public static function create() { if ($_GET['nextpage'] == 1) { $page_1_passed = true; } else { $page_1_passed = false; $error = ""; } if ($page_1_passed == false) { $template = new HTMLTemplate("sample/admin/sample_template/add.html"); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nextpage'] = "1"; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); if ($error) { $template->set_var("error", $error); } else { $template->set_var("error", ""); } $folder = Folder::get_instance(constant("OLDL_FOLDER_ID")); $data_entity_array = $folder->get_children(); if (is_array($data_entity_array)) { $result = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($data_entity_array as $key => $value) { if (($file_id = File::get_file_id_by_data_entity_id($value)) != null) { $file = File::get_instance($file_id); $result[$counter]['value'] = $value; $result[$counter]['content'] = $file->get_name(); $counter++; } } $template->set_var("file", $result); } $category_array = SampleTemplateCat::list_entries(); if (is_array($category_array)) { $result = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($category_array as $key => $value) { $sample_template_cat = new SampleTemplateCat($value); $result[$counter]['value'] = $value; $result[$counter]['content'] = $sample_template_cat->get_name(); $counter++; } $template->set_var("category", $result); } $template->output(); } else { $sample_template = new SampleTemplate(null); $paramquery = $_GET; unset($paramquery['action']); unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); if ($sample_template->create($_POST['data_entity_id'], $_POST['category_id'])) { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Add Sample Template", "Operation Successful", null); } else { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Add Sample Template", "Operation Failed", null); } } }
/** * @see DataPermissionInterface::__construct() * @param string type * @param integer $id */ function __construct($type, $id) { if (is_numeric($id) and $type) { $this->type = $type; switch ($type) { case "file": $this->id = $id; $this->object = File::get_instance($id); break; case "value": $this->id = $id; $this->object = Value::get_instance($id); break; case "parameter": $this->id = $id; $this->object = Parameter::get_instance($id); break; case "folder": $this->id = $id; $this->object = Folder::get_instance($id); break; } $this->automatic = $this->object->get_automatic(); $this->permission = $this->object->get_permission(); $this->owner_id = $this->object->get_owner_id(); $this->owner_group_id = $this->object->get_owner_group_id(); } else { $this->id = null; $this->object = null; } }
/** * @param string $alias * @throws BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogMissingException * @throws ProjectSecurityAccessDeniedException * @throws BaseModuleDialogNotFoundException * @throws ItemAddIOClassNotFoundException * @throws ItemAddIOFileNotFoundException * @throws ItemHandlerClassNotFoundException * @throws ItemPositionIDMissingException * @throws ItemParentIDMissingException * @throws ItemParentTypeMissingException * @throws ProjectStatusWithoutExtensionException * @throws BaseExtensionClassNotFoundException * @throws BaseExtensionFileNotFoundException * @throws BaseExtensionNotFoundException * @throws BaseExtensionMissingException */ public static function io_handler($alias) { global $project_security, $session, $transaction; if (isset($_GET['project_id']) and is_numeric($_GET['project_id'])) { $project_security = new ProjectSecurity($_GET['project_id']); if ($_GET['run'] != "new_subproject") { require_once "io/"; ProjectCommon_IO::tab_header(); } } else { $project_security = new ProjectSecurity(null); } if (isset($_GET['run'])) { switch ($_GET['run']) { case "new": case "new_subproject": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::create(); break; case "myprojects": case "workon": case "accessdata": case "analyse": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::list_user_related_projects(null); break; case "userprojects": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::list_user_related_projects($_GET['id']); break; case "organ_unit": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::list_organisation_unit_related_projects(); break; case "detail": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::detail(); break; case "structure": require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::structure(); break; // Project Log // Project Log case "log": require_once "io/"; ProjectLogIO::list_project_related_logs(); break; // Tasks and Schedule // Tasks and Schedule case "add_task": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::add(); break; case "schedule": case "show_tasks": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::show(); break; case "task_detail": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::detail(); break; case "task_delete": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::delete(); break; case "task_edit_start": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::edit_start(); break; case "task_edit_end": require_once "io/"; ProjectTaskIO::edit_end(); break; // Administration // Administration case "admin": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::menu(); break; case "admin_rename": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::rename(); break; case "admin_chown": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::chown(); break; case "admin_move": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::move(); break; case "admin_quota": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::quota(); break; // Administration - Permission // Administration - Permission case "admin_permission": require_once "io/"; $project_admin_io = new ProjectAdminIO(); ProjectAdminIO::permission(); break; case "admin_permission_add_user": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::permission_add_user(); break; case "admin_permission_add_group": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::permission_add_group(); break; case "admin_permission_add_ou": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::permission_add_organisation_unit(); break; case "admin_permission_edit": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::permission_edit(); break; case "admin_permission_delete": require_once "io/"; ProjectAdminIO::permission_delete(); break; // Item Lister // Item Lister case "item_list": if ($project_security->is_access(1, false) == true) { if ($_GET['dialog']) { if ($_GET['dialog'] == "data") { $path_stack_array = array(); $folder_id = ProjectFolder::get_folder_by_project_id($_GET['project_id']); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $init_array = $folder->get_object_id_path(); foreach ($init_array as $key => $value) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array['virtual'] = false; $temp_array['id'] = $value; array_unshift($path_stack_array, $temp_array); } if (!