public function run() { try { $this->oRequest = $this->_run(); $oRequest =& $this->oRequest; $this->sServiceModule = $oRequest->module; $this->sServiceMethod = $oRequest->method; $this->sServiceToken = $oRequest->token; FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Running service: " . $this->sServiceModule . "::" . $this->sServiceMethod); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Token: " . $this->sServiceToken); //throw new Exception("Token: " . $this->sServiceToken); //if ($this->sServiceMethod!="login") throw new Exception("Token: " . $this->sServiceToken); FlexiConfig::getLoginHandler()->doLoginByToken($this->sServiceToken); //if ($this->sServiceMethod!="login") throw new Exception("Logged in as: " . FlexiConfig::getLoginHandler()->getLoggedInUserId()); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Logged in as: " . FlexiConfig::getLoginHandler()->getLoggedInUserId()); $this->mRequestData = array(); if (isset($oRequest->data)) { $this->mRequestData = $oRequest->data; } $mResult = FlexiController::getInstance()->runService($this->sServiceModule, $this->sServiceMethod, $this->mRequestData); unset($mResult["control"]); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Done service: " . $this->sServiceModule . "::" . $this->sServiceMethod); echo $this->returnResult($mResult); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $this->returnResult(array("status" => false, "return" => null, "msg" => $e->getMessage())); } }
public function onEvent($event, $oModel) { $sTable = $oModel->getMeta("type"); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, $sTable . ", Event: " . $event); $sMethod = "on" . $event; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, $sTable . ", Method: " . $sMethod); if (isset(self::$aValidator[$sTable])) { if (is_array(self::$aValidator[$sTable])) { foreach (self::$aValidator[$sTable] as $oClass) { if (method_exists($oClass, $sMethod)) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Calling: " . $sTable . ": " . $sMethod); $oClass->{$sMethod}($oModel); } } //is array } else { if (method_exists(self::$aValidator[$sTable], $sMethod)) { FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Calling: " . $sTable . ": " . $sMethod); self::$aValidator[$sTable]->{$sMethod}($oModel); } } //if is direct } //if exists table event }
public function getIDField($type) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Getting id: " . $type); if (isset(FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type])) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Is set: " . FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type]); return FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type]; } return parent::getIDField($type); }
public function doLogin($asLoginId, $asLoginPass, $asConfig = array()) { $bResult = $this->doFlexiAdminLogin($asLoginId, $asLoginPass); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "FlexiAdminLogin: "******"success" : "fail")); if (!$bResult) { $bResult = $this->onLogin($asLoginId, $asLoginPass, $asConfig); } return $bResult; }
/** * Called to return request object * @return request object */ public function _run() { $sRaw = $this->getDecodedData(); //FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "Running: " . serialize($sRaw)); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Running2: " . print_r($sRaw, true)); $oRequest = json_decode($sRaw); //FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "JSON: " . serialize($oRequest)); return $oRequest; }
public function startSession() { if (is_null($this->session)) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "starting session"); $this->session = $this->facebook->getSession(); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, serialize($this->session)); } return $this->session; }
public function methodTestremote() { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "starting"); $sURL = FlexiConfig::$sBaseURL . "remote.php"; $oData = array("testme" => "xyz"); $oClient = new FlexiRemoteJSONClient(); $oClient->setContent($oData); $bResult = $oClient->callRemote($sURL, "xxx", "test"); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Result status: " . serialize($bResult)); var_dump($oClient->getResultReturned()); return true; }
public function getIDField($type) { if (gettype($type) != "string") { throw new FlexiException("Type must be string: " . gettype($type), ERROR_UNKNOWNTYPE); } FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Getting id: " . $type); if (isset(FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type])) { //FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Is set: " . FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type]); return FlexiModelUtil::$aTableId[$type]; } return parent::getIDField($type); }
