/** * save User ACL settings */ public function updateACL($section = '') { $id = $this->obj->getUid(); if (!$id) { return false; } $objLst = new AclModel(); $objLst->connectDb(); if (is_string($section)) { $objLst->where("section='{$section}'"); } if (!$objLst->loadList()) { return false; } $i = 0; $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $db = DbConnector::getConnection(); $table = $objLst->dbTable('acl_user'); while ($objLst->next()) { if ($fc->getReqVar('acl_' . $objLst->get('name'))) { $db->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO `' . $table . '` SET `user_id`=' . $id . ', `acl_id`=' . $objLst->getUid()); } else { $db->query('DELETE IGNORE FROM `' . $table . '` WHERE `user_id`=' . $id . ' AND `acl_id`=' . $objLst->getUid()); } $i++; } return $i; }
function indexAction() { if (!$this->postAds) { $view = new installView(); $result = $view->render(); //показываем форму установки } else { $errMes = $this->postConfig($this->postAds); //получаем результат после проверки пост данных if (!empty($errMes)) { $view = new installView(); $result = $view->render($errMes); //показываем форму установки } else { $this->db = DB::Conn(); if (!is_object($this->db)) { $view = new installView(); $result = $view->render($this->db); //показываем форму установки } else { header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } } $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $fc->setBody($result); }
public function showAll() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $dbh = $fc->connect(); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT listenerName, listenerTitle, status, moderatedTime\n\t\t\t\tFROM listener \n\t\t\t\t\tORDER by moderatedTime\n\t\t"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); $result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($result as $item) { switch ($item['status']) { case 0: $status = "На модерации"; break; case 1: $status = "<span class='text-success'>Одобрено</span>"; break; case 2: $status = "<span class='text-danger'>Отклонено</span>"; break; case 3: $status = "<span class='text-info'>В архиве</span>"; break; } echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$item['listenerName']}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$item['listenerTitle']}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$status}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>"; echo $item[moderatedTime] != 0 ? date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $item[moderatedTime]) : ""; echo "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>"; } }
public function run() { if ($this->getConfigFolder() == null) { $this->setConfigFolder('../config'); } $this->frontController = FrontController::getInstance(); if ($this->router == null) { $this->router = new DefaultRouter(); } $this->frontController->setRouter($this->router); $sess = $this->config->app['session']; if (isset($sess['autostart'])) { if ($sess['type'] == 'native') { $s = new NativeSession($sess['name'], $sess['lifetime'], $sess['path'], $sess['domain'], $sess['secure']); $http = new HttpContext(null, $s); } $this->setHttpContext($http ?? new HttpContext()); } if (isset($this->config->app['identity']['userClass'])) { $userConfigClass = $this->config->app['identity']['userClass']; $this->identity = new Identity($userConfigClass, new SimpleDB()); } else { $this->identity = new Identity(new IdentityUser(null, null), new SimpleDB()); } $this->frontController->dispatch(); }
public function __construct($obj) { parent::__construct($obj); $this->fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $this->error = ''; $this->isLoggedIn = $this->isLoggingOut = false; }
public function __construct() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $this->params = $fc->getParams(); $this->format = $fc->getFormat(); $this->makeObj(); }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $admin = new Admin(); $output = $admin->render(ADMIN_TEMPLATE, ADMIN_LOGIN); $fc->setBody($output); }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $model = new PageModel(); header('HTTP/1.0 Not Found'); $fc->setBody($model->render('404.php', TEMPLATE)); }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $view = new DefaultModel(); $out = $view->showIndexPage(); $fc->setBody($out); }
