not possible');
     $admin = $this->_createAdminRole();
     $I->submitForm('#delete_' . $admin->id, []);
     $I->see(trans('global.modal.alert.title.error'), 'h3');
     $I->see(strip_tags(trans('permissions.message.delete.denied', ['name' => $admin->name])));
     $I->see($admin->name, '.table-list');

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Update Topic Tests');
// Not signed tests
$I->amOnRoute('topic.edit', 1);
// Sign in
// Update topic
$I->amOnRoute('topic.edit', 1);
$I->see('Edit Topic');
$I->fillField('form input[name=title]', 'New Topic by FunctionalTester');
$I->selectOption('form select[name=node_id]', '4');
$I->fillField('form textarea[name=body]', 'bodybodybody \\n by FunctionalTester');
$I->click('form [type=submit]');
$I->seeCurrentRouteIs('', 1);

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Add a duplicate product to cart that has low stock');
$product = $I->createModel(DanPowell\Shop\Models\Product::class, [], 'inStock', 1);
$I->amOnRoute('', $product->slug);
$I->submitForm('#addToCart', ['quantity' => 6]);
$I->see('Product added to cart', '.alert');
$I->amOnRoute('', $product->slug);
$I->submitForm('#addToCart', ['quantity' => 6]);
$I->seeCurrentRouteIs('', $product->slug);
$I->dontSee('Product added to cart', '.alert');
$I->see('not enough product stock');