$_GET['folder_id']) { $session->write_value("stack_array", $path_stack_array, true); } } $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_list", $_GET['dialog']); if (file_exists($module_dialog['class_path'])) { require_once $module_dialog['class_path']; if (class_exists($module_dialog['class'])) { if (method_exists($module_dialog['class'], $module_dialog['method'])) { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']("project", $_GET['project_id'], true); } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMissingException(); } } else { throw new ProjectSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Item Add // Item Add case "item_add": case "item_edit": if ($project_security->is_access(3, false) == true) { if ($_GET['dialog']) { if ($_GET['run'] == "item_add") { $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_add", $_GET['dialog']); } elseif ($_GET['run'] == "item_edit") { $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_edit", $_GET['dialog']); } if (is_array($module_dialog) and $module_dialog['class_path']) { if (file_exists($module_dialog['class_path'])) { require_once $module_dialog['class_path']; if (class_exists($module_dialog['class'])) { if (method_exists($module_dialog['class'], $module_dialog['method'])) { $project = new Project($_GET['project_id']); $project_item = new ProjectItem($_GET['project_id']); $project_item->set_status_id($project->get_current_status_id()); $project_item->set_gid($_GET['key']); $description_required = $project_item->is_description_required(); $keywords_required = $project_item->is_keywords_required(); if ($description_required and !$_POST['description'] and !$_GET['idk_unique_id'] or $keywords_required and !$_POST['keywords'] and !$_GET['idk_unique_id']) { require_once "core/modules/item/io/"; ItemIO::information(http_build_query($_GET), $description_required, $keywords_required); } else { $current_status_requirements = $project->get_current_status_requirements($project->get_current_status_id()); if ($_GET['run'] == "item_add") { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']($current_status_requirements[$_GET['key']]['type_id'], $current_status_requirements[$_GET['key']]['category_id'], "Project", $_GET['project_id'], $_GET['key']); } elseif ($_GET['run'] == "item_edit") { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']($current_status_requirements[$_GET['key']]['fulfilled'][0]['item_id']); } } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMissingException(); } } else { throw new ProjectSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Sub Item Add and Edit // Sub Item Add and Edit case "sub_item_add": case "sub_item_edit": if ($project_security->is_access(3, false) == true) { if ($_GET['parent']) { if (is_numeric($_GET['parent_id'])) { if (is_numeric($_GET['key'])) { $item_handling_class = Item::get_handling_class_by_type($_GET['parent']); if (class_exists($item_handling_class)) { $item_io_handling_class = $item_handling_class::get_item_add_io_handling_class(); if (file_exists("core/modules/" . $item_io_handling_class[0])) { require_once "core/modules/" . $item_io_handling_class[0]; if (class_exists($item_io_handling_class[1])) { if ($_GET['run'] == "sub_item_add") { $item_io_handling_class[1]::item_add_edit_handler("add"); } elseif ($_GET['run'] == "sub_item_edit") { $item_io_handling_class[1]::item_add_edit_handler("edit"); } } else { throw new ItemAddIOClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemAddIOFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemHandlerClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemPositionIDMissingException(); } } else { throw new ItemParentIDMissingException(); } } else { throw new ItemParentTypeMissingException(); } } else { throw new ProjectSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Extension /** * @todo type filter */ // Extension /** * @todo type filter */ case "extension": if ($_GET['extension']) { $extension_id = Extension::get_id_by_identifier($_GET['extension']); if ($extension_id) { $extension = new Extension($extension_id); $main_file = constant("EXTENSION_DIR") . "/" . $extension->get_folder() . "/" . $extension->get_main_file(); $main_class = $extension->get_class(); if (file_exists($main_file)) { require_once $main_file; if (class_exists($main_class)) { $project = new Project($_GET['project_id']); $project_item = new ProjectItem($_GET['project_id']); $project_status_requirements = $project->get_current_status_requirements(); if (is_array($project_status_requirements) and count($project_status_requirements) >= 1) { foreach ($project_status_requirements as $key => $value) { if ($value['element_type'] == "extension" and $value['extension'] == $_GET['extension']) { if (is_array($value['filter']) and count($value['filter']) >= 1) { $filter_array = $value['filter']; } else { $filter_array = null; } break; } } } else { throw new ProjectStatusWithoutExtensionException(); } if ($filter_array) { $item_array = array(); foreach ($filter_array as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value['status'])) { $item_array = array_merge($item_array, $project_item->get_project_status_items($value['status'], true)); } } } else { $item_array = $project_item->get_project_items(true); } $event_identifier = uniqid("", true); if ($session->is_value("PROJECT_EXTENSION_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_ARRAY")) { $project_extension_event_identifier_array = $session->read_value("PROJECT_EXTENSION_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_ARRAY"); $project_extension_event_identifier_array[$event_identifier] = $_GET['project_id']; } else { $project_extension_event_identifier_array = array(); $project_extension_event_identifier_array[$event_identifier] = $_GET['project_id']; } $session->write_value("PROJECT_EXTENSION_EVENT_IDENTIFIER_ARRAY", $project_extension_event_identifier_array); $main_class::set_event_identifier($event_identifier); $main_class::set_target_folder_id(ProjectStatusFolder::get_folder_by_project_id_and_project_status_id($_GET['project_id'], $project->get_current_status_id())); $main_class::push_data($item_array); } else { throw new BaseExtensionClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseExtensionFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseExtensionNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseExtensionMissingException(); } break; // Common Dialogs // Common Dialogs case "common_dialog": require_once "core/modules/base/common.request.php"; CommonRequest::common_dialog(); break; // Default // Default default: require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::list_user_related_projects(null); break; } } else { require_once "io/"; ProjectIO::list_user_related_projects(null); } }
