Exemple #1
  * Runs after FooGallery has been updated via the backend
 function perform_housekeeping()
     //allow extensions or other plugins to do stuff when foogallery is updated
     // this will catch both manual and auto updates!
     //clear the cached extensions if foogallery was updated
     $api = new FooGallery_Extensions_API();
     //we need to clear the foogallery css load optimizations when we update the plugin, to ensure the latest CSS files are loaded
  * Runs after FooGallery has been updated via the backend
  * @param $upgrader_object
  * @param $options
 function plugin_updated($upgrader_object, $options)
     //only clear the extensions if foogallery was updated
     if (array_key_exists('plugin', $options) && 'foogallery/foogallery.php' === $options['plugin']) {
         $api = new FooGallery_Extensions_API();
    $info = ob_get_contents();
    $info = stristr($info, 'gd version');
    preg_match('/\\d/', $info, $match);
    return $match[0];
if (current_user_can('activate_plugins')) {
    $instance = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance();
    $info = $instance->get_plugin_info();
    $title = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_systeminfo_title', sprintf(__('%s System Information', 'foogallery'), foogallery_plugin_name()));
    $support_text = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_systeminfo_supporttext', sprintf(__('Below is some information about your server configuration. You can use this info to help debug issues you may have with %s.'), foogallery_plugin_name()));
    $api = new FooGallery_Extensions_API();
    //clear any extenasion cache
    $extension_slugs = $api->get_all_slugs();
    //get all gallery templates
    $template_slugs = array();
    foreach (foogallery_gallery_templates() as $template) {
        $template_slugs[] = $template['slug'];
    //get all activated plugins
    $plugins = array();
    foreach (get_option('active_plugins') as $plugin_slug => $plugin) {
        $plugins[] = $plugin;
    $current_theme = wp_get_theme();
    $debug_info = array(__('FooGallery version', 'foogallery') => $info['version'], __('WordPress version', 'foogallery') => $wp_version, __('Activated Theme', 'foogallery') => $current_theme['Name'], __('WordPress URL', 'foogallery') => get_site_url(), __('PHP version', 'foogallery') => phpversion(), __('PHP GD Loaded', 'foogallery') => extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info') ? foogallery_gdversion() : __('Not found!', 'foogallery'), __('Extensions Endpoint', 'foogallery') => $api->get_extensions_endpoint(), __('Extensions Errors', 'foogallery') => $api->has_extension_loading_errors() == true ? $api->get_extension_loading_errors_response() : __('Nope, all good', 'foogallery'), __('Extensions', 'foogallery') => $extension_slugs, __('Extensions Active', 'foogallery') => array_keys($api->get_active_extensions()), __('Gallery Templates', 'foogallery') => $template_slugs, __('Lightboxes', 'foogallery') => apply_filters('foogallery_gallery_template_field_lightboxes', array()), __('Active Plugins', 'foogallery') => $plugins);
    $debug_info = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_debug_info', $debug_info);