public function serviceSyncTable($oData) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Running"); //var_dump($aData["type"]); //FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, print_r($oData, true)); $aTable = $oData->tables; $sType = $oData->type; $aMessage = array(); FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Sync type: " . $sType); $oUtil = FlexiModelUtil::getInstance(); foreach ($aTable as $sTable => $aTableSetting) { $aRow = $aTableSetting->rows; $sIDField = $aTableSetting->idfield; //FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, $sTable); $oModel = $oUtil->getRedBeanModel($sTable); if ($sType == "fullsync") { FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Clearing table: " . $sTable); if ($oUtil->getRedBeanDB()->tableExists($sTable)) { $oUtil->getRedBeanExecute("delete from " . $sTable); } } if (count($aRow) > 0) { $sFields = implode(",", array_keys((array) $aRow[0])); } $oUtil->setRedBeanTableIdField($sTable, $sIDField); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, $sTable . ", fields: " . $sFields); foreach ($aRow as $oRow) { $oRowData = (array) $oRow; $oModel = $oUtil->getRedBeanModel($sTable); // $sPrimaryField = "id"; // if (isset($oRowData[$sPrimaryField])) { // $oModel = $oUtil->getRedBeanModel($sTable, $oRowData[$sPrimaryField]); // } else { // $oModel = $oUtil->getRedBeanModel($sTable); // } //FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Type: " . $oModel->getMeta("type")); $oModel->import($oRowData, $sFields); FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "model: " . $sTable . ", values: " . print_r($oModel->export(), true)); $oUtil->insertOrUpdateRedBean($oModel); unset($oModel); } //each records $aMessage[] = "Imported: " . $sTable . ", cnt: " . count($aRow); FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Imported: " . $sTable . ", cnt: " . count($aRow)); //if (1==1) { break; } } //each table $this->unsetToken(); FlexiLogger::info(__METHOD__, "Done"); return array("msg" => implode("\r\n<br/>", $aMessage)); }
public function checkIfExistsUserEmail($sEmail, $iId = null) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "checking email: " . $sEmail); if (empty($sEmail)) { return false; } $oQuery = FlexiModelUtil::getDBQuery("ModxWebUsers u", "flexiphp/base/FlexiAdminUser")->leftJoin("u.Attributes a"); if (!empty($iId)) { $oModel = $oQuery->where(" and", array($sEmail, $iId))->fetchOne(); return $oModel != null && $oModel !== false; } else { $oModel = $oQuery->where("", array($sEmail))->fetchOne(); return $oModel != null && $oModel !== false; } }
public static function triggerEvent($sName, &$args = null) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Name: " . $sName); $aFunc = self::getEvent($sName); foreach ($aFunc as $sFunc) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Function: " . $sFunc); $bIsClass = strpos($sFunc, "::") !== false ? true : false; if ($bIsClass) { list($sClass, $sMethod) = explode("::", $sFunc); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Class: " . $sClass . ", method: " . $sMethod); call_user_func(array($sClass, $sMethod), $args); } else { call_user_func($sFunc, $args); } } //end foreach }
public function checkIfExistsUserEmail($sEmail, $iId = null) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "checking email: " . $sEmail); if (empty($sEmail)) { return false; } if (!empty($iId)) { $oModel = FlexiModelUtil::getInstance()->getRedbeanFetchOne("select * from " . FlexiConfig::$sDBPrefix . " where user_id=:id and email=:email", array(":id" => $iId, ":email" => $sEmail)); if (!empty($oModel["user_id"])) { return true; } return false; } else { $oModel = FlexiModelUtil::getInstance()->getRedbeanFetchOne("select * from " . FlexiConfig::$sDBPrefix . " where email=:email", array(":email", $sEmail)); if (!empty($oModel["user_id"])) { return true; } return false; } }
function methodModXProcessform() { $iId = $this->getRequest("rid"); $aForm = $this->loadForm(); if (!empty($iId)) { $oModel = $this->getDBQuery("ModxWebUsers")->where("id=?", array($iId))->fetchOne(); if ($oModel === false) { FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "Record not found."); $this->addMessage("Record not found", "error"); return $this->renderForm($aForm); } $oModel = $this->getModelFromForm($oModel, $aForm["form"]); } else { $oModel = $this->getModelFromForm("ModxWebUsers", $aForm["form"]); } $oModel->Attributes->fullname = $aForm["form"]["txtFullName"]["#value"]; //$oModel->dob = "1980-01-01"; if (!$this->validateFormByModel($aForm["form"], $oModel) || !