/** * @see ValueInterface::create() * @param integer $folder_id * @param integer $owner_id * @param integer $type_id * @param array $value * @param bool $premature * @return integer */ public function create($folder_id, $owner_id, $type_id, $value) { global $user, $transaction; if ($folder_id and $type_id) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); try { if ($owner_id == null) { $owner_id = $user->get_user_id(); } $checksum = md5(serialize($value)); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $data_entity_id = parent::create($owner_id, null); parent::set_as_child_of($folder->get_data_entity_id()); $value_access = new Value_Access(null); if (($value_id = $value_access->create($data_entity_id, $type_id)) == null) { throw new ValueCreateFailedException(); } if ($type_id != 2 and is_array($value)) { $full_text_index = false; $full_text_key_array = array(); $full_text_content_string = ""; foreach ($value as $fe_key => $fe_value) { if (strpos($fe_key, "-vartype") !== false) { if ($fe_value == "string") { $full_text_index = true; $tmp_key = str_replace("-vartype", "", $fe_key); array_push($full_text_key_array, $tmp_key); } } } if (is_array($full_text_key_array) and count($full_text_key_array) >= 1) { foreach ($full_text_key_array as $fe_key => $fe_value) { if ($full_text_content_string) { $full_text_content_string = $full_text_content_string . " " . $value[$fe_value]; } else { $full_text_content_string = $value[$fe_value]; } } } } else { $full_text_index = true; $full_text_content_string = $value; } $value_version_access = new ValueVersion_access(null); if ($value_version_access->create($value_id, 1, serialize($value), $checksum, null, 1, true, $owner_id) == null) { throw new ValueCreateVersionCreateFailedException(); } if ($full_text_index == true and $full_text_content_string) { $value_version_access->set_text_search_vector($full_text_content_string, "english"); } } catch (BaseException $e) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } throw $e; } if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } self::__construct($value_id); return $value_id; } else { throw new ValueCreateIDMissingException(); } }
/** * @see DataEntityInterface::__construct() * @param integer $entity_id * @param boolean $light_instance * @throws DataEntityNotFoundException */ function __construct($entity_id, $light_instance = false) { if (is_numeric($entity_id) and $entity_id > 0) { if (DataEntity_Access::exist_id($entity_id) == true) { $this->data_entity_id = $entity_id; $this->data_entity = new DataEntity_Access($entity_id); $data_entity_is_item = new DataEntityIsItem_Access($entity_id); $this->item_id = $data_entity_is_item->get_item_id(); parent::__construct($this->item_id); } else { throw new DataEntityNotFoundException(); } } else { $this->data_entity_id = null; $this->data_entity = new DataEntity_Access(null); parent::__construct(null); } if ($light_instance == false) { $this->data_entity_permission = new DataEntityPermission($this->data_entity->get_permission(), $this->data_entity->get_automatic(), $this->data_entity->get_owner_id(), $this->data_entity->get_owner_group_id()); if (!self::$data_entity_object_array[$entity_id]) { self::$data_entity_object_array[$entity_id] = $this; } if ($this->data_entity_permission->is_access(1)) { $this->read_access = true; } else { $this->read_access = false; } if ($this->data_entity_permission->is_access(2)) { $this->write_access = true; } else { $this->write_access = false; } if ($this->data_entity_permission->is_access(3)) { $this->delete_access = true; } else { $this->delete_access = false; } if ($this->data_entity_permission->is_access(4)) { $this->control_access = true; } else { $this->control_access = false; } $this->parent_folder_id = $this->calc_parent_folder_id(); // Can create folder als methode => flag nur noch f�r corrupt (�ber parent folder object) if (is_a($this, "SystemFolder") == false and is_numeric($this->parent_folder_id)) { $this->parent_folder_object = Folder::get_instance($this->parent_folder_id); if ($this->parent_folder_object->get_inherit_permission() == true and is_a($this->parent_folder_object, "SystemFolder") == false) { $this->inherit_permission = true; if ($this->parent_folder_object->is_read_access(true) == true) { $this->read_access = true; } else { $this->read_access = false; } if ($this->parent_folder_object->is_write_access(true) == true) { $this->write_access = true; } else { $this->write_access = false; } if ($this->parent_folder_object->is_delete_access(true) == true) { $this->delete_access = true; } else { $this->delete_access = false; } if ($this->parent_folder_object->is_control_access(true) == true) { $this->control_access = true; } else { $this->control_access = false; } if ($this->parent_folder_object->can_set_data_entity() == true) { $this->set_data_entity = true; } } else { $this->inherit_permission = false; } } else { $this->inherit_permission = false; } } }
/** * @param integer $folder_id * @return string */ public static function get_browser_menu($folder_id) { $return_array = array("add" => true, "add_list" => "", "image_browser" => true); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($folder->is_write_access()) { if ($folder->can_add_folder()) { $add_folder_link = "run=folder_add&folder_id=" . $folder_id; $html .= "<img src='images/icons/upload.png' alt='' /><a href=" . $add_folder_link . ">Add Folder</a><br/>"; } $add_file_link = "run=file_add&folder_id=" . $folder_id; $add_value_link = "run=value_add&folder_id=" . $folder_id; $html .= "<img src='images/icons/upload.png' alt='' /><a href=" . $add_file_link . ">Add File(s)</a><br/>"; $html .= "<img src='images/icons/upload.png' alt='' /><a href=" . $add_value_link . ">Add Values</a><br/>"; $return_array["add_list"] = $html; } else { $return_array["add"] = false; } //check image browser return json_encode($return_array); }
/** * @param string $permission_array * @param string $type * @return string * @throws DataSecurityAccessDeniedException */ public static function change_permission($permission_array, $type) { global $user; $permissions = (array) $permission_array; switch ($type) { case "File": $id = $_POST['file_id']; $object = File::get_instance($id); break; case "Folder": $id = $_POST['folder_id']; $object = Folder::get_instance($id); break; case "Value": $id = $_POST['value_id']; $object = Value::get_instance($id); break; case "Parameter": $id = $_POST['parameter_id']; $object = Parameter::get_instance($id); break; } if ($object->is_control_access() == true) { $full_access = true; } else { $full_access = false; } if ($object->get_owner_id() == $user->get_user_id()) { $user_access = true; } else { $user_access = false; } if ($full_access == true or $user_access == true) { $type = strtolower($type); $id = intval($id); echo $id; $data_permission = new DataPermission($type, $id); $paramquery = $_GET; unset($paramquery['action']); unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); if ($data_permission->set_permission_array($permissions) == true) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } } else { throw new DataSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } }
/** * @see ProjectInterface::set_name() * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function set_name($name) { global $transaction; if ($this->project_id and $this->project and $name) { if ($this->project->get_toid_organ_unit()) { if (self::exist_project_name($this->project->get_toid_organ_unit(), null, $name) == true) { return false; } } else { if (self::exist_project_name(null, $this->project->get_toid_project(), $name) == true) { return false; } } $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); $folder_id = ProjectFolder::get_folder_by_project_id($this->project_id); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($folder->set_name($name) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } if ($this->project->set_name($name) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } return true; } } else { return false; } }
