Exemple #1
 public function save()
     $fields = $this->getFields();
     $captured_data = [];
     foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
         if ($k === 'captured_data' || $k === 'form_config') {
         $captured_data[$k] = $this->get($k);
     $form_config = \FormConfig::find($this->get('form_config'));
     $captured_data['form_configuration'] = $form_config->get('post_title');
     $this->set('captured_data', json_encode($captured_data));
     return parent::save();
Exemple #2
  * creates a new MrSpicy and associated configuration
  * @param  $args array
  * @param  $template_callback callable
  * @return MrSpicy object
 public function __construct($args, $template_callback = null)
     // set submit action uri
     $defaults = array('conf_name' => '', 'fields' => array(), 'css_class' => '', 'id' => '', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => null, 'novalidate' => false, 'hide_labels' => false, 'column_classes' => 'small-12 columns', 'exclude_post_content' => false, 'lock' => false, 'submit_button_text' => 'submit', 'success_message' => null, 'error_message' => null, 'success_redirect_url' => null, 'label_field_wrapper' => '\\Taco\\MrSpicy::rowColumnWrap', 'on_success' => null, 'use_honeypot' => false, 'honeypot_field_name' => 'your_webite_url', 'test_with_fakes' => false, 'use_recaptcha' => false, 'google_recaptcha_site_key' => null, 'google_recaptcha_secret_key' => null);
     // we need this to uniquely identify the form conf that will get created or loaded
     if (!(array_key_exists('conf_name', $args) && strlen($args['conf_name']))) {
         throw new Exception('conf_name must be defined in the args array');
     // if the form configuration exists, load it
     $db_conf = $this->findFormConfigInstance($args['conf_name']);
     if ($db_conf) {
         $this->conf_instance = $db_conf;
     } else {
         $this->conf_instance = new \FormConfig();
         $this->conf_instance->set('unique_id', md5($args['conf_name']));
     $conf_fields = $this->conf_instance->getFields();
     // load global defaults
     // TODO: find a better way than using a global
     global $mr_spicy_forms_defaults_path;
     if (strlen($mr_spicy_forms_defaults_path)) {
         $global_defaults = (include $mr_spicy_forms_defaults_path);
     } else {
         $global_defaults = (include __DIR__ . '/../forms-defaults.php');
     // get the default form action
     $defaults['action'] = array_key_exists('form_action', $global_defaults) && !is_null($global_defaults['form_action']) ? $global_defaults['form_action'] : self::getSubmitActionURI();
     // assign only the fields specified above and in the form conf
     foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
         if ($k === 'fields' && $args['fields'] !== 'auto') {
             $this->fields = $v;
         if ($k == 'on_success') {
         if (array_key_exists($k, $conf_fields)) {
             $this->conf_instance->set($args[$k], $args[$k]);
         if (array_key_exists($k, $defaults)) {
             $this->settings[$k] = $args[$k];
     /* We cannot use a closure with an event callback
      *  where a redirect url is defined
      * Instead we must use a string
     if (!is_object($this->settings['on_success']) && strlen($this->settings['on_success']) && strlen($this->settings['success_redirect_url'])) {
         $this->conf_instance->set('on_success', $this->settings['on_success']);
     } else {
         $this->conf_instance->set('on_success', null);
         if (!strlen($this->conf_instance->get('success_redirect_url'))) {
             $this->conf_instance->set('success_redirect_url', null);
     // if a callback is defined call it on success
     if (self::$success === true) {
         if ($args['on_success'] && !strlen($this->settings['success_redirect_url'])) {
             $taco_object = \Taco\Post::find(self::$entry_id);
             if (is_string($args['on_success'])) {
                 // is it a string?
                 $class_and_method = explode('::', $args['on_success']);
                 $method_class = $class_and_method[0];
                 $class_method = $class_and_method[1];
                 $method_class::$class_method($taco_object, $this);
             } else {
                 // it's a closure
                 $args['on_success']($taco_object, $this);
     // --- messages ---
     // first get global default messages
     $defaults['success_message'] = $global_defaults['success_message'];
     $defaults['error_message'] = $global_defaults['error_message'];
     // second get developer's hardcoded per form settings from $args
     if (array_key_exists('success_message', $this->settings)) {
         $defaults['success_message'] = $this->settings['success_message'];
     if (array_key_exists('error_message', $this->settings)) {
         $defaults['error_message'] = $this->settings['error_message'];
     // lastly use the WordPress admin's message settings
     if (strlen($this->conf_instance->get('form_success_message'))) {
         $this->settings['success_message'] = $this->conf_instance->get('form_success_message');
     if (strlen($this->conf_instance->get('form_error_message'))) {
         $this->settings['error_message'] = $this->conf_instance->get('form_error_message');
     // merge default settings with user settings
     $this->settings = array_merge($defaults, $this->settings);
     // wrapper label/field method (is it the default, and is it a method or func?)
     if (is_string($this->settings['label_field_wrapper'])) {
         $wrapper_callable = explode('::', $this->settings['label_field_wrapper']);
         if (count($wrapper_method) > 1) {
             $wrapper_callable = current($wrapper_callable);
         $this->settings['label_field_wrapper'] = $wrapper_callable;
     // assign post title to instance
     $this->conf_instance->set('post_title', $this->get('conf_name'));
     if ($this->settings['fields'] !== 'auto') {
         $this->conf_instance->set('fields', serialize($this->fields));
     // don't use a closure if the success_redirect_url is used
     if (strlen($this->settings['success_redirect_url']) && is_string($args['on_success'])) {
         $this->conf_instance->set('on_success', $args['on_success']);
     // throw an error if settings includes a success_redirect_url with a closure
     if (!is_string($args['on_success']) && strlen($this->settings['success_redirect_url'])) {
         throw new Exception('MrSpicy: If you are using "success_redirect_url", you cannot use a closure.
       Use must specifiy valid string callback e.g. "MyClass::myMethod"', 1);
     // assign conf machine name
     $this->conf_machine_name = \AppLibrary\Str::machine($this->get('conf_name'), '-');
     $this->conf_instance->assign(['use_honeypot' => $this->settings['use_honeypot'], 'honeypot_field_name' => $this->settings['honeypot_field_name']]);
     $this->conf_instance->set('use_recaptcha', $this->settings['use_recaptcha']);
     $this->conf_instance->set('google_recaptcha_site_key', $this->settings['google_recaptcha_site_key']);
     $this->conf_instance->set('google_recaptcha_secret_key', $this->settings['google_recaptcha_secret_key']);
     $this->conf_instance->set('post_name', $this->conf_machine_name);
     // assign redirect url from dev's settings
     // if the admin adds this value, it will need to be overridden from wp-admin
     if (!strlen($this->conf_instance->get('success_redirect_url'))) {
         $this->conf_instance->set('success_redirect_url', $this->settings['success_redirect_url']);
     /* Do not save settings if locked (prevents extra db/backend work)
      * Checking for the prod environment could
      *  be one way of automatically turning the lock on or off
     if (!($this->settings['lock'] && $this->conf_instance->get('ID'))) {
         // if the entry doesn't exist create it in the db
         $this->conf_ID = $this->conf_instance->save();
         // get the updated form conf after save
         $this->conf_instance = \FormConfig::find($this->conf_ID);
     return $this;