public function run()
     if (!$this->toFlavor('pro')) {
     if (!version_compare($this->from_version, '7.0', "<")) {
     require_once 'modules/Forecasts/ForecastsDefaults.php';
     ForecastsDefaults::setupForecastSettings(true, $this->from_version, $this->to_version);
logThis('End upgrade_connectors', $path);
//Unlink files that have been removed
if (function_exists('unlinkUpgradeFiles')) {
    unlinkUpgradeFiles($sugar_version, $path);
if (function_exists('rebuildSprites') && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
//Patch for bug57431 : Module name isn't updated in portal layout editor
//setup forecast defualt settings
if (version_compare($sugar_version, '6.7.0', '<')) {
    require_once clean_path($unzip_dir . '/scripts/upgrade_utils.php');
    require_once $unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir . '/modules/Forecasts/ForecastsDefaults.php';
    ForecastsDefaults::setupForecastSettings(true, $sugar_version, getUpgradeVersion());
    // do the config update to add the 'support' platform to any config with the category of 'portal'
// Bug 57216 - Upgrade wizard dying on metadata upgrader because needed files were
// already called but news needed to replace them. This moves the metadata upgrader
// later in the process - rgonzalez
logThis('Checking for mobile/portal metadata upgrade...');
// 6.6 metadata enhancements for portal and wireless, should only be
// handled for upgrades FROM pre-6.6 to a version POST 6.6 and MUST be
// handled AFTER inclusion of the upgrade package files
if (!didThisStepRunBefore('commit', 'upgradePortalMobileMetadata')) {
    if (version_compare($sugar_version, '6.6.0', '<')) {
        if (file_exists('modules/UpgradeWizard/SidecarUpdate/SidecarMetaDataUpgrader.php')) {
            set_upgrade_progress('commit', 'in_progress', 'upgradePortalMobileMetadata', 'in_progress');
            logThis('Sidecar Upgrade: Preparing to upgrade metadata to 6.6.0 compatibility through the silent upgrader ...');