/** * @see DataBrowserInterface::count_data_browser_array() * @param integer $folder_id * @param integer $virtual_folder_id * @return integer */ public static function count_data_browser_array($folder_id, $virtual_folder_id) { global $user; if ($folder_id and !$virtual_folder_id or !$folder_id and !$virtual_folder_id) { if ($folder_id == null) { $new_folder_id = UserFolder::get_folder_by_user_id($user->get_user_id()); if ($new_folder_id != null) { self::$folder_id = $new_folder_id; } else { // Exception } } else { self::$folder_id = $folder_id; } $folder = Folder::get_instance(self::$folder_id); return Data_Wrapper_Access::count_list_data_entity_childs($folder->get_data_entity_id()); } elseif (!$folder_id and $virtual_folder_id) { $virtual_folder = new VirtualFolder($virtual_folder_id); return Data_Wrapper_Access::count_list_data_entity_childs($virtual_folder->get_data_entity_id()); } else { // Exception } }
/** * @throws FolderIDMissingException * @throws DataSecurityAccessDeniedException */ public static function upload() { if ($_GET['folder_id']) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($_GET['folder_id']); if ($folder->is_write_access() == true) { $template = new HTMLTemplate("data/file_upload.html"); $unique_id = uniqid(); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['unique_id'] = $unique_id; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); $template->set_var("unique_id", $unique_id); $template->set_var("session_id", $_GET['session_id']); if ($_GET['retrace']) { $js_retrace_array = array(); $js_retrace_counter = 0; $retrace_array = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['retrace'])); foreach ($retrace_array as $key => $value) { $js_retrace_array[$js_retrace_counter][0] = $key; $js_retrace_array[$js_retrace_counter][1] = $value; $js_retrace_counter++; } $template->set_var("retrace", serialize($js_retrace_array)); } else { $template->set_var("retrace", ""); } $template->output(); } else { throw new DataSecurityAccessDeniedExcpetion(); } } else { throw new FolderIDMissingException(); } }
/** * Inits a caching procedure * @return bool */ private function init() { global $transaction; if ($this->data_entity_id) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); $file_id = File::get_file_id_by_data_entity_id($this->data_entity_id); $file = File::get_instance($file_id); $folder = Folder::get_instance($file->get_parent_folder()); $folder_path = $folder->get_path(); $extension_array = explode(".", $file->get_name()); $extension_array_length = substr_count($file->get_name(), "."); $file_path = constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $folder_path . "/" . $this->data_entity_id . "-1." . $extension_array[$extension_array_length]; $this->xml_string = $file->get_file_content(); if (strlen($this->xml_string) > 0) { $xml = new Xml($this->xml_string); $xml->parser(); $this->xml_array = $xml->get_array(); if (is_array($this->xml_array) and count($this->xml_array) >= 1) { $this->xml_cache = new XmlCache_Access(null); $id = $this->xml_cache->create($this->data_entity_id, $file_path, md5_file($file_path)); foreach ($this->xml_array as $key => $value) { $xml_cache_element = new XmlCacheElement_Access(null); $xml_cache_element->create($id, $value[0], $value[1], $value[2], $value[3]); } self::__construct($this->data_entity_id); if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } return true; } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } } }
/** * @see ParameterInterface::create() * @param integer $folder_id * @param integer $limit_id * @param array $parameter_array * @param integer $owner_id * @return integer * @throws ParameterCreateFailedException * @throws ParameterCreateVersionCreateFailedException * @throws ParameterCreateValueCreateFailedException * @throws ParameterCreateIDMissingException */ protected function create($folder_id, $limit_id, $parameter_array, $owner_id = null) { global $user, $regional, $transaction; if (is_numeric($folder_id) and is_array($parameter_array)) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); try { if ($owner_id == null) { $owner_id = $user->get_user_id(); } $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $data_entity_id = parent::create($owner_id, null); parent::set_as_child_of($folder->get_data_entity_id()); $parameter_access = new Parameter_Access(null); if (($parameter_id = $parameter_access->create($data_entity_id)) == null) { throw new ParameterCreateFailedException(); } $parameter_version_access = new ParameterVersion_Access(null); if (($parameter_version_id = $parameter_version_access->create($parameter_id, 1, 1, null, true, $owner_id, null, $limit_id)) == null) { throw new ParameterCreateVersionCreateFailedException(); } foreach ($parameter_array as $key => $value) { $value['value'] = str_replace($regional->get_decimal_separator(), ".", $value['value']); if (is_numeric($value['value'])) { $parameter_field_value = new ParameterFieldValue_Access(null); if ($parameter_field_value->create($parameter_version_id, $key, $value['method'], $value['value']) == null) { throw new ParameterCreateValueCreateFailedException(); } } } } catch (BaseException $e) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } throw $e; } if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } self::__construct($parameter_id); return $parameter_id; } else { throw new ParameterCreateIDMissingException(); } }
/** * @param integer $id */ public static function get_children($id) { if (is_numeric($id) and $id != 0) { $return_array = array(); $folder = Folder::get_instance($id); $folder_array = $folder->get_subfolder_array(); if (is_array($folder_array) and count($folder_array) >= 1) { $counter = 0; foreach ($folder_array as $key => $value) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($value); $return_array[$counter][0] = -1; $return_array[$counter][1] = $value; $return_array[$counter][2] = $folder->get_name(); $return_array[$counter][3] = "folder.png"; if ($folder->is_read_access() == true) { $return_array[$counter][4] = true; } else { $return_array[$counter][4] = false; } $return_array[$counter][5] = true; // Clickable $paramquery['username'] = $_GET['username']; $paramquery['session_id'] = $_GET['session_id']; $paramquery['nav'] = "data"; $paramquery['folder_id'] = $value; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $return_array[$counter][6] = $params; //link $return_array[$counter][7] = false; //open $return_array[$counter][8] = Data_Wrapper::has_folder_children($value); //has children $counter++; } } echo json_encode($return_array); } }
