public function editAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pId = empty($p['id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('请选择食物') : intval($p['id']); $pFid = empty($p['fid']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('食物ID不能为空') : intval($p['fid']); $pUnit = empty($p['unit']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('单位不能为空') : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['unit']); $pAmount = empty($p['amount']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('数量不能为空') : floatval($p['amount']); $pWeight = empty($p['weight']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('重量不能为空') : floatval($p['weight']); $pMtid = empty($p['mt_id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('餐类型不能为空') : intval($p['mt_id']); $tTime = time(); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tFRow = $tFMO->field('title,protein,thumb_img')->where('id = ' . $pFid)->fRow(); if (!count($tFRow)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('食物不存在'); } $tMTMO = new MealtypeModel(); $tMTRow = $tMTMO->field('name')->where('id = ' . $pMtid)->fRow(); if (!count($tMTRow)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('餐类型不存在'); } $tRFDMO = new R_FoodaddModel(); $tRFRow = $tRFDMO->field('count(*) c')->where(' id =' . $pId)->fRow(); if (empty($tRFRow['c'])) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作异常'); } $tData = array('id' => $pId, 'title' => $tFRow['title'], 'unit' => $pUnit, 'amount' => $pAmount, 'weight' => $pWeight, 'mt_id' => $pMtid, 'mt_name' => $tMTRow['name'], 'created' => $tTime, 'fid' => $pFid, 'uid' => $this->tUid, 'thumb_img' => $tFRow['thumb_img'], 'protein' => $tFRow['protein'] / 100 * $pWeight); if (!$tRFDMO->update($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新失败'); } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新成功', 1); }
public function searchAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pKeyword = empty($p['keyword']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('请填写关键词') : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['keyword']); $tMO = new FoodModel(); $tImgUrl = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->web->url->img; $tDatas = $tMO->field('id fid,title,c_id cateid,c_title cate_title, concat(\'' . $tImgUrl . '\',thumb_img) thumb_img ,tag,protein')->where('title like "%' . $pKeyword . '%"')->fList(); $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); foreach ($tDatas as $tKey => $tRow) { $tUnits = $tFUMO->field('amount,unit,weight')->where('fid = ' . $tRow['fid'])->fList(); $tDatas[$tKey]['units'] = $tUnits; } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); }
public function editAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pId = empty($p['id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作错误 001') : intval($p['id']); $pFid = empty($p['fid']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('食物ID不能为空') : intval($p['fid']); $pUnit = empty($p['unit']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('单位不能为空') : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['unit']); $pAmount = empty($p['amount']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('数量不能为空') : floatval($p['amount']); $pWeight = empty($p['weight']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('重量不能为空') : floatval($p['weight']); $pMtid = empty($p['mt_id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('餐类型不能为空') : intval($p['mt_id']); $pDid = empty($p['did']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('DID不能为空') : trim($p['did']); $tTime = time(); if (!Tool_Validate::az09($pDid)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('did格式不正确'); } $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tFRow = $tFMO->field('title,tag,thumb_img,protein')->where('id = ' . $pFid)->fRow(); if (!count($tFRow)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('食物不存在'); } $tMTMO = new MealtypeModel(); $tMTRow = $tMTMO->field('name')->where('id = ' . $pMtid)->fRow(); if (!count($tMTRow)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('餐类型不存在'); } $tIFDMO = new I_FoodaddModel(); $tData = array('title' => $tFRow['title'], 'tag' => $tFRow['tag'], 'thumb_img' => $tFRow['thumb_img'], 'unit' => $pUnit, 'amount' => $pAmount, 'weight' => $pWeight, 'mt_id' => $pMtid, 'mt_name' => $tMTRow['name'], 'fid' => $pFid, 'did' => $pDid, 'protein' => $tFRow['protein'] / 100 * $pWeight); $tIFDRow = $tIFDMO->field('id')->where(' id = ' . $pId . ' and did = \'' . $pDid . '\' and mt_id = ' . $pMtid)->fRow(); if (!empty($tIFDRow['id'])) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('updated' => $tTime, 'id' => $tIFDRow['id'])); if (!$tIFDMO->update($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作失败 002'); } } else { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('created' => $tTime)); if (!$tIFDMO->insert($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作失败 003'); } } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作成功', 1); }
public function foodAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pKey = empty($p['term']) ? '' : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['term']); $tMO = new FoodModel(); if (!empty($pKey)) { $tWhere = 'title like "%' . $pKey . '%"'; } if (!empty($pKey)) { $tDatas = $tMO->field('id,title,thumb_img')->where($tWhere)->limit(5)->fList(); } else { $tDatas = $tMO->field('id,title,thumb_img')->limit(5)->fList(); } Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(FALSE); die(json_encode($tDatas)); }
public function addfoodAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pFid = empty($p['id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 001') : intval($p['id']); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tRow = $tFMO->field('id,title,tag,protein,thumb_img')->where('id =' . $pFid)->fRow(); $tRow['protein'] = floatval($tRow['protein']) / 100; $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tUnit = $tFUMO->field('id,amount,unit,weight,calory')->where(' fid = ' . $pFid)->fList(); $tMTMO = new MealtypeModel(); $pType = $tMTMO->field('id,name')->fList(); $this->assign('tRow', $tRow); $this->assign('pUnit', $tUnit); $this->assign('pType', $pType); }
public function delAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pId = empty($p['id']) ? die('ID不能为空') : floatval($p['id']); $tMO = new FoodModel(); $tRow = $tMO->field('large_img,thumb_img')->where('id = ' . $pId)->fRow(); $tSql = 'delete from ' . $tMO->table . ' where id=' . $pId; if (!$tMO->exec($tSql)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('删除失败'); } if (!empty($tRow['large_img'])) { unlink(APPLICATION_PATH . '/public' . $tRow['large_img']); } if (!empty($tRow['thumb_img'])) { unlink(APPLICATION_PATH . '/public' . $tRow['thumb_img']); } $tFT = new FoodtagModel(); $tSql = "delete from " . $tFT->table . " where fid =" . $pId; $tFT->exec($tSql); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('删除成功', 1); }