private function sendConfirmationEmail($appendHTML = false)
     // retrieve basic confirmation e-mail info.
     $emailInfo = $this->getConfirmEmailInfo($this->reg_id);
     $financeGetter = new FinancialTools();
     // retrieve financial data for inclusion in e-mail
     $rulesApplied = array();
     $basePriceForThisGuy = 0;
     $priceRules = array();
     $scholarships = array();
     $cash_paid = 0;
     $cash_owed = 0;
     $cc_paid = 0;
     $cc_owed = 0;
     $balance_owing = $financeGetter->calcBalanceOwing($this->reg_id, $rulesApplied, $basePriceForThisGuy, $priceRules, $scholarships, $cash_paid, $cash_owed, $cc_paid, $cc_owed);
     $eventBasePrice = $this->getEventBasePrice($this->event_id);
     if (isset($emailInfo) && count($emailInfo) == $INFO_FIELDS_TOTAL) {
         // 	    $confirmationLabels = new MultiLingual_Labels( SITE_LABEL_PAGE_GENERAL, SITE_LABEL_SERIES_SITE, TEMPLATE_SIGNUP_CONFIRMATION, $langID );
         $to = $emailInfo['email'];
         $subject = $this->labels->getLabel('[Subject]');
         // HACK for french and eastern WC
         $headers = '';
         $htmlBreak = '';
         $message = '';
         // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
         if ($appendHTML == true) {
             $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
             $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
             $htmlBreak = '<br/>';
             $message .= '<html><body>';
         // Create the message
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[ThankYou]') . " " . $emailInfo['event_name'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[ConfirmationNumber]') . ': ' . $emailInfo['confirmNum'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[fName]') . ': ' . $emailInfo['person_fname'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[lName]') . ': ' . $emailInfo['person_lname'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[campus]') . ': ' . $emailInfo['campus_name'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "---- " . $this->labels->getLabel('[FinanceInfo]') . " ----\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // event base price
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[eventBasePrice]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $emailInfo['event_basePrice'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // first print out the rules the computer has applied
         foreach ($rulesApplied as $key => $ruleApplied) {
             $message .= $ruleApplied['pricerules_desc'] . ':  ' . $ruleApplied['pricerules_discount'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // Total of above base price + discounts
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[BasePriceForYou]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $basePriceForThisGuy . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         //  print out the scholarships for the registrant
         if (isset($scholarships) && count($scholarships) > 0) {
             $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[ScholarshipsInfo]') . ": \n" . $htmlBreak;
         foreach ($scholarships as $key => $scholarship) {
             $message .= '$' . $scholarship['scholarship_amount'] . ' from: ' . $scholarship['scholarship_sourceDesc'] . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // cash and credit card transaction information
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[cashReceived]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $cash_paid . "  \t\t";
         // "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[cashNotReceived]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $cash_owed . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[ccProcessed]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $cc_paid . "  \t\t";
         // "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[ccNotProcessed]') . "  ";
         $message .= '$' . $cc_owed . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[BalanceOwing]') . "  ";
         if (substr($balance_owing, 0, 1) == '-') {
             $message .= "-\$" . substr($balance_owing, 1) . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         } else {
             $message .= "\$" . $balance_owing . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "---- " . $this->labels->getLabel('[ImpInfo]') . " ----\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // event admin specific:  event confirmation text
         $message .= $emailInfo['confirm_text'];
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "-------------------------------\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         $message .= "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // check if proper event e-mail address was found, if NOT then use default address
         $event_email = $emailInfo['event_email'];
         if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$", $event_email)) {
             // echo "The e-mail was not valid";
             $isValid = false;
             $event_email = page_EditCampusRegistrations::DEFAULT_EMAIL;
         $message .= $this->labels->getLabel('[footer]') . $event_email . "\n" . $htmlBreak;
         // add the end tags
         if ($appendHTML) {
             $message .= "</body></html>";
         $message = wordwrap($message, 70);
         $headers .= 'From: ' . $event_email . "\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $event_email . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
         // 'Bcc: '.$emailInfo['adminEmail'] . "\n" .
         // 				echo "<BR>HEADERS: ".$headers;
         // 				echo "TO: ".$to;
         // 				echo "<br>SUBJECT: ".$subject;
         // 				echo "<BR>MESSAGE: ".$message;
         ini_set('SMTP', EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER);
         ini_set('smtp_port', EMAIL_SMTP_PORT);
         $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
         if (!$success) {
             return 'Error Sending Confirmation E-mail!';
             // TODO: replace with a label
         } else {
             return 'Confirmation E-mail Successfully Sent';
             // TODO: replace with a label
     } else {
         return 'Error Retrieving Confirmation Information: E-mail *Not* Sent!';
         // TODO: replace with a label