public static function search() { global $user, $session; if ($_GET['nextpage']) { if ($_GET['sortvalue'] and $_GET['sortmethod']) { if ($_GET['nextpage'] == "2" and $_POST['string']) { $name = $_POST['string']; $folder_id = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID"); } else { $name = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_NAME"); $folder_id = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID"); } } else { if ($_GET['page']) { $name = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_NAME"); $folder_id = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID"); } else { if ($_GET['nextpage'] == "1") { $name = $_POST['string']; if (isset($_POST['folder_id']) and is_numeric($_POST['folder_id'])) { $folder_id = $_POST['folder_id']; } else { $data_path = new DataPath(); $data_path_folder_id = $data_path->get_folder_id(); if (is_numeric($data_path_folder_id)) { $folder_id = $data_path_folder_id; } else { $folder_id = UserFolder::get_folder_by_user_id($user->get_user_id()); } } $session->delete_value("SEARCH_FFV_NAME"); $session->delete_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID"); } else { $name = $_POST['string']; $folder_id = $session->read_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID"); } } } $no_error = true; } else { $no_error = false; } if ($no_error == false) { $template = new HTMLTemplate("data/search/ffv_search.html"); $paramquery = $_GET; unset($paramquery['page']); $paramquery['nextpage'] = "1"; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); $template->set_var("error", ""); $template->output(); } else { if (!$folder_id) { $folder_id = $_POST['folder_id']; } $session->write_value("SEARCH_FFV_NAME", $name, true); $session->write_value("SEARCH_FFV_FOLDER_ID", $folder_id, true); $argument_array = array(); $argument_array[0][0] = "folder_id"; $argument_array[0][1] = $folder_id; $argument_array[1][0] = "name"; $argument_array[1][1] = $name; $list = new List_IO("DataSearch", "ajax.php?nav=data", "search_data_list_data", "search_data_count_data", $argument_array, "DataSearch"); $list->add_column("", "symbol", false, "16px"); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnName", "general"), "name", true, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnType", "general"), "type", false, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnVersion", "general"), "version", false, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnDateTime", "general"), "datetime", true, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnSize", "general"), "size", true, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnOwner", "general"), "owner", true, null); $list->add_column(Language::get_message("DataGeneralListColumnPermission", "general"), "permission", false, null); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $template = new HTMLTemplate("data/search/ffv_search_result.html"); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nextpage'] = "2"; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); $template->set_var("name", $name); $template->set_var("folder", $folder->get_name()); $template->set_var("list", $list->get_list()); $template->output(); } }
/** * @see FolderInterface::move_folder() * @param integer $destination_id * @param bool $force_exist_check * @return bool */ public function move_folder($destination_id, $force_exist_check) { global $session, $transaction; if ($this->folder_id and $this->folder and is_numeric($destination_id)) { $destination_folder = Folder::get_instance($destination_id); if ($destination_folder->exist_subfolder_name($this->get_name()) == false or $force_exist_check == true) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); $current_path = new Path($this->get_path()); $destination_path = new Path($destination_folder->get_path()); $destination_path->add_element($current_path->get_last_element()); $new_path = $destination_path->get_path_string(); // create new folder if (mkdir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $new_path) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } // change database if ($this->folder->set_path($new_path) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } rmdir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $new_path); return false; } if ($this->unset_child_of($this->get_parent_folder()) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } rmdir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $new_path); return false; } if ($this->set_as_child_of($destination_folder->get_data_entity_id()) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } rmdir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $new_path); return false; } // subfolder filesystem move if (($subfolder_array = $this->get_subfolder_array()) != null) { if (is_array($subfolder_array) and count($subfolder_array) >= 1) { foreach ($subfolder_array as $key => $value) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($value); if ($folder->move_folder($this->folder_id, true) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } } } } // Move Files $handle = opendir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $current_path->get_path_string()); while (($file_name = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file_name != "." and $file_name != "..") { $current_file = constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $current_path->get_path_string() . "/" . $file_name; $destination_file = constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $new_path . "/" . $file_name; copy($current_file, $destination_file); unlink($current_file); } } closedir($handle); rmdir(constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $current_path->get_path_string()); // Delete Folder Stack $session->delete_value("stack_array"); if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * @throws FolderIDMissingException */ public static function change_group() { if ($_GET['file_id'] or $_GET['value_id'] or $_GET['parameter_id'] or $_GET['folder_id']) { if ($_GET['file_id']) { $id = $_GET['file_id']; $object = File::get_instance($id); $type = "file"; $title = $object->get_name(); } if ($_GET['value_id']) { $id = $_GET['value_id']; $object = Value::get_instance($id); $type = "value"; $title = $object->get_type_name(); } if ($_GET['parameter_id']) { $id = $_GET['parameter_id']; $object = Parameter::get_instance($id); $type = "parameter"; $title = $object->get_name(); } if ($_GET['folder_id']) { $id = $_GET['folder_id']; $object = Folder::get_instance($id); $type = "folder"; $title = $object->get_name(); } } else { throw new FolderIDMissingException(); } if ($object->is_control_access() == true) { $data_permission = new DataPermission($type, $id); if (!$_GET['nextpage']) { $template = new HTMLTemplate("data/data_change_group.html"); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nextpage'] = "1"; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); $template->set_var("title", $title); $template->set_var("error", ""); $group_array = Group::list_groups(); $result = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($group_array as $key => $value) { $group = new Group($value); $result[$counter]['value'] = $value; $result[$counter]['content'] = $group->get_name(); $counter++; } $template->set_var("option", $result); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['action'] = "permission"; unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("back_link", $params); $template->output(); } else { $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['action'] = "permission"; unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); if ($data_permission->set_owner_group_id($_POST['group']) == true) { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Permission: " . $title . "", "Changes saved succesful", null); } else { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Permission: " . $title . "", "Operation failed", null); } } } else { throw new DataSecuriyAccessDeniedException(); } }