$this->validateForm($aForm["form"])) { FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "Validation failed: " . $oModel->getErrorStackAsString()); $this->addMessage("Validation failed", "error"); return $this->renderForm($aForm); } FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "ok"); try { $oModel->replace(); $oGroupModel = $this->getModelInstance("ModxWebGroups"); $oGroupModel->webuser = $oModel->id; $oGroupModel->webgroup = 2; //hardcoded to registered user $oGroupModel->replace(); //$this->oView->addVar("message", "saved."); $this->addMessage("Saved", "success"); return $this->runControl("default"); } catch (Exception $e) { FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "Save failed:" . $e->getMessage()); $this->addMessage("Error saving: " . $e->getMessage(), "error"); return $this->runControl("form"); } }
/** * Do call to remote url * @param String $asURL * @param String $asModule * @param String $asMethod * @return boolean: true/false */ public function callRemote($asURL = "http://localhost", $asModule = "", $asMethod = "") { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Calling URL: " . $asURL); $bDebug = false; $sURL = $asURL; $sModule = empty($asModule) ? "default" : $asModule; $sMethod = empty($asMethod) ? "default" : $asMethod; //$sURL = "temp/bloomberg-stocks.html"; $aHeader = $this->getHeaders(); $opts = array('http' => array('method' => "POST", 'header' => implode("\r\n", $aHeader), 'content' => $this->getRequestContent($sModule, $sMethod))); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Content: " . $opts["http"]["content"]); $context = stream_context_create($opts); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Processing URL: " . $sURL); $sResult = file_get_contents($sURL, false, $context); if ($sResult === false || empty($sResult)) { throw new Exception("Remote returned empty or false"); } try { $this->mResult = FlexiCryptUtil::b64Decrypt($sResult, $this->sRemoteKey); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . "<br/>\nOriginal Remote result: " . $sResult); } //echo "<hr/>"; if ($bDebug) { echo "\r\n" . __METHOD__ . ": " . $sResult . "<Br/>\r\n"; } //var_dump($this->mResult); if (empty($this->mResult)) { throw new Exception("Unknown result: " . $sResult); } FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Result raw: " . $this->mResult); $aResult = $this->getResult(); if (empty($aResult)) { throw new Exception("Remote returned malformed result: " . $sResult); } return $aResult->status; }
public function onLogout() { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Logging-out"); unset($_SESSION["sess_adminname"]); unset($_SESSION["sess_username"]); unset($_SESSION["sess_userid"]); return true; }
public function onLogout($context = "web") { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Logging-out"); unset($_SESSION[$context . "Validated"]); //$_SESSION["webInternalKey"] = null; $_SESSION[$context . 'Shortname'] = null; //$_SESSION['userid'] = null; return true; }
public function getNewController($sControl, $oView, $sMethodName, $sModulePath) { $sClassName = $sControl . "Controller"; $sBaseDir = $this->env["basedir"]; $sModulePath = ""; //echo "trying: " . $sControl; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Env.BaseDir: " . $sBaseDir . ", cwd: " . getcwd() . ", modpath: " . FlexiConfig::$sModulePath); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . FlexiConfig::$sModulePath . "/" . $sControl); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sBaseDir . "/modules/" . $sControl); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sBaseDir . "/base/" . $sControl); if (is_file(FlexiConfig::$sModulePath . "/" . $sControl . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = FlexiConfig::$sModulePath . "/" . $sControl; require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } else { if (is_file(FlexiConfig::$sModulePath . "/" . strtolower($sControl) . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = FlexiConfig::$sModulePath . "/" . strtolower($sControl); require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } else { if (is_file($sBaseDir . "/modules/" . $sControl . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = $sBaseDir . "/modules/" . $sControl; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sModulePath); require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } else { if (is_file($sBaseDir . "/modules/" . strtolower($sControl) . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = $sBaseDir . "/modules/" . strtolower($sControl); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sModulePath); require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } else { if (is_file($sBaseDir . "/base/" . $sControl . