public function button($title, $options = array()) { $defaults = array('class' => 'btn'); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); list($title, $options) = $this->_bootstrapGenerate($title, $options); return parent::button($title, $options); }
/** * Wraps the form button method and just applies the Bootstrap classes to * the button before passing the options on to the FormHelper button method. * * @param string $value * @param array $options * @access public * @return string */ public function button($value = "Submit", $options = array()) { $options = $this->buttonOptions($options); return parent::button($value, $options); }
<h2>Pedidos</h2> <?php Helper::js('App.Pedido'); FormHelper::button('novoPedido', 'Novo Pedido', array('onclick' => 'location.href="/' . APP_DIR . 'pedido/inserir"', 'class' => 'btn-primary btn-lg')); ?> <div class="row" style="clear:both"> <div class="col-md-12"> <label for="buscarPedido">Pesquisa</label> <input class="form-control buscarPedido" placeholder="Digite número da nota fiscal ou nome do cliente" type="text" id="buscarPedido" name="buscarPedido" onkeyup="App.Pedido.Buscar()"/> </div> </div> <br/> <div class="row" style="clear:both"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Protocolo</th> <th>Cliente</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Tipo</th> <th>NF</th> <th>Valor</th> <th>Data</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="listaPedidos"> <?php global $db; $pedidos = $db->query('select *, as pedido_id,(select descricao from pedido_status where = as pedido_status, (select descricao from pedido_tipo where p.pedido_tipo_id = id) as pedido_tipo from cliente c, pedido p where = p.cliente_id limit 50');
/** * Creates a cancel button. Used to dismiss modals * * @param string $title * @param array $options * @return string */ public function btnCancel($title = '', $options = []) { $title = empty($title) ? __('Cancel') : $title; $options = array_merge(['class' => 'btn btn-danger', 'type' => 'reset', 'data-dismiss' => 'modal'], $options); return parent::button($title, $options); }
$dataErrors = isset($validator) ? $validator->getErrors() : array(); $form = new FormHelper($data, $dataErrors); //id is important, they should be unique $form->create(array('class' => array('generic', 'addForm'), 'name' => 'addNewUserForm', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => BASE_DIR . '/admin/addUser.php')); $form->input(array('class' => 'formRow', 'input' => array('type' => 'select', 'selected' => $userType, 'id' => 'userGroup', 'options' => array('admin' => 'Administrator', 'rmhstaff' => 'RMH Staff Approver', 'socialworker' => 'Social Worker')), 'label' => array('value' => 'User Category'))); $form->input(array('class' => 'formRow', 'input' => array('id' => 'title'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Title'))); $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'fname'), 'label' => array('value' => 'First Name'))); $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'lname'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Last Name'))); $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'phone', 'type' => 'tel'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Phone'))); $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'username'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Username'))); $form->input(array('class' => 'formRow', 'input' => array('id' => 'email', 'type' => 'email'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Email'))); if (isset($userType) && $userType == 'socialworker') { $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'hospital'), 'label' => array('value' => 'Hospital Affiliation'))); $form->input(array('input' => array('id' => 'notify', 'selected' => 'yes', 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No')), 'label' => array('value' => 'Email Notification'))); } $form->button(); $form->generate(); ?> </div> </section> <script> <?php $pageJavaScript = <<<EOF \$(function(){ \$('#userGroup').change(function(){ var userType = \$(this).children('option:selected').val(); window.location = '{$cst(BASE_DIR)}/admin/addUser.php?type='+userType; }); }); EOF; include ROOT_DIR . '/footer.php';
public function button($fieldName, $options = array()) { $options = array_merge(array('class' => 'btn defalut', 'type' => 'button', 'div' => false), $options); return parent::button($fieldName, $options); }
public function testButton() { $html = $this->object->button('element', 'value', array('class' => 'test-class-1', 'arbitrary' => 'arbitrary'), 'test-class-2'); $this->assertAttributes($html, array('class' => array('test-class-1', 'test-class-2', 'ccm-input-button'), 'value' => 'value')); }
/** * * Create & return a Twitter Like button. * * New options: * - bootstrap-type: Twitter bootstrap button type (primary, danger, info, etc.) * - bootstrap-size: Twitter bootstrap button size (mini, small, large) * **/ public function button($title, $options = array()) { $options = $this->_addButtonClasses($options); $options['type'] = FALSE; return parent::button($title, $options); }
/** * Generate a span element for BsFormHelper::inputGroup() with his content. * * @param string/array $options Array of options * * @return string HTML <span> element */ private function __createAddon($options) { if (is_array($options)) { // Check if the span content is a button if (isset($options['type'])) { $buttonOptions = array(); if (isset($options['state'])) { $state = 'btn btn-' . $options['state']; } else { $state = 'btn btn-default'; } $out = '<span class="input-group-btn">'; if (isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] .= ' ' . $state; } else { $options['class'] = $state; } $buttonOptions['div'] = false; $buttonOptions['escape'] = false; $buttonOptions['type'] = $options['type']; $buttonOptions['class'] = $options['class']; if ($options['type'] == 'image') { $buttonOptions['src'] = $options['src']; $buttonOptions['type'] = 'image'; $buttonOptions['label'] = false; $out .= parent::input($options['content'], $buttonOptions); } else { $out .= parent::button($options['content'], $buttonOptions); } $out .= '</span>'; } else { if (isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] .= ' input-group-addon'; } else { $options['class'] = 'input-group-addon'; } $out = '<span class="' . $options['class'] . '">' . $options['content'] . '</span>'; } } else { $out = '<span class="input-group-addon">' . $options . '</span>'; } return $out; }
<?php $counter++; } ?> </div> <?php } FormHelper::startGroup(); if (!$id && Session::hasPermission('usuario', Session::INSERIR) || Session::hasPermission('usuario', Session::EDITAR)) { FormHelper::submitAjax("Salvar", "salvar/" . $u['id'], array('class' => 'button button-md')); } if ($id && Session::hasPermission('usuario', Session::EXCLUIR)) { FormHelper::button("excluir", "Excluir", array('style' => 'margin-left:10px', 'onclick' => 'App.Usuario.Excluir("' . $u["name"] . '",' . $u['id'] . ")")); } FormHelper::button('cancelar', "Cancelar", array('style' => 'margin-left:10px', 'onclick' => "location.href=\"/" . APP_DIR . "usuario\"")); FormHelper::endGroup(); FormHelper::end(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> App.Usuario.Excluir = function(nome, id) { if (App.Modal.Show("Excluir usuário", 'Deseja realmente excluir o usuário <strong>' + nome + '</strong>?', "Excluir", function() { location.href = '<?php echo "/" . APP_DIR . "service/usuario/excluir/"; ?> ' + id; })); } </script> </div></div>
/** * Create & return a Twitter Like button. * * Extra options: * - ga_type : string Button type GA_PRIMARY|GA_INFO|GA_SUCCESS|GA_WARNING|GA_DANGER|GA_INVERSE|GA_LINK * - ga_size : string Button size GA_MINI|GA_SMALL|GA_LARGE * - ga_icon : string Icon name. * - ga_icon_after : bool true|false Default: false */ public function button($title, $options = []) { $title = $this->generateButtonTitle($title, $options); unset($options['ga_icon'], $options['ga_icon_after']); $options = $this->addButtonClasses($options); return parent::button($title, $options); }