/** * @param string $json_column_array * @param string $json_argument_array * @param string $css_page_id * @param string $css_row_sort_id * @param string $entries_per_page * @param string $page * @param string $sortvalue * @param string $sortmethod * @return string * @throws BaseAjaxArgumentMissingException */ public static function list_data($json_column_array, $json_argument_array, $css_page_id, $css_row_sort_id, $entries_per_page, $page, $sortvalue, $sortmethod) { $argument_array = json_decode($json_argument_array); if (is_array($argument_array)) { $folder_id = $argument_array[0][1]; $name = $argument_array[1][1]; $list_request = new ListRequest_IO(); $list_request->set_column_array($json_column_array); if (!is_numeric($entries_per_page) or $entries_per_page < 1) { $entries_per_page = 20; } $list_array = Data_Wrapper::list_search_ffv($folder_id, $name, $sortvalue, $sortmethod, $page * $entries_per_page - $entries_per_page, $page * $entries_per_page); if (is_array($list_array) and count($list_array) >= 1) { foreach ($list_array as $key => $value) { $datetime_handler = new DatetimeHandler($list_array[$key]['datetime']); $list_array[$key]['datetime'] = $datetime_handler->get_datetime(false); $owner = new User($value['owner']); $list_array[$key]['owner'] = $owner->get_full_name(true); if (is_numeric($value['file_id'])) { $file = File::get_instance($value['file_id']); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nav'] = "data"; $paramquery['action'] = "file_detail"; $paramquery['file_id'] = $value['file_id']; unset($paramquery['sortvalue']); unset($paramquery['sortmethod']); unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $tmp_name = $value['name']; unset($list_array[$key]['name']); $list_array[$key]['name']['content'] = $tmp_name; if ($file->is_read_access() == true) { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = $params; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='" . File::get_icon_by_name($value['name']) . "' alt='' style='border:0;' />"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = $params; } else { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = ""; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='core/images/denied_overlay.php?image=" . File::get_icon_by_name($value['name']) . "' alt='' border='0' />"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = ""; } $list_array[$key]['type'] = "File"; $list_array[$key]['version'] = $file->get_version(); $list_array[$key]['size'] = Convert::convert_byte_1024($file->get_size()); $list_array[$key]['permission'] = $file->get_permission_string(); } if (is_numeric($value['value_id'])) { $value_obj = Value::get_instance($value['value_id']); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nav'] = "data"; $paramquery['action'] = "value_detail"; $paramquery['value_id'] = $value['value_id']; unset($paramquery['sortvalue']); unset($paramquery['sortmethod']); unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $tmp_name = $value['name']; unset($list_array[$key]['name']); $list_array[$key]['name']['content'] = $tmp_name; if ($value_obj->is_read_access() == true) { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = $params; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='images/fileicons/16/unknown.png' alt='' style='border: 0;'>"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = $params; } else { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = ""; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='core/images/denied_overlay.php?image=images/fileicons/16/unknown.png' alt='' border='0' />"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = ""; } $list_array[$key]['type'] = "Value"; $list_array[$key]['version'] = $value_obj->get_version(); $list_array[$key]['permission'] = $value_obj->get_permission_string(); } if (is_numeric($value['folder_id'])) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($value['folder_id']); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nav'] = "data"; $paramquery['folder_id'] = $value['folder_id']; unset($paramquery['run']); unset($paramquery['sortvalue']); unset($paramquery['sortmethod']); unset($paramquery['nextpage']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $tmp_name = $value['name']; unset($list_array[$key]['name']); $list_array[$key]['name']['content'] = $tmp_name; if ($folder->is_read_access() == true) { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = $params; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='images/icons/folder.png' alt='' style='border: 0;'>"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = $params; } else { $list_array[$key]['symbol']['link'] = ""; $list_array[$key]['symbol']['content'] = "<img src='core/images/denied_overlay.php?image=images/icons/folder.png' alt='' border='0' />"; $list_array[$key]['name']['link'] = ""; } $list_array[$key]['type'] = "Folder"; $list_array[$key]['permission'] = $folder->get_permission_string(); } } } else { $list_request->empty_message("<span class='italic'>No results found!</span>"); } $list_request->set_array($list_array); return $list_request->get_page($page); } else { throw new BaseAjaxArgumentMissingException(); } }
/** * @todo business logic exceptions * @param integer $folder_id * @param integer $type_id * @param string $value_array * @param string $get_array * @return string */ public static function add_as_item($folder_id, $type_id, $value_array, $get_array) { global $user, $transaction; $parent_folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($parent_folder->is_write_access()) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); $value_array = json_decode($value_array, true); $value = Value::get_instance(null); $value_add_successful = $value->create($folder_id, $user->get_user_id(), $type_id, $value_array); if ($value_add_successful) { $item_id = $value->get_item_id(); $item_add_event = new ItemAddEvent($item_id, unserialize($get_array), null); $event_handler = new EventHandler($item_add_event); if ($event_handler->get_success() == true) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } return "1"; } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } throw new BaseException(); } } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } throw new BaseException(); } } else { throw new DataSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } }
/** * @see SampleInterface::set_name() * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function set_name($name) { global $transaction; if ($this->sample_id and $this->sample and $name) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); $folder_id = SampleFolder::get_folder_by_sample_id($this->sample_id); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $folder_name = $name . " (" . $this->get_formatted_id() . ")"; if ($folder->set_name($folder_name) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } if ($this->sample->set_name($name) == false) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } return false; } else { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } return true; } } else { return false; } }