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = $sBaseDir . "/base/" . $sControl; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sModulePath); require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } else { if (is_file($sBaseDir . "/base/" . strtolower($sControl) . "/controller.php")) { $sModulePath = $sBaseDir . "/base/" . strtolower($sControl); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Checking sModulePath: " . $sModulePath); require_once $sModulePath . "/controller.php"; } } } } } } if (!class_exists($sClassName)) { //echo "not found: " . $sClassName; FlexiLogger::error(__METHOD__, "module: " . $sControl . " is missing."); throw new Exception("No such class: " . $sClassName); return; } FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "found module: " . $sControl . " at " . $sModulePath); //echo "found module: " . $sControl . " at " . $sModulePath; //echo "setting controllerpath: " . $sControl . "=>" . $sModulePath; $this->aControllerPath[strtolower($sControl)] = $sModulePath; //echo "initialising class: " . $sClassName; $oClass = new $sClassName($oView, $sMethodName, $sModulePath); //echo "xxxx"; if (!is_subclass_of($oClass, "FlexiBaseController")) { //echo "no class of: " . $sClassName; throw new FlexiException("Class: " . $sClassName . " is not of type FlexiBaseController", 500); } //echo "ok: " .$sClassName; return $oClass; }
public function renderLayout() { //echo "class: " . get_class($this) . ", layout: " . $this->sLayoutTemplate; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, $this->sLayoutTemplate); foreach ($this->aViewVars as $sKey => $mValue) { $this->oView->addVar($sKey, $mValue); } //putting up messages $this->oView->addVar("#message", FlexiConfig::$aMessage); //echo "layout: " . $this->sLayoutTemplate; if (!$this->beforeRender()) { return; } //echo "layout: " . $this->sLayoutTemplate; if (!empty($this->sLayoutTemplate)) { //echo "has layout"; $this->oView->addVar("header", $this->oView->render("header", null, $this->sModulePath)); $this->oView->addVar("notice", $this->oView->render("notice", null, $this->sModulePath)); //manually called in //$this->oView->addVar("body", $this->renderView()); $this->oView->addVar("footer", $this->oView->render("footer", null, $this->sModulePath)); //echo "ppp"; if (FlexiConfig::$sFramework == "modx2") { //FlexiController::appendOutput("is render layout: " . $this->sLayoutTemplate); FlexiController::appendOutput($this->oView->render($this->sLayoutTemplate, null, $this->sModulePath)); } else { echo $this->oView->render($this->sLayoutTemplate, null, $this->sModulePath); } } else { //echo __METHOD__.": no layout, viewname: " . $this->sRenderViewName; if (FlexiConfig::$sFramework == "modx2") { //FlexiController::appendOutput("is render non-layout"); FlexiController::appendOutput($this->oView->getVar($this->sRenderViewName)); } else { echo $this->oView->getVar($this->sRenderViewName); } } $this->afterRender(); $this->unsetSession("#messages"); }
public function methodDenied() { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "ok"); return true; }
/** * Get Doctrine query object * @param string name * @param string path (optional) * @return Doctrine_Record */ public static function getDBQuery($asName, $asPath = null) { self::loadModel($asName, $asPath); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Loaded model: " . $asName); return Doctrine_Query::create()->from($asName); }
public function hasPermission($sTitle) { if ($this->isSuperUser()) { return true; } global $modx; $bResult = $modx->hasPermission($sTitle); if (!$bResult) { $aGroups = $modx->getUserDocGroups(true); if ($aGroups != null) { foreach ($aGroups as $sGroup) { //echo "Doc Group: " . $sGroup . " vs " . $sTitle . "\r\n<br/>"; FlexiLogger::Debug(__METHOD__, "Doc Group: " . $sGroup . " vs " . $sTitle); if (strtolower(trim($sGroup)) == strtolower(trim($sTitle))) { $bResult = true; break; } } } else { //echo "doc group empty"; FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Doc Group empty"); } } return $bResult; }
public function checkIfExistsUserEmail($sEmail, $iId = null) { FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "checking email: " . $sEmail); if (empty($sEmail)) { return false; } global $modx; $aWhere = array("" => $sEmail); if (!empty($iId)) { $aWhere["id"] = $iId; } $oQuery = $modx->newQuery("modxUser")->where($aWhere); $oModel = $modx->getObject("modxUser", $oQuery); return !is_null($oModel); }
public static function doUnlockFile($sPath) { if (!isset(self::$aLocks[$sPath])) { throw new FlexiException("No such lock for path: " . $sPath, ERROR_IO_LOCK); } flock(self::$aLocks[$sPath], LOCK_UN); fclose(self::$aLocks[$sPath]); unset(self::$aLocks[$sPath]); FlexiLogger::debug(__METHOD__, "Unlocked: " . $sPath); return true; }