public static function run($request) { if (!$request instanceof Request) { $request = new Request($request); } $file = $request->getFile(); $class = $request->getClass(); $method = $request->getMethod(); $args = $request->getArgs(); $front = FrontController::getInstance(); $registry = $front->getRegistry(); $registry->oRequest = $request; $front->setRegistry($registry); if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; $rc = new ReflectionClass($class); // if the controller exists and implements IController // if($rc->implementsInterface('IController')) if ($rc->isSubclassOf('BaseController')) { try { $controller = $rc->newInstance(); $classMethod = $rc->getMethod($method); return $classMethod->invokeArgs($controller, $args); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { throw new MvcException($e->getMessage()); } } else { // throw new MvcException("Interface iController must be implemented"); throw new MvcException("abstract class BaseController must be extended"); } } else { throw new MvcException("Controller file not found"); } }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $view = new LoginModel(); $out = $view->showLoginPage(); $view->status = $fc->status; $fc->setBody($out); }
function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $model = new TestModel(); $model->name = $fc->getParams(); $output = $model->render('../views/index.php'); $fc->setBody($output); }
/** * Initialise application */ public function init() { $this->_paths = self::$_mainCfg['application']['paths']; $this->setIncludePath($this->_paths); $this->setAutoload(); $this->_fc = FrontController::getInstance(); ErSession::startSession(); }
function getUserRole() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $usersList = $this->getUsersList(); $userName = key($this->user); if (array_key_exists($userName, $usersList)) { return [$userName => $usersList[$userName]]; } }
function getAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $model = new UserModel(); $model->user = $fc->getParams(); $model->userRole = $model->getUserRole(); $output = $model->render('../views/userRole.php'); $fc->setBody($output); }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); /* Инициализация модели */ $model = new FileModel(); $model->name = "Гость"; $output = $model->render(USER_DEFAULT_FILE); $fc->setBody($output); }
public function __construct() { $this->_front = FrontController::getInstance(); $this->_module = $this->_front->getModule(); $this->_controller = $this->_front->getController(); $this->_action = $this->_front->getAction(); $this->_registry = $this->_front->getRegistry(); $this->_view = new View(); }
public function getserialAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $data = new DatabaseModel(); $params = $fc->getParams(); $name = sqlite_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($params['plname']))); $data->getSerialData($name); $out = $data->showModalTable(); $fc->setBody($out); }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); /* Инициализация модели */ $model = new FileModel(); $view = 'statistic.php'; $file = './protected/views/layout/main.php'; $output = $model->render($file, $view); $fc->setBody($output); }
public function cardProductAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $db = CatalogDB::getInstance(); $model = new CatalogModel(); $params = $fc->getParams(); $model->search = $params['search']; $model->cardProduct = $db->getItem($params['id']); $fc->setBody($model->render('cardProduct.php', TEMPLATE)); }
public function saveData($id, $data) { //сохраняем ответ докладчика $sql = "\n\t\t\tUPDATE `listener` SET reporterAnswer = '{$data}', answeredTime = '" . time() . "' WHERE id = {$id}\n\t\t"; $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $dbh = $fc->connect(); $result = $dbh->exec($sql); if ($result === false) { echo 'ERROR'; } }
public function delmsgAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $model = new GbookModel(); $params = $fc->getParams(); if ($params['id']) { $model->delmsg($params['id']); } else { header('Location: /gbook'); } }
public function sendAction() { //принимаем id дива и тело сообщения, отправляем ReporterModel $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $id = $fc->clearData($_POST['id'], 'int'); $data = $fc->clearData($_POST['answer']); } $model = new ReporterModel(); $model->saveData($id, $data); }
public function __construct($ads_post) { if ($ads_post !== null) { $this->postAds = $ads_post; } //если есть $_POST пишем в свойство $postAds $this->modelAds = new Ads($this->postAds); //инициализируем модель $this->fc = FrontController::getInstance(); //инициализируем фронт контроллер }
public function indexAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); //Добавляем $params = $fc->getParams(); $view = new View(); //$view->name = "John"; $view->name = $params['name']; $result = $view->render('../views/index.php'); $fc->setBody($result); }
