Exemple #1
 $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formObjectOptions', $parameters, $object, $action);
 // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
 if (empty($reshook) && !empty($extrafields->attribute_label)) {
     foreach ($extrafields->attribute_label as $key => $label) {
         $value = isset($_POST["options_" . $key]) ? $_POST["options_" . $key] : $object->array_options["options_" . $key];
         print '<tr><td>' . $label . '</td><td colspan="3">';
         print $extrafields->showInputField($key, $value);
         print '</td></tr>' . "\n";
 print '</table>';
 print '</br><br>';
 print '<table class="border" width="100%">';
 print '<tr><td width="25%" class="fieldrequired">' . $langs->trans("MailTopic") . '</td><td><input class="flat" name="sujet" size="60" value="' . $_POST['sujet'] . '"></td></tr>';
 print '<tr><td width="25%">' . $langs->trans("BackgroundColorByDefault") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 $htmlother->select_color($_POST['bgcolor'], 'bgcolor', 'new_mailing', 0);
 print '</td></tr>';
 print '<tr><td width="25%" class="fieldrequired" valign="top">' . $langs->trans("MailMessage") . '<br>';
 print '<br><i>' . $langs->trans("CommonSubstitutions") . ':<br>';
 foreach ($object->substitutionarray as $key => $val) {
     print $key . ' = ' . $langs->trans($val) . '<br>';
 print '</i></td>';
 print '<td>';
 // Editeur wysiwyg
 require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/class/doleditor.class.php";
 $doleditor = new DolEditor('body', $_POST['body'], '', 320, 'dolibarr_mailings', '', true, true, $conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAILING, 20, 70);
 print '</td></tr>';
 print '</table>';
 print '<br><center><input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $langs->trans("CreateMailing") . '"></center>';
while ($i <= $MAXAGENDA)
	print "<tr ".$bc[$var].">";
	print '<td width="180" nowrap="nowrap">'.$langs->trans("AgendaExtNb",$key)."</td>";
	print "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"flat\" name=\"agenda_ext_name".$key."\" value=\"". $conf->global->$name . "\" size=\"28\"></td>";
	print "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"flat\" name=\"agenda_ext_src".$key."\" value=\"". $conf->global->$src . "\" size=\"60\"></td>";
	print '<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">';
	// Possible colors are limited by Google
	//print $formadmin->select_colors($conf->global->$color, "google_agenda_color".$key, $colorlist);
	print $formother->select_color($conf->global->$color, "agenda_ext_color".$key, 'extsitesconfig', 1, '');
	print '</td>';
	print "</tr>";

print '</table>';
print '<br>';

print '<center>';

print "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"save\" class=\"button\" value=\"".$langs->trans("Save")."\">";
print "</center>";

print "</form>\n";