/** * @see EventListenerInterface::listen_events() * @param object $event_object * @return bool */ public static function listen_events($event_object) { if ($event_object instanceof UserFolderCreateEvent or $event_object instanceof GroupFolderCreateEvent or $event_object instanceof OrganisationUnitFolderCreateEvent or $event_object instanceof SampleFolderCreateEvent or $event_object instanceof ProjectFolderCreateEvent) { $sample_virtual_folder = new SampleVirtualFolder(null); if (($virtual_folder_id = $sample_virtual_folder->create($event_object->get_folder_id(), "samples")) == null) { return false; } $sample_virtual_folder = new SampleVirtualFolder($virtual_folder_id); if ($sample_virtual_folder->set_sample_vfolder() == false) { return false; } } if ($event_object instanceof VirtualFolderDeleteEvent) { $sample_virtual_folder = new SampleVirtualFolder($event_object->get_virtual_folder_id()); if ($sample_virtual_folder->is_sample_vfolder() == true) { $virtual_folder_is_sample = new VirtualFolderIsSample_Access($event_object->get_virtual_folder_id()); if ($virtual_folder_is_sample->delete() == false) { return false; } } } if ($event_object instanceof SampleItemLinkEvent or $event_object instanceof ProjectItemLinkEvent) { if (($sample_id = Sample::get_entry_by_item_id($event_object->get_item_id())) != null) { $sample_folder_id = SampleFolder::get_folder_by_sample_id($sample_id); $folder = Folder::get_instance($event_object->get_folder_id()); $child_array = $folder->get_children(); if (is_array($child_array) and count($child_array) >= 1) { foreach ($child_array as $key => $value) { if (($virtual_folder_id = VirtualFolder::get_virtual_folder_id_by_data_entity_id($value)) != null) { $sample_virtual_folder = new SampleVirtualFolder($virtual_folder_id); if ($sample_virtual_folder->is_sample_vfolder() == true) { if ($sample_virtual_folder->link_folder($sample_folder_id) == false) { return false; } } } } } } } return true; }
/** * @param string $alias * @throws SampleSecurityAccessDeniedException * @throws BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException * @throws BaseModuleDialogMissingException * @throws BaseModuleDialogNotFoundException * @throws ItemAddIOClassNotFoundException * @throws ItemAddIOFileNotFoundException * @throws ItemHandlerClassNotFoundException * @throws ItemPositionIDMissingException * @throws ItemParentIDMissingException * @throws ItemParentTypeMissingException */ public static function io_handler($alias) { global $sample_security, $session, $transaction; if ($_GET['sample_id']) { $sample_security = new SampleSecurity($_GET['sample_id']); require_once "io/"; SampleCommon_IO::tab_header(); } else { $sample_security = new SampleSecurity(null); } switch ($_GET['run']) { case "new": case "new_subsample": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::create(); break; case "clone": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::clone_sample(); break; case "organ_unit": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::list_organisation_unit_related_samples(); break; case "detail": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::detail(); break; case "move": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::move(); break; case "set_availability": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::set_availability(); break; case "location_history": require_once "io/"; SampleIO::location_history(); break; // Administration // Administration case "delete": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::delete(); break; case "rename": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::rename(); break; case "admin_permission_user": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::user_permission(); break; case "admin_permission_user_add": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::user_permission_add(); break; case "admin_permission_user_delete": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::user_permission_delete(); break; case "admin_permission_ou": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::ou_permission(); break; case "admin_permission_ou_add": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::ou_permission_add(); break; case "admin_permission_ou_delete": require_once "io/"; SampleAdminIO::ou_permission_delete(); break; // Item Lister // Item Lister case "item_list": if ($sample_security->is_access(1, false) == true) { if ($_GET['dialog']) { if ($_GET['dialog'] == "data") { $path_stack_array = array(); $folder_id = SampleFolder::get_folder_by_sample_id($_GET['sample_id']); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $init_array = $folder->get_object_id_path(); foreach ($init_array as $key => $value) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array['virtual'] = false; $temp_array['id'] = $value; array_unshift($path_stack_array, $temp_array); } if (!$_GET['folder_id']) { $session->write_value("stack_array", $path_stack_array, true); } } $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_list", $_GET['dialog']); if (file_exists($module_dialog['class_path'])) { require_once $module_dialog['class_path']; if (class_exists($module_dialog['class'])) { if (method_exists($module_dialog['class'], $module_dialog['method'])) { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']("sample", $_GET['sample_id'], true, false); } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMissingException(); } } else { throw new SampleSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; case "item_add": case "item_edit": if ($sample_security->is_access(2, false) == true) { if ($_GET['dialog']) { if ($_GET['run'] == "item_add") { $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_add", $_GET['dialog']); } elseif ($_GET['run'] == "item_edit") { $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("item_edit", $_GET['dialog']); } if (is_array($module_dialog) and $module_dialog['class_path']) { if (file_exists($module_dialog['class_path'])) { require_once $module_dialog['class_path']; if (class_exists($module_dialog['class'])) { if (method_exists($module_dialog['class'], $module_dialog['method'])) { $sample_item = new SampleItem($_GET['sample_id']); $sample_item->set_gid($_GET['key']); $description_required = $sample_item->is_description_required(); $keywords_required = $sample_item->is_keywords_required(); if ($description_required and !$_POST['description'] and !$_GET['idk_unique_id'] or $keywords_required and !$_POST['keywords'] and !$_GET['idk_unique_id']) { require_once "core/modules/item/io/"; ItemIO::information(http_build_query($_GET), $description_required, $keywords_required); } else { $sample = new Sample($_GET['sample_id']); $current_requirements = $sample->get_requirements(); if ($_GET['run'] == "item_add") { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']($current_requirements[$_GET['key']]['type_id'], $current_requirements[$_GET['key']]['category_id'], "Sample", $_GET['sample_id'], $_GET['key']); } elseif ($_GET['run'] == "item_edit") { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']($current_requirements[$_GET['key']]['fulfilled'][0]['item_id']); } } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMissingException(); } } else { throw new SampleSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Sub Item Add // Sub Item Add case "sub_item_add": case "sub_item_edit": if ($sample_security->is_access(2, false) == true) { if ($_GET['parent']) { if (is_numeric($_GET['parent_id'])) { if (is_numeric($_GET['key'])) { $item_handling_class = Item::get_handling_class_by_type($_GET['parent']); if (class_exists($item_handling_class)) { $item_io_handling_class = $item_handling_class::get_item_add_io_handling_class(); if (file_exists("core/modules/" . $item_io_handling_class[0])) { require_once "core/modules/" . $item_io_handling_class[0]; if (class_exists($item_io_handling_class[1])) { if ($_GET['run'] == "sub_item_add") { $item_io_handling_class[1]::item_add_edit_handler("add"); } else { $item_io_handling_class[1]::item_add_edit_handler("edit"); } } else { throw new ItemAddIOClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemAddIOFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemHandlerClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new ItemPositionIDMissingException(); } } else { throw new ItemParentIDMissingException(); } } else { throw new ItemParentTypeMissingException(); } } else { throw new SampleSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Parent Item Lister // Parent Item Lister case "parent_item_list": if ($sample_security->is_access(1, false) == true) { if ($_GET['dialog']) { $sample = new Sample($_GET['sample_id']); $item_id = $sample->get_item_id(); $module_dialog = ModuleDialog::get_by_type_and_internal_name("parent_item_list", $_GET['dialog']); if (file_exists($module_dialog['class_path'])) { require_once $module_dialog['class_path']; if (class_exists($module_dialog['class'])) { if (method_exists($module_dialog['class'], $module_dialog['method'])) { $module_dialog['class']::$module_dialog['method']($item_id); } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMethodNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogClassNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogFileNotFoundException(); } } else { throw new BaseModuleDialogMissingException(); } } else { throw new SampleSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } break; // Common Dialogs // Common Dialogs case "common_dialog": require_once "core/modules/base/common.request.php"; CommonRequest::common_dialog(); break; default: require_once "io/"; SampleIO::list_user_related_samples(); break; } }
/** * @param integer $folder_id * @return string * @throws DataSecurityAccessDeniedException */ private static function delete_folder($folder_id) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($folder->can_command_folder()) { $folder->delete(true, true); return "1"; } else { throw new DataSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } }
/** * @see DataPathInterface::delete_stack() */ public function delete_stack($reinit = false) { global $session; $session->delete_value("stack_array"); if ($reinit == true) { $folder_id = UserFolder::get_folder_by_user_id($session->get_user_id()); $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); $this->init_stack($folder_id); $this->path = $folder->get_object_path(); $this->folder_id = $folder_id; $this->virtual_folder_id = null; return $folder_id; } else { return -1; } }
/** * @see VirtualFolderInterface::create() * @param integer $folder_id * @param string $name * @return integer * @throws VirtualFolderCreateFailedException * @throws VirtualFolderCreateFolderNotFoundException * @throws VirtualFolderCreateIDMissingException */ public final function create($folder_id, $name) { global $transaction; if (is_numeric($folder_id) and $name) { $transaction_id = $transaction->begin(); try { $folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($folder->exist_folder() == false) { throw new VirtualFolderCreateFolderNotFoundException(); } $data_entity_id = parent::create(1, null); parent::set_as_child_of($folder->get_data_entity_id()); if (($vfolder_id = $this->virtual_folder->create($data_entity_id, $name)) == null) { throw new VirtualFolderCreateFailedException(); } } catch (BaseException $e) { if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->rollback($transaction_id); } throw $e; } if ($transaction_id != null) { $transaction->commit($transaction_id); } self::__construct($vfolder_id); return $vfolder_id; } else { throw new VirtualFolderCreateIDMissingException(); } }
/** * @return object */ private function open_image() { if ($this->file_id) { $file = File::get_instance($this->file_id); if ($this->internal_revision) { $file->open_internal_revision($this->internal_revision); } if ($file->is_read_access() == true) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($file->get_parent_folder_id()); $folder_path = $folder->get_path(); $extension_array = explode(".", $file->get_name()); $extension_array_length = substr_count($file->get_name(), "."); $file_path = constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $folder_path . "/" . $file->get_data_entity_id() . "-" . $file->get_internal_revision() . "." . $extension_array[$extension_array_length]; if (file_exists($file_path)) { try { return new Imagick($file_path); } catch (ImagickException $e) { die("Unsupported File or Internal Error"); } } } } }
/** * @param string $folder_id * @return string * @throws DataSecurityAccessDeniedException */ public static function add_file($folder_id) { $parent_folder = Folder::get_instance($folder_id); if ($parent_folder->is_write_access()) { $paramquery = array(); $unique_id = uniqid(); $paramquery['session_id'] = $_GET['session_id']; $paramquery['folder_id'] = $folder_id; $paramquery['unique_id'] = $unique_id; $params = http_build_query($paramquery); $template = new HTMLTemplate("data/file_upload_window.html"); $template->set_var("params", $params); $template->set_var("unique_id", $unique_id); $template->set_var("session_id", $_GET['session_id']); $button_handler_template = new JSTemplate("data/js/file_upload_window.js"); $button_handler = $button_handler_template->get_string(); $button_handler_caption = "Add"; $html_caption = "Add File"; $html = $template->get_string(); $additional_script_template = new JSTemplate("data/js/file_upload_window_additional.js"); $additional_script_template->set_var("session_id", $_GET['session_id']); $additional_script_template->set_var("unique_id", $unique_id); $additional_script = $additional_script_template->get_string(); $array = array("content" => $html, "content_caption" => $html_caption, "handler" => $button_handler, "handler_caption" => $button_handler_caption, "additional_script" => $additional_script); return json_encode($array); } else { throw new DataSecurityAccessDeniedException(); } }
/** * @see FileInterface::get_file_content() * @return string */ public function get_file_content() { if ($this->file_id) { $folder = Folder::get_instance($this->get_parent_folder_id()); $extension_array = explode(".", $this->file_version->get_name()); $extension_array_length = substr_count($this->file_version->get_name(), "."); if ($extension_array_length == 0) { $extension = ""; } else { $extension = "." . $extension_array[$extension_array_length]; } $path = constant("BASE_DIR") . "/" . $folder->get_path() . "/" . $this->data_entity_id . "-" . $this->file_version->get_internal_revision() . "" . $extension . ""; $size = filesize($path); $handle = fopen($path, "r"); $content = fread($handle, $size); return $content; } else { return null; } }