private function configuration() { Assets::$test = TRUE; // Delete in real $this->fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $this->controller = strtolower(str_replace('Controller', '', $this->fc->getController())); $this->action = strtolower(str_replace('Action', '', $this->fc->getAction())); $this->view = new View(); $this->params = $this->fc->getParams(); if ($this->controller == 'error') { return; } // Users and Access $this->mu = M_Users::Instance(); $this->user = $this->mu->GetUser(); $accessByIp = IpAccess::isAccess($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ((!$accessByIp || $this->user->locked) && $this->controller != 'authorization') { $expire = time() + 3600 * 24 * 100; setcookie('rUrl', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $expire, "/"); $this->redirect(array('authorization', 'login')); exit; } $access = new Access(); $access->fillFromUser($this->user); $access->setAccessParams($this->controller, $this->action); $sectionAccess = $access->sectionAccess(); $actionAccess = $access->actionAccess(); if (!$sectionAccess || !$actionAccess) { if ($this->user->isGuest) { $expire = time() + 3600 * 24 * 100; setcookie('rUrl', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $expire, "/"); $this->redirect(array('authorization', 'login')); } $pageArr = $access->UserAccessPage; $redirectArray = $pageArr ? $pageArr : array('error', ''); $this->redirect($redirectArray); } $this->access = $access; $sInfo = $access->actionAccess(array('service', 'info')) ? true : false; $this->fc->setSInfo($sInfo); unset($access); $this->pageTitle = __('pageTitle'); $array = array('access' => $this->access, 'controller' => $this->controller, 'action' => $this->action, 'user' => $this->user); $this->setMainVars($array); if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST = AF::clearDataArray($_POST); } // Set user AF::setUser($this->user); AF::setUserAccess($this->access); //$sectionID = ( isset($this->params['id']) && is_numeric($this->params['id']) ) ? $this->params['id'] : ''; //Log::createLog($this->user->user_id, $this->action."Action", $this->controller, $sectionID); }
public static function route($paramLine) { $ctl = FrontController::getInstance(); $data = explode('/', $paramLine); foreach ($data as &$item) { $item = strtr('/', '_', $item); } if ($ctl->config->get('website', 'niceUrls')) { return '/' . implode('/', $data); } return '/?' . http_build_query($data); }
public function transferAction() { $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); $file = new FilesModel(); $params = $fc->getParams(); if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(_[\\d]+s|).txt\$/", $params['filename'])) { $file->getDataFromFile($params['filename']); $file->connectToDb(); $file->putDataToDatabase(); $file->getStatus(); } }
function mostrarVehiculos($type) { $id_oficina = $_REQUEST['oficina']; echo "<div id='{$type}'>"; echo "<form method='post' action='viewTarificator3.php'>"; $idTarifas = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::TARIFA, Operations::TOLIST, NULL); if (sizeof($idTarifas) > 0) { echo "<p>Vehiculo: <select name='tarifa' id='id_tarifa' onchange='ocultar();'>"; foreach ($idTarifas as $idTarifa) { $tarifa = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::TARIFA, Operations::READ, $idTarifa); $oficina_id = $tarifa->getOficina()->getId(); if ($oficina_id == $id_oficina) { $oficina = $tarifa->getOficina()->getLocalidad(); $grupo = $tarifa->getGrupo(); $id_vehiculos = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::VEHICULO, Operations::TOLIST, NULL); foreach ($id_vehiculos as $id_vehiculo) { $vehiculo = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::VEHICULO, Operations::READ, $id_vehiculo); $tipo = $vehiculo->getTipo(); $group = $vehiculo->getGrupo(); if ($tipo == $type && $group == $grupo) { echo "<option value='{$idTarifa}'>Vehiculos del grupo '{$grupo}' en '{$oficina}'</option>"; } } } } echo "</select></p>"; } else { echo "<p>No existen Tarifas, contacte con el administrador del sitio</p>"; } echo "<p> Los datos de los vehiculos son los siguientes: <p>"; foreach ($idTarifas as $idTarifa) { $tarifa = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::TARIFA, Operations::READ, $idTarifa); $oficina_id = $tarifa->getOficina()->getId(); if ($oficina_id == $id_oficina) { $grupo = $tarifa->getGrupo(); $id_vehiculos = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::VEHICULO, Operations::TOLIST, NULL); foreach ($id_vehiculos as $id_vehiculo) { $vehiculo = FrontController::getInstance()->execute(Entities::VEHICULO, Operations::READ, $id_vehiculo); $group = $vehiculo->getGrupo(); $tipo = $vehiculo->getTipo(); if ($group == $grupo && $tipo == $type) { echo "<p>"; echo $vehiculo->__toString(); echo "<p>"; } } } } echo "<p><input type='hidden' name='oficina' value={$id_oficina}></p>"; echo "<p><input type='submit' value='Siguiente'></p>"; echo "</form>"; echo "</div>"; }
public function indexAction() { $pdo = DB::getInstance()->getConnection(); $fc = FrontController::getInstance(); /* Инициализация модели */ $model = new FileModel(); /* * $model->name = $params['name']; */ $model->name = "Guest"; $output = $model->render(TEMPLATE, USER_DEFAULT_FILE); $fc->setBody($output); }