  * SaveInto checks if set-methods are available and use them instead of setting the values directly. saveInto
  * initiates a new LinkField class object to pass through the values to the setter method.
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject)
     $fieldName = $this->name;
     if ($dataObject->hasMethod("set{$fieldName}")) {
         $dataObject->{$fieldName} = DBField::create('LinkField', array("PageID" => $this->fieldPageID->Value(), "CustomURL" => $this->fieldCustomURL->Value()));
     } else {
  * 30/06/2009 - Enhancement:
  * SaveInto checks if set-methods are available and use them
  * instead of setting the values in the money class directly. saveInto
  * initiates a new Money class object to pass through the values to the setter
  * method.
 function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject)
     $fieldName = $this->name;
     if ($dataObject->hasMethod("set{$fieldName}")) {
         $dataObject->{$fieldName} = DBField::create_field('WTLink', array("Type" => $this->fieldType->Value(), "Internal" => $this->internalField->Value(), "External" => $this->externalField->Value(), "Email" => $this->emailField->Value(), "File" => $this->fileField->Value(), "TargetBlank" => $this->targetBlankField->Value()));
     } else {
         if (!empty($dataObject->{$fieldName})) {
Exemple #3
  * @param array $arr
 function setAllowedCurrencies($arr)
     $this->allowedCurrencies = $arr;
     // @todo Has to be done twice in case allowed currencies changed since construction
     $oldVal = $this->fieldCurrency->Value();
     $this->fieldCurrency = $this->FieldCurrency($this->name);
  * 30/06/2009 - Enhancement: 
  * SaveInto checks if set-methods are available and use them 
  * instead of setting the values in the money class directly. saveInto
  * initiates a new Money class object to pass through the values to the setter
  * method.
  * (see @link MoneyFieldTest_CustomSetter_Object for more information)
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject)
     $fieldName = $this->name;
     if ($dataObject->hasMethod("set{$fieldName}")) {
         $dataObject->{$fieldName} = DBField::create_field('Location', array("Latitude" => $this->fieldLatitude->Value(), "Longditude" => $this->fieldLongditude->Value()));
     } else {
  * Create a new nullable field
  * @param $valueField
  * @return NullableField
 function __construct(FormField $valueField, $isNullLabel = null)
     $this->valueField = $valueField;
     $this->isNullLabel = $isNullLabel;
     if (is_null($this->isNullLabel)) {
         // Set a default label if one is not provided.
         $this->isNullLabel = _t('NullableField.IsNullLabel', 'Is Null');
     parent::__construct($valueField->getName(), $valueField->Title(), $valueField->Value(), $valueField->getForm(), $valueField->RightTitle());
     $this->readonly = $valueField->isReadonly();
Exemple #6
  * Create a new nullable field
  * @param FormField $valueField
  * @param null|string $isNullLabel
 public function __construct(FormField $valueField, $isNullLabel = null)
     $this->valueField = $valueField;
     if (isset($isNullLabel)) {
     } else {
         $this->isNullLabel = _t('NullableField.IsNullLabel', 'Is Null');
     parent::__construct($valueField->getName(), $valueField->Title(), $valueField->Value());
  * SaveInto checks if set-methods are available and use them instead of setting the values directly. saveInto
  * initiates a new LinkField class object to pass through the values to the setter method.
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject)
     $fieldName = $this->name;
     if ($dataObject->hasMethod("set{$fieldName}")) {
         $dataObject->{$fieldName} = DBField::create('NamedLinkField', array("PageID" => $this->fieldPageID->Value(), "CustomURL" => $this->fieldCustomURL->Value(), "Title" => $this->fieldTitle->Value(), "Linkmode" => $this->fieldLinkmode->Value()));
     } else {
         if (!is_object($dataObject->{$fieldName})) {
             $dataObject->{$fieldName} = NamedLinkField::create();
 protected function augmentMailChimpField(FormField $field, string $component, FlexiFormMailChimpClient $client)
     switch ($component) {
         case 'MailChimpSendWelcome':
             $field->setTitle('Send Welcome Email');
             $field->description = 'flag to control whether the Welcome Email is sent. Has no effect if double opt-in is enabled.';
         case 'MailChimpDoubleOptIn':
             $field->setTitle('Require Double Opt-In');
             $field->description = 'flag to control whether a double opt-in confirmation message is sent, defaults to true. Abusing this may cause your account to be suspended.';
         case 'MailChimpEmailField':
             $field->setTitle('Subscription Field');
             $field->description = 'Used as the subscriber email. Must be an Email Field or subclass.';
         case 'MailChimpEmailType':
             // @TODO ought to let user select preference through a form field [ similar to interest groups? ]
             $field->setTitle('Email Preference');
             $field->description = 'email type preference for subscribers (html or text - defaults to html)';
         case 'MailChimpApiKey':
             if ($client->isApiKeyValid()) {
                 $field->description = 'This API Key is Valid.';
             } else {
                 if ($client->getApiKey() == '') {
                     $field->description = 'Your MailChimp API Key. Found under Account Extras > Your API Keys';
                 } else {
                     $field->description = 'This API Key is not Valid.';
             $field->setTitle('MailChimp API Key');
         case 'MailChimpListID':
             if ($lists = $client->getLists(array('limit' => 100, 'sort_field' => 'web'))) {
                 $value = $field->Value();
                 $source = array('' => 'Please Select a List');
                 $field = new DropdownField($field->getName());
                 $field->description = 'Subscribers will be added to this list. Lists are refreshed every 10 minutes.';
                 if ($lists['total'] > 0) {
                     foreach ($lists['data'] as $list) {
                         $source[$list['id']] = $list['name'];
             } else {
                 $field = $field->performReadonlyTransformation();
                 if (!$client->isApiKeyValid()) {
                     $field->setValue('Invalid API Key');
                 } else {
                     $field->setValue('Error loading Lists from your Account');
             $field->setTitle('MailChimp List